Bookkeeper for Hire

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Bookkeeper for Hire

#1 Post by Morhighan »

I would like to provide my services as an affordable bookkeeper to help independent game developers.

Why I am offering this service
Online, I noticed that many game developers balance books themselves, taking valuable time away from their game development. I searched online for game development bookkeeping and accounting services and found very little on the subject.

Hardly anyone offers these services in a specialized manner to independent game developers. Mostly what I found was a handful of seasoned game devs telling fledgling game devs to simply “hire a bookkeeper.” It was then that I decided that someone should provide this service specifically for game developers.

My experience
As an indie game developer, I started to balance books for myself and others, including game developers like Beautiful Starr and Eight8Diamonds. When I openly posted some of my budgeting sheets as a reference for new game developers, they gained surprising popularity on Lemmasoft and even my website and Gamejolt. Many people have referenced the documents and thanked me for them for being so open and educational.

What I am offering
If the client hires me on as a bookkeeper, I will provide them with maintenance and records of their financial transactions throughout any point of their game’s development. It is my duty to make sure their records are accurate so when they file important documents like taxes, the process is easier on them.

If the client’s game is not yet developed, I can help set up financial goals and planning and stay with the client as an advisor as they progress with their game.

If the client’s game is mid-development, I can help with financial goals, planning, as well as keeping track of any costs that creating that game may incur and any financial gains.

If the client’s is already published, I can help them track their income from various sources and keep important records that will help them while filing paperwork.

I can also help project and organize costs for Kickstarter campaigns so that the client can run an accurate campaign estimation and be as open with their fans as they wish, which has afforded success to many past campaigns.

How this works
My service fee is $10/hour. I do not predict that I will require more than $20-40 per month, depending on the workload the client gives me. Please note that I am very flexible, and if the client cannot afford monthly consultations or has to skip a month, they can always speak with me and we can work something out.

Clients and I will meet on a regular basis. This can be through chat (Skype/google talk) or email, the important bit is that the client and I communicate enough for me to get the work done. Depending on the client and their needs, we can meet weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.

The initial meeting should take 1-2 hours, depending on how far back the client has kept records, and how many I need to input into my record log. After the initial meeting, the client and I will set a schedule that will determine when and how frequently we will meet.

Meetings will involve the client giving me copies of their records (receipts, bills, etc.). After that, they can ask for help or for specific information. I will then start working to input the information into my records as accurately as possible. As I work, I will time myself to give an accurate price to the client for my work.

At the end of the month, I will create a report for that month’s financial dealings. Upon request I can make reports comparing data from month to month. At the end of the year, I will present all of the financial data for that year in a comprehensive report for the client to use as the basis for their tax and other business filings. I will also offer my time to go over the report in detail to help clarify anything that the client may need help with.

If you believe that this service would be at all helpful to you, please feel free to contact me and we can hold a meeting to go over your needs/desires. I believe that record keeping is very important as soon as one starts their game, so please let me help you.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

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