Single Father Story (working title) [Otome, Drama, GxB/G]

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Single Father Story (working title) [Otome, Drama, GxB/G]

#1 Post by MaxH »

Hello everyone! I've been working on my first visual novel, and I thought it'd be nice to perhaps toss the idea that I have out there and see if anyone would like to offer some feedback. It's meant to be a slice of life + light drama sort of otome game, with a female protagonist, so if you're not into something with quite a bit of fluff and angst mixed in together, you might want to just skip this thread, haha.


Ever since she was a little girl, the protagonist, Makoto, has always idealized the “homemaker” lifestyle—having the perfect husband, raising a family, cooking, cleaning, etc. She’s especially fond of children, hoping to become an elementary school teacher someday. So when a handsome, young single father suddenly moves into Makoto’s neighborhood with his son during the last few months of her final year of high school, her interest is instantly piqued; and due to a series of certain events, she can’t help but end up involved in both of their lives. But while Makoto might be enjoying her newfound situation “playing house” more than she probably should, not everyone seems to share in her sentiments.


The protagonist. Responsible and always helping out whenever she can. She's more or less "The Mom Friend" to her two best friends, Hitomi and Ryuu. She loves children and wants to become an elementary school teacher. Has a soft spot for seeing fathers interacting with their kids, and is particularly interested in more "established and responsible" types of guys.

The protagonist’s female best friend. Long blonde-ish hair. Often butting heads with Ryuu over “hoarding Makoto.” Hitomi finds Ryuu to be obnoxiously annoying and way Too Much, but actually does find him to be a bit cute. Not necessarily into the same “homemaker lifestyle” that Makoto loves so much (she’s more of a lone wolf type), but is supportive nonetheless. Hitomi is super cheerful and friendly, and loves talking about boys with Makoto (when she can steal her away from Ryuu for more than 5 minutes).

Potential suitor. Ryuu is the childhood best friend of the protagonist. He has messy reddish-pink hair, freckles, and stands at about 5’6’’. He’s loud, irresponsible, and full of lofty ideas and hot air; he’s also the protagonist's self-proclaimed “boyfriend.” He’s always been in love with them, but since he’s quite the joker, nobody takes him seriously. He works in his family’s kitchen but he dreams of owning his own bakery—too bad he’s terrible at baking.

Potential suitor. The young single father (24-26) who moves into the protagonist's neighborhood. He has brown hair, stands at about 6’’, and always has a tiny bit of stubble. His wife died about a year ago, and he’s still trying to manage raising his son while also working full-time. Takashi is responsible and always exhausted from being stretched so thin all the time. He’s having trouble getting over his dead wife. The protag initially helps out by cooking for him and his son, and also regularly picking up and dropping off his son at daycare. Takashi and his son both grow incredibly close to the protag over the course of the story.

Takashi's son, about 4 or 5 years old. He's a sweet kid but very shy, and is especially having trouble adjusting to life without his mother -- with Takashi working a lot prior to her death, Rin was pretty much on his mother's hip 24/7, so it's safe to say that Rin was much closer to her than Takashi. He has a good relationship with his father, but is still somewhat reserved with him; it doesn't help that Takashi isn't sure how to go about connecting better with Rin, either. However, Rin warms up to Makoto quite easily and grows attached to her.

Potential suitor. Shouta works as an assistant at the daycare that Takashi’s son attends, about a year or two older than the protagonist. He’s very friendly and sweet, and a bit innocent. He stands at about 5’9’’ with blonde hair and blue eyes. Shouta also seems to have attachment issues to some degree, which may or may not have the potential to develop into more yandere tendencies. Shouta loves kids nearly as much or more than the protagonist. He seems to be keeping some sort of secret.

Potential suitor. Hiro used to pick on the protagonist when they were kids a lot, to the point that Ryuu would stand up to him for her. Even now in their final year of high school, Hiro tends to mock the protag and her interests quite a bit. He hates children and finds Ryuu to be “an annoying runt.” Hiro stands at about 5’10’’ with black hair. Hiro has always found the protag to be cute and may even harbor a very small crush on her, but vocally insists that he simply finds her to be “pathetic.”

Potential suitor. Class president. Artist. Smooth, cool, and very supportive. Light, pale blue hair (maybe?). Knows what she wants and is not afraid to go for it, but not in an overbearing or creepy way. Always lowkey flirting and giving the protag compliments that might be overlooked as simply being nice by most (especially since she’s a girl) but get the protag a bit flustered. Has always found the protagonist’s earnest interest in being a homemaker to be adorable. Coerced the protag into joining the student council prior to story.

So I hope all of that helps to give you an idea of the type of story I'll be going for, and I apologize for the wordiness -- brevity has never been my strong point, nor writing competent story summaries, haha.

As of right now, I'm currently working on fleshing out the story outline and getting character concept art finished. I'll be sure to post the concept art here when possible! I'm pouring my own money into getting things together to the point that I can perhaps create a kickstarter. The story will be pretty big, with 15 different endings (3 endings per route, of which there are 5), and some features such as unlockable prologue stories for each suitor character upon playthrough. I'm also considering the possibility of some H scenes, but I'm not entirely sure yet.
So -- what I'd like to know!
1. Is the plot cliche? Interesting? Boring?
2. How do you feel about the characters? Any critique? Favorite?
3. Is this something you'd be interested in playing, assuming you enjoy otome games?
4. Any other comments you might want to add!
PS: If this is something you'd be interested in partnering up with me to write and act as a sounding board, please let me know! I do intent to go the commercial route, so we can talk about profit sharing, assuming things go well. I'd love to have someone equally as passionate to work together with :)
Last edited by MaxH on Sun Oct 30, 2016 8:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Single Father Story (working title) [Otome, Drama, GxB/G

#2 Post by Zino »

1. Is the plot cliche? Interesting? Boring?
-It sounds pretty normal, but there are elements in your plot synopsis + chara bios that give it interesting twist!

2. How do you feel about the characters? Any critique? Favorite?
-THE SINGLE FATHER!! Hahaa, the moment I saw the title I knew I had to check this out. I love dateable (2d) single fathers!! While there's no picture, the description does say he has a stubble which I am also looking forward to!! :'D Also other boys seem have my fav personalites as well, hothead, bit of a yandere type, a bully... So yeah, I'm looking forward to all of them. But deffo mostly excited for the single daddy!!!

3. Is this something you'd be interested in playing, assuming you enjoy otome games?
-Definitely!! There's not enough single dads in the (western) otome scene.

4. Any other comments you might want to add!
-Can't wait to see chara art! I'm stalking this thread from now on!

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Re: Single Father Story (working title) [Otome, Drama, GxB/G

#3 Post by LizardRobot »

1. Is the plot cliche? Interesting? Boring?
Slice of life isn't a major interest of mine, so it doesn't hold interest for me in that sense, but what is interesting is the fact that I don't think it's cliche because the single father angle is one I haven't seen utilized before and I like the potential there is for the protag being involved with a single dad to cause conflict with the other characters!

2. How do you feel about the characters? Any critique? Favorite?
I'm very visual, so it's hard for me to judge characters without seeing their art, but Hiro definitely sticks out to me and would be the one I'm most interested in based on his personality. (I like jerks!) I'd also want to figure out Shouta's secret, because I have guesses and would want to know if they are right or not. And Takashi sounds interesting to me, because I also like older guys, and tragic pasts. But Hiro is definitely my favorite so far.

I think Takashi's son should be listed as a character... is he a sweet kid? Rambunctious? Cheerful? Obviously he isn't a suitor, but he seems like an important part of the story, so not having him on the list feels like a bit of oversight. And he's in daycare, but is he just a little toddler, or on the cusp of school age?

3. Is this something you'd be interested in playing, assuming you enjoy otome games?
Absolutely! The characters seem varied and interesting, and I like the idea of conflict over Makoto's choice of path.

4. Any other comments you might want to add!
I'm curious about the age difference between Makoto and Takashi, since she is in high school and he is clearly older. You mention he's a young single dad, but you could be a young single dad and be 25 or 30, and I think people would view a 7-year gap much different than a 12-year one, though honestly both would be fine to me personally in service of the story and where romance is concerned. My guess is he's mid-twenties?

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Re: Single Father Story (working title) [Otome, Drama, GxB/G

#4 Post by aeri »

1. Is the plot cliche? Interesting? Boring?
I think the plot has a lot of potential, just the premise didn't completely help me understand what exactly the story will comprise of (at least reading it twice I didn't really understand). How involved will Makoto be in the single father's life? (to the point where she essentially is almost like a stand-in wife in every route?) I do agree with the previous poster that it is a different spin on the story and why I think there is a lot of potential with it!

2. How do you feel about the characters? Any critique? Favorite?
Some of the characters seem a little stereotypical (for example, Hitomi), but I think it's because this is a summary of the character's personality rather than a more detailed version of her character. Ryuusuke also falls into that sort of stereotype for me. However, despite that, I think if you can execute the characters well in the story, it will be fine and your characters will shine in their own ways. Because I'm into the "tsundere" kinda guys when it comes to romance games, Hiro is the one I'm looking forward to. I think once you detailed out more of your characters, my opinion will likely change.

3. Is this something you'd be interested in playing, assuming you enjoy otome games?
Unfortunately for me, the art is a huge factor in whether or not I will be playing the visual novel. If you're still considering the commercial route as well, the cost based on how much I like the art style as well as the quality of other components (backgrounds, CGs, etc.) will influence my purchase. Of course, because my time is limited while I'm working on my other projects as well as currently working a full-time job, I want to only dedicate my time to games that I will most likely feel that I can immerse myself in. So don't worry about my opinion on here because I might be an outlier when it comes to purchasing games nowadays.

4. Any other comments you might want to add!
I think with time and thought on this game, you can definitely make a great game with this! I also agree with the poster about the age difference for the single dad...nowadays if you're basing things on the recent trends, people might say "most people probably won't get married and have a kid until ages 25-35" but it is entirely possible if your character is, say for example, 22-24 even with a 5-year-old assuming the MC is around 17 based on the description you had for Hiro.

Good luck with the production and planning for this game! Feel free to PM me if there is something in particular you would like to ask.

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Re: Single Father Story (working title) [Otome, Drama, GxB/G

#5 Post by MaxH »

Wow, thanks guys for the feedback! I really appreciate it, especially considering I only had a somewhat-messy summary along with the general character bios. I'm going to go ahead and respond to everyone in this message so that I don't clog the thread with multiple unnecessary postings:

I'm glad you like the concept! I, too, am quite fond of single dads -- hence, the whole reason I even came up with this plot, haha. It's true there seems to be a lack of 2D dateable single fathers, so I'm hoping to help fix that issue :) Right now I am currently in the midst of having Ryuu's character art developed, but Takashi will definitely be coming up next!

Oh, there will certainly be a lot of conflict involved! Particularly among Takashi and Ryuu since the two of them are such integral parts to the story, being so close to the protagonist, but Hiro (if the player so chooses to go down that route) is his own brand of Conflict and Resolution all by himself, haha. Hiro seems to be a favorite among the few folks that I've talked to more in depth about the characters, which I really hadn't expected at first, but I've been having such fun planning out and writing his route and potential endings. Also, thanks for the suggestion -- I'll definitely be adding Takashi's son to the character list, along with a general bio, which is something I should've done right from the beginning since he plays an important role throughout the story, regardless of the route the player so chooses to take. As for the age difference, Takashi is about mid-twenties (24 to 26); not an insane amount older than the protagonist, but certainly old enough to raise some concern among those close to her. I'll go ahead and add that info into his character bio as well.

I apologize for the premise being a bit tough to grasp. While I'm pretty good at writing, summarizing is definitely my weak point, haha. Makoto is involved in the single father's life in every route, though obviously more or less so depending on which romance route the player would choose to take; regardless, Makoto becomes almost like a stand-in mother for Takashi's son, who is somewhat of an integral plot device to the story. As for the characters seeming a bit stereotypical, there is still plenty to be tweaked and fixed up, and quite a few details were left out of their character bios because I didn't want to get too lengthy, but thank you for letting me know! Hopefully the characters will all shine more individually under the circumstances they're put into, and I can bring more life to them in the weeks to come. As for art, I definitely understand -- I am quite picky and put a lot of stock into art and style when it comes to the VNs I choose to purchase and read myself. I'll hopefully be able to post at least Ryuu's character art within the next few weeks; right now he's the first being worked on, and I only have a concept headshot design of him until then, which is not nearly enough -- but I'll go ahead and attach it regardless to give an idea of the style I'll be going for, character-wise.

Again, thanks everyone for the feedback! It means a lot to me to hear what you have to say as I traverse this strange, new world of creating a visual novel :)
Initial concept headshot for Ryuusuke
Initial concept headshot for Ryuusuke
RYUU.JPG (31.53 KiB) Viewed 1853 times

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Re: Single Father Story (working title) [Otome, Drama, GxB/G

#6 Post by LizardRobot »

Ha, Ryuu looks so much like you'd imagine based on his description! And Rin sounds absolutely adorable!

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Re: Single Father Story (working title) [Otome, Drama, GxB/G

#7 Post by aeri »

It's okay, summarizing a long timeline of events without it being really long is definitely difficult and still give you props for attempting! I definitely like details but yes, keeping a balance is important.

I understand the story premise better now and glad that there is variance between how involved Makoto is in each route. Your description of Ryuusuke is definitely on the mark with the concept picture! Thank you for including Rin in your story description and definitely looking forward to more progress on your game :)

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