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Re: School's Out! GxB / GxG

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 4:42 pm
by RabbitDoubt
All I have to say is...


Re: School's Out! GxB / GxG

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 12:27 am
by Chansel
Another very short update:
The amazing artist miyoyan has just joined the team!
Now things are really starting to get along C:


Re: School's Out! GxB / GxG

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 8:11 pm
by Elemental-Butterfly
sakuya looks awesome , detailed art! ^_^

Re: School's Out! GxB / GxG

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:58 am
by Chansel
Just finished redesigning the whole GUI to match the main menu now. Pff, that sure took some time >.<
Anyway, I’d like your honest feedback on it. Tell me what you like, what you don’t like, what could be improved and how, or if it’s a lost cause and I should start over (God I hope not).

Re: School's Out! GxB / GxG

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:36 am
by Elemental-Butterfly
Chansel wrote:Just finished redesigning the whole GUI to match the main menu now. Pff, that sure took some time >.<
Anyway, I’d like your honest feedback on it. Tell me what you like, what you don’t like, what could be improved and how, or if it’s a lost cause and I should start over (God I hope not).
Loos so cool! *-* how did you design the menu thing?

Re: School's Out! GxB / GxG

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:12 am
by Chansel
Loos so cool! *-* how did you design the menu thing?
Thanks :) I’m really glad you like it.
And I’m guessing you mean the main menu? (technically, their ALL menu’s ^^”) Well, that was the work of the awesome Aleema. All I did was edit the colors and fill in the pictures with my characters and backgrounds and make those buttons. Then I used it as my inspiration to create the rest of the interface :)
Anyway, if you want a detailed description as to how the Main menu was made... I’m afraid I can only tell you how the buttons were made and how to crop pictures >.> If you want the full story, you’ll have to ask the great Aleema ;)

Re: School's Out! GxB / GxG

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 2:19 am
by Aleema
I like your UI much better than anything I would've done.
But I'm still -_-

Re: School's Out! GxB / GxG

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 7:10 am
by chensterrain
That looks ridiculously awesome. :D I love it! (plus, I'm a sucker for the whole 'college' look anyway, hoho). Definitely looking forward to this game!

Plus, I know it's only a placeholder image, but good on Kimiko for turning up to school in her underwear, dress codes be damned. :D

Re: School's Out! GxB / GxG

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:17 pm
by Chansel
I like your UI much better than anything I would've done.
I doubt it (that it’s better than something you could’ve done, I mean). Especially since I used RockRobin and Seraphine’s UI’s as two of my three examples and inspirations >.>
That, and I couldn’t have possibly done it without your awesome Main Menu design. Give yourself some credit, girl!
I’m really glad you like it though. I mean, your designs are all top notch so it means a lot to me that you like it :3
That looks ridiculously awesome. I love it! (plus, I'm a sucker for the whole 'college' look anyway, hoho). Definitely looking forward to this game!

Plus, I know it's only a placeholder image, but good on Kimiko for turning up to school in her underwear, dress codes be damned.
Really? I mean, wow. Thanks! I actually used your LRR UI as my third example and inspiration source C: So it’s really great for me to hear that you like it =D
And lol on Kimiko in her underwear XD It’s the sketch of the actual sprite I’m eventually going to use though. So that’s why I slapped it on there.

Man, I can’t believe the two game makers I truly admire are the first to respond. And that you two actually find it good looking O.O

Re: School's Out! GxB / GxG

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:38 pm
by kybale
can't Wait To play this!!! D: when is the demo gonna be out QQ?

Re: School's Out! GxB / GxG

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 6:09 pm
by Starling
AH! Your UI is so awesome, I love it. I also really like how you did the save/load/menu/quit buttons on the side. Sparse but easy to figure out and they fit perfectly next to the textbox :D

You make me want to go and finish the rest of my UI... Good luck with the rest of it!

Re: School's Out! GxB / GxG

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 9:04 am
by Riviera
I agree with Starling, the UI is bangin'.

Although.. that shot of the MC in the bikini.. her left boob almost looks like it's.. kinda floating? That's just the impression I'm getting..

Re: School's Out! GxB / GxG

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 10:33 pm
by Sakura02
Aww the guys look yummy ^_^. i love how each of them has a personal quote too.

Re: School's Out! GxB / GxG

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 5:05 am
by Chansel
can't Wait To play this!!! D: when is the demo gonna be out QQ?
Yes, well.. I’ve been asked before and answered before. And I think I said ‘in about a month’ twice now... And it’s been three months or so since then ^^”?
Anyway, to answer your question: I’m no longer going to say when the demo is going to be out. Because I’m obviously incapable of estimating the amount of time and work it’ll take to finish it >.< Once it’s really, REALLY close to completion though, I’ll give everyone a heads up.
AH! Your UI is so awesome, I love it. I also really like how you did the save/load/menu/quit buttons on the side. Sparse but easy to figure out and they fit perfectly next to the textbox
Thanks :) Funny story about the buttons though. Because I completely forgot all about them while designing the textbox XD Then when I had that done it suddenly hit me: buttons :O!! So I kinda had to cram them in there somewhere. And the only place I had some space left was at the side. Though it was nowhere near enough to have buttons with text. Sooo, thus the images ^^”
In the end it actually worked out pretty well. Especially considering it was an afterthought XD
I agree with Starling, the UI is bangin'.

Although.. that shot of the MC in the bikini.. her left boob almost looks like it's.. kinda floating? That's just the impression I'm getting..
Thank you ^^ And uhm, floating? Hmm.. Maybe that’s because there’s some sketchy lines beneath her bra? Because now that you mention it, I kinda see it too. Rest assured though, there are no floating boobies in her final line-art :)
Aww the guys look yummy ^_^. i love how each of them has a personal quote too.
We’ve got the great EriDaiho’s drawing skills to thank for the yummy-ness ;) I take credits for the quotes though >:-)

Re: School's Out! GxB / GxG

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 1:31 am
by afu
Its been so long since I checked back here but its great seeing so much progress on your game - the interface looks amazing! Keep up the great work! ^^