Blackout [WIP][Mystery][Suspense][GxB]

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Re: Blackout WIP[GxB][Interactive Mystery][Suspense]-Commerc

#16 Post by Kate »

Here's Josh! (PSSST! I haven't shown his smile yet, but boy he is stunning!) :) Stay tuned for more!
Last edited by Kate on Tue Oct 13, 2015 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Current Project:
Blackout [VN][Romance][GxB][Mystery][Suspense] ... 43&t=34118
"It is the duty of authors to make the fantastic seem ordinary and the ordinary seem fantastic." - K. Auer

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Re: Blackout WIP[GxB][Interactive Mystery][Suspense]-Commerc

#17 Post by Kate »

Status update:

Let me just say that I have an amazing artist. Even just seeing sketches of the rest of the characters, I can definitely say her art is breathing life into these characters! I'm actually having a hard time choosing my personal preference among the guys; and the girls are looking awesome too! I would appreciate it if in the comments anyone who is interested in this game would let me know what they think about the characters so far, and their respective personality descriptions. Ask me questions :)
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Blackout [VN][Romance][GxB][Mystery][Suspense] ... 43&t=34118
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Re: Blackout - WIP [Mystery][Suspense][GxB] ]Art update 10/1

#18 Post by AntiquedFae »

How. Did. I. Ever. Miss this?!?!?! It's like someone put all these uncanny, seemingly unrelated things I absolutely adore into one game! O.O I adore it and...not going to lie, I totally want it right now. I'm not going to go into what exactly I like and why because then this would go on forever and I'd become incoherent from utter elation, but know that I am in complete shock that something THIS PERFECT is being made. Mainly that there is a chronically ill protagonist in a mystery game! Can I melt with joy form the heart out?! And I love how the mystery can change slightly. Ack, I want this! Have I said that already? Because I can't say it enough. I want this perfection to exist and to play it and to unravel its dastardly odd secrets!

Okay, amid all of this giddy babbling I have managed to come up with one serious question: you mention that the romances will be more of an alliance, but since the mystery changes each time...what happens if you romance the guy who is the perpetrator that playthrough? It had to come up. ;3
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Re: Blackout - WIP [Mystery][Suspense][GxB] ]Art update 10/1

#19 Post by Kate »

Great question! I wondered when someone would ask. Also, I'll state this now, I agree totally that there are too many perfect protagonists. And I am always excited for comments, questions, critiques, even ideas if you are so inclined either on the forum or pm. I'd never snub a good idea if someone is really in love with this game. I'm currently working alone but hopefully farther along I'll have a team to help me finish development.
*First demo will be Halloween! Just a reminder ;)

Now, to answer the question!
If you romance the "bad guy", which there are only a few chances for that (mainly because Eric, for example, is too kind to try to take revenge on the others... but some of the other guys do have bad routes and romance routes!) then you run the risk of having to romance the guy before he considers you to be too much of a threat! If you can boost your romance points high enough and keep your (hidden) "anger points" I've called them, or bad guy awareness of you investigating pretty low, then you can make sure nobody gets hurt and still have a happy ending! It will really give the bad guy conflicted feelings about you if they have to make the choice; likewise if you befriend a female character who is the "bad guy". This is meant to totally get the player involved emotionally as well as draw realistic emotions out of the other characters! Obviously someone's gonna cry when the guy might be holding a gun to MC's head and crying himself as he debates whether or not revenge/anger/evil is worth it.... Some situation like that ;)

You might be happy to know that there is more than one outcome for romancing the bad guy based on the ratio of romance to his awareness. For starters, there are the typical accidental deaths that will be triggered if you push the ill MC way too far too many times, or accidentally climb a dead tree, etc; then there are consequences of bad decisions that alert the bad guy to your investigation and they'll kill you while you're passed out/sleeping; then there are endings that are the results of your choices and can end with one death (yours), other players dying, injuries, loud confrontations and people never speaking to each other again, or a happy ending if you've chosen correctly (often, these are logical decisions and/or some chance interactions with the characters--- it's not completely random. That would be frustrating)

*****EDIT: I realized what you're getting at. The "alliance" feature where the guy can protect you if you're romantically involved? Well, I'm thinking for those routes specifically I'll write conditional scenes: one where you only told him you don't feel safe and he'll protect you (only if you haven't mentioned any character name as a suspect, or within his hearing, ANDif anger points are fairly low), one where he will fool you or trick you so you don't catch on to him or frame someone else, like a desperate person might do) or simply a scene where he deceives you to get you lost and rescue you after he has done whatever. Which may or may not end in death.
-does that answer your question better? (FYI alliance events are like the guy will protect you at night if you feel so scared by sneaking into your room- nothing explicit- or guarding you and reading/watching tv while you nap to restore your energy after snooping late at night, that sort of thing. Maybe even snooping events or deceiving the suspect you believe is doing everything so you can search their stuff, etc.)

Also, for your enjoyment if you liked this, watch a play through (or go buy it!) of "Until Dawn" (PS4). Do you agree with forcing auto-saves only to prevent players from going back to a save and fixing any goof ups? Should they have to restart all the way if they want to change their decisions and the consequences, or should they be forced to deal with it- much like a realistic investigation? (I wonder if there's a way I could make that a player-enabled option depending on their preferences..) I've mentioned it before, I was surprised at how similar the choice/consequence factor (and some of the premise) was between their game and mine. I hadn't heard of it until about three weeks ago. So I'd love to hear what people think about it!
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Blackout [VN][Romance][GxB][Mystery][Suspense] ... 43&t=34118
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Re: Blackout - WIP [Mystery][Suspense][GxB] ]Art update 10/9

#20 Post by Laera-chan »

... I. Want. So bad!!! *is eagerly counting down the days until Halloween* So, after the demo, when's the release date????! *hops around excitedly*

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Re: Blackout - WIP [Mystery][Suspense][GxB] ]Art update 10/9

#21 Post by Kate »

I'm avoiding a deadline for now.... simply because there's several stages of my development (I'll actually add this checklist to my first post):
(I don't want to get the people who are excited into a tizzy over the next demo or full release date and then push it back and break their hearts!!!! That's so disappointing. But I promise this is going to be completed.) I'll add a release estimate as I complete phase 2, which may change at phase 3.

This was a good post, thank you for the reply! It really made me think about how I'll group the next phases of production:

Phase 1: October 31, 2015

---Finish main intro writing with demonstration of alternate information choices (hardest thing, I swear); have sprites all drawn + colored;
then code together into demo, release it!

Demo 1 release: Will have no formal background, just some art stuck there to serve as a placeholder. GUI won't be in till second phase!

Phase 2: After my head stops spinning from whatever feedback I get on Halloween/Nov.1st onward:

---Organize all of the flags for Route 1 (hefty list!)
---Get day/time-of-day/time-passing points systems online.
---Write all "scripted" events that will happen no matter what choices you make. In the proper day settings.
---Make all sorts of voodoo (charts) that show me a) which clues are accessible when, b) whose rooms are searchable when or whatever
system I finalize for room-searches
---Write death endings (generic); plot and choice-specific death endings will be written as I encounter them
—Figure out romance lines key events (across all characters) so I can figure out estimate for days in game needed, when to cue events, etc. (setting the milestones; timing it with the main plot.) *I feel like this is a little tighter and looser at the same time in this kind of game, like you can’t be all happy-go-lucky on a date if you’re really suspicious of someone after getting locked in a shed while snooping around; but at the same time who is gloomy on a date? So there’s some balance to be had (And a headache’s worth of conditionals to set the tone of each date. These dates are going to be incredible though with the dynamic mood/tone and positive/neutral/negative outcome of the interactions!)
---Finish plotting events within romance routes specific to Route 1 & write them in blood!!! (Just kidding. Ink will suffice.)
---Write romance route shareable events (some appear randomly in other routes... after all, the same characters are involved in different
schemes; so they do not act like whole other people in the other routes. They may just have slightly different opportunities and idea.
The idea of repeating some "dates" or events at random makes it trickier for the player to know which mystery route they are on.
(Mystery route is the overarching scheme of events; then there are romance routes within the selected mystery route. So that = 7
mystery routes planned, and 4 romance routes within each = 28 romances that are all slightly unique (7 per guy character). And that's
just if you make the same choices. It will be different if your choices are different!)
---Write the "suspects lie" conversations. (Did you know every suspect will lie to cover their own butt?)
---Write up the "random event" scenes and their clues. (These are already completely mapped out. Just need written fully.)
---Finish the generic conversation branches and add in the flag-unlockable special options/plot-specific interactions
---Decide WHO LIVES AND WHO DIES! (Mwahahahahaha!!!!!) - and what choices lead to this. And such.
---Decide font for dialogue.

---Code 50% of game(route 1, but this include many shared bits of other routes up to 30%), including half of scripted events, character reactions til day 6; expressions and generic dialogue/conversations; and decide on a reasonable font for the dialogue. <-- (PM or Comment if you have a good suggestion!)

Release Demo#2: will include a sample of activities you can make the MC try, at certain times of the day; conversation functions; should include GUI but if push comes to shove, will still include default. If GUI is implemented, then there should be the status bars too.
***Release Reading-only gameplay with characters, but no background. On a route-by-route basis. One Route per reader (track which reader reads what so they don’t access the whole game before release; but have a fair amount of readers per route.) *release as necessary/completion

Phase 3:
---Double check all branching choice paths and point tracking systems to make sure there are no event sequence errors.
---Add in any events I think up that will mesh with the stories; fill in any romance lines that seem sparse; fix any yucky dialogue that
doesn’t sit well with test-readers and revisit logic of decisions/consequences.
---Code 75% of the dialogue of the route
---Code the majority-whole of the gameplay system (background stuff that will SURELY give me a migraine but make the game awesome!)
---Write alternate romance scenes; map most appropriate events with a few alternates that may/may not be triggered due to different choices (if I'm ambitious and want extra variability in the might just happen. I love my characters thanks to my artist and some lucky good ideas so it's a definite possibility!!! I would enjoy writing extra romance at this point, hope it holds out!)
---Select background inspiration while writing; have a file ready when soliciting/receiving an artist bid.
---Evaluate GUI; make any fixes. If there is no GUI yet---- *run around like headless chicken* then commission that pronto!
---Match art sizes; test screen display so far between menus, characters, clue art sizes (not determined yet), dialogue boxes, etc.
---Revise any plot bits that don’t sit well with me; consult test-readers
---(will select artist -- likely same artist as my sprites-- and contact them, and such.)
---Final backgrounds list; work on designs; Cut any unnecessary backgrounds. Note alternates (Kickstarter success-allowing).
---Music loop for main menu - commission! (Also decide if special ending music is required.)
---begin selecting sounds/effects/music for rest of game
---Anything I've missed I'll probably consult experienced developers about and fix/add here.

---Code 75% of route 1; write full main plot; adjusted values of clues and romance conversations/events and "random"/hidden events;
---Romance routes done and decided for route 1. Decide on CG locations; assigned priority (will be selected or omitted based upon Kickstarter success.)
---Music loop(s) nearly done or complete and added.

Release Video of gameplay in certain spots.
**If necessary, release revised words-only+characters play through to same test readers; weigh results and adjust.

Phase 4:
---Make sure credits are correct and ready. Make sure I have rights to all assets I am using.
---How to establish legal rights over something? <-- Advice on this is greatly appreciated!!!
---First Free Route will finish- 100% written and code 100% dialogue/story; any final tweaks on the gameplay system, GUI, etc --> then will format following routes that way
---Begin Kickstarter for background art and CG's
*** If the kickstarter is a huge success, I'm going to commission extras like more CG's, clue item images, and such.
*** If. If. If. A little voodoo here, a little sacrifice there.... some weird dancing....yeah (no offense to anyone, I'm joking!)
---Commission any coding help I need if something is still beyond my reach so I can finish the game (route 1 at least; may need extra help for bonuses for commercial bundle, like the route selection image-map screen!). (Late is better than never. The game must be awesome!)

**no demo this phase. It ends when the art is ready and coded.

Phase 5:
---Release First Route; determine which platform/website to have full demo located through.
---Release to LetsPlay'ers and hopefully they like!!!
---Finish writing other routes if they are not yet completed (though I'll honestly do most of that while waiting on art, since I'll be a little
crazy if I sit around. Obviously there will still be work to do!)
---Commission any other help I need.
---Finish my website 100%, make it sparkle!
---Commission any CG's and art needed for routes 2-7; any bonuses for route 1 that kickstarter may fund (at least 1, to entice players to buy and replay/enjoy replaying route 1 with the bundle).
---Code everything; choose 5-10 testers that can commit to playing this game several times through and give critique and/or help
---Fix any goofs like skipping any specific scenes by accident; any loose ends where the game jumps to the end by accident/such

Business side:
---Do my final homework/deciding on what platform, site, etc I need to have my game for sale at and how to handle payments, contesting refunds/charge contests; tax info; learn how to manage flash sales,
---Approach the mighty giant THAT IS STEAM and prepare my game to meet the requirements to humbly offer it for "sacrifice" (begging and crying if necessary!)

Phase 6:
---Release Routes 2-(6/7) as well as Route 1 with full amt. CG's
---Begin next game; evaluate scope of next game based upon feedback, sales, and fanbase/following. (Hopefully I will have a few fans?) :)
---Keep ledger tracking sales and success; also log reviews and save for future citation.
---If Steam green light hasn't happened yet, figure it out. Hire help if needed.
---"Early to bed, early to rise, work like hell, advertise!"- Ted Turner <-- (should it be "code like hell"?????)
---Decompress and chill out.
Last edited by Kate on Tue Oct 20, 2015 4:13 am, edited 2 times in total.
Current Project:
Blackout [VN][Romance][GxB][Mystery][Suspense] ... 43&t=34118
"It is the duty of authors to make the fantastic seem ordinary and the ordinary seem fantastic." - K. Auer

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Re: Blackout - WIP [Mystery][Suspense][GxB] ]Art update 10/9

#22 Post by Kate »

Also, here's Ashley:
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Blackout [VN][Romance][GxB][Mystery][Suspense] ... 43&t=34118
"It is the duty of authors to make the fantastic seem ordinary and the ordinary seem fantastic." - K. Auer

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Re: Blackout - WIP [Mystery][Suspense][GxB] ]Art update 10/1

#23 Post by Kate »

Here is Robyn:
Current Project:
Blackout [VN][Romance][GxB][Mystery][Suspense] ... 43&t=34118
"It is the duty of authors to make the fantastic seem ordinary and the ordinary seem fantastic." - K. Auer

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Re: Blackout - WIP [Mystery][Suspense][GxB] ]Art update 10/9

#24 Post by Laera-chan »

Kate wrote:I'm avoiding a deadline for now.... simply because there's several stages of my development (I'll actually add this checklist to my first post):
(I don't want to get the people who are excited into a tizzy over the next demo or full release date and then push it back and break their hearts!!!! That's so disappointing. But I promise this is going to be completed.) I'll add a release estimate as I complete phase 2, which may change at phase 3.

This was a good post, thank you for the reply! It really made me think about how I'll group the next phases of production:

Phase 1: October 31, 2015

---Finish main intro writing with demonstration of alternate information choices (hardest thing, I swear); have sprites all drawn + colored;
then code together into demo, release it!

Demo 1 release: Will have no formal background, just some art stuck there to serve as a placeholder. GUI won't be in till second phase!

Phase 2: After my head stops spinning from whatever feedback I get on Halloween/Nov.1st onward:

---Organize all of the flags for Route 1 (hefty list!)
---Get day/time-of-day/time-passing points systems online.
---Write all "scripted" events that will happen no matter what choices you make. In the proper day settings.
---Make all sorts of voodoo (charts) that show me a) which clues are accessible when, b) whose rooms are searchable when or whatever
system I finalize for room-searches
---Write death endings (generic); plot and choice-specific death endings will be written as I encounter them
—Figure out romance lines key events (across all characters) so I can figure out estimate for days in game needed, when to cue events, etc. (setting the milestones; timing it with the main plot.) *I feel like this is a little tighter and looser at the same time in this kind of game, like you can’t be all happy-go-lucky on a date if you’re really suspicious of someone after getting locked in a shed while snooping around; but at the same time who is gloomy on a date? So there’s some balance to be had (And a headache’s worth of conditionals to set the tone of each date. These dates are going to be incredible though with the dynamic mood/tone and positive/neutral/negative outcome of the interactions!)
---Finish plotting events within romance routes specific to Route 1 & write them in blood!!! (Just kidding. Ink will suffice.)
---Write romance route shareable events (some appear randomly in other routes... after all, the same characters are involved in different
schemes; so they do not act like whole other people in the other routes. They may just have slightly different opportunities and idea.
The idea of repeating some "dates" or events at random makes it trickier for the player to know which mystery route they are on.
(Mystery route is the overarching scheme of events; then there are romance routes within the selected mystery route. So that = 7
mystery routes planned, and 4 romance routes within each = 28 romances that are all slightly unique (7 per guy character). And that's
just if you make the same choices. It will be different if your choices are different!)
---Write the "suspects lie" conversations. (Did you know every suspect will lie to cover their own butt?)
---Write up the "random event" scenes and their clues. (These are already completely mapped out. Just need written fully.)
---Finish the generic conversation branches and add in the flag-unlockable special options/plot-specific interactions
---Decide WHO LIVES AND WHO DIES! (Mwahahahahaha!!!!!) - and what choices lead to this. And such.
---Decide font for dialogue.

---Code 50% of game(route 1, but this include many shared bits of other routes up to 30%), including half of scripted events, character reactions til day 6; expressions and generic dialogue/conversations; and decide on a reasonable font for the dialogue. <-- (PM or Comment if you have a good suggestion!)

Release Demo#2: will include a sample of activities you can make the MC try, at certain times of the day; conversation functions; should include GUI but if push comes to shove, will still include default. If GUI is implemented, then there should be the status bars too.
***Release Reading-only gameplay with characters, but no background. On a route-by-route basis. One Route per reader (track which reader reads what so they don’t access the whole game before release; but have a fair amount of readers per route.) *release as necessary/completion

Phase 3:
---Double check all branching choice paths and point tracking systems to make sure there are no event sequence errors.
---Add in any events I think up that will mesh with the stories; fill in any romance lines that seem sparse; fix any yucky dialogue that
doesn’t sit well with test-readers and revisit logic of decisions/consequences.
---Code 75% of the dialogue of the route
---Code the majority-whole of the gameplay system (background stuff that will SURELY give me a migraine but make the game awesome!)
---Write alternate romance scenes; map most appropriate events with a few alternates that may/may not be triggered due to different choices (if I'm ambitious and want extra variability in the might just happen. I love my characters thanks to my artist and some lucky good ideas so it's a definite possibility!!! I would enjoy writing extra romance at this point, hope it holds out!)
---Select background inspiration while writing; have a file ready when soliciting/receiving an artist bid.
---Evaluate GUI; make any fixes. If there is no GUI yet---- *run around like headless chicken* then commission that pronto!
---Match art sizes; test screen display so far between menus, characters, clue art sizes (not determined yet), dialogue boxes, etc.
---Revise any plot bits that don’t sit well with me; consult test-readers
---(will select artist -- likely same artist as my sprites-- and contact them, and such.)
---Final backgrounds list; work on designs; Cut any unnecessary backgrounds. Note alternates (Kickstarter success-allowing).
---Music loop for main menu - commission! (Also decide if special ending music is required.)
---begin selecting sounds/effects/music for rest of game
---Anything I've missed I'll probably consult experienced developers about and fix/add here.

---Code 75% of route 1; write full main plot; adjusted values of clues and romance conversations/events and "random"/hidden events;
---Romance routes done and decided for route 1. Decide on CG locations; assigned priority (will be selected or omitted based upon Kickstarter success.)
---Music loop(s) nearly done or complete and added.

Release Video of gameplay in certain spots.
**If necessary, release revised words-only+characters play through to same test readers; weigh results and adjust.

Phase 4:
---Make sure credits are correct and ready. Make sure I have rights to all assets I am using.
---How to establish legal rights over something? <-- Advice on this is greatly appreciated!!!
---First Free Route will finish- 100% written and code 100% dialogue/story; any final tweaks on the gameplay system, GUI, etc --> then will format following routes that way
---Begin Kickstarter for background art and CG's
*** If the kickstarter is a huge success, I'm going to commission extras like more CG's, clue item images, and such.
*** If. If. If. A little voodoo here, a little sacrifice there.... some weird dancing....yeah (no offense to anyone, I'm joking!)
---Commission any coding help I need if something is still beyond my reach so I can finish the game (route 1 at least; may need extra help for bonuses for commercial bundle, like the route selection image-map screen!). (Late is better than never. The game must be awesome!)

**no demo this phase. It ends when the art is ready and coded.

Phase 5:
---Release First Route; determine which platform/website to have full demo located through.
---Release to LetsPlay'ers and hopefully they like!!!
---Finish writing other routes if they are not yet completed (though I'll honestly do most of that while waiting on art, since I'll be a little
crazy if I sit around. Obviously there will still be work to do!)
---Commission any other help I need.
---Finish my website 100%, make it sparkle!
---Commission any CG's and art needed for routes 2-7; any bonuses for route 1 that kickstarter may fund (at least 1, to entice players to buy and replay/enjoy replaying route 1 with the bundle).
---Code everything; choose 5-10 testers that can commit to playing this game several times through and give critique and/or help
---Fix any goofs like skipping any specific scenes by accident; any loose ends where the game jumps to the end by accident/such

Business side:
---Do my final homework/deciding on what platform, site, etc I need to have my game for sale at and how to handle payments, contesting refunds/charge contests; tax info; learn how to manage flash sales,
---Approach the mighty giant THAT IS STEAM and prepare my game to meet the requirements to humbly offer it for "sacrifice" (begging and crying if necessary!)

Phase 6:
---Release Routes 2-(6/7) as well as Route 1 with full amt. CG's
---Begin next game; evaluate scope of next game based upon feedback, sales, and fanbase/following. (Hopefully I will have a few fans?) :)
---Keep ledger tracking sales and success; also log reviews and save for future citation.
---If Steam green light hasn't happened yet, figure it out. Hire help if needed.
---"Early to bed, early to rise, work like hell, advertise!"- Ted Turner <-- (should it be "code like hell"?????)
---Decompress and chill out.
... //dies

Can I just say, holy hell. That is a LOT of stuff to do. Like, an insane amount. 0.0 Um, not sure how, but if you'd like help, I'll gladly try my best if you'd like. Other than that, keep up the great work, and I'm rooting for you! And you're amazing-sounding game!

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Re: Blackout - WIP [Mystery][Suspense][GxB] ]Art update 10/1

#25 Post by Kate »

A lot of this is scarier than it looks ;D It's a lot of work, but so was editing and self-publishing my own book my senior year. I'm not estimating completion within a year, but from where I am now, I don't think it would surpass a year and a few months for the first route and not more than a few more months after for the rest of the routes. I'm making good progress; the hardest stuff is right now, setting up the game. I had already designed the flag/points system before my family dealt with bedbugs for months and I halted progress completely, over a year ago. Also, I've written down any good plot ideas I've had for the other characters along the way so nothing is from scratch completely. I'm a good idea generator (it's just weeding out the extras and fleshing the ideas out that takes the most time!)

Three hardest things on the list: 1) introduction stuff, 2) romances in general (after I get one done for each guy, I can repeat it with slight variation in other routes) and 3) the final route (7) involves
a very unhinged character behind the incidents and throughout, things get more Gaslight-ish to the point that it seems supernatural, but then it is revealed that character is completely insane. Only in that route. It's canon with the plot because everyone is supposed to have murderous instincts potentially within them; however, not everyone has them activate due to their life events, genetics, mental state, and all other factors. We all have the potential to lose our minds and commit murder/other crimes; most of us just never have that potential triggered.- That's the only part of the game I'm worried about writing. I don't know if I can pull off "unhinged" with my writing sneakily for the killer plot twist.
Also, a better edit would be to say that PROOF READERS and GAME TESTERS are the elixir of luck for this game. I'm going to rely heavily upon lab rats--- er, I mean, kind and wonderful excited fans--- to read/play through the game and play around to see if seemingly correct events happen (with a guideline to help you gauge the accuracy of the jumps and calls) and give feedback on how they like the game. Heavily doesn't nearly describe this reliance, actually. It's all in the feedback and double-checking.

Also: yes, holy hell is correct. But I survived dealing with bedbugs. I CAN DO ANYTHING AFTER THAT EXPERIENCE. (That's my new mantra.)
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Blackout [VN][Romance][GxB][Mystery][Suspense] ... 43&t=34118
"It is the duty of authors to make the fantastic seem ordinary and the ordinary seem fantastic." - K. Auer

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Re: Blackout - WIP [Mystery][Suspense][GxB] ]Art update 10/1

#26 Post by Laera-chan »

Ah, in that case- *cheers wildly in support* Go you! Hehe. But seriously, this sounds like so much awesome. A lot of work, but the amount of work you're putting into this shows a dedication to make a great game, which heightens my eagerness to play it (12 more days, 12 more days... :D).

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Re: Blackout - WIP [Mystery][Suspense][GxB] ]Art update 10/1

#27 Post by Kate »

Here's Kara:
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"It is the duty of authors to make the fantastic seem ordinary and the ordinary seem fantastic." - K. Auer

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Re: Blackout - WIP [Mystery][Suspense][GxB] ]Art update 10/1

#28 Post by Kate »

Here's Lily. Now all the characters are completely done and ready for the demo. :) I would love feedback on the characters and their profiles, please!
A huge shoutout to ChozoGal for fabulous artwork and the most wonderful art commissioning experience :) She is super professional and I totally recommend her work. I can't convey enough how thrilled I am and how pleased I am with the character artwork. She truly brought them to life. :)
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Blackout [VN][Romance][GxB][Mystery][Suspense] ... 43&t=34118
"It is the duty of authors to make the fantastic seem ordinary and the ordinary seem fantastic." - K. Auer

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Re: Blackout [WIP][Mystery][Suspense][GxB] ]UPDATE 10/26

#29 Post by Kate »

Quick Update: I have a teaching demonstration due this week and a paper AND now a horrendous coding homework assignment, with lots of methods, for java, using arrays...gulp!
So, I'll still release the demo, but it will mainly feature the first four characters introductions; I'll release an updated demo hopefully less than two weeks after Halloween with all of the introduction goodies. I apologize for being unable to deliver everything I hoped on time, but after this week passes, I'll have an easier time of it. It just happened that this would be my "rush" week of college when four professors decide to make everything due the same week!
Current Project:
Blackout [VN][Romance][GxB][Mystery][Suspense] ... 43&t=34118
"It is the duty of authors to make the fantastic seem ordinary and the ordinary seem fantastic." - K. Auer

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Re: Blackout [WIP][Mystery][Suspense][GxB] ]UPDATE 10/26

#30 Post by Midnighticequeen »

Hey, I wish you luck. You got a boatload of things to do, but I'm sure you can do it. You already accomplished so much already and as long as you progress everyday, you can do anything. I look forward to seeing your game.

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