[CLOSED][PAID]Writer to write cyberpunk storylines

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[CLOSED][PAID]Writer to write cyberpunk storylines

#1 Post by Heartwriter »

As things stand, we have received sufficient quality responses that we're no longer currently looking.

Our team is looking for a writer for a cyberpunk card game that will be distributed both as a physical and digital product.

What we offer

We've got good connections in brick and mortar board games with multiple successful internationally published games. This is a good opportunity to broaden your portfolio and also get your name out there. We offer payment per word, or revenue share, or per project, as you prefer.


What we're looking for

We are looking for someone that can evoke mystery and a deeper world with economical usage of words. We like to take creative chances, so creativity and new ideas are very welcome.

Scope: 1500 words in 3 months

This is open for both experienced writers as newcomers. Please provide portfolio of previous work.

If you do not have a portfolio yet, please contact us and we have a 5 minute writing assignment to assess quality of writing.

Game background

Each player manages a cutthroat corporation with its own strengths and weaknesses. How will you use your agents? Eliminate the competition? Use sabotage, murder, or simply improve the value of the stocks of your mars colonies by crashing the moon into the earth? Or will you secretly support a revolution where all debt is expunged and the world is reborn where we are all equal? At least, our bank accounts, anyways.

There are many paths to explore and each time you play a new layer gets uncovered.


Contact us

Email: heartwriter@vechtscene.nl
Discord: Heartwriter#1106

Or send a private message here.

As things stand, we have received sufficient quality responses that we're no longer currently looking.

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