Mojo Pin [Dark Themes, Linear, Horror]

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Mojo Pin [Dark Themes, Linear, Horror]

#1 Post by LavenderLotte »


My name is Usman but call me Lotte. I've been lurking about these forums off and on since 2010 and I'm finally going to bring my first visual novel to fruition.

Mojo Pin is a story about Ivy, a former heroin addict fresh out of a rehabilitation center after an overdose. She ruminates on her past regrets from failed friendships, suicide attempts, anxiety and depression, inertia, and lack of love. A story told in a series of seemingly unrelated vignettes until the realization that, despite all oddities, all involved with our broken protagonist are connected. New characters suddenly emerge mixing with old: offering (seemingly) a path to self-discovery and redemption, a path to self-destruction and deconstruction of the self, or a path somewhere in the middle, a straight life without the highs and low of pessimism and optimism, a resigned life. In her slow reintroduction to society, her recovery is up to you. How will she mend deteriorating relationships with old friends or create new ones? How will she confront old demons and new struggles? Will she recover or relapse?




Ivy is the protagonist of Mojo Pin. She was a former drug addict and high school dropout. She offers a series of increasingly racist, sexist, misanthropic and nihilistic treatises on people, art, popular culture, politics, etc that give most people who interact with her pause. Coming up from decadent surroundings hasn’t helped her case of life’s unfairness any though as the story unfolds, she begins opening up and questioning her own faith in the world's ills.



Ivy's “best friend” or the one who is the only one that could deal with her negativity. He has known her since childhood, growing up in the same sordid environment yet more successful, and is the only one, as she claims, to see through her and set her straight. Micheal has stood by Ivy through thick and thin and secretly is the object of her affections. He is an avid chess player and volunteers with the elderly and the homeless in addition to attending college. He doesn’t speak much and is described by Ivy to “talk softly and carry a big stick”. "The more you talk, the less they listen.” is his maxim.



A seemingly homeless amnesiac girl who is usually seen at the metro station, wearing a dog tag with the initials: D.O.T. She is clueless about everything that defines her as a person and how the world works. She carries nothing to identify her; nothing an IKEA reference kit that describes abstract notions of language, culture, social interaction, human consciousness, philosophy and religion in overly simplified, sensationalist aphorisms, dense, absurdist non-sequiturs or overly complicated academic graphs and equations. She speaks in a sweet, superficial radio-friendly tone that a telephone operator has or a child psychologist. Dot is essentially a clean slate for Ivy and the first new interaction she makes outside of rehab. She is an impressionable person Ivy can mold into whatever she wants, but something pure that she doesn’t want to corrupt with her bitterness. You can either choose to leave her be or help her to unlock a personalized ending.

The Woman in Black


An ethereal spectre of a woman that always watches from the periphery and appears in Ivy's dreams. Not much is known about the enigma save for her cold, startling beauty. She tends to be an elusive and antagonizing figure in her own sensuously aloof manner but does present some advice and care at times - though this might only be for her own purposes. She seems to know all about Ivy, including her thoughts and past and will provide comment on the previous decisions you have made for Ivy at the beginning of each chapter.



Ivy's estranged mother. She raised Ivy as a single mother and often did "questionable practices" to provide for her child. Ivy hasn't spoken to her since she had left her home at the age of 17 after a falling out. That doesn't prevent her from attempting to reach out to her daughter and provide wisdom as best she can to keep her from making the same mistakes.


My inspirations for this visual novel would be the lives of two of my friends: one who lost friends to heroin addiction and an ex friend who suffers from heroin addiction. My own thoughts and attitudes as well as the attitudes of current day America are under scrutiny through Ivy's distorted perception. Silent Hill, Until Dawn, Heavy Rain, and the movies of David Lynch were all influences on the concept and execution of the story and its themes.

Planning: 75% done.
Writing: 0% done
Art: 5% done

I plan to hopefully have this project voice acted and it may be commercial based on how a demo of the VN is received. Everything from writing, planning, programming, music and art will be done by myself until further notice.

Any thoughts appreciated.
Last edited by LavenderLotte on Sat Mar 12, 2016 11:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mojo Pin [Dark Themes, Linear, Horror]

#2 Post by fleet »

Congratulations on thinking outside the box, both with the story idea and the art! I wish you success!
Some of my visual novels are at They are NSFW
Poorly done hand-drawn art is still poorly done art. Be a Poser (or better yet, use DAZ Studio 3D) - dare to be different.

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Re: Mojo Pin [Dark Themes, Linear, Horror]

#3 Post by LavenderLotte »

Thank you kindly! Your signature rang in my head as I was planning it.
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Re: Mojo Pin [Dark Themes, Linear, Horror]

#4 Post by gekiganwing »

How many choices and endings do you expect that your visual novel will include? What sort of endings might be appropriate for your story? It might not make sense to include an ending in which every character is sane, sober, and happy. The story might be better suited to endings in which only a few characters are recovering.

If you decide that your visual novel will only include negative endings, be careful. This can be justified in a story. It is possible to convince the reader that no matter what choices they make, a character can not survive or prosper. Think carefully about whether seemingly trivial choices will make a large difference in determining the ending. Be cautious about including bad endings in order to surprise or shock the reader.

Do you believe that your story will benefit from including 3D polygon graphics? What other types of drawings and images would you consider appropriate for Mojo Pin?

A personal note: I often find that photorealistic human characters portrayed through 3D graphics leave me uncomfortable -- in other words, the uncanny valley problem. That said, if one of your goals is to leave the reader unsettled, then it might be appropriate to use these graphics in your story.
LavenderLotte wrote: ... New characters suddenly emerge mixing with old: offering (seemingly) a path to self-discovery and redemption, a path to self-destruction and deconstruction of the self, or a path somewhere in the middle, a straight life without the highs and low of pessimism and optimism, a resigned life. In her slow reintroduction to society, her recovery is up to you. How will she mend deteriorating relationships with old friends or create new ones? How will she confront old demons and new struggles? Will she recover or relapse?
Do you believe that your story could be summed up as "Main character takes actions to determine her direction in life"? If that is not your intention, then how would you describe your story in one sentence?
LavenderLotte wrote: I plan to hopefully have this project voice acted and it may be commercial based on how a demo of the VN is received.
This is a complex topic, and I'm definitely not an expert on it. Think about things such as...

* Have you sold any products that you have created? If not, make sure to browse and then become active in indie games communities.
* Do you believe that your story and art will find an audience? Are people ready and willing to buy your VN?
* Sometimes it's appropriate to sell one product and give away the other. For instance, let your visual novel be freeware, but then sell merchandise based on it, such as a comics adaptation.
* I would not recommend relying on just forum feedback to determine whether you will sell your story as an indie visual novel.

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Re: Mojo Pin [Dark Themes, Linear, Horror]

#5 Post by LavenderLotte »

Thank you very much for your input.

I expect there to be about 3-5 endings. As for the choices there will be quite a myriad depending on the storyline. Being that it's on a linear track, I wouldn't expect the game to be 100% choices at every turn. As for the endings, they will vary from a good end, a neutral end, and a bad end - however, I don't want the implications of each ending to be so black and white as most VNs are. This is an morally ambiguous story with morally ambiguous themes, characters and choices. However, this is only a story primarily focused on one person and how she interacts with others and makes decisions. However, I don't want to shock nor surprise....that's not on my agenda.

I believe using 3D models will benefit the narrative by adding that extra layer of realism. I want them to see the characters as close to human as possible. I do not think hand art can accurately and adept convey the dark mood of the story. I want readers uncomfortable. I want them out of their elements.

The story could be summed up as such, yes.

And yes, going commercial or not is a factor I'm considering cautiously. Mostly because games such as mine in a small niche market such as visual novels are risky. Nevertheless, I believe there are people who would be ready and willing to receive a product out of the comfort zone that most VNs stay within. I will consider the freeware option as well.
“I like beautiful melodies telling me terrible things.” ― Tom Waits

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Re: Mojo Pin [Dark Themes, Linear, Horror]

#6 Post by LavenderLotte »


During these past two weeks, I sought to get down as much as I can in the form of an outline so as the writing process could be streamlined and have tangible guidelines for the direction I want the narrative to go. It has been grueling, frustrating process but I believe a good amount of blockage has been cleared and the outlining as well as the story direction are coming along nicely. Soon enough, I'll whittle the story details down to the essential barebones and thus start writing the script.

I decided to go non-commercial for this project. As in for the core-story of Ivy on the road to either recovery and redemption or relapse and ruin. I decided that the storyline route for Dot could be a paid for addition as well as a separate prequel storyline that immediately sets the stage for Mojo Pin. If the game gets good reception, I would definitely like to try out Kickstarter so as to fund these endeavors.

I may make a few posts in the recruitment section soon; I underestimated how big of a project this is for one person.

Some more concept art:




“I like beautiful melodies telling me terrible things.” ― Tom Waits

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Re: Mojo Pin [Dark Themes, Linear, Horror]

#7 Post by LavenderLotte »

Hi, Lavenderlotte here.

After a long period of thought and planning, I decided to shift this project away from visual novel format to a traditional gaming experience with the Unreal Engine. To experience the story in all it's cinematic and horrific twists and turns, I feel I need a bigger scope and bigger tools. Not to mention with the growing horror revival in the PC and console scene, it seems about a right time to do so

I have no team still but now that the project is not visual novel related, I don't think I'll be able to post in the recruitment forums. Nevertheless, I thank the folks who showed interest. If you still want to jeep up with the project, my inbox is always open.
“I like beautiful melodies telling me terrible things.” ― Tom Waits

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