Hiring an Editor

Questions, skill improvement, and respectful critique involving game writing.
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Re: Hiring an Editor

#16 Post by Sapphi »

Thanks for the helpful reply, Shadow!
Shadow wrote:It's kinda amusing to see people wanting to be an editor. Don't do it if you want to live comfortably, guys! You put in way more work than you get paid for. It's a job of passion!

Well, I want to be an artist, so I've already said goodbye to any dreams of living comfortably :lol:
Shadow wrote:While this can amount to at least $500 for 50,000 words, keep in mind you'd be getting an extremely in-depth look to your work and they'll be reading it multiple times to ensure things are well polished.
Makes sense - to my way of thinking, if I'm not willing to at least pay $500 for a thorough editing job on a novel, what the heck am I wasting time writing it for? Then again, I am a perfectionist. :P
"It is [the writer's] privilege to help man endure by lifting his heart,
by reminding him of the courage and honor and hope and pride
and compassion and pity and sacrifice which have been the glory of his past."
— William Faulkner

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