Truffle! [GxB][School life, Romance, Cooking?]

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Re: Truffle! [GxB][School life, Romance, Cooking?]

#31 Post by propanoll »

Ooh, the concept sounds fun! It's simple and light-hearted, I like : ) Will look forward to it!

Imho length doesn't really matter to a story as long as it's solid enough, but that's probably just me. I prefer quality over quantity : D The story has a simple concept -- a girl trying to... find someone to give her chocolate to (and possibly love??) -- and there's a 'time limit' of a week, too. It's a good time frame for a short, compact story : )

As for the dudes, well... they're both polar opposites, so I can't really pick a favourite! Seems like both routes will give very different flavours, and I look forward to what's going to come *v*

(though I cannot unsee Kiyo as a guy)
(sorry.. orz)
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Re: Truffle! [GxB][School life, Romance, Cooking?]

#32 Post by Akitsuki »

Ooh! I can't believe I got this many comments! Thank you so much everyone!
AsHLeX wrote:1. What do you think of the story?
It sounds cute and fun <3 Definitely bookmarking this one!
(The art is seriously good!)
2. Do you prefer the length to be short or a little longer?
Uhm...medium length? Hehe ^^"
3. Who's your favorite guy between the two?
Mara. Scarves FTW!! (and blue hair too haha)
4. The story is pretty expectable though, but what do you want to see?
A lot of awesome art >w< (hehehehe...)

I really like your art though <3 All those clothes and colors and... OwO (I'm not an artist so i'm at a lack of words for it hehehe)
Thank you so much! Since this is my first time making a VN, I'll try my best at least on drawing! (but yeah, on script too)
LOL Mara is a girl actually, but it's totally fine though xD
MadlandPrincess wrote:Cool!
Oh! Thanks a lot!
recolzer wrote:Akiiiiii you make a VN !? :D //whoareyou if you don't notice me as who am I, then I'm Reko, residence of TBH too www
I hope you do your best on the exams and graduating!

Anyway it looks really cute! and I'll be answering the questions:

1. What do you think of the story?
Super cute? I don't know, but it seems the story is really refreshing, a very pure love *7* which I need to play hffngg

2. Do you prefer the length to be short or a little longer?
As I see the story.. maybe you can make it not too long and not too short? But it's more likely to be short since I think the plot won't be too heavy, will it?

3. Who's your favorite guy between the two?

4. The story is pretty expectable though, but what do you want to see?
What do I want to see hmm.... Well I am hoping for a not anti-climatic ending.
Of course I know you! asdkflaiwpfjskal I didn't know I'd meet someone from TBH here LOL And found out about my project too! I haven't really announced it on deviantArt but I probably will though, once I'm finished with the sprites at least. Thank you so much for the wishes! I'll try my best! owo)9

LOL I already made the guys really different personality-wise xD About the story, I don't know about anti-climatic but I might say it's your typical otome game story! And thanks if you're willing to play it once it's out!
Aqacia wrote:I am really looking forward to playing this when it's done, it looks really cute and the character designs and art is simply stunning.
Thanks a bunch! I'll do my best!
Charlie599 wrote:This looks adorable~! (Such a cute little logo)
1. The story seems short and sweet (pun intended)
2. I wouldn't want you to force it to be longer just because we asked you to - whichever length best suits the story is the one I want.
3. Searon :D I love how color-coordinated he looks.
4. I'm really interested in the cooking side of things in this story so I'm curious to see how you go about explaining it all.

Good luck with this :D
P.S. I'm willing to proofread this for you ^-^
Thank you! I'm not that proud of the logo though orz I'll probably change it in the future but I guess I'll ask around first whether they feel comfortable with the logo or not. Thanks for your opinion btw!

Actually I was never proud of my color preferences but thanks for liking him because of his color! And yeah, actually I just found an interesting fact about the whole chocolate-making thing, so there'll be a minor change in the story. But since I haven't made that part yet, so it's nothing much.

Oh, that'd be awesome! I'll contact you once I'm finished with the script then! ^o^)/
kukiko-tan wrote:The very first thing which attracted me was the logo. It is well-polished, has bright colors and a cute theme, suitable for the story. It also matches the overall art style, which I enjoy, especially for the colors and character design.

:) By the way, take care at If Clauses:
“I bet >I can almost surprise< you everyday if you were my girlfriend.”
The correct way of saying it, as far as I know, is:
“I bet >I could almost surprise< you everyday if you were my girlfriend.”

1.What do you think of the story?
It has an interesting premise and I imagine it'd be a lighthearted, fun, relaxing novel.

2. Do you prefer the length to be short or a little longer?
It depends on what you want to say and how long it takes for you to do that. I believe it affects the quality of a novel when it's long/short for the sake of being long/short. I dislike it when, for instance, a TV series becomes overly long, delaying to give the ending, for the sake of keeping the series going. However, I also dislike it when it ends too abruptly, leaving out a lot of uncovered plot holes and unnecessary questions risen from confusion.

3. Who's your favorite guy between the two?
Personality-wise...I can't say I have a is harsh and cold while the other is proud and flirtatious. Not really the kind of guys I would personally like to hang out with. Appearance-wise, they are both handsome, but I prefer Searon.

4. The story is pretty expectable though, but what do you want to see?
I'd like to see the development of the relationships between the characters and character growth, but also how will Kio respond to the problem of finding a mate.
Oh! Thank you for a detail comment! It helps me in many ways! Ah, I didn't know that! I'll change it then! Thank you for the correction!

Yeah, I know what you mean! I'll try my best with the story! Well... Somehow I feel like I write too much which leads the VN to be long, but I guess once you put it as a 'game', it won't be that long. I'm still not confident about the character development, but I'll try hard!
propanoll wrote:Ooh, the concept sounds fun! It's simple and light-hearted, I like : ) Will look forward to it!

Imho length doesn't really matter to a story as long as it's solid enough, but that's probably just me. I prefer quality over quantity : D The story has a simple concept -- a girl trying to... find someone to give her chocolate to (and possibly love??) -- and there's a 'time limit' of a week, too. It's a good time frame for a short, compact story : )

As for the dudes, well... they're both polar opposites, so I can't really pick a favourite! Seems like both routes will give very different flavours, and I look forward to what's going to come *v*

(though I cannot unsee Kiyo as a guy)
(sorry.. orz)
Thank you! I hope you'll play it once it's out! Yeah, I'm thinking to make them really different so it'll leave you with different impressions when you play both of the routes.

AAAAAHH I'm so sorryyyyyy ;____; I almost finished with Kio's sprites so I couldn't change it asdhfhgkqpisjlfas I should practice more on drawing girls--

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Re: Truffle! [GxB][School life, Romance, Cooking?]

#33 Post by LaziRice »

Questions for fun and suggestions!
1. What do you think of the story?
I love it! I am always down for cooking love stories <3

2. Do you prefer the length to be short or a little longer?
The length doesn't matter to me as long as the story is good, I would prefer a good story to be cut short then a story be drawn out too much

3. Who's your favorite guy between the two?
I love Reka's design, but I think I like Searon more~

4. The story is pretty expectable though, but what do you want to see?
To be honest I don't know, I am excited to get some chocolate facts though! It would be cool if there was like a point and click (maybe like imagmaps?) of Kio cooking but I know that would tough ;A;
If Kio was cooking depending on if we messup the recipe the result would lead to a bad ending? I don't know just tossing ideas out there.

Anyways I am excited to see this game finished!

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Re: Truffle! [GxB][School life, Romance, Cooking?]

#34 Post by Akitsuki »

LaziRice wrote:Questions for fun and suggestions!
1. What do you think of the story?
I love it! I am always down for cooking love stories <3

2. Do you prefer the length to be short or a little longer?
The length doesn't matter to me as long as the story is good, I would prefer a good story to be cut short then a story be drawn out too much

3. Who's your favorite guy between the two?
I love Reka's design, but I think I like Searon more~

4. The story is pretty expectable though, but what do you want to see?
To be honest I don't know, I am excited to get some chocolate facts though! It would be cool if there was like a point and click (maybe like imagmaps?) of Kio cooking but I know that would tough ;A;
If Kio was cooking depending on if we messup the recipe the result would lead to a bad ending? I don't know just tossing ideas out there.

Anyways I am excited to see this game finished!
Thank you for your opinions!! Well... I have to admit I keep my target not too high because it's my first VN so yep, the point and click stuff would have to wait for another chance, sorryyyy owo;; Um, nope, the players won't affect the results of the recipe but if I explained about it too much, I'd spoil the fun so just find out when the game is finished! Thanks again for looking forward to it!

Some info about the project though, I just re-read the script and I might need to do a major change to it. You know that feeling when you read your own writing after some times? Yep, exactly that. I just noticed I unintentionally made Kio as an annoying character (LOL, which she shouldn't be) so I guess I need to change lots of lines.

I just hope I have the mood to finish the script as soon as possible ;A;

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Re: Truffle! [GxB][School life, Romance, Cooking?]

#35 Post by yoshibb »

1. What do you think of the story?
I think it's unique. It's funny that she's more interested in making the chocolate than actually giving it to someone. It's cute

2. Do you prefer the length to be short or a little longer?
It's up to you. I believe you said this was your first visual novel, so just do whatever you feel comfortable with. I'll play it either way.

3. Who's your favorite guy between the two?
Searon. I'm always a sucker for the tsnudere, mysterious types. But your art for all the characters is really pretty.

4. The story is pretty expectable though, but what do you want to see?
I like to see romantic, fluffy stuff, but I think it would be fun to learn more about making chocolate and such.

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Re: Truffle! [GxB][School life, Romance, Cooking?]

#36 Post by siyereeee »

Looks cute~ ❤.❤
Searon, you're mine! :lol:
Btw, good luck! :D *will be stalking this silently* ヽ( ★ω★)ノ

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Re: Truffle! [GxB][School life, Romance, Cooking?]

#37 Post by RokAbiel »

Oh my goodness, this seems really cute! xD
1. What do you think of the story?
2. Do you prefer the length to be short or a little longer?
3. Who's your favorite guy between the two?
4. The story is pretty expectable though, but what do you want to see?
1. It sounds adorable!
2. Personally the length of a game doesn't matter much to me, as long as I'm really into the story. :D Short stories have their own little special charm to them I think. (Maybe they seem majestic to me because I'm usually only good at writing lengthy stuff XD)
3. I normally like guys like Searon more, but something about Reka seems really intriguing to me. :lol: So I'd have to say Reka.
4. It sounds fine the way it is!

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Re: Truffle! [GxB][School life, Romance, Cooking?]

#38 Post by Akitsuki »

Thanks for the feedbacks, guys! So yeah, it's been months since my last update. I have to admit that college life is busier than I expected and I barely have time for myself ;__; But I'm not abandoning this. I hope I'll find free time soon to continue the project, so look forward to it. Thanks! xD

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