Words Within Our Hearts [GXB VN] *UPDATED: 12/28/11*

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Projects: Words Within Our Hearts, Papercut [NanoReno 2013]
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Words Within Our Hearts [GXB VN] *UPDATED: 12/28/11*

#1 Post by Cidz »

Words Within Our Hearts.

WWOH is a slice-of-life reverse harem otome game. That's loosely based on the anime blog (and bloggers) of CSW. It originally came to me one day when I was talking to Jubbz about wanting to make an otome game but not sure what about, thats when he suggested to make one based on the blog he runs (i also blog for it as well lol) since it mostly contains guys (im not kidding up until a few months ago i was pretty much the only female out of what 7-10 guys? T_T) so i thought well hey thatll be fun! a great way to bishie-fy these guys for lolz and also a fun way for people to loosely get to know the bloggers.

Don't worry you dont have to be familar with that blog to play this game. It's just a little behind the scenes history of it lol.

Summary: Words without Our Hearts is an Otome game featuring 11 possible Love interests. The game takes place in a unnamed town, where the MC used to live in. She lived in a previous bigger city but ended up moving back to her hometown in the beginning of her 2nd year of high school. There, she reunites with her 2 childhood friends Mia and Minna and begin a new year at Cheshire State Westford Academy.

She has no special talents or hobbies, so when it’s time to go looking for a club to join, she really isn’t sure if she should join a club at all, but with a bit of convincing from her friends, she decides to check out the CSW journalism club. Upon arriving to the club room after school, what she saw is not what she expected. Instead she saw what appeared to be a… detention center for delinquents… People weren’t really doing any work and there was a guy that appeared to be grabbing his head in frustration and yelling at everyone.

Turns out, the club is in a terrible mess to the point where the club will be shut down in six months. Jeremy, the leader however, does NOT want this to happen. He has been raising this club since he first attended high school (now in his 3rd year). Sadly, due to tragic events last year, the club somehow suffered a major setback and hasn't been able to recover ever since. Jeremy however, is determined to get the club out of the slump and regain its former glory before he graduates.

Will you be able to help Jeremy and the crew get back on their feet? Will you be able to even find a new romance along the way? Will you be able to figure out what was the tragedy that caused such an calamity amongst the club and its members? Or will everything crumble, shutting down the club for good?



** Jubbz **

Name: Jeremy Zaccheo
Age: 17. 3rd Year.
Looks: Dark-skinned. 5ft10 155lbs. His hair is a short, curly Afro, but usually can’t be seen because he hides it under his hat which he wears at all times. He has more than one hat to match his outfit. Whenever he becomes embarrassed he often uses his hat to cover his blushing face.In his school uniform, he never buttons up the blazer, and wears the sleeves up to his elbows.
Likes: Baking, Aiming for number one, Mystery novels, eating fried chicken, and giving people nicknames.
Dislikes: Tsundere behavior in anime, laziness, people who disrespect his crew, Stephen hitting on him.
Club Role: President of the CSW Journalism club.
Type: Hot-headed, Tsundere.

Personality: The hot-headed tsundere leader of CSW. He has anger problems, prone to yell, and just wants to make the club the best it is like it once was in the beginning. He wasn't always like this, as he was once a cheerful young guy who simply wanted to have fun; that is until one dark and fateful day when a very tragic incident occurred, causing not only him, but the club to take a nosedive. Could you help Jeremy this year bring not only the club back its former glory, but help get over his past as well? You will have to show that she truly cares about him and help him get through his problems in order to win his love and become a better man.

Misc. : Childhood friends with Alice Stanfield and lives next door to her. He also likes to bake cookies for the club, but only when he’s in a good mood.

** Martin **

Name. Mr. Martin
Age: 26 Years old. Teacher
Looks: 6ft7 215lbs. Has shaggy brown hair and a goatee. Wears reading glasses sometimes.
Likes: Magical Girls, Helping his students, and Playing the saxophone.
Dislikes: Late homework, unruly students, and wasted potential
Club Role: He is the club adviser.
Type: Teacher

Personality: Mr. Martin is your homeroom math teacher. He’s laid-back but also does not like slackers nor late assignments. He enjoys helping his students and teaching. He’s very passionate about his subject. However, because he is a bachelor he at times get a bit lonely. At first he thinks of you only as a student, but over time by doing little things like cooking for him, showing an interest in teaching, and especially the saxophone, he might slowly be won over by you.

Misc: he plays the saxophone and has pictures of saxophone players hanging on his classroom wall. His favorite character is Angel from Angel beats.

** Chapperz **

Name: Kitsu “Kit-tan” Madaki
Age: 16. 2nd year.
Looks: Medium sized shaggy hair and closed kitsune eyes that he only opens when talking seriously. He also smiles most of the time, usually forming into a grin when talking, though can be indifferent when his eyes are open. Like sort’ve like Walker but with dark brown hair that’s shaggy. His casual outfit is a plaid shirt like this, dark blue jeans, and a dog-tag necklace
Likes: Making others laugh, a light atmosphere, tea, traps, cats.
Dislikes: Taking things too seriously, rain, loneliness

Club Role: Writing Parody/Snarky column in CSW, likes to poke fun at things.
Type: Trickster

Personality: A laid-back guy and goofy guy. Nothing much phases him but he does like playing tricks on people. He doesn’t do anything that will intentionally cause harm, just silly things like shaking someones hand when he is holding gum. Around people he likes to say and do things that would make other’s uncomfortable (akin to a male fujoshi). However he is beginning to think that maybe he should take things more serious. Could you help him show that there is more to life than tricks and games? Will he want to settle down with you after all? Or will he continue to be aloof and silly never really accomplishing much?

Misc: He would like to be a voice actor someday.

** CCK **

Name: Chris Ciel King
Age: 15. 1st year.
Looks: Blonde hair. blue eyes, 5ft1 115 lbs. He dresses very cleanly even when outside of school, sporting a blazer, white button-up shirt, and black slacks.
Likes: Women, reading, and hanging out with his friends.
Dislikes: Family problems, having to live away from his sister, and homework.
club Role: Writes the romance advice column.
Type: Shouta Prince.

Personality: A shouta with a flirtatious personality. due to that he seems to have a flock of women around him, his own personal harem. Usually cheerful very outgoing and silly. However it seems that he usually uses his womanizing to hide his true feelings. Is he perhaps not as happy as he seems? Is there more to him that meets the eye? You will not take him serious at first, but after hearing about his current problems and what is really going on, you begins to start seeing him in another light.

Misc: Has an older sister, Evangeline.

** Megz **

Name: Megan “Megiddo” Miles
Age: 17. 3rd year.
Looks: Has medium length hair to his neck, wears glasses. 5ft10 135lbs.
Likes: Computers and being alone.
Dislikes: People. especially stupid people, which, really is most people according to him.
Club Role: Deals with anything related to computers, and is the one who typesets and designs the newspaper, making it ready for print.
Type: Cold-hearted, elitist smart type.

Personality: shy and introverted but also cold. He’s blunt and doesn’t care much for another person’s well-being. He’d much rather be around computers than people. However in reality, he’s cold and distant because of how he was raised. His family was never a very close family, coming from a family that owns a computer company, his parents were busy making software to really shower him with affection. Because of that, he became somewhat cold and introverted. However thanks to the you taking an interest in computers (which is something he actually LOVES and no one else seems to give a damn about) he begins to wonder maybe people aren’t so bad after all, and slowly starts to warm up to you. Megan wont be an easy guy to win over due to his cold nature and may not be very likeable at first, but give him time; he’ll slowly start warming up if you show him enough interest.

Misc: knows a ton of useless information.

** Justice **

Name: Justin Evans
Age; 19. 3rd year (he got held back)
Looks: Messy Hair, not like he combs it much.
Likes: Napping and Lolis.
Dislikes: Having to stay awake for long, doing any work. school.
Club Role: Nothing really, sometimes he helps out Victor.
Type: Lazy/Chaotic Neutral

Personality: Very lazy, likes taking naps. He is often seeing lying on the couch sleeping. He’s been held back twice already. He's too lazy to graduate, kinda likes sleeping on the couch most of the day. He usually does whatever he wants, whenever he wants. He usually gets hit on by Victor, but doesn’t seem to mind too much. He also has weird perverted tendencies, such as using blue stripped panties as a mask when he’s asleep, and jolts from sleeping whenever lolis are mentioned. This guy, you can probably win him, lets just say itll be a fun experience. It would be easy if maybe you were a loli or also like lolis. I suggest coming to school wearing blue stripped panties and “accidentally tripping” in front of him.

Misc: Sometimes prone to nose bleeds whenever he sees a loli or panty shots.

** MDogg/DKS **

Name: Mason Takahashi
Age: 17. 3rd year.
Looks: 6ft4 175lbs. Muscular yet Lean, very tall. Athletic build. Has black somewhat short hair, that sticks out a bit (kind of like he just got out of the shower) Likes dressing in sports casual attire when not in school.
Likes: Basketball and Martial Arts.
Dislikes: Talking a lot and loud people.
Club Role: Writes the sports column.
Type: Stoic Athletic Type.

Personality: A man of few words but believes that speaking with actions is more efficient. Because of his tall and quiet nature he may come off as stand-offish but give him time little by little he will start doing little things, to show his affection. Also despite his quiet nature, still likes to surprise you with a few wonderful romantic gestures, don't underestimate this quiet guy. What he lacks in words he more then makes up for with his actions.

Misc: His family runs a doujo. He is next in line to inherit, because of this, his dad is rather strict with him.

** Spiral **

Name: Avu Unchou
Age: 16. 2nd year
Looks: 5ft8 138lbs. Black short hair and green eyes.
Likes: gaining information and giving it out.
Dislikes: dealing with certain people to gain information
Club Role: The information broker
Type: The seemingly normal type.

Personality: He gets decent grades and doesn’t seem to get into a lot of trouble. However he has a certain… mysterious air around him. He seems to know a wealth of information about everyone but no one really knows little to nothing about him. Where does he get his info anyway? Is he dealing in shady business? Is he really as normal as he seems? Is he getting in over his head with gaining such information? You will have to help him realize that maybe he should be more cautious about the information he gains before it’s too late. Perhaps through some digging and investigating of her own, she can find out more about him and more about what he does as well. Hopefully she’ll have enough to information of her own to help him when he gets into trouble.

Misc: Seems to know everything about everyone, may be more to this guy then meets the eye.

** Sense **

Name: Stephen Stone
Age: 16. 2nd year
Looks: Kind of messy looking, doesn’t look like a bum but has rugged hair.
Likes: reading and being alone. Also MC.
Dislikes: People bothering him.
Club Role: Book reviews.
Type: Introverted and clingy.

Personality: Stephen can be a nice, kind person to those who talk with him and are close friends of his. He is fairly easy to talk to and rarely shows any signs of anger. However, it would be recommended not to get on his bad side, as he is not someone that anyone would want to see upset, granted if they don’t want that to be the last thing they see.

Misc: Likes hitting on Jeremy sometimes just to get under his skin.

** Dreams **

Name: Victor Dremseer
Age: 16. 2nd year.
Looks: Kind of punky/goth looking. Likes wearing a few bracelets or chokers. sometimes dies his hair black/red
Likes: Justin, playing guitar, and singing random songs.
Dislikes: Anyone hitting on Justin! and also doing much work.
Club Role: Writes the music column.
Type: Musician, ho-yay type.

Personality: Victor likes spending his time hanging around Justin, who is his close friend, and at times have to wonder if Victor wishes they were more than friends. Likes writing songs and playing guitar. Not the best vocalist so doesn’t like to sing much. Sometimes makes up random silly songs or love songs (about Justin) However despite his silly ho-yay ways towards Justin he still seems to of taken a liking to you. Especially when you start singing some of his lyrics, could you and Victor make sweet music? Or will he just continue trying to make sweet music with Justin?

Misc: He’s been best friends with Justin for awhile and very close to him.

** Adrian ** (extra character)

Name: Adrian
Age: 19. Graduated last year.
Looks: Ambiguous (unsure gender) Has blonde long shaggy hair, wears glasses, and a hoodie.
Likes: Video games and comic books.
Dislikes: Frily cute girly things.
Club Role: None, they joined the club when they attended last year but has since graduated.
Type: Gamer?

Personality: Is nice and outgoing, loves playing video games and teasing MC about what gender they actually are. Works at the video game store alongside MC.


** Rainy **

Name: Mia Hughes
Age: 16 2nd year.
Looks: Plain appearance. She isn’t ugly or anything but she doesn’t bother wearing any makeup or spending hours on her hair.
Dislikes: Mean people.
Club Role: Writes the Boy’s love and gay column

Personality. Mia is a yaoi fangirl, she likes randomly pairing up guys (especially ones in the club) and creating elaborate fantasy stories about them. She has quite the imagination as well.

Misc: Childhood friend and lives right next door to you.

** Splitter **

Name: Minna-chan.
Age: 16 2nd year
Looks: Trap, short bob hair-do glasses. Kind of a nerdy girl.
Likes: Ponies and girly frilly things.
Dislikes: wearing boys clothing and doing manly things.
Club Role: Rants Column.

Personality: Minna is usually the smart and normal one of your friends, that is to say she is the most levelheaded. She often offers sound advice as well. She’s pretty nice but sometimes goes off on silly rant tangents. Minna used to be a boy who still liked girly things. But it wasn't until high school when he decided to finally begin cross-dressing.

Misc: Minna is your other childhood friend that lives next door to you.

** Cidz **

Name: Alice Stanfield
Age: 17. 3rd year.
Looks: Long dark hair and likes wearing gothic-lolita/cosplay outfits. mostly of which she makes herself.
Likes: Sewing and Fashion and Hot guys.
Dislikes: Having to do homework or sit still for long.
Club Role: Writes the fashion column.

Personality: The perky friend. Bubbly and Energetic! Usually likes fangirling over hot bishies and also coming up with silly yaoi scenarios with Mia. She enjoys sewing and always likes harassing Minna to make her frilly clothing.

Misc: best friends with Jeremy and lives right next door to him.

** Ghost **

Name: Evangeline King
Age: 17. 3rd year.
Looks: long blonde hair down to mid back, and blue eyes. A short appearance, often mistaken for a little girl. (Token Loli). When not in school, her outfits range from baseball t-shirts or black turtlenecks and jeans, to short-sleeved baseball shirts and shorts.
Likes: Cooking and looking out for her younger brother, collecting fan art, and writing and reading literature.
Dislikes: Family problems.

Personality: she is usually calm and collected, but will joke around with friends or even scold them for being reckless at times. Lives in a house with her grandmother and their dog. Spends her free time reading books, manga, watching anime, etc. She also likes to cook and learn recipes from her grandmother. When she joins the club, she’ll also be the one to cook meals for them every now and again.

Misc: Is the older sister to Chris King. Lives away from him with their grandma due to family issues.

** Main Character aka Jinko-chan: **

Name: Whatever you want it to be.
Nickname: Jinko-chan.
Age: 16. 2nd year.
Looks: brown medium length hair, blue eyes, around 5ft6,5ft7.
Likes: Helping people.
Dislikes: People who act annoying.

Personality: After moving back to her hometown (she lived in a big city before) she reunites with her old friends and begins a new school life. There she meets the crew members of the CSW journalism club, even though the club is in shambles right now. However, the MC may be able to help get the club back on it’s feet and maybe find out why it went so bad in the first place. She’s also strong and independent, not afraid to stand up for herself and speak her mind, or go the extra mile to help out those she cares about.

Misc: has a mother and a father and 2 brothers named Freddy and Jason. Her nickname is derived from the word Shujinko, which means Main character (or Protagonist) in Japanese.

** note: if you are wondering about the nicknames (ghost, spiral, etc...) well thats for two reasons: one being those are the names of the actual bloggers on CSW. Two being that's the nicknames Jeremy gives them. in CSW each member is given a nickname as a welcome to the club party. (its how MC gets her nickname Jinko-chan)



** Credit **

~ Writers ~
- Jubbz: Chris, Avu, Megan, Jeremy. (Friends route: Eva and Cidz)
- Chapperz: Victor, Justin, Stephen, and Kitsu (Friends route: Mina)
- Cidz: Mason, Mr. Martin, and Adrian (Friends route: Mia)
- Spiral - Spiral.
- Proofreaders: Rainy and Nesse

~ Art ~
Main Characters: gothic~ichigo
Colorist: Tasuki

~ Programming ~
Basics: Cidz
Advanced: Megz.

** Update ** (as of dec. 2011)

jubbz - still working on avus route.
chapperz - almost done with victors route (4/5 acts done)
cidz - finished rough draft of re-write intro route. re-writing masons route.
spiral - added as new writer for megans route. still working on megans route.
gothic ichigo and tasuki - finished MC and chris' winter sprites. working on avus sprites



WWOH blog if you like please check here for updates as well <3
There you can see character and uniform sketches as well. theres also a Twitter Please follow us. ~

Not sure on the time-frame or anything but we'll keep working on it. I plan on doing some programming over the winter break hopefully have a couple screencaps up by christmas. oh hey goal accomplished here's a couple screencaps:
gonna change this to 2nd pose once i get it.
gonna change this to 2nd pose once i get it.
Last edited by Cidz on Thu Dec 29, 2011 3:01 pm, edited 7 times in total.

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Re: Words Within Our Hearts [GXB otome romance VN, WIP]

#2 Post by fleet »

Looks like a big project, I wish you success.
Some of my visual novels are at http://www.the-new-lagoon.com. They are NSFW
Poorly done hand-drawn art is still poorly done art. Be a Poser (or better yet, use DAZ Studio 3D) - dare to be different.

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Re: Words Within Our Hearts [GXB otome romance VN, WIP]

#3 Post by Cidz »

yeah, we plan on going all out as much as we can at least lol. hopefully we dont go over our heads. and thanks <3

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Re: Words Within Our Hearts [GXB otome romance VN, WIP]

#4 Post by SyphyChan »

Sounds interesting. I deffinantly enjoy the fact that their are so many love interests :D

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Re: Words Within Our Hearts [GXB otome romance VN, WIP]

#5 Post by HikkiPanda »

hehe, I always want to make a VN based on school club activities ^^;

For now, I'll bookmark this thread :P

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Re: Words Within Our Hearts [GXB otome romance VN, WIP]

#6 Post by Snow Blossom »

Ooh this is nice~~ A real reverse harem, ne? X3
By the way: I. LOVE. MIA. XD

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Re: Words Within Our Hearts [GXB otome romance VN, WIP]

#7 Post by Cidz »

@ vnluver - oh thats good! for a moment we wondered if maybe we had too many haha. but then we were like you know at least we have variety!

@ HikkiPanda - haha it seems fun! and awesome <3 I'll do my best to keep this thread updated.

@ Snow Blossom - yup! a reverse harem! haha Mia is cute I like her too. I like all these characters lol.

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Re: Words Within Our Hearts [GXB otome romance VN, WIP]

#8 Post by Auro-Cyanide »

I would think that it may possibly be too many characters, especially from an art point of view. I think you may have trouble finding artists that will stick with the project for that many sprites and CGs. It's a loooooooot of work. Of course there is nothing stopping you from doing the project but you are probably going to have to either a) use free art resources, b) deal with having different artists working at different times or c) be lucky and then hang on to the artists with a death grip.

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Re: Words Within Our Hearts [GXB otome romance VN, WIP]

#9 Post by Poketto Kunoichi »

Holy crap, that sounds like a huge project. I laughed at Mia's character descriptions; she reminds me of a character from Lucky Star. Himura, I think her name is?

I'll be honest in that I'm skeptical the project will be completed, but of course I could be very wrong! Since you have a WIP thread, as you update on your progress, it will surely fade away. I know it'll take long, but I will definitely be playing its demo once it's released! Full game too naturally, of course.

Anyway, I wish you and your team the best of luck! :)

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Re: Words Within Our Hearts [GXB otome romance VN, WIP]

#10 Post by Cidz »

@ Auro-Cyanide - that is what I am also worried about. I was thinking of maybe finding a couple artists willing to split up the character designs. Then I would have to find one willing to do CGs. I could use the backgrounds from novelty unless I find someone willing to do that as well. but that seems like alot of people im not sure if that many would be willing to work for a non-commercial game. Still it cant hurt to try! who knows maybe we will get lucky lol.

@ Poketto Kunoichi - i know! I really hope we arent going over our heads, this is our first time making a VN (although i think Ill make a few practice ones just to kind of get a feel) Haha yeah Mia is great. She will be fun to write. I only saw 6 eps. of lucky stars so im not sure.

Ah, yeah honestly, I am too. It's always in the back of my mind espcially since i start back to school soon and so does another writer. plus theres all the art and whatnot. Still we will give it a try! I think that even though it will take a long time we can make this happen. It would be great if we did. And im glad you are intersted in playing this! I promise to update as much as I can. I will probably at least do once a month progress reports. just so people know we didnt drop this haha.

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Re: Words Within Our Hearts [GXB otome romance VN, WIP]

#11 Post by Jubbz »

I'm with Cidz on this one. I appreciate all the positive feedback on the game so far!

Sure, it's a big project, but we're motivated to do it. We WILL make this game happen.
As you know, I'm called Jubbz, of the CSW Anime Blog. I started it, i run it. :D

Words Within Our Hearts (GxB VN)
Progress blog on the game
Current script progress: 20%.
I'm one of the writers of the Words within Our Hearts Otome Visual Novel, working on the scripts.
Completed Chris's route, and now working on Jeremy's. I'll re-do Avu's route when we get started on the sequel.

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Re: Words Within Our Hearts [GXB otome romance VN, WIP]

#12 Post by Cidz »

so, got a bit of good news! it seems we got an artist interested in doing the character design. gothic~ichigo <3 ive seen her work and asked if she would be intersted! she said even though its a big project she really liked our chars. and story so shes willing to work on it.

right now im discussing her character apperances and she is working on another persons game, so it will probably be a bit of a while before we get spirtes/sketches but ill be sure to post them when we do and keep everyone updated <3

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Re: Words Within Our Hearts [GXB otome romance VN, WIP]

#13 Post by Serendipity »

O_O Woah took me a while there to read everything. That being said everything seems so fleshed out that I'm confident you guy can finished this huge project. I wish I could offer my services but I have nothing that would be useful to you (T_T) and can only offer moral support.

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Re: Words Within Our Hearts [GXB otome romance VN, WIP]

#14 Post by Cidz »

thanks! and I hope so too, i think so lol. We just need to keep going and take our times dont want to rush things. aww well that is fine! moral support is great support! keeps us motivated to keep going ~

also i have a question, do you think that the MC should appear like as a sprite on the left corner near the text box or have her not appear except in maybe CGs?

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Re: Words Within Our Hearts [GXB otome romance VN, WIP]

#15 Post by TakeOverWorld »

Woah, big project. It sounds interesting.
also i have a question, do you think that the MC should appear like as a sprite on the left corner near the text box or have her not appear except in maybe CGs?
Personally, I like it when the MC has a side sprite, but if it doesn't, it doesn't really matter that much to me.

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