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Re: Frozen Essence: V.2 uploaded

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 4:21 am
by miji
veela wrote:I loooooove this game.... the premise and story are so creative and the characters are great. Lovely art & music!

The only problem is that the first time I played I got the light water path ending and now all the other endings don't seem as good. XD Haha --- if I try another path, I end up feeling like I'm cheating on poor
I was crying my eyes out while I was playing out his story. D; (Also, holy hell - the dark water path ending isn't so bad in my opinion..... *__*;)
LMAO! I got the light water ending first as well and felt EXCATLY the same way XD
Especially when I chose to save Caius the second time around and you see young Zareh and he pretty much tells you to go with Caius now...felt so guilty XD NOOOOO ZAREH! I TAKE IT BACK!!! haha

Re: Frozen Essence: V.2 uploaded

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 1:25 pm
by Aileo
Absolutely love this game!

I was aiming for Caius the first time I played and would getting on the water path ending.

When the
oracle turned out to be Zareh and from the organization I was like o_O
but then I played through the endings and I was like oh this isnt so bad. Then when I actually did manage to get Caius I was sad because I thought it paled in comparison.

While I am on the subject of endings I played through the fire light path and I have to tell you this is one of my favorite endings. I thought it was highly appropriate for the pair to have a friendly relationship given the circumstances of that branch of the plot. It would have been really weird to me
for him to harbor such hatred for her at first and then after seeing his partner who I think he was in loved with killed for him to suddenly fall in love with her.
I think it was totally in character.

Re: Frozen Essence: V.2 uploaded

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 2:38 pm
by hiariuchiha555
um... because i'm such a chicken(XD) I can't bring myself to try a dark ending.... so I was just wondering.... are the dark endings bad? like, do they die/leave you in them?

Re: Frozen Essence: V.2 uploaded

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:36 pm
by VenusEclipse
To Aileo
Yes, I really wanted him to be in character. It's nice to know that people appreciate that his ending is not
To hiariuchiha555.
The answer is some. Some endings are just dark, and some dark endings are just bad endings.
The people's favorite dark ending so far is the Water's dark, so you may like it too :twisted:

And I'm glad the rest of you enjoyed it. ^_^

Re: Frozen Essence: V.2 uploaded

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:43 am
by hiariuchiha555
What about Caius' dark ending??? xD that's the one i'm debating about whether i should play it or not....

Re: Frozen Essence: V.2 uploaded

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 3:42 pm
by Stargirl18
When is you gona be finished whit script and Editing :?:

From Stargirl18 :)

Re: Frozen Essence: V.2 uploaded

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 2:24 pm
by emihaumut
Hey, any chance you will release/already released (and I missed it) an OST for this game? I find myself constantly opening up the game just to listen to the music, and it'd be nice if I could just load it into iTunes. :)

Re: Frozen Essence: V.2 uploaded

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 3:53 pm
by Cain0425
so do you know when the new death endings are going to be in the game?

Re: Frozen Essence: V.2 uploaded

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 9:48 pm
by VenusEclipse
The editing is taking a while but we're near home stretch. I took a few weeks break too so things are a bit slow. I can't really estimate the date for the new version but other than the extra endings, there really isn't that many extra. It's mostly just cleaning whatever's simple, cleaning up the writing, and adding a few extra endings. I wish I could redo the art but it'll take too much time. :lol:

For the music, I'll see what to do. Err, I don't want to upload an incomplete OST but I'll upload some of them soon. :)
Why would it be incomplete? I haven't been in contact with the other musician yet so I can't just upload her music without her permission. :mrgreen:

Re: Frozen Essence: V.2 uploaded

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:45 pm
by Cain0425
and your icon pic is it from one of your new games?

Re: Frozen Essence: V.2 uploaded

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 4:55 pm
by Elenakiara
A few extra endings? x3 Ohohoho! <3 Will they be for other character paths? :O

Re: Frozen Essence: V.2 uploaded

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 10:06 pm
by VenusEclipse
@ Elena: Just endings, not paths. XD A new path will kill me. Just to make sure I'm clear and I'm not giving the wrong ideas with new character paths (in which I feel bad for giving the wrong impressions), it's about 2000 words. 500 words per ending.

@Cain: Yes. =)

Re: Frozen Essence: V.2 uploaded

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 8:29 am
by Elenakiara
Oups! xDD Sorry for misunderstanding! D: I think that the others understood it better though, so no worries! xDD I'll enjoy anything new in the game at all! ;)

Re: Frozen Essence: V.2 uploaded

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 10:38 pm
by Xizurin
Water ending was the best. ^-^

Re: Frozen Essence: V.2 uploaded

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 12:08 pm
by PervertPrince
I got the water ending first time round which is strange because I never get the secret character the first time I play a game XD
I've gotten all the endings except for Rune's (which I'm working on right now) and I have to say Zareh and Caius' endings were my favourites. With Zarian's ending I was a bit conflicted.
I was a little disapointed that it was only a friendship type ending and not a romance but, then again, after all they've been through, I just can't see them falling for each other. After all, she did kill his partner even if it wasn't intentional and he did try to seal her. So, yeah, I'm both upset and happy it didn't end in romance...if that even makes sense ^^"