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[WIP] Perios - Chained Sorceress (GxB)

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 1:38 pm
by Arithra

Perios - Chained Sorceress

last update: Dec 21, 2010
Art by: yu_eriyama and Lady_Arthemis


Asahi, a slave girl, who lost her parents in a strange incident when she was very young, suddenly is set free by her own magic awakening. Fortunately for her, an old mage finds her and brings her to a school where she is supposed to learn controlling her new found powers.
But will she be able to find happiness and maybe even more?

main characters:

Asahi(default name): The heroine of the game, she grew up as a slave and at the beginning of the game her magic awakens, freeing her from slavery, but, seeing that now she is faced with the task of learning how to control her powers, pushes her into a whole new world...
- age: 16

Erias Elm: Student of the shielding and rune magic division of the academy. His control of hie magic is similar to none which makes being around him quite dangerous. But other than that he is a kind and polite boy who, unfortunately, is the main target of the school biggest bully.
- age: 16

Nexir Farrelas: Son of one of the most prominent and powerful mage family in the whole country, he is the schools most talented mage and he knows it. His main classes are battle and rune magic but, and maybe this is the cause of his nearly unmatched arrogance, he is able to use all kinds of other magic as well.
- age: 17

Lahin Tiarage: A student of the healing and shielding division whose healing skills are outstanding. He abhors any kind of physical contact and generally keeps away from all the other.
- age: 16

Kiroh Adess: The bodyguard of lady Nenealla Drobandor, a young noble lady. He usually is calm and controlled, but for some reasons being in a school full of mages does not make him happy. He knows his way around the school quite well.
- age: 21

Zehat Perlordyn: The headmaster of the Academy, he used to be celebrated as a genius, but some time ago it has gotten quite around him. He is in charge of the shielding magic classes as well but the only thing he really seems to be interested in is money.
- age: 27

About Perios:
Perios is the name of the Continent the game takes place on.
The name of the country Asahi's story takes place in is Terestarca. It is a rather small but very rich country. The climate is Mediterranean like in southern Europe.

The head of the Country is the king who has two sons. He rules over the nobles and the rest of the country. He is actually a pretty good man but he fears war, that's why he sometimes makes choices that don't really benefit the country.
Terestarca lies at the foot of a big mountain range (a map of the continent will be added later).
Slaves such as Asahi live everywhere in the country. If one has slaves others however consider him to be unable to pay somebody to work for him. For that reason only very few nobles have slaves or at least would admit to having slaves.

If one is a mage he is forced to study in one of the schools all over Terestarca, for an untrained mage is a great danger to his or her surroundings.
Among the noble families there is quite a number whose children are almost always mages and most nobles treat a mage with respect even though the difference between a mage of common birth and of noble birth is always clear.
The people in the cities and those who live close to one of the schools are also accustomed to mages, were as most of the other people fear them, or at least hold prejudice against them.

Re: [WIP] Perios - Chained Sorceress (GxB)

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 7:12 pm
by Aleema
I was like "yes ... YES ... ah. okay." while reading your synopsis. xD I was expecting something other than a school drama, but I'll take it just the same. =P Magic schools are still pretty exciting. I'll admit my nerdiness, I liked Harry Potter. xD And the 3rd Fantasia game is intriguing, too! I'd like to know more about the school and the world in general. Why is she a slave? Is she a part of a suppressed race or faction? Why does the land allow the buying and selling of people? Is it a lush world, or a desert world? (I'm picturing Egypt, haha.) Are magic users feared? etttttttc. I just love new worlds. So paint a picture for me!! ^^

Re: [WIP] Perios - Chained Sorceress (GxB)

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 11:43 am
by kirakiraxpikapika
looks interesting, but seems like lacking of explanation mind per se? I mean, the summary doesn't actually explain much but anyway, that's for players to find out during their gameplay:wink:

Its not really identical but it somehow remind me Wand of Fortune... well, the magic and academy thing is.

Out of topic: why do headmasters are always smart? I wanna see someone who skips his works and goof around

by default name, you mean we can change her name right? Also how is the mechanics of this? Is it a dating sim or just a VN?

I'm also intrigued at the heroine's real past(sure you won't say, her parents are slaves so she is a slave too. Cause that is just too boring in my opinion...anyway, its up to you to decide anyway -_- )


Re: [WIP] Perios - Chained Sorceress (GxB)

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 10:33 am
by Arithra
@ aleema:
why is she a slave is easy: because she was found by slavers, when her parents had disappeared, but of course, we can't spoil you by giving you the reason for this
slavery isn't really allowed, it's just not illegal. For those who are not slaves slavery might be seen as quite a good way to have cheap workers so the crown would not make life for the people more difficult. At least not for the nobles, which in this world pretty much rule everything
as for the climate it's Mediterranean climate like in southern Europe.
Mages are not exactly feared, some people just thing that they are creepy. The reason nobody moves against them is, that many high ranking nobles are mages, and once or twice there was a mage in the royal family as well.
You are right, maybe we should add a little information about the world in general...

@kirikirax: (please forgive me for shortening your name, I'm a little lazy)
some friend of mine said so as well, but since I don't really now what wand of fortune is about I don't think, that the plot or anything will be like wand of fortune.
Magic academys are a pretty popular theme so I don't think that this will be the last VN we see of this kind)
and yes, the name is changeable. And it is a vn with dating sim elements, your reactions change the way the story unfolds.

I think I will add some info about the world, the first post was supposed to be a teaser anyway.

Re: [WIP] Perios - Chained Sorceress (GxB)

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 4:00 am
by kirakiraxpikapika
Arithra wrote: @kirikirax: (please forgive me for shortening your name, I'm a little lazy)
some friend of mine said so as well, but since I don't really now what wand of fortune is about I don't think, that the plot or anything will be like wand of fortune.
Magic academys are a pretty popular theme so I don't think that this will be the last VN we see of this kind)
and yes, the name is changeable. And it is a vn with dating sim elements, your reactions change the way the story unfolds.
its okay, my username is quite long afterall XD
Well, if you play japanese otome games, you should try Wand of fortune.

so we have to raise stats huh? this one is getting more and more interesting.

Re: [WIP] Perios - Chained Sorceress (GxB)

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 1:49 pm
by Arithra
no since I'm not to fond of stat raising games, the only points one has to raise are the affection points

Re: [WIP] Perios - Chained Sorceress (GxB)

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:07 pm
by Arithra
a short update:

story: 70%
writing: 5%
script: 0%
art: 0% (we will be recruiting once we have finished the story and about half of the writing)

Re: [WIP] Perios - Chained Sorceress (GxB)

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:13 pm
by emihaumut
Completely random, but I can't help but shorten the main character's name to Ass and in turn can't take this seriously, which may or may not be a good thing (probably not though). But since the name is changeable, I guess it doesn't matter too much.

Re: [WIP] Perios - Chained Sorceress (GxB)

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 1:00 am
by Aozora210
This seems interesting. I always love magic school, and the fact that it doesn't have stats raising makes it more interesting XD

When will the characters sprite up?

Re: [WIP] Perios - Chained Sorceress (GxB)

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 10:31 am
by Arithra
@emihaumut:... Well i sure din't come up with that one XD
Maybe we should cross out one s, not that it would change much...

@Aozora210: I'm not too sure when we will be able to show you the spirits, neither my friend nor I are artist. I will draw a couple of sketches, so there is a general idea of how they look.

Re: [WIP] Perios - Chained Sorceress (GxB)

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 4:26 pm
by Arithra
Nexir and Erias :D ^^

Re: [WIP] Perios - Chained Sorceress (GxB)

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 4:54 pm
by Elemental-Butterfly
the phoenix shape fits so well on the cover. ^-^

Re: [WIP] Perios - Chained Sorceress (GxB)

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 6:59 pm
by Arithra
the arcane circle in the back belongs to obsidian dawn

and the phoenix ist from:

URL Dragon Tatoo Brushes

I just put it togheter, because I think they are both very cool :wink:

Re: [WIP] Perios - Chained Sorceress (GxB)

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:05 pm
by Elemental-Butterfly
Arithra wrote:the arcane circle in the back belongs to obsidian dawn

and the phoenix ist from:

URL Dragon Tatoo Brushes

I just put it togheter, because I think they are both very cool :wink:
They do look cool! ^O^

Re: [WIP] Perios - Chained Sorceress (GxB)

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 4:41 pm
by Arithra
Just a small update!

planning: 100% :)
writing: 5%
art: 0%
music: 0%

we are now looking for an artist!