[IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

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Completed: Nusantara: Legend of the Winged Ones
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UPDATE 25/4/2022!

#496 Post by SweetChiel »

Morning, guys!
How did your week go? I've made some good progress with Bermuda, but I gotta say, it was not easy :'D

So here's how it goes; the sun was shining, the birds were singing, everything was going well until... I accidentally updated my MacOS.
What could be so bad about it, you ask? Well, I suddenly cannot mount my external hard disk, which contains Bermuda's main folder and I cannot do programming without it. It's kinda hard to explain, but let me try:

So all these years, my HDD format is NTFS, I usually use Tuxera NTFS to mount it. After updating my MacOS, I also updated my Tuxera NTFS but all of a sudden, I cannot mount my HDD. Apparently, Tuxera NTFS's error "Disc Quota Exceeded" is a common one that appeared in their latest update and the solution they posted didn't work for me. This is a problem, because I can only do programming in MacOS. Whenever I tried to do programming with Windows, there are weird symbols in the script, which I do not dare to touch (in case I accidentally corrupt it). Some people said it might be related to a font error, but I do not know how to solve it.

After calling my friend, who is more familiar with HDD format & MacOS, I've managed to copy Bermuda's main folder into his HDD. I've just found out that exFAT format is friendly with both MacOS & Windows ^^; We also encountered other minor problems, like my MacOS refusing to open Ren'Py unless I put the whole folder in the 'Application' folder--but overall, the problem is solved!

I'm backing up Bermuda's data often so there's no need to worry as long as I can continue with programming~

In any case, here's what I did last week!


- I spent most of my time polishing & programming Chapter 2 part 2! I've made a lot of changes, especially Maya's sentences and how she carried them. I've skimmed through the Antagonist's Route and while the early chapters are a bit rough and sometimes a long shot (I'm pretty sure a lot of you will have something to say x'D), Chapter 3 and the rest are good to go! Much better and smoother than Chapter 2.

- Made 1 bonus CG for chapter 2! (Progress: rough lineart).
Sometimes, a picture is worth 1000 words or more. Like I said last week, I'm having some problem with expressing my Antagonist, especially in the early chapters... For now, this is the best solution I can think of. I will strive to be a better author. I might be unable to polish Chapter 2 to perfection for now, but I will definitely come back again and again >:)

Some of you are confused why the puzzle minigame's background is black, so I've decided to show you a sneak peek about the environment where you'll assemble the puzzle (can be considered a small spoiler, but no harm~)


Welp, that's it for now! Thank you as always for your patience and for reading the update ^///^
Here's hoping you had a great week, and for those who is fasting, I wish you the best of luck!


P.S. I've included a few screenshot for you to look, maybe you can help me solve the problem with my original HDD not mounting & my Windows showing weird symbols whenever I open Jedit? (Ren'Py editor I'm using) ^^; if not, it's also okay, I can do programming now with the Ren'Py in the 'Application' folder, I only need to backup more often!



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UPDATE 2/5/2022!

#497 Post by SweetChiel »

Hi, guys! What's up?
I'm really sorry for the late update ^^; I was finishing up Chapter 2's Bonus CG and I kinda forgot about time...

First thing first, Happy Eid Mubarak 2022 for those who celebrates it!
May your prayers be fulfilled and I hope you're safe with your whole family <3

I also would like to thank Amberbaum for trying to help me with my laptop's NTFS error & Jedit throwing weird symbols at me~ *bows*
​I've tried going to a computer service store, but the error persists and I think I'll have to ask someone more professional (who knows more about Jedit/python maybe?) to take look at it. But for now, I'll have to make do with what I have~
In any case, Bermuda's programming progress is doing as good as usual~


- 24 pages are programmed in!​ Take it with a grain of salt, because I'm planning to make more scenes with the Antagonist's POV!

- Finished Chapter 2's Bonus CG & Polished some CGs! ​I'm really happy with how the latest CG turned out~ \(-^.^-)/ *happy dance*​

For this week, I'll take my time meditating on the Antagonist's scenes. I'll polish them and I want to write new short scenes, which I will insert between Chapter 3 and 4. (Thanks for the wonderful suggestion, Tathalia!)
Welp, that's it for now and see you guys next week!
Don't forget to rest well, don't skip your meals, and don't forget to sometimes pat yourself in the back for doing good work ^///^


Q&A session part 60! If you have something to ask the bachelors! Please don't hesitate and type away! ^.^)/

​1. What scares you the most?

​Kahlil: "Ghosts, zombies, vampires--and don't even ask me to watch a horror movie! It's not happening!"

Arya: "A corrupted file or God forbid--if I have to fucking format my laptop, I'll fucking explode."

​Guntur: "...If you must know, one of my nightmares involves a rat wearing a chef's hat. Don't ask."

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UPDATE 9/5/2022!

#498 Post by SweetChiel »

​Good afternoon, guys! How did your week go?
Mine was filled with polishing & making new short scenes :'D


The short summary would be I've programmed in 19 pages last week--but it's much more than that!
Like I said, I made new short scenes for the Antagonist. I also revised the daily events, polishing the sentences and made changes using the world map function. To make your experience less repetitive, Chapter 3 will have a small difference; sometimes, you'll encounter two ​events instead of one after clicking the daily chores minigame (hunt/wash/make fire) -^.^- It's not much, but I hope it'll contribute to the story and your experience <3

Chapter 3 has the potential to be better, so I'll continue to polish it! After all, the major event is the turning point for the Antagonist so I need to do my best >:3

Other than that, I'm going to have a big meeting with my family & my fiance's this week. It involves the chinese ceremony preparation. I pray the elders will not change their mind again and complicate things x'D

Welp, I guess that's it for now! Cheers for another productive week!
Here's hoping you're all safe and sound no matter where you are OuO)/



Q&A session part 61! If you have something to ask the bachelors! Please don't hesitate and type away! ^.^)/

1. Tell us something we don't know (can be about someone else, but preferably about you).

Guntur: "Okay, let's be honest here; if I meet you in real life, I would probably scare you."
Kahlil: "Really? I wasn't scared of you though, you look nice!"

​Guntur: "That's because you're used to dealing with shady people--I'm not just talking about your family, so it makes me wonder how you managed to stay innocent..."

Kahlil: "Easy! I'm always a child at heart!"

Arya: "You know that you'll have to grow up sooner or later, right?"

​Kahlil: "Not if I can help it!"

​Kahlil: "Anyways, we're getting off-track. Hmm... something you don't know?"

Kahlil: "Oh! I know! Do you know why Hell'A Kitty doesn't have a mouth? Because they speak from the heart!"

Arya& Guntur: (.........Of course it's about Hell'A Kitty.)

Kahlil: "Your turn, Arya!"

Arya: "...Kahlil is the most innocent person I have ever known in my fucking life, and my father is a priest."


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UPDATE 5/16/2022!

#499 Post by SweetChiel »

​Morning, guys! What's up?
I was super busy last week and I'm afraid I didn't get to do a lot of programming :'D


- Programmed in 10 pages! ​In the middle of the fighting scene & next puzzle minigame! I also did some polishing as usual~

I know it's not much, I can explain Q_Q

So, my wedding is next month--how time flies, eh?--and with it, my wedding organizer is becoming more active, reminding me constantly about the schedule, what items still needed/added into the list for the wedding ceremony, chinese dowry ceremony, etc... it was a mess x'D

I thought we had it all in control but oh boy, I got too relaxed and forgot a few things on the list :'D
My fiance and I are also preparing to re-new our civil registry and taking care other legal documents; such as family registry, updating our identification card, etc... a wedding involves a lot of these things and I'm having a headache because there are copies of documents we need to prepare in advance ><;

With that said, I do apologize that the progress is a bit slow m(_ _)m *bows
​Don't worry though! No matter how busy I get, I'll always write updates every Monday as usual! I can only hope you still have some patience left to spare ><;

Stay safe and I hope to see you again~


Q&A session part 62! If you have something to ask the bachelors! Please don't hesitate and type away! ^.^)/

1. If dared, would you wear a big foofy dress? -- by: Tathalia

Arya: "Are you fucking just asked me to dress in drag?!"

Guntur: "Arya, chill. It's a dare."

Kahlil: "Yeah, you don't have to do it if you don't want to."

Arya: "Don't fucking test me. I know where this is going."

Kahlil: "What? Do you have something against a big foofy dress?"

Arya: "You're only saying that because you can nail the look! Damn you and your androgynous face!"

Guntur: "Who said so? I can also--"

Arya: "--NO! Spare my eyes! Please, don't blind me again when I've just regained them!"

Big, foofy dress: 1, Arya: 0

Guntur & Kahlil didn't seem to mind the dare lol

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UPDATE 23/5/2022!

#500 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hey, guys!
Sorry for the late update--I've just returned from the civil registry office with my fiance >_<
The legal documents are progressing well! All that's left is to copy our marriage certificate later + upload our legal documents to the civil registry office's website~

On the other hand, the chinese dowry ceremony is coming and things are heating up over here lol.
Personal events aside, Bermuda's programming & polishing of Chapter 3 are also doing well!


- 18 pages programmed in! ​I've finished the battle scene but the excitement is not over yet! The end of Chapter 3 is filled with action and the CG involved will be a difficult one--I still need to do some research about what pose/perspective is best to use (there will be 3 people in the CG with dynamic poses + 3 varieties planned, so I need to plan it well).

- 2nd Minigame is done! ​The programming went well & I've finished making the images needed for it~

- Made 1 new side character sillhouette + 2 new items

​- I'm also pleased with last week's polishing result ^///^

I will be quite busy for the next few days though; there's another family meeting, finishing touches on my wedding gown + Cheongsam for my chinese dowry ceremony... you get the gist x'D

Hopefully, I'll be able to finish programming Chapter 3 this week because I want to focus on the CG~
I'm both excited and scared. I can write action scenes, but I'm not that good at drawing dynamic poses/anatomy, so... Lord have mercy 😂​​

Wish me luck!



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UPDATE 30/5/2022!

#501 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi, guys! What's up?
I hope you had a great week because I was really productive last week & happy with the result ^///^
So without further ado!


- Chapter 3's programming is DONE!
​After a lot of struggling towards the end, I'm really happy with the result ^///^ I may come back to polish it some more, but it should be good on its own <3

- Made 2 new sprite version for Maya & the Antagonist! ​I also programmed new expressions for the Antagonist's side image.

- Finished sketching 1 CG! ​There are 2 major events happening at the end of Chapter 3. Both of them will have a CG and the anatomy/pose involved is quite difficult so I'm taking my time with them ><

The good news is I managed to find a new way to show you the CG sneak peek with little spoiler:

Say hello to your new bestfriend; mosaic! 🤣
It's not much, but you may ponder/fill in the blank about what the major event is all about lol

​For my $5 patrons on Patreon, keep an eye out for this week's bonus; CG sketch progress (.gif)!
Spoilers are involved so viewer discretion is advised~

​My Chinese Dowry Ceremony starts at June 6th, so I'm planning to focus on slowly making Chapter 3's CGs this week. Hopefully, everything will go smoothly and without any problems/obstructions :'3



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UPDATE 6/6/2022!

#502 Post by SweetChiel »

Hey, guys! What's up?
I'm sorry for the late reply~ I've just returned from my Chinese Dowry Ceremony >///< (If you're interested to see how I look like with the elders, the photo is attached below--I'm really happy with it since the photo reminds me of my fave chinese movie; Kungfu Hustle 😂)

Meanwhile the CGs progress for Chapter 3 are going well!
I even added a bonus for you ^///^

- 1 Chibi bonus CG is done & applied! (The moving one)


- 2 CGs are at 75%!
Basic coloring is done, onto the shading + last touch stage~
1 of the CGs has 2 variations & I'm really pleased with how the pose/anatomy turned out ^///^

For my $5 patrons on Patreon, keep an eye out for the full preview of the sneak peek~

- The usual polishing is also doing great! I keep surprising myself for finding new ways to improve the plot/character conversation 😂

Welp, I think that's it for now? I'm still going to focus on the CGs this week, but I need to take some rest today :'3
My hair is all stiff because of hairspray + pins, my ears hurt because the earrings are heavy, and my feet is sore ^^;

As always, thank you for reading! I hope all of you are healthy and had an awesome week -^.^)/



Bonus Pic:



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UPDATE 13/6/2022!

#503 Post by SweetChiel »

​Morning, guys! What's up?
The big day is almost here! I'm posting the update early today because I'm going to be busy :'3

The good news is I'm done with Chapter 3's CGs! \(-^o^-)/
- The first CG was smooth-sailing thanks to Tawni, who helped giving me advice!
Remember last week's sneak peek? Maya's worried expression? Here's another clue what the CG is all about:


For my $5 patrons on patreon, keep an eye out for the full preview!

- The other CG is something though. I revised it a lot x'D
I mean, there's version A, B, C but then I went with version D lol. I suppose, staying simple and focused on one thing is better than using blur too much or if the result isn't as good as I imagined ^^; I'm really pleased with the result, but I'll keep an eye on it in case I change my mind/I'll adjust the light and shadow OuO)b

Last but not least--my wedding is on June 18th, so I'd like to take some time off please~ *bows
Hopefully, I can settle down on my new home next week and yup, I'm staying with my husband and the mother-in-law's family so wish me luck x'D

Welp, that's it for now! I'm off to bathe my doggos and preparing miscellaneous things for my wedding~
As always, thanks for dropping by and I hope you guys are doing awesome no matter where you are ^///^
Stay safe and don't skip your meals!



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UPDATE 6/20/2022! Face Reveal?

#504 Post by SweetChiel »

​​Hi, guys! What's up?
I've finally settled down a bit from the festivity and I'm really astounded by the amount of support/love/blessings I've received these days >///<

Before writing this post, I considered to censor my face since... I don't know, I'm happy with our current relationship and I don't want to destroy what image you have about me, but then again, you guys have been sticking with me for years. ​Therefore, I think it's safe to say I want to be even more transparent with you all ^///^

So without further ado, here I go!
I was really nervous, like, I couldn't really sleep in my hotel back then and ended up only 'resting' my eyes until 2AM where I'm supposed to wake up and wait for my make up artist to arrive. I was in a daze for a while then, it hadn't sunk in until I see my mother fully dressed and it was my turn to wear my gown.

Then, the photo session began. Here's one of them with my cousins:


My mother took it x'D
There are lots of photos but I won't get them for 2-3 months until the photographer is finished retouching them all.

Anyways, it was a long happy day for me. We took lots of photos, went through many chinese wedding ceremonies (Like kneeling/bowing to the ancestors shrine, or Teppai, a ​tea ceremony where I bow to my husband's family elders and offer them tea. They'll give me red envelopes/gold in return to welcome me into the family).

​While I smiled and laughed a lot, I also... cried a lot :'D
Especially when it was time for the church wedding ceremony where we pay respect to our parents... I also cried during the following reception when it was time for my husband to bow and do Teppai for my deceased elders (I'm really close with them, so... I'm always sad whenever I'm reminded of the dead QuQ)

But overall, it was a happy event and one of the elders is 97 years old!


My husband said there will be a big, BIG celebration for his 100th birthday, so let's all wish him health for years to come <3

For those who are interested to see more photos of my wedding, you can add me on my facebook: Cecilia Sabrina Susanto. ​It's also fine if you want to stalk me lol I still owe you a visual novel x'D

So yeah, I think I'm good now. I still have lots of personal items to pack and unpack in my new house, but I think I can start doing some programming on Saturday & Sunday--just in case, let me apologize in advance if I ended up doing less than you expected or if the progress is becoming slower because I'm going to help around the house now that I'm a wife and I'm sure my mother-in-law will keep an eye on me or keep me busy Q_Q
But no matter what, I will always write a report on Monday! ​

I hope I can provide you with more reassurance--if you have any questions, feel free to comment below and I'll do my best to answer them!
I'm always happy to see you read my post and while I'm not the fastest I hope to do my best for you ><

That's it for now and I hope all of you are in good health!
Don't skip your meals, drink lots, and stay safe everyone~!


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UPDATE 27/6/2022!

#505 Post by SweetChiel »

​Good evening, guys!
What's up? How did your week go?

I was as busy as a bee, literally x'D
There was so many things to do; packing and unpacking, helping around the house, getting taught by my mother-in-law about taking notes/reading sales notes (my husband's parents are running a building material store). It's a bit funny because I hated math since primary school but here I am, tackling math again with a calculator in hand 😂 Surprisingly, it's not as hard as I remembered, and since my husband and I are aiming to succeed the store one day and let them retire, we have to work hard >:3
Fortunately, I can still use the weekends to focus on Bermuda! ​And honestly? I've never been so quick with my hands before x'D


- 23 pages are programmed in on top of the usual polishing~
​Maybe because I got affected with the lively atmosphere? I'm filled with more energy than usual and I'm grateful for that ^///^

There are still many things to do though. I'm not quite finished settling down in my new house and I have to re-new my identification card, re-new my civil registration, make a new family card with my husband, etc... you get the gist >_<

Still, I'll do my best with Bermuda!
Do tell me if I begin to slack off and I'll whip myself into shape x'D
Other than that, I will write the weekly update in the evenings now since I'll be busy during the day~

​Welp, that's it for now. Thanks for reading as usual and I hope all of you are in good health!
Don't skip your meals, drink lots, and cheers to another productive week!



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UPDATE 7/4/2022!

#506 Post by SweetChiel »

Hi guys! What's up?
I'm writing my weekly update early today because I've finished my job and my mother-in-law is not home so no one is supervising me~ \(=>u<=)/

I'm still in the adaptation phase but work is going well!
I'm learning many new things, baby steps, in hopes of helping my mother-in-law's workload. It's not too difficult but the one thing I'm still trying to get used to is waking up early 😂 So my husband and I usually go to sleep around 11PM or midnight, while he's fine with sleeping around 7 hours, I'm struggling because I'm used to sleeping around 10 hours or more lol. And while he can take a nap, I can't because I'm not used to taking a nap :'3

Other than that, everyday is a new day and Bermuda's progress is looking good!


- 20 pages are programmed in! I'm really happy with last week's progress because the polishing is doing great things to the plot ^///^
Unexpectedly, I was able to think of new, quality sentences without much trouble and I think it did wonders to some events OuO)b more polishing is coming up though!

- Chapter 3's CGs are programmed in & I fixed a small mistake involving resolution/size ^^; Fortunately, the mistake is not big and I noticed it early!

- New expressions are also programmed in, especially for the Antagonist and his sidekick! I'm preparing to make new close up expressions ><

How about you guys? Did something exciting/happy happen last week?
Wherever you are, I hope you're okay and thank you for sparing some time to read my weekly updates ^///^
Take care and see you again next week!


P.S. I'm late to the party, but recently, I've downloaded Final Fantasy XIV and I really enjoy playing it :'3
I can relax and slowly play my way through it, so it's a good match for my current situation.


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UPDATE 7/11/2022!

#507 Post by SweetChiel »

Hi guys! What's up?
I was really busy last week~​

Work is going well, too well actually x'D
I'm entering a phase where there are lots of datas waiting for me to sort out with Microsoft Excel and print them in a tidy manner. You'll be surprised how much is going on in a building material store ^^;

Item prices are changing every month and my mother-in-law wanted me to make a list with a computer instead of having to hand-write it every time. It'll be easier to update the prices that way and much more efficient! There are hundreds of items I need to type in and sort out so I need to be careful. It's quite mentally taxing >_<

Anyways, Bermuda's progress is also going well~


- 18 pages are programmed in! ​Along with the polishing, I'd say I did a good job ^///^

- Added the Bulletin Board small quests into the story. ​I actually forgot to add them into Chapter 4's script >_<; ​There are small differences compared to the other bachelors' routes!

- Tinkered with the Antagonist's Close Up sprites!

Work is tough, but whenever I think about all of you waiting for Bermuda, I always managed to get some of my energy back :'3
It hasn't been easy but I think smiling and acting positive helps a lot with the adapting phase \(-^.^-)/

That's it for now and see you again next week!
Have dinner and rest up!



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UPDATE 18/7/2022!

#508 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi, guys! What's up?
Sorry for the late update, I've just returned from a double date with my husband and our friends (soon bride-to-be & groom-to-be~)
Things are still as peaceful as ever, I'm still having some troubles adjusting my body clock, but other than getting sleepy at times, there's nothing hindering me from work. I'm eating well and getting enough exercise every day, so yup! Life is good! ~(^.^)~

Now without further ado, here's last week's progress:


- Exactly 20 pages got programmed in!
Bermuda's story have come to a part where I think it needs more polishing, or even some re-writing? I'm not quite sure, the more I re-read it, the more I'm sure it needs something to change. Welp, the characters usually will guide me through it, so I'll leave them to it x'D

​- More minor adjustments to the antagonist's expression.

- Fixed the status screen--I forgot to make new item descriptions that will only be used in the antagonist's route ^^;

- Still looking for CG refs!

With that said, I gotta go now because it's 11PM and I still need to take a bathe + wash my clothes!
The update today is shorter than I want it to, but if you have any questions regarding Bermuda or my other project, Winged Ones, please feel free to comment below >_<



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UPDATE 25/7/2022!

#509 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi, guys! What's up?
I got a bit of a scare last week because one of my co-workers got covid :'D

Covid is scary these days--it has mutated to the point where it can hide itself in your lungs and usually, there's no symptoms other than your chest hurting (Or maybe it's different from one person to another?). I've tested myself and fortunately, it came out negative.

I'm mostly worried about my husband and father-in-law because they're at the store front... While we are equipped with glass dividers, they're lazy when it comes to wearing their masks :/ Honestly, men can be stubborn at times. My mother-in-law's nagging also didn't work. I wonder if it's because both of their zodiac sign is Goat? They said Goat people are hard-headed, loud, and likes to jump all over the place (socializing). Most of it is true since my husband is an extrovert, but boy, he can be stubborn. The more I tell him, the more he don't want to :S

At this point, I can only pray that our immune system is strong enough to fight covid. If not... well, we know where it comes from 😂

Okay, I'll stop rambling and tell you about last week's progress~
- ​20 pages are programmed in! ​The polishing can be a little bit better, but I'm satisfied for now :'3

- Currently, I'm looking for pose references for Chapter 4's CG! There's only 1 or 2, so I better make it good enough to balance it >:D

- Fixed a minor bug involving antagonist's close up sprite.

Welp, that's it for now I guess.
Last but not least, I hope you guys are doing well no matter where you are ^///^
Wear your mask, drink lots, and don't skip your meals! See you again next time~


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UPDATE 1/8/2022!

#510 Post by SweetChiel »

​Good afternoon, guys! What's up?
I... wish to confess; I didn't make as much progress as I wanted last week ^^;

*prepares a helmet* ​​​​Now, before you throw those tomatoes, hear me out!
So a new Digimon game came out a few days ago, it's called Digimon Survive. I wasn't planning to play, I only wanted to watch the walkthrough--but then I discovered that the game is practically 70-80% visual novel. It has been a long time since I played a proper VN so I made the mistake of playing it... and it was the best mistake I ever made \(TuT)/

I won't spoil you but for those who likes Digimon and VN, it's like I've discovered gold. I haven't finished the first playthrough but so far, the plot was adventurous, mysterious, and with a good amount of dark spice. If someone likes dark fantasy, I'd recommend Digimon Survive all the way. It has been a long time since something inspired me, so... yeah... I got carried away.


- 11 pages got programmed in! ​Currently, I'm in the middle of preparing the third puzzle minigame. It involves new silhouette sprites (around 2-4) so I better prepare my pen tablet.

- Still looking for CG refs! I'm still trying to find a unique pose or at least something that will make you remember it.

- Polished Chapter 4's important event, the one right before the third puzzle minigame! I'm very happy with the result ^///^

Once again, let me apologize for not meeting the weekly quota Q_Q
I will do my best to finish playing Digimon Survive ASAP! I can't let go of this game now that I've sink my teeth into it.
Last but not least, I hope all of you are doing great and healthy!
Don't skip your meals and drink lots of water~


P.S. Did you hear the news? Apparently, my country's government, Indonesia, have decided to block Paypal =_=;
I think I will be okay since I can still access it via proxy links, like facebook/instagram, but if there's a problem, I will immediately give you more info!

Support me on:

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SweetChiel
or buy me a Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/sweetchiel

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