A timer that would work and after leaving the project

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A timer that would work and after leaving the project

#1 Post by Andredron »

Sorry for my terrible English!
Good afternoon. Made a timer that works even if the user does not sign in the project. Тhe information was taken from here https://python-scripts.com/datetime-time-python Here is the code:

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init python:
    import datetime

label splashscreen:
    scene black
    if not persistent.my_time:
        $ persistent.my_time = datetime.datetime.today()
        $ a = datetime.datetime.today()
        $ delta = a - persistent.my_time
        $ seconds = delta.total_seconds()
        $ hours = seconds // 3600
        centered "It's been [seconds] seconds since the previous pressing."
screen test_scr():
    textbutton "Press!" action SetField(persistent, "my_time", datetime.datetime.today()) align(0.5, 0.05)

# The game starts here.
label start:
    show screen test_scr
    e "You've created a new Ren'Py game."
    e "Once you add a story, pictures, and music, you can release it to the world!"
Here the check is made during startup of the game (in the splashscreen ). It remains only not to forget to store the new value into persistent variables before closing the game...
Last edited by Andredron on Thu Jan 25, 2018 5:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A timer that would work and after leaving the project

#2 Post by PyTom »

Here's my version of it.

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init python:
    import time

default persistent.last_time = time.time()
default persistent.money = 10

define MONEY_PER_SECOND = 100 / 3600.0 # 100 per hour.

init python:

    class CashIn(Action):
        def __call__(self):
            now = time.time()

            if now < persistent.last_time:

            change = (now - persistent.last_time) * MONEY_PER_SECOND

            persistent.money += change
            persistent.last_time = now

            renpy.show_screen("got_money", change=change, total=persistent.money )

screen got_money(change, total):

    modal True

        xalign 0.5
        yalign 0.5

        text "You just got [change:.2f] moneys. You have [total:.2f] moneys total."

        null height 20

        textbutton "Cool." action Hide("got_money")

screen cash_button():

        text "Wallet: [persistent.money:.2f] money."
        textbutton "Cash In" action CashIn()

label start:

    screen black

    show screen cash_button

    "You can click the button to cash in now."

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Timer with online check

#4 Post by Andredron »

author 7dots


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a timer on renpy that checks time over the internet
init python:
    import requests
    import datetime
    # get current datetime from site
    def get_worldtime():
        res = None
            # get data from worldtimeapi.org
            data = requests.get('http://worldtimeapi.org/api/timezone/Etc/UTC').json()["datetime"]
            # convert string to datetime format
            res = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(data)
        except requests.RequestException as e:
            renpy.notify("Something wrong: " + str(e))
        return res
    # using sample
    def check_time():
        world_now = get_worldtime().timestamp()
        now = datetime.utcnow().timestamp()
        # do what you want
        # ***
        dt = now - world_now
label start:
    # test
    # $ check_time()
    # $ t = get_worldtime()
    # "[t]"
        now = datetime.utcnow().timestamp()
        world_now = get_worldtime().timestamp()
        dt = now - world_now
    $ xxx = str(dt)
    "No pause: [xxx]"
        now = datetime.utcnow().timestamp()
        world_now = get_worldtime().timestamp()
        dt = now - world_now
    $ xxx = str(dt)
    "With pause: [xxx]"

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