DSE Error

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DSE Error

#1 Post by Nemo009 »

Hey, total newbie question which, I'm sure, has an easy answer.

I tried using the stat system from the DSE as an add-on the visual novel I'm creating. I defined the stats (Intelligence and Charm) and launched the game. But when it came time to display the stats, the game crashed and I got this traceback:

Note: I've abbreviated the file locations for privacy, but the full line is completely necessary, I'll post it.

Code: Select all

I'm sorry, but an exception occured while executing your Ren'Py

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'charm'

While running game code:
 - script at line 220 of .../game/script.rpy
 - python at line 220 of .../game/script.rpy.
 - python at line 51 of .../game/stats.rpy.
 - python at line 39 of ...game/stats.rpy.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

  File "...\renpy-6.10.0\renpy\bootstrap.py", line 260, in bootstrap
  File "...\renpy-6.10.0\renpy\main.py", line 308, in main
  File "...\renpy-6.10.0\renpy\main.py", line 92, in run
  File "...\renpy-6.10.0\renpy\execution.py", line 230, in run
  File "...\renpy-6.10.0\renpy\ast.py", line 557, in execute
  File "...\renpy-6.10.0\renpy\python.py", line 927, in py_exec_bytecode
  File ".../game/script.rpy", line 220, in <module>
  File ".../game/stats.rpy", line 51, in display_stats
  File ".../game/stats.rpy", line 39, in normalize_stats
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'charm'

While running game code:
 - script at line 220 of .../game/script.rpy
 - python at line 220 of .../game/script.rpy.
 - python at line 51 of .../game/stats.rpy.
 - python at line 39 of .../game/stats.rpy.

Ren'Py Version: Ren'Py 6.10.0e
The lines of code in the game was just:

Code: Select all

$ display_stats()
For easy reference, here are the lines of code (apparently) being referenced (Taken from the stats):

Code: Select all

def normalize_stats():
        for s in __dse_stats:

            v = getattr(store, s.var)

            if v > s.max:
                v = s.max
            if v < 0:
                v = 0

            setattr(store, s.var, v)

    def display_stats(name=True, bar=True, value=True, max=True):

       [b] normalize_stats()[/b]
        layout.label("Statistics", "stats")
        for s in __dse_stats:
            [b]v = getattr(store, s.var)[/b]

            ui.side(['l', 'r', 'c'], style=style.stat_side)

            if name:
                layout.label(s.name, "stat")

            if value and max:
                layout.label("%d/%d" % (v, s.max), "stat_value")
            elif value:
                layout.label("%d" % (v,), "stat_value")
            elif max:
                layout.label("%d" % (max,), "stat_value")

            if bar:
                ui.bar(s.max, v, style=style.stat_bar)

If anyone here needs anything else, please let me know. And sorry if the answer is obvious - I'm really stumped and searching this forum didn't shed any light. Thanks!

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Re: DSE Error

#2 Post by Showsni »

Why are there tags around some of that code? Or is that just from jedit or something?
Um, could you post the bit where you define the charm stat?

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Re: DSE Error

#3 Post by Nemo009 »

Whoops, sorry about that! The tags were meant to highlight the lines of code listed in the traceback, (that is, line 39 and line 51), but I guess it failed. (Which is bizarre, since those lines appeared bold in the previews... oh well.)

Here is where I defined the stats. Sorry, I guess these WOULD be kind of important too.

These were taken directly from the script.rpy file at the very top.

Code: Select all

        # Declare images below this line, using the image statement.
        # eg. image eileen happy = "eileen_happy.png"
        image bg city = "city.jpg"
        # Declare characters used by this game.

        $ s = Character('Stephanie', color="#66ff99")
        $ c = Character('Chaos', color="#3366ff")
    init python:
        register_stat("Charm", "charm", 10, 100)
        register_stat("Intelligence", "intelligence", 10, 100)

    # The game starts here.
    label start:
Since I'm really inexperienced with Python (all I know are HTML and some entry-level C++), I wouldn't catch any but the most obvious errors. Sorry if the answer is clear and I'm just not seeing it. :oops:

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Re: DSE Error

#4 Post by Showsni »

I'm not too savvy on Python, but I think that the "has no attribute" bit means that somewhere it's getting something like module.charm where the module object doensn't have anything defined for having a charm there. I don't know if the actual word module appears anywhere in your script, or if that's referring to something else or something... I guess you could look through your script for module and charm and see everywhere they occur. I don't think there's anything wrong with the code you've posted; hm, unless...

Ah, that might be the problem. The stat engine uses the letter s as a variable (or something); you're also using the letter s to refer to a character. See if changing that letter s referring to Stephanie (like, $ st = Character('Stephanie', color="#66ff99")) makes a difference.

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Re: DSE Error

#5 Post by Nemo009 »

You know, that was a good thought. I'd honestly never have thought of something like that... :oops: Oddly enough, though, it didn't work.

I took that 'stats.rpy' file from the dse Framework, since all I wanted were stats (as in, without the day planner aspect). However, I take it that at least one thing in that must need SOMETHING that I'm just not giving it. Do you (or does anyone else) have any advice?

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Re: DSE Error

#6 Post by Nemo009 »

...actually, you're not going to believe this, but it seems there was a big misunderstanding with file management. I had never thought of starting a NEW game save-file - I'd just been reloading from the part of the story where the game first displays the stat values. Of course it had crashed - that file hadn't had the stats defined yet. I started a new file and made my way back to that particular place; since the stats were now defined, that fixed everything!

Sorry for that. And thank you for all your help!

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