Sleepless Night [COMPLETE] [NaNoRenO]

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Re: Sleepless Night [COMPLETE] [NaNoRenO]

#16 Post by NoJoker »

Thanks for the feedback :)
I'll try to fix this bug at the weekend :/
It was my first time coding something like this and I was under time pressure^^ I can try to add a button to end the exploring. It did annoy me, too :D
Thanks for the suggestions, I had no proofreader and English isn't my native language. I'll change those awkward things ^_^

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Re: Sleepless Night [COMPLETE] [NaNoRenO]

#17 Post by SusanTheCat »

If you have any trouble, I'd be willing to help with clearing the screen and the button code.

This is a totally awesome game.

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Re: Sleepless Night [COMPLETE] [NaNoRenO]

#18 Post by Callie »

Hey. This was the first one I played as I found this forum. I really liked it and I now feel like playing some more of these.
Only issue I had with the game was that I couldn't read all the ways of dying. Maybe you could add the ending texts with spoilers to this thread? That way people who have played through the endings (me) or people who are just too curious for their own good (me) can check the endings without playing them all out again.

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Re: Sleepless Night [COMPLETE] [NaNoRenO]

#19 Post by NoJoker »

I'm working on the game but I'm really busy at the moment since university just started for me last week ^_^
I'll let you all know when the updated version is available.

Thank you so much. I'm glad you like my game. I'll put the ending texts here:

Ending 1 of 10:
Don't Close Your Eyes.
"After you close your eyes you feel a terrible pain in your stomach. When you open your eyes in shock, you can see a silhouette but it's all too blurry to see anything clearly. As you recognize the sharp claws the monster pierced through your body, it's already too late."

"You'll never know what this creature is. When the sun rises, Haru finds the room empty. He cannot find you, nor your school stuff you brought with you. He figures you left early."

"The next day your parents report you missing. However, the police never finds you. Not even a clue where you could be. After a month, everyone gives up looking for you."
Ending 2 of 10:
The Monster In The Drawer.
"When you open the drawer a dark hand grabs you on your collar. It's sharp fingernails pierce into your skin. The pain is too much. You can't even scream. When the dark creature pulls you into the drawer you feel your bones breaking."

"You'll never know what this creature is. When the sun rises, Haru finds the room empty. He cannot find you, nor your school stuff you brought with you. He figures you left your home early."

"The next day your parents report you missing. However, the police never finds you. Not even a clue where you could be. After a month, everyone gives up looking for you."
Ending 3 of 10:
Jump To Death.
"You feel the wind in your face. The only thing you feel is the sudden collision on the ground. You can't move and you realize that you're legs are broken. Unable to withstand the pain you lose consciousness."

"The next morning Haru finds you. He takes you to the hospital but it is already too late. Your body is hypothermic and your injury is too serious. Your heart stops beating a few hours later."

"The police can't find anything that might have driven you to jump. Your death is labeled as suicide."
Ending 4 of 10:
Vampire Attack.
"In the blink of an eye he races towards you and sinks his teeth into your neck. You feel the blood running down my collarbone. You cannot believe this...your body is paralyzed and the room goes blurry."

"The last thing you see is Haru's bloody smirk as he lets go of you. Your body collapses to the ground and the world fades away into darkness."

"The next day your parents report you missing. Although the police investigates they never find your body."
Ending 5 of 10:
Be Quiet.
"When you look down and see the huge spear which pierced my body, you know it's too late. Someone...or rather something killed you. Your body goes into shock and you cannot turn around to see your murderer."

"The last thing you see are your blood-smeared hands as you collapse to the ground. You should've known that ignoring your own rule would be a bad idea."

"Your parents and the police look for you a long time...but they never find you."
Ending 6 of 10:
Train Run.
"You don't even have the time to wonder why there's a train in the middle of the night in such a small village. The impact crushes your body and the train doesn't stop. You lose your consciousness after a few seconds."

"There is a big search operation, but nobody actually finds your body. After a few months everyone gave up looking for you."
Ending 7 of 10:
Cliff Diving.
"You feel the wind in your face and you already start to wonder if there's even an end to this chasm when suddenly your body hits the ground. Unfortunately, you missed the lake and crashed into a pile of sharp stones. Your body bursts into a million pieces as every bone shatters."

"The police only need a few days until they find your wrecked body. Haru does not know why you left your house and at the end your death is labeled as accident."
Ending 8 of 10:
Not A Coward.
"You have no time to do something. The monster already crushed your skull. You wished Haru was there. Maybe you should have been nicer to him. He may could have helped you."
Ending 9 of 10:
Animal Attack.
"You cannot move. It's obvious that this wolf is not a normal one. It's much too big and its fangs are huge. When it sinks its teeth into your leg, you wonder if this monster is also venomous. You try to scream. But it's impossible due to the pain and the fear."

"The only thing you see is blood, as the wolf tears your body parts apart. At first your legs, then your arms. Finally he ends your pain by ripping your head off."

"No one finds your body."

Ending 10 is a little bit different and you have to see it on the screen ^_^
Oh and by the way, if you find typos or awkward sentences please tell me so I can fix it in the update.

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Re: Sleepless Night [COMPLETE] [NaNoRenO]

#20 Post by NoJoker »

I finally managed to upload a walkthrough. You can see it here on my website: ... lkthrough/

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Re: Sleepless Night [COMPLETE] [NaNoRenO]

#21 Post by NoJoker »

I just uploaded version 1.1. It fixes some bugs and typos :)
Many thanks to SusanTheCat for the great help ^_^
Here's the link to the download: ... ess-night/

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Re: Sleepless Night [COMPLETE] [NaNoRenO]

#22 Post by Kokoro Hane »

This looks interesting! I love scary stories. I downloaded it, and will play it soon.
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Re: Sleepless Night [COMPLETE] [NaNoRenO]

#23 Post by cryinglaughter »

This was awesome! I loved it c:

The only thing I think is wrong with it, is that its too short when it's so amazing. But even though it was short, it was great! c:

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Re: Sleepless Night [COMPLETE] [NaNoRenO]

#24 Post by NoJoker »

Thank you so much :) My next visual novel will be longer :)

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Re: Sleepless Night [COMPLETE] [NaNoRenO]

#25 Post by Cinnamoon »

It was awesome ! I just played it and got all the endings. I was like "OMG why do I play this at 1:00 am ??!" because it was just so... so... scary. Now, I can tell that I'm going to endure a few sleepless nights, looking at my drawer and trying not to close my eyes. (>.>)
Thank you for this game. I love horror movies, and to try a horror game was just so cool :)

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Re: Sleepless Night [COMPLETE] [NaNoRenO]

#26 Post by Connie »

It was really good! I wish it was longer and I'm sorta tired of the
"it was a dream ending."
However, I still will be looking forward to your next visual novel. Its your first visual novel after all. I'm looking forward to seeing on how you improve.

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Re: Sleepless Night [COMPLETE] [NaNoRenO]

#27 Post by Uruki-chan »

Well, this was a pretty nice and short game/story. :D
The arts were lovely and the backgrounds are totally amazing! (I wish I could draw like that...)
So, what I liked most, were probably the sound effects, since they created a good mysterious atmosphere. To be honest... I had a hard time to get all 10 endings, but somehow I managed to get them. :)

Oh, and as someone said before: It would be better if there was only one "Done exploring"-Button, since it kinda drove me crazy. ^^

Playing the game
At first, I was always checked the notebook, which sadly led me to the vampire end. I was profoundly convinced, that there was an item, which would help me to defeat the monster or whatever... But I was wrong... and it took me quite much time to realise, that I was searching for something, that did NOT even exist.

Overall I liked all endings including the "boring" true end.
I wonder if Haru was a mutating or transforming monster or something like that? I did not see him being the culprit, but since he's a creeper, who is putting pictures of himself on others shelves... :D, it's most likely that Haru is the murderer of the heroine in every bad ending. The evidence: the "Don't close your eyes" scribble. I mean, that note could only be from Haru, since he was the only one in her room besides her. So in the end I guess, that he was testing her?! Haru, you are such a bad boy, even hiding in a drawer (how do you fit in there anyway)... ^^ If a girl is not nice enough to you and too curious, Haru, you kill her?! :( What an insane person!

Oh, and those hilarious suicid jumps the heroine did... Seriously, who the hell considers to jump off the second floor or a cliff?? Well, panic is quite a scary thing, huh?!
Some thoughts
Well... I don't know how you guys see that, but am I the only one who think that it's weird to let a BOY - your obviously not familiar with - stay over at YOUR place just to work on a school project?? ^^ I mean, he even sleep on the SAME bed as the heroine!! (At least in the true ending.) That's weird!!

I played [text] A Summer Story some time ago and Sleepless Night kind of reminded me of that game... Maybe mainly because both games have the same genres. :) I've read that you translated [text] A Summer Story into German, so I was wondering if it influenced your game in some ways. Btw. I am NOT implying anything. ;)
Our lesson
What we learned from the game: Don't EVER open drawers, when you hear suspicious sounds coming from it. At least not without a knife or any other weapon... And don't be too curious and unfriendly to guys, who stay over at your house: They'll kill you! ;)
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Re: Sleepless Night [COMPLETE] [NaNoRenO]

#28 Post by NoJoker »

Thanks to everyone! ^_^
Glad you liked it, and also glad that my game didn't fail as a horror game :)

Actually I have another visual novel "Soulmates". It's basically just another form of my short story that belongs to my German book series. I'm planning to update Soulmates soon, because the art is not that good and I also want to fix some things.

Yay, I also loved the art. I wished I was so talented, too ^_^

Comments on your thoughts:
Interesting that you think the other character is female... While I didn't really say whether it's a boy or a girl, somehow I thought it was a boy haha. That's why I'm having a male voice actor for his part in version 1.2. However, I think I have to consider to integrate a choice if you're a boy or a girl and also hire a female voice actor now T_T

Haha I like your thoughts. However, the story (if there even is one) is really simple and I had to finish the game quickly so of course it's not really that deep. Now that you mention it, maybe I was unwittingly influenced by the game. I really like the visual novels by sakevisual.
Something official:
I'm making some progress with version 1.2. I have two nice guys who might record voices for the game. It's a short game and not that much to record, so I thought why not. I also asked someone for a Japanese translation, I would be cool to have the game in Japanese, since Haru and his friends are actually living in Japan^^ But that's not certain yet. Apart from that, I'll try to integrate a "Done" button in version 1.2 :)

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Re: Sleepless Night [COMPLETE] [NaNoRenO]

#29 Post by qyrnth »

I really wanna play it but i can't extract the file from the said something like "changelog.txt cannot be extracted due to incompatibility..i use mac pro if that's the cause...any heellllpp?;(...thanks a bunch...:D

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Re: Sleepless Night [COMPLETE] [NaNoRenO]

#30 Post by NoJoker »

Oh I don't know why this happens :/
Maybe you can just extract the other files? The changelog is not necessary to play the game. I cannot test it on a Mac, sorry :/

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