[IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

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UPDATE 1/27/2020!

#346 Post by SweetChiel »

Gong Xi Fat Cai!
Happy late Chinese New Year, everyone! ^.^-
I wish you all a prosperous chinese new year~

I didn't get much done last week because the house was busy mopping the floor, changing the sheets, etc so it's hard for me to concentrate with all the noises ><;

For us, it's kinda like a tradition to clean the house and sleep with a new pajamas to welcome chinese new year. The next day, we'll wear new clothes/a new dress to gather with our big family! There, we'll have a feast and collect red envelopes OuO

Fun fact: The red envelopes are usually given to children/young adults who is not married yet or elderly who has retired.

Okay, I'll stop rambling here and tell you last week's progress x'D

- Made 2 new crowd with a simple walking back and forth animation using last week's new silhouettes~
- 1 new sub-background and a base for the Quest Board, which is optional for the story--this is where the new chibis will take place OuO)/
- 13 pages programmed in!


And this is how the Quest Board will look like: 


The texts are censored to avoid spoilers~

 I'm planning to start making the chibis this week and hopefully, nothing distracts me so I can program 30 pages every week! ><


Fun Facts:

1. Kahlil is allergic to broccoli and doesn't like to eat vegetables, except maybe a fruit juice ><

2. Have I told you that Arya hates mushroom with a passion? He can't stand the earthy flavor/smell and the chewy texture. He usually stays quiet and leave them on the plate. But if you ask his opinion, 'It's fucking gross' u.u

3. In contrary, Guntur loves mushroom. He is often confused why Arya leaves them on the plate, but eh, more for him *eats the leftovers, much to Arya's shock and disgust* Arya has an OCD, remember? x'D


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Re: [IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

#347 Post by SweetChiel »

Good morning, guys!
What's up? Yesterday was such a beautiful date, isn't it? 2-2-2020 x'D

I did lots of polishing last week~
Lines were made, deleted, rewritten, and 28 pages are programmed in!


I also did 2 versions of a sub-background, morning and afternoon for the marketplace. It's been a long time so here's a full preview of it ^.^


"Stalls lined the route but most of the vendors made use of their house's porch and openly spread or hang their wares for everyone to see."

I thought about making a new background, but it's a better idea to re-use this one background to show that the villagers are not too keen at chopping down trees. I mean, there are Dryads here and chopping a tree equals to a Dryad losing a home ><

I wasn't able to make any chibi sketches like I've planned tho...
I confess--there's a game I'm a bit addicted to :S
It's called Temtem, do you know/also play it? If so, you'll find me there grinding a lot x'D my IGN is Chiel if you want to add me as a friend.

I'm planning to heal my addiction this week! Wish me luck!


Fun Facts:

1. Speaking of games, all of our bachelors also played video games when they're young. Typical of boys, right? Kahlil likes to racing/JRPGs, Guntur likes fighting/football games, while Arya likes thinking games like Tetr*s/Ballist*c. However, Arya stopped playing ever since he became blind u.u

2.  Sometimes, Guntur learns new techniques from Tekk*n... or a wrestling/boxing TV show... Guess who became the victim? Kahlil.

3. On the other hand, Maya likes to play multiplayer games/board games. She looks forward to the day she can play with the twins the most ^.^-


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UPDATE 2/10/2020!

#348 Post by SweetChiel »

Hey, guys! What's up?
Last week was such a struggle as I fought my new addiction to a game called Temtem... but I think I prevailed?

1. I made 3 new chibi animations! They're simple but good enough to convey what I want ^.^ One of them will be shown below as today's sneak peek!

2. I made night versions for 2 of autumn's backgrounds! Most of my backgrounds are at daytime so if the script demands it, I'll need to make their night/afternoon versions ><

3. Programmed in 15 pages! Not as much as I'd like to, but not bad either?


On the other hand, I can't help but I hear that people are getting restless and wearing masks to avoid catching a new virus called Corona virus?

When I read an article about it originating from China, somehow, I'm not surprised.
I mean, they eat lots of unusual animals. Some are not supposed to be eaten and I find that the majority of the reason is because they 'want to experience life' or because it's a 'delicacy'? I found it unacceptable.

We eat because we're hungry and we're thankful for it. It's as simple as that. 
In dark days, we even eat bugs to survive. But when we have plenty food to eat, why the hell would you want to eat a peacock or a koala? Or shark fin when there are news about how they cruelly dump their bodies after cutting off their fins?

And as if that's not enough, I found out how they easily torture dogs or cooking them alive just because they have a belief the adrenaline will soften the meat. I was horrified. 

And then I saw paranoid people who is afraid of Corona virus are pushing their dogs/cats off their balcony, making them fall to their deaths...

I say, Karma is real, guys. You're getting what you deserved =_=;
I might be bias since I'm a dog lover, but hell, now I understand why humans are really the most frightening creature of all.

However, on a lighter note... I also see people risking their lives saving koalas from that huge forest fire incident. *sigh* one side of the world is so different from the other side, eh?

Okay, I'll stop rambling here ^^;
I'm really sorry for the text wall. It's just that, I can't help but to speak my mind whenever I see news involving animals like this one...

Here's hoping for a productive week for us all!
But don't forget to take care of yourself and take plenty of reset, okay? ^.^



P.S. I'll take a day off from fun facts~


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Re: [IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

#349 Post by Moon20 »

I like you now since you love animals like me and I like what you are saying about animals and I agree with you.
I hate people so are killing cats and dogs for no reason at all.
I'm dog lover myself and I love cats.
I have 2 cats and my parents have a dog so I love very much.

I love take their dog for a walk from time to time.

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Re: [IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

#350 Post by SweetChiel »

Moon20 wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 11:05 am I like you now since you love animals like me and I like what you are saying about animals and I agree with you.
I hate people so are killing cats and dogs for no reason at all.
I'm dog lover myself and I love cats.
I have 2 cats and my parents have a dog so I love very much.

I love take their dog for a walk from time to time.
Hi, Moon20!
Thanks for dropping by and yes, I also love dogs and cats <3
I have 2 dogs named Kiara and Juno--and I can't imagine how people could be so cruel to these angels...

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Re: [IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

#351 Post by Moon20 »

Kira and Juno it's beautiful name for a dog.
My parents dog name are Mira.
I can't imagine people can be cruel to these angels myself.

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Re: [IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

#352 Post by SweetChiel »

Moon20 wrote: Mon Feb 17, 2020 5:29 am Kira and Juno it's beautiful name for a dog.
My parents dog name are Mira.
I can't imagine people can be cruel to these angels myself.
Thanks! Your dog's name is also beautiful ^.^-
Also, thank you for dropping by and commenting <3

Last edited by SweetChiel on Sun Feb 23, 2020 9:39 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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UPDATE 2/24/2020!

#353 Post by SweetChiel »

Morning, guys~
What's up? I did a lot of things yesterday!


- Made autumn versions of the working chibis! (3) I've programmed them in + debugging.
- Small adjustments here and there for the villagers' silhouettes and bachelors' side image on textbox!
- Programmed in Bulletin Board!
- Made afternoon versions for 2 of autumn's backgrounds!
- Last but not least, programmed in 26 pages + the usual polishing!


Not bad, right? ^.^-
I worked hard, praise me~ *asking for a headpat!*


There's this one silly moment though; one morning, I checked the screens section on Ren'Py and almost had a heart attack when I thought some of my programming disappeared overnight... turns out that I confused the screen names x_x;

Everything is fine! *wipes the sweat on my forehead*

In any case, I'm in a good mood today so there's going to be a chibi animation sneak peek involving mushrooms for my $5 patrons and up on Patreon~

I hope you guys had an awesome week!
Here's hoping for another productive week! 


Fun Facts:

1. Guntur rarely gets sick. 

2. Due to sitting in front of a laptop for a long period of time, Arya has a weak body but his wolf form is very strong!

3. In the group, Kahlil is the one who sleeps the most. He's often seen hugging his own tail to sleep.


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UPDATE 3/2/2020!

#354 Post by SweetChiel »

Hey, guys! What's up?

I had one heck of a week! Lots of programming and heavy polishing!
I never had a problem of having too much scenes until now lol... 


I'm proud to announce I got 43 pages programmed in!
There are CGs to be made, but I'm skipping them for now >< gotta get more references and finish programming the scenes first!

I also made 1 new item icon


It's a sweet gift, which Maya will receive from a particular scene ;)
Romance is slow at the start, but flowers will bloom in the Autumn Village!

I hope you guys had a great week!
Cheers for productivity!


P.S. I got lots of headpats from last week's post! >///< so happy!

Fun Facts:

1. Arya is the type of person who will always want to stay 1 step above you when taking an escalator... because it's one of the rare moments where he can 'look down' on people lol.

2. When young, Kahlil is like that kid next door who never fails to watch his favourite cartoon on a specific time.

3. Meanwhile, Guntur is like our mom who packs our lunch to school... and he'll get angry if you forgot/lose the tupperware x'D

*I don't know about you, but in my country, moms usually pack lunches in a tupperware and as a child, we share one same experience; our moms get really angry when we lose/forget about bringing back the tupperware lols*



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UPDATE 3/9/2020!

#355 Post by SweetChiel »

Morning, guys!
How did your week go? Mine was... a combination of productive and hectic.

My proofreaders! It's been hard on you! QuQ
Really now, I'm a bit embarassed when I read my old script ><; some scenes didn't even make sense so I had to do some serious polishing and fixing. The result is:


- 65 pages programmed in. Take this with a grain of salt.
- I told you last week that I have a problem of too many scenes, right? Well, after a long and hard thinking for days, for now I've decided; 1 scene is removed, 2 scenes are combined into one, and 1 new scene will be written.

This is not final, mind you!
Chapter 4 part 1 programming is only at day 16 so there are still quite a lot of scenes to be programmed in... when I get back and re-read it, I might change it again until I'm satisfied with it.

So far, I'm struggling with the story pacing.
Sometimes I question myself x_x like, from scene A to scene B, is it too fast? Do we need to add more days in between? Is scene C needed? What about the night and day transition? Is it too repetitive? etc, etc...

So many things to consider and my mood is like:


lol, but seriously, the main story is progressing a bit fast here--especially when you're in Kahlil's route. Expect lots of CGs ;)

As for Guntur's and Arya's fans, don't worry, they'll follow real soon at the winter area (Chapter 4 part 2).

Okay, I'll stop here before I start rambling x'D
I think I need to clear my head a bit before I give Chapter 4 part 1 another look, so... I'm taking a day off~

In any case, I hope you guys had a great week!
Take care! Things are a bit noisy here. Corona virus had just gotten into my country. There are some panic buying, but I'm pretty chill with it.

Cheers for another week of productivity!


Fun Facts:

- When Kahlil's tail gets wet, it can take up to 3 days for it to dry. Wet fur is no joke!

- Raw eggs for muscle growth? No thanks, Guntur doesn't like to eat raw food of any kind.

- Arya doesn't mention his preferences much, but he prefers sour and spicy food than salty or sweet food


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UPDATE 3/16/2020!

#356 Post by SweetChiel »

UPDATE 3/16/2020!
Morning, guys! What's up?
Wherever you are, I hope all of you are in good health ><
Corona virus has officially entered my country and the government is trying to find ways to counter & contain it. I'm lucky that I work at home, but for those who needs to work at an office, please take care, hydrate yourself, and wash your hands often~

Now then, without another delay, let's see what I did last week! ^.^


- 55 pages programmed in! Again, take this with a grain of salt.
- 1 small event is moved to Chapter 4 part 2 and 2 small events are deleted. I deleted them because they're not related to the main story and there are more important things to focus on.

For example:

In Chapter 4 part 1, you will finally get to see the first flash back of the bachelors' past life memory! That is, if you're in Kahlil's route ^.^


I censored the title to avoid spoiler x'D
...On second thought, I need to re-draw the fox's lineart. I thought it's a good idea to make it a bit blurry but I think it'll be better with a clean lineart? But yeah, I'm going to make many simple illustrations for the flash back. It'll be like you're reading a children storybook :3

We're more than halfway done with Chapter 4 part 1, but there are still 2 big events to program, 1 which will branch into 3 different scenes depending which route you're in!

You'll find many CGs too, much to my chagrin ><; After I'm done with the programming, the CGs and storybook illustrations will take time, so... I hope you can bear with me as I slowly make my way per picture :'D

Stay healthy, guys!


Fun Facts:

- One day, Arya would like to try building a ship in a bottle.

- In Kahlil's opinion, bean bags are the greatest invention of humanity. Just sink into it and you'll fell like you're sleeping on a cloud.

- In Guntur's opinion, a bean bag is a recipe for back pains. Not everyone is compatible with it.


For everyone who is wondering why Guntur's fun facts often collides with Kahlil's, it's because they're roommates x'D


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UPDATE 3/23/2020!

#357 Post by SweetChiel »

Hey, guys! What's up?
I hope you guys are in good health~

Over here, the corona infected numbers are escalating at a scary pace. The main problem is that most of our population needs to go out to work or they can't eat. I don't know how the government can solve this--but the reality is our currency is inflating a lot these past few weeks. Check, the exchange rate of USD to rupiah, you'll know what I mean ^^;

Anyways! Let's see what I did last week!


- 26 pages programmed in. We're finally entering our first branching big event! After this, there's another big event where cameos from Winged Ones will appear~

- I forgot to tell you this last week, but Kahlil has a lot of new expressions! Due to his ears and tail, Kahlil is particularly rich in expressing himself!

- Created 2 new item icons + 1 variation.

- Created 1 big sub-background! This one was difficult! I'm so glad it's done! Here's a little sneak peek:


For my $5 tier and up patrons on Patreon, I'll post a full preview of the background ^.^- 
But beware! This background contains spoiler about what big event happened in the Autumn Village (it's quite easy to guess), so look at your own risk ><

Phew, that's it for now.
I think I'll take some rest before I jump into programming again... I need to prepare myself--the upcoming scene involves many sprites and simple animations ^^; 

Take care and see you guys next week!


Fun Fact:

- Now, Kahlil takes a long time to wear pants/jeans. Inserting a tail into a hole is a serious business!

- Guntur stocks a lot of canned food at home. He said it's for emergency purposes.

- Arya hates being sick. He can't think, he can't work--hell, he can't even get up from his bed.


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UPDATE 3/30/2020!

#358 Post by SweetChiel »

Morning, guys!
How did your week go? Mine is so-so >< there's some bad and good news.

The bad news is that the corona virus has entered my province. I was a bit surprised but I guess it's kinda expected? People are still going to work and trains/buses are always packed in the morning.

The good news is that no one seems to be infected in my neighborhood ^.^ I also heard that Japan has developed a cure called Avigan? I don't know whether it's a rumor or not, but the governor said he had bought 2 million pills from Japan...

In any case! In this times of need and worry, I'd like to thank you guys for your continuous support!

Be it those who brings me energy through their comments or those who had bought the game through itch.io or steam, thank you so much! I'd like to offer my gratitude and special thanks for my patrons on Patreon though. They are literally paying my bills and keeping my belly full *bows* m(_ _)m

*coughs with an awkward smile*

Now without further ado, here's what I did last week besides the usual polishing!


- 21 pages programmed in! I slowed down because we've entered the scenes with many simple animations and sprites :'D There are at least 4-5 sprites in one scene, which I doubt will last more than five minutes lol. The time I spent arranging them is longer than the actual scene--even when I already cheated a little x'D

- A robe for Maya's side sprite & 1 new silhouette. Maya will wear this robe until the end of a big scene. There's going to me another robe for Winter area and each bachelors will also get one! New look, guys!

- 2 new night versions of the autumn forest + 1 new sub-background with 1 variation! This sub-background is pretty simple, not hard at all ^.^

It's been a long time since I show you guys a background sneak peek, right?
Here you go~

Is it too dark? o.o;
This is what I imagine being the woods with only moonlight as natural light source.

Okay, that's it for now!
Take care and stay healthy, guys!


Fun Fact:

- Guntur loves spicy food. There's a period of time where he brought a bottle of chili sauce everywhere he went lol.

- Kahlil loves honey but it's a different story if that honey got stuck on his tail.

- Arya doesn't like to work out so imagine his pleasant surprise when he transformed.


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UPDATE 4/6/2020!

#359 Post by SweetChiel »

Hey, guys! I hope all of you are in great health~
Things are so-so over here... well, except for the weather ><
One moment it was as hot as the Sahara Desert and the next it'll suddenly rain... it's really uncomfortable!

Without further ado, here's what I did last week!


- 26 pages programmed in! Kahlil's first branching event is finally done! Right now, I'm in the middle of programming Guntur's branch. This should be easier ^.^ the last one to program would be Arya's branch.

- New expressions for Kahlil and Guntur~ I feel a little bad for Arya. He's wearing a mask so he doesn't have a lot of expressions ><;

Other than above, I went back and forth a lot these days to polish the script~

I'm having a bad case of stomachache though, so I'll get some rest until this thing is cured x_x maybe it's constipation or smth *cough* don't worry, it's not anything serious.

See you again next week!


Fun Fact:

- Arya is not a morning person. Prepare a cup of coffee in advance to avoid disaster ><

- For Guntur, breakfast is a must! He can't start the day without at least a bowl of hot rice, scrambled eggs, and bacon.

- On the other hand, Kahlil usually doesn't have any appetite in the morning. He'll start the day with a glass of milk and nothing else until lunch (well, maybe some sweets in between).


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UPDATE 4/13/2020!

#360 Post by SweetChiel »

Morning, guys! I hope all of you are well ^.^~
Things are going as usual over here... except that the weather is getting very hot! There are sporadic rain here and there, but even then, it's still hot u.u;

Oh and... in two months, it'll be exactly 3 years since the indiegogo campaign started! Time flies, doesn't it?

Thinking about all of you who have been here from the start makes my heart warm and fuzzy >///< I can't say enough how much I appreciate your support... I mean, I'm a solo game dev-slash-artist with a slow progressing pace compared to the others, but here you are, still accompanying me through good and bad...


In any case, I hope to continue working hard with you all! 
I'll stop here before I start rambling and get too emotional Q///Q

So here's what I did last week~


- 43 pages are programmed in! Guntur's branch is done and I'm currently programming Arya's branch ^.^ It's short compared to the other two, but another big scene will follow right away before the end of our Autumn Arc!

- Of course, I'm still polishing Bermuda's overall scenes as usual~ there's this one scene that I need to polish, just a bit more until I'm satisfied with it ><

- More expressions for Guntur and 1 minor cut-in icon added to the game, credits to Kahlil's mischievous behaviour in the big event.

Here's a little sneak peek about what the villagers think about the big event~


Of course, I won't tell you what the big event is x'D
Also, check out the new Centauress & female Satyr silhouettes!

I hope you guys like today's update, because that's it for now and see you guys next week!


Fun Fact:

- Arya and Guntur are light sleepers. They wake up at the slightest sound.

- In contrary, Kahlil is the type who won't wake up even if there's an earthquake or fire...

- Guntur doesn't understand technology. Well, he likes to watch TV but ask him about computer and he'll draw a blank.


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P.S. my stomatchache is all better now!

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