Sunrider: First Arrival [Free][Mecha][BxG][Steam]

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Re: Sunrider: First Arrival [Free][Mecha][BxG]

#16 Post by JimG »

crestforge wrote:Finally beat the game! I originally played Normal but the battles repeatedly handed my butt to me... Getting massacred in turn 1 is not fun (damn those missiles/rockets). I finally succumbed to impatience and played Easy T_T.
My take on this game is that easy = normal; normal = hard; hard = nightmare Do not feel that it is a defeat to play this in easy mode, I'm on my third try now ( I tend to get nuked in the last battle in normal) and "easy" is the place to be, at least during your first two plays. Normal can be a monster, you need a lot of re-loads and that just doesn't seem right.

This is a fantastic game and I can't wait for the next instalments. Also I think that more side quests will be added to the first game once the other two instalments are done. At least I am hoping for that. More side quests would make the game more balanced in normal mode as you could purchase more upgrades.

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Re: Sunrider: First Arrival [Free][Mecha][BxG]

#17 Post by Kate »

I like playing it so far! I have one question though: The percentages that appear when I mouse over an attack button that appear by the enemies: Is a higher percent weakness or defense against it? Should I target the lower % or the higher % options?
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Re: Sunrider: First Arrival [Free][Mecha][BxG]

#18 Post by JimG »

Kate wrote:I like playing it so far! I have one question though: The percentages that appear when I mouse over an attack button that appear by the enemies: Is a higher percent weakness or defense against it? Should I target the lower % or the higher % options?
The % rating seems to be percentage "to hit" so target the higher % options. There are also three other numbers that show up underneath and those are the defence ratings (again I think). Notice that some attacks double the last number so you want to keep those attacks (kinetic) to the enemies with the low ratings, usually un-armoured ryders.

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Re: Sunrider: First Arrival [Free][Mecha][BxG]

#19 Post by Hachiko »

Yeah well even if they're supposed to be skin-tight, there should at least be some form of gap, like this for example. Even how tight the outfit wraps around her it shouldn't make the outlines of her breasts that obvious. But who am I to judge outfit designs lol :P

I've been playing a good amount of this game, and so far so good. What really stood out to me was the music and the animations! It was clear that a lot of effort were put into them, also the voice acting on the battles (some of Asaga's lines gave me a laugh haha. :lol: ) The music reminded me a lot of 2 Steps from Hell. :)

I'm a bit stuck on the battle where you need to save the civilians (the part where Claude joins you mid-battle). I've tried buying 2 warheads and used it on Havoc and the other on the spaceship that has 900 health (I couldn't 1-shot them, and only got lucky once on Havoc, even missed a couple times), stopping Havoc from performing an action everytime with Liberty. Phoenix also dies when reinforcements came. Also I had around 1100+ Command points so I could only repair once if I Liberty's busy with 'holding down' someone. Is there any tips for this one? I've chosen the "Risk the Sunrider and get the ryders close to the civilian ship" option.

There was also a bug(?) that I've found when you try to ask Chigara what she thought about Icari, there's no response.

I'm not really a big mecha fan myself but the first battle (along with its epic music) got me pumping! :D Really looking forward to your future projects dude.

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Re: Sunrider: First Arrival [Free][Mecha][BxG]

#20 Post by Samu-kun »

I'm a bit stuck on the battle where you need to save the civilians (the part where Claude joins you mid-battle). I've tried buying 2 warheads and used it on Havoc and the other on the spaceship that has 900 health (I couldn't 1-shot them, and only got lucky once on Havoc, even missed a couple times), stopping Havoc from performing an action everytime with Liberty. Phoenix also dies when reinforcements came. Also I had around 1100+ Command points so I could only repair once if I Liberty's busy with 'holding down' someone. Is there any tips for this one? I've chosen the "Risk the Sunrider and get the ryders close to the civilian ship" option.
Hm, what kind of upgrades do you have? You should keep the Sunrider inside the Liberty's shield range. Icari should be able to make short work of the Havoc. Also, Claude's gravity gun can be used to pull enemy ryders inside the Black Jack and the Phoenix's melee range, giving them a melee and a free assault strike.

Also, yes, the gameplay is challenging, so there's no shame at this point in playing on easy or VN-mode. But believe it or not, even hard mode is winnable. ... 26#msg5726
When I heard the piano ED song (really awesome song btw) and the all the girls showing on screen maaan I knew it was over. I want more!! Oh well, I could always do some fan art or something. Actually, here's my fan art of my waifu best girl!!! (alongside Ava, but I felt like drawing Sola first :3)
All right! Awesome drawing. :D

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Re: Sunrider: First Arrival [Free][Mecha][BxG]

#21 Post by Hachiko »

Thanks! I didn't know Claude's gravity gun did that :P

I feel pretty dumb for asking again but I'm stuck in the battle where you had to save Asaga. Warheads on those 2 PACT ships seems to miss a few times, and even after taking them out, I could barely pass the right side without losing Phoenix (and/or Sepharim/Black Jack). Had around 2100 CM points and 18xx cash, any suggestions on how to distribute them between upgrades and repair drones? :( (Also when Ava asked you something before the battle and when you choose 'Hell no' (50 CM pts), does that actually do something special? o_o Or is it just that thingy that pop ups and makes Shields look a bit cool? xD)

Also about Claude's 'restore', it only adds 1%, doesn't it seem a bit too little?

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Re: Sunrider: First Arrival [Free][Mecha][BxG]

#22 Post by sendo »

JimG wrote: Also I think that more side quests will be added to the first game once the other two instalments are done. At least I am hoping for that. More side quests would make the game more balanced in normal mode as you could purchase more upgrades.
Make this happen Samu-sama! ;^;/

I suggest not to spend money on repair drones and instead invest on permanent, long-term upgrades like Hull Plating (only costs ~100 for the first few levels) and Energy Reactors for everyone. Especially for the Phoenix as she's a fragile speedster (not so much for Liberty since she's likely beside Sunrider most of the time). Once you get around 110+ EN (paired with upgrading attack energy costs) for your units, you open up a lot of tactical strategies, like attacking twice - basically you're not stuck with just one or two actions per turn.

I think decision points that cost Command Points tip the Morality scale of the player? But I guess we can't see the effects since it's just the first episode.

Claude's restore is essentially a 'Remove Status/Debuff' command (well according to some snooping around sunrider forums).

Hope that helps! ^^
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Re: Sunrider: First Arrival [Free][Mecha][BxG]

#23 Post by Samu-kun »

I feel pretty dumb for asking again but I'm stuck in the battle where you had to save Asaga. Warheads on those 2 PACT ships seems to miss a few times, and even after taking them out, I could barely pass the right side without losing Phoenix (and/or Sepharim/Black Jack). Had around 2100 CM points and 18xx cash, any suggestions on how to distribute them between upgrades and repair drones? :( (Also when Ava asked you something before the battle and when you choose 'Hell no' (50 CM pts), does that actually do something special? o_o Or is it just that thingy that pop ups and makes Shields look a bit cool? xD)
There's definitely multiple ways to play the game. I drop my money into Quantum Torpedo Upgrade, then up the Sunrider's HP to 2000, then focus on the Sunrider and Sola's kinetics. I usually keep 2 repair drones. Then I use the flakoff/quantum torpedo combo to take down the battleships early.
(Also when Ava asked you something before the battle and when you choose 'Hell no' (50 CM pts), does that actually do something special? o_o Or is it just that thingy that pop ups and makes Shields look a bit cool? xD)
No, the command decisions don't do much at the moment...

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Re: Sunrider: First Arrival [Free][Mecha][BxG]

#24 Post by jesusalva »

Nice game.
I'll (try to) wait for next release. :)

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Re: Sunrider: First Arrival [Free][Mecha][BxG]

#25 Post by jesusalva »

By the way, why don't you add a CG galery on the bonus menu?
You'll just need set up the galery script, and add it to bonus menu.

You can use "renpy.seen_image()" as a filter to display the CG's rather than adding a 'persistent.image01=True' after every CG.
( or ... seen_image , I prefer the last link.)

The gallery code is at:

Another idea is to add a presplashscreen to let the player know that the game is loading.
Just create/name a image as "presplashscreen.png" or "presplashscreen.jpg" (depends on how much space and quality are important for you) and it will be shown while the game is loading.

A last idea is to you speak on the end which girl(s) you got more affection points. Just to the player enjoy a little more.

Oh, and what is that crazy animation of a enemy fleet beign displayed? I mean, if you are on the midst of a battle on fullscreen, then you set to windowed mode, and then to fullscreen again, a crazy fleet of enemy ships moving will be displayed.
I think that it is a bug. In any case, I use Linux and a 1366×768 monitor (16:9).

And, by last, there is a bug about a animation beign unexistent if you load a game while you still performing a attack, ie. If you are shooting a laser beam to a ship, and suddently you load a game (while it is animating the result of your attack) it will say that an animation doesn't exist and boot to main. I don't know if you can make it ignorable.

Well, nice game whatsoever. I really enjoyed it. =)

(Ok, I'm done editing it. I'll be replaying it now. Execuse me.)

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Re: Sunrider: First Arrival [Free][Mecha][BxG]

#26 Post by Hachiko »

@Crest and Samu
Thanks a lot!! I honestly, HONESTLY thought I was gonna be SCREWED when I've missed one of my warheads on the PACT carrier (one with 1900 hp), but luck was on my side when Phoenix managed to miraculously dodge every other missile attack. I did lose her and Black Jack at the end, but managed to hold out with those 2 Alliance ships around 600 health and Kryska only 200+ health (DEM DODGE \m/_\m/ ). I still can't help to pull my hair whenever Kryska or Bianca misses there kinetics ahaha (also since the CMD button seems to disappear every now or then... is that a bug?)

So yeah finally done playing the game. Did not expect that medical check-up scene at all. =P And props to the voice actors & actresses! They did a superb job! :D I would be totally fine if this game was just straight up serious and not having to date the girls, I just don't see myself (well, Shields) to be close to them. Since he's practically busy thinking about Cera and focusing on PACT, I'd doubt he'll have room to think about romance. :x Also his dialogues and individual interactions with the girls seems a bit..."limited" for him to form a deeper bond with them. (Idk if the other installments would provide more choices but yeah the game would still be alright for me if it's just an action tactical VN. :D)

It's also kinda funny when Kayto calls Cullen Veniczar Porkchops everytime haha xD Arcadius' evil laugh and his little speech before the wedding made him look less...evil? Well, less 'intimidating' (plus WHATTAP with that hairstyle :lol: ) That soliloquy of his of how he'll take over the world and blah blah blah seemed a bit too much, kinda shattered that 'mysterious guy image' of him beforehand :x

Really looking forward to the trilogy, and definitely gonna replay this! (after I'm done with the other VNs, so much new good games... xD)

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Re: Sunrider: First Arrival [Free][Mecha][BxG]

#27 Post by Samu-kun »

Oh, and what is that crazy animation of a enemy fleet beign displayed? I mean, if you are on the midst of a battle on fullscreen, then you set to windowed mode, and then to fullscreen again, a crazy fleet of enemy ships moving will be displayed.
I think that it is a bug. In any case, I use Linux and a 1366×768 monitor (16:9).
The programmer occasionally thinks adding random stuff like that in the game is funny.

Yeah, we'll add a CG gallery eventually. But we always have a million other things to do. :)

Everyone late to the party can now just download the game on Steam: (Thanks to our sponsors from Sekai Project.)

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Re: Sunrider: First Arrival [Free][Mecha][BxG][Steam]

#28 Post by jesusalva »

Ok, as you kindly sent the source code along the package that I recived, and is making this game free, and because my hobby is having ideas and sometimes proofreading texts...
I've took the liberty to examine scripts, do a minor spellcheck and bug tracking.

You're naive or naïve? Please use 'naive', as it is more widely compatible...

On script.rpy:6285 (Beta 4.1) Why does icari talks this line? Wasn't it supposed to be chigara?
' ica "That's why I like machines. You can fix them back up even after they break."'

Oh, and... Why if I cancel the warp (On mission 7) and solve to help Agamenon on last minute, I retain all aff that I gained with Icari and Ava, and gain more with Asaga?! Shouldn't I at least lose aff with Icari for deceiving her on last moment??

On Cera, after planet conqueral, it's write 'travel to and fro Cera'... Shouldn't this be 'travel to and from Cera'...?

And why the text saying that Cera was conquered by PACT is not displayed on Versta?

And why is this text an image?? You can use renpy to write text on it. Much more soft-code, much lighter. The same doesn't applies for CPU and memory, but will make changing text, adding or removing information as story advances etc. much easier.
But, err, this is mostly the 'Open Source way of doing it'. You can ignore it as long that you be able to fix aboves bugs.

If you chose to keep the images, but don't know how to allow Versta be updated, you can set a variable (eg. $Versta_Oucuppied="not") and use '$'versta ' + str(Versta_Oucuppied) + '_ocuppied')'. So, while 'Verta_Oucuppied' is "not", it will show 'versta not_ocuppied'. str() is only for extra protection, so no one breaks the head changing the var to, by example, a boolean.

There is a function as well to you don't store cache. Will really make imagemap changes way easier.

There is also a code block to you allow the player update the game when a new release comes out... It could be really useful on a game like yours that keeps posting new updates.

You can also use "$ raise ScriptError('Cannot find the whale bonus preview!')" instead of 'show crash', on script.rpy:13273. This will lighten you package by aproximately 306 KiB. (Yes, I had problems downloading it. And that because my internet is fast. Nevertheless, after a close supervision and many trials I got it on my Linux machine. :D )

Ehh... I'll continue this review later on.

NOTE: I've already found 4 reasons why change the bullet speed on graveyard scene.

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Re: Sunrider: First Arrival [Free][Mecha][BxG][Steam]

#29 Post by Hachiko »

I think it's because Icari actually cares about the children? If you choose to help save the Agamemnon and at the end of the battle, Icari would be reminded of her past when she sees the children. So maybe that's why she still has the affection points? Also I think "to and fro" is a correct term too.

Lastly, where can I listen to the beautiful instrumental music in the game? :)

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Re: Sunrider: First Arrival [Free][Mecha][BxG][Steam]

#30 Post by Samu-kun »

Hey, what a coincidence, you asked that right after I directed someone at the other forum.

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