Memo [1.03]

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Re: Memo [1.03]

#46 Post by Elka_S@haRoZa »

Love this game! Well, someone mentioned the music but I think he underestimated it. Music is awesome, and combining with the scenes, characters and art work, it makes an unforgettable atmosphere. Every time I play this game I get so touched that some tears come out. Thank you very much for this.
Due to some technical reasons this game was the only one I've been playing for nearly a year so I have lot's of memories connected with it( it's a bit funny because of the title) so I can call it the game of my childhood, lol.

And I agree with an opinion that there must be a Kozumi route.

Sorry for my English, I'm Russian he-he.

UPD: I forgot to mention that this game has many connections with an anime called ToraDora!

1)Liz - a small(I mean height) and violent tsundere, who looks definitely like Aisaka Taiga.
2)Episode when Seji has to follow Liz orders repeats the same story in anime.
3)Well, Kozumi's character is not the same as Minorin's but she also has that "I Want My Beloved To Be Happy" attitude.

So I think I can surely say where creators got their inspiration for this VN.

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Re: Memo [1.03]

#47 Post by SilverMoonrise »

Woah..... what a professional artwork Ö

i decided! You are my new god! Salvation, Doomfest! =9

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Re: Memo [1.03]

#48 Post by suki-otaku »

for some reason not one of the versions work on my computer that makes me sad face damn it

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Re: Memo [1.03]

#49 Post by xeneba »

As usual I love your art. It makes my eyes water with its loveliness (*థэథ)

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Re: Memo [1.03]

#50 Post by Yonowaaru »

Heh, I actually managed to find the topic. I've played this visual novel loads of times since I first played it more than two years ago.
I really loved this visual novel; I must say, it is one of the better short visual novels I've played, and I have played loads of them. The feeling this game, not just the story but the whole of the story, music and art, evokes within me is one of hope. I guess that's why I sometimes just go back and play this once more to regain that everfleeting moment of hope this game gave me the first time I played it.

Of course, there's this and that to say about the writing of the story. At times, I didn't know at all what was going on, and even now I still don't really get what was going on. I suppose that might be because the tsundere part of Liz's character (if she has anything else) wasn't that easy to see since the protagonist had forgotten all about her. However, since this is a key part of the story one cannot simply change that.

Leaving the story aside, the art was absolutely amazing! That something like this is freely available, with art comparable or even lots better than commercial games of its kind, I think is amazing. This story really was made to convey a story, not caring at all about money or those kinds of things. In my opinion, all stories should be like this. After all, what is a story if it cannot be shared? One should be thankful if someone else reads the story in the first place, and if a story is amazing, it will gain popularity on its own, without having to rely on commercialisation.

Lastly, the music. Even though the music variety seems kind of standard, with your 'wacky' song and all, but overall, the music was amazing.
I especially loved the title theme; it seems dreamlike, like a forgotten memory. I was actually kind of wondering what exactly this TAM is, since that seems to be the source of the music. Is it some kind of freely-available music source?

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Re: Memo [1.03]

#51 Post by tiya_nofurita »

Yonowaaru wrote: Of course, there's this and that to say about the writing of the story. At times, I didn't know at all what was going on, and even now I still don't really get what was going on. I suppose that might be because the tsundere part of Liz's character (if she has anything else) wasn't that easy to see since the protagonist had forgotten all about her. However, since this is a key part of the story one cannot simply change that.
Yes, I second that. All the endings still unsatisfying me. However, a point plus for the CG and GUI !

Yonowaaru wrote:I especially loved the title theme; it seems dreamlike, like a forgotten memory. I was actually kind of wondering what exactly this TAM is, since that seems to be the source of the music. Is it some kind of freely-available music source?
Yes, TAM is freely-available music source. It is used widely on free VN. Many cute songs/tracks you can find here

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Re: Memo [1.03]

#52 Post by --/--/---- »

i tried many ways but always fail to get the third ending, can anyone help me plz!!!

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Re: Memo [1.03]

#53 Post by NastarHitam »

GUI customization, artwork, CG, and BG are awesome. Especially those small details on character sprites.
Music is nice and helps build the right atmosphere.
Even those who haven't play much VN like me, know that we will get a romance story just by looking at the atmosphere you built.
The story, as everyone said, is generic. But overall this is a pretty good game and the team did a good job.

Oh, one thing about Kousuke:
If a guy that i just met for like 2 days suddenly threw off my notebook from the roof, i will seriously punch him in the face the next time i meet him. Escpecially when he don't feel guilty at all. lol
And since i played this game in 2013 (shame on me), i can't help but notice that the story has the same premise with a light novel called Haganai.
Both MC's surname is Hasegawa.
MC had to transfer a lot due to his father's job.
MC finally came back to his old city and met his childhood friend (a girl).
The girl remembered him but MC didn't remember her.
But i'm sure this is just a coincidence since the execution of the story is completely different.
Looking forward to your next game.

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Re: Memo [1.03]

#54 Post by Liscuro »

Hey, a friend and I were wondering if you'd be fine with us trying to translate the game into Spanish. We're both Juniors in high school right now and want to see if we can actually do something with our language class. Thanks!

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Re: Memo [1.03]

#55 Post by ClockworkIblis »

I need help getting the 3rd ending! :cry: I've got all other endings, and this is really annoying, having all endings except one. My brilliance just hatched a great idea! Think of it as a trade: I have all endings but one, and I have wrote down exactly how to get the other 5 endings, so if someone was to give me the right direction as to get the last ending, I will give the choices that will lead to all the other endings! It is a brilliant plan, but if someone was to just give me the correct directions, then I still would be very grateful. If someone does want to know the choices, then by all means ask me! :mrgreen:

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Re: Memo [1.03]

#56 Post by siyereeee »

Played this for about 3-4 years from now~ Image I really enjoyed this one~! Image
I Image weird stuffs~ Image

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Re: Memo [1.03]

#57 Post by ebi-hime »

Oh, I remember this game... It was one of the first EVNs I ever played, I think, like... 3 or 4 years ago... I never finished it back then, but I thought it looked so pro and impressive it encouraged me to try and make VNs myself o:
The art is very pretty, I love the painterly bgs and sprites! And the GUI!
So, when I stumbled across this game again on the LSF, I thought I should play through it again, and actually finish it.

I liked it a lot. It's just as pretty as I remember!
Though the story was pretty predictable... and I liked Kazumi more than Liz, and didn't appreciate the story trying to force you to go down Liz ending, with no Kazumi end at all... B-But, even though it has the feel of a romance VN, there isn't really any romance in the story anyway...
I have a lot of free & commercial VNs available on Steam and if you want to check them out! ☆

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