Lamplost Idea

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Lamplost Idea

#1 Post by upsilon07 »

Hello everyone! So I've had this idea for a distinct visual novel for about a year now, but never really had the time and also since it's not a main priority, but a hobby.

The working title of my visual novel is Lamplost. It's about a young maiden named Crema, who is tasked to find and activate the Eight Lamphouses to return. Each lamphouse has a specific set of system in activating the lamp and is guarded by a creature. In the concept art, you can see another entity, who is known as Crisne. Crisne is a invisible entity sent by a _____ to accompany Crema in her journey in activating the eight lamphouses.

Lamplost will incorporate puzzles in the gameplay. There may also be riddles. But the aspect of my visual novel that I am most excited for is the design of the lamphouses. I'm planning to exert effort in the appearance of the lamphouses and the puzzle system that goes with it in order to activate it.

I wanted to share this with all of you, because I want to know if you think my story is sufficient for a successful visual novel (at least based on the concept art itself). I'll be dropping a demo soon.

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Re: Lamplost Idea

#2 Post by Zelan »

Depending on how much emphasis there is on story vs puzzles, you might be better off marketing it as a puzzle game rather than a VN. Either way, this sounds like a really cool concept even with limited information. I'm looking forward to seeing your progress! ^_^

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Re: Lamplost Idea

#3 Post by MarkusLappalainen »

What Zelan said is a good point worth considering. Also, based on the art you shared here, you have a rather distinct idea of the visual style and design. You have a chance to make something really eye catching so play that your advantage and make it really good. No half measures! ;)
Have a happy day! 8)
- Markus Lappalainen, composer & music consultant
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Re: Lamplost Idea

#4 Post by upsilon07 »

Thank you for the comments! About the VN's focus on story and/or puzzles, I want to focus on both, but it may seem challenging. As Lamplost progresses, Crema will meet other characters who inhabit the lamphouses. As for the style, I'm glad you noticed its distinct style, as I want to deviate from the overall look of VNs today. :)

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Re: Lamplost Idea

#5 Post by upsilon07 »

More concept art that I drew last summer (I think). I was planning on using circular shapes instead of straight, thin lines, but I'm still deciding. :o
Lamplost startup.png

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Re: Lamplost Idea

#6 Post by MarkusLappalainen »

Even better!!!!!! How much you have of the story thought out? Just the main idea or have you had a chance to flesh things out?
Have a happy day! 8)
- Markus Lappalainen, composer & music consultant
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Re: Lamplost Idea

#7 Post by upsilon07 »

The story's not that clear and finalized yet, but I do have at least drafts illustrating the demo and the first two chapters. I know how and why the story starts, and I've been writing backstories for the lamphouses and how they connect with the protagonist. :)

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Re: Lamplost Idea

#8 Post by MarkusLappalainen »

Well, write the ending – or endings. That way you have a direction. The rest is just filling the gaps basically! I use this method when I plan or write music even. Promise you! Makes life so much easier when you know where you are headed! :D

Anyhow, I am looking forward to the WIP thread! Also, if you need someone to talk music and sound (maybe even write and design them for you), don’t hesitate to drop a line my way. Would be my pleasure!

Oh, and for heaven’s sakes, don’t try to do EVERYTHING on your own! Games and VNs like theatre and film, are an collaborative art form ^_^
Have a happy day! 8)
- Markus Lappalainen, composer & music consultant
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Re: Lamplost Idea

#9 Post by upsilon07 »

I'll take that tip! I actually had an ending in mind before, but since I was busy with other stuff, I forgot. I'll make sure to PM you when if I need help with defining the music of my VN! :)

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Re: Lamplost Idea

#10 Post by upsilon07 »

Hello everyone!

This project has not been updated for so long, because of school work and because I have been developing an interactive fiction/choice game called The Hailsmith. I'm trying to test different media where I can tell my stories, which led to my discovery of interactive fiction. Consequently, I wanted to try out one of my stories with the said medium and at first, I had Lamplost in mind, but I originally planned this project to include art (a visual novel) and thus, I figured that turning it into an interactive fiction will require heavy changes. I also figured that starting from scratch is easier because I don't have to change anything. It is what it is.

For now, I'll be putting this project under hiatus, but surely, I'll return to it once I am done with The Hailsmith and if no overlapping projects occur. Thank you so much for all those who commented on the concept art of Lamplost! See you all again!


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