
New here? Be sure to read these important posts, and then sign our guestbook.
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Re: Guestbook

#4546 Post by Donmai »

Welcome, guys. Nice art, johhans!
No, sorry! You must be mistaking me for someone else.
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Re: Guestbook

#4547 Post by PervyGames »

Thank you Donmai ^_^ Nice to meet you.

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Re: Guestbook

#4548 Post by sharkbait »

Name: Sharkbait
location: uk somewhere
found renpy playing a few games. Had an idea for my own game so learning renpy!! need an artist :)

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Re: Guestbook

#4549 Post by cloverdryad »

Name - Vee
Location - California

Hi everyone, I'm a UI/UX designer, and have been into gaming for long enough that you'd all likely think of me as old haha. I'm a fan of anime, manga, and love concept art and general concept development stuff.

Recently I've decided to dip into game development in my free time, and am currently digging around a lot online in forums like these. My goal is to create a VN or two to expand my skills and force me to draw/paint more, but also would love to collaborate on other projects that could use UI/UX/advertising etc. I'd be happy to share a bit of my resume with anyone who's curious, and the game's i've contributed to.

Cheers! :)

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Re: Guestbook

#4550 Post by Jain »

Name: Artalija
Location: New York, US
Website: N/A

Long-time lurker, been a fan of VN's for a while now, and decided to work on my own. 11k words in so far. This forum has been a wonderful resource of tips and discussions!

A Few of My Faves: Cupid, Aloners, The Royal Trap, Seven Kingdoms: The Princess Problem, Queen's Crown and The Lady's Choice.

See ya around!

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Re: Guestbook

#4551 Post by Azura »

Name: Azura
Location: North Carolina, US

I'm actually not new to Lemmasoft; I used to be around about 4-5 years ago. I worked on a few projects as a writer/musician before I ended up taking a break and closing my account. But the creative wind is blowing again, and after dabbling in other areas of game design (including RPG Maker whose forums some might know me from) I've found that visual novels really are my favorite ♥ It feels good to be back!

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Re: Guestbook

#4552 Post by PervyGames »

Glad you're back Azura. I'm sure the community will give you a warm welcome home ^_^

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Re: Guestbook

#4553 Post by loqutor »

Name: Hey, my name's Phil. New to making VNs.
Location: Rocky Mountains
Anything else: Don't really know what else I can put here. I'm rather low-maintenance, and I only ask questions I can't find the answer to myself, which is not too many.

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Re: Guestbook

#4554 Post by RayaneFLX »

Name: Rayane
Location: Brazil
Age: 22
Favourite Games: Muv Luv (o rly), also big fan of RPG Games with VN style. Best media ever.
Website: (Cause my fanpage is way better on content than my actual website).

Sooo, I am an artist and visual novel lover. Actually I don't have much content out there because I'm such a hermit, most are in secret folders on Google drive. Trying to be more social nowadays (Not that I'm socially awkward... Okay maybe a little.) and post my stuff for others to see.

Been dying to work on a VN. I've been using renpy for two years now, got the hang of it (I love it), I still plan to release a VN of my own one day. I can write, draw and compose music (there's not much content on my soundcloud though, but enough to testify my capabilities). Still, I'd love to work for real in the VN industry as an artist cause it would benefit my project's budget and also to give myself a name within it before I release my own work.

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Re: Guestbook

#4555 Post by ItsAPurpleThing »

Name: Violet (hence the purple thing)
Location: US
Age: 24
Favorite Games: I don't really have a FAVORITE FAVORITE but I got a long list of things I play when I get bored.

I'm new to a board like this but I have gotten the hang of coding with Renpy but only the easier stuff. I draw and write mostly. I plan to set up a website once I figure out how to get my second hand scanner/printer thing to work. I do plan on actually doing commission type stuff for people on here once that's done. Probably the wrong word for it but meh.

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Re: Guestbook

#4556 Post by Imperf3kt »

I guess now that I am using the forum quite often, that I should sign the guestbook.
I'm not a cookie-cutter though, so you'll have to forgive me for ignoring the format everyone else appears to have blandly followed.

I'm 26 and live in Australia. Currently I spend around 10 hours a day at my job, which I've been at since I was 16.
Because I'm somewhat good at time management, I always end up with a few minutes here and there which I use throughout the day to browse forums and read news that interests me.

During one particularly slow day in 2012, I randomly started writing a story. Before I realised it, I had written almost 10,000 words.
Reluctant to just delete this rather verbose product of boredom, I began restructuring it for use as a 3D animation, which was my interest / hobby at the time.
Nothing really came of this and I decided to continue writing it as a story.
Then, in early 2014, I stumbled across a 3D animation produced by a small team in America. I was somewhat creeped out by how eerily similar it was to my own creation, and this prompted me to rewrite my story.
In total, I made around six revisions before I realised I was going nowhere. So, I ditched my paranoid self and went back to the original script. Potential lawsuit be damned, I had timestamped Google docs backups as proof that I wrote my story before the aforementioned animation had been produced.

For propriety, I switched my focus from animation, to Visual Novel.
I started out using HTML5 and some javascript (which I had trouble understanding). I went looking for an easier solution, and stumbled across VN Canvas, which was essentially what I had been doing, but already built.
This was not ideal however, as differences between browsers proved to be a nightmare.

It was then that I discovered Ren'Py. Ren'Py was perfect as it required no 3rd party software to use. It also ran on Python, something I had been fiddling with for a few years, though never more than ultra simple stuff.

And so here I am today, around a year after joining the forums.
I hope to be of use to others, and have others be of use to me in return.

If you read all of that, congrats.
Warning: May contain trace amounts of gratuitous plot.
pro·gram·mer (noun) An organism capable of converting caffeine into code.

Current project: GGD Mentor


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Re: Guestbook

#4557 Post by FokkoChan »

:3... h0i!! my name is Fokko~
i live in NY :D
i dont have a website T_T
comments on lemmasoft: everything on here is like opening a new book since am really new to the program :D

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Re: Guestbook

#4558 Post by rinku726 »

Hi guys!!

My god. I just checked my profile and learned that I first registered here in 2009, had a single post and appeared to have subsequently died in college. After a shifting of course, change of university, first job in the game dev (outsourcing) industry and venturing in freelance illustration... here I (finally) am. XD

Thought it's only apt to reintroduce myself. I'm Paola, a freelance artist from the Philippines. Nice to meet you all :D
You can see my portfolio at (Carbonmade) and (Instagram)

I've always had my eyes on making a VN/KN, that's why I registered here back in the day. Now that I have more control of my time as a freelancer, I want to re-immerse myself into that possibility and just soak up info like a sponge, get jobs to get a groove of things. I missed going on forums (pre-FB era) and having that sense of community, especially with other creators. Restumbling upon the site seemed perfect. ♥

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Re: Guestbook

#4559 Post by milkteebaby »

Hi, nice to meet you all! My name is Fin and I am a professional author with multiple published titles, mostly in the urban fantasy/romance genre.

I am currently located in China, although I expect to be either moving to Korea/Japan/Taiwan by next year. I have long been a fan of romance sims, my favorites being Amnesia and Diabolik Lovers. Then I discovered Voltage when they released a pirate love-sim about five years ago and ditched my psp in favor for my phone. (A few years ago, I got super into Hakuouki and blew the dust off my PSP again)

I've been wanting to make my own VNs for quite some time now and I am currently learning to use Ren'py. I also draw and have subscriptions to several royalty-free music sites, so I'm hoping to release a demo sometime this year. I'd like to produce a commercial product in the future, but for now, I just want to have fun and write stories in a different way than I have for the past ten years.


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Re: Guestbook

#4560 Post by Zalor »

Hello, its nice to finally make an account here. 5 or 6 years ago I downloaded my first visual novel ever from here, a VN titled Memo. I have since become a huge fan of visual novels, and I am pretty active on another VN forum. For the most part, I have only been interested in reading VNs and sometimes analyzing them. However recently, I have developed an interest in making one of my own. Hence why I finally decided to make an account here.

My top 5 visual novels in no particular order are: 1) Swan Song, 2) Symphonic Rain, 3) Narcissu, 4) Sayonara wo Oshiete 5) Yume Miru Kusuri. Honorable Mentions: The one I am currently reading is really good and may make it into my top 5 once I finish it, Subarashiki Hibi.

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