Nowhere Safe [commercial] [psychological] [thriller]

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Nowhere Safe [commercial] [psychological] [thriller]

#1 Post by redpandastudio »

Nowhere Safe
(downloadable for Windows) (online version available for Linux and Mac as well)

About: A woman in modern Japan finds herself terrified of leaving the house as she struggles with her less than favorable past. When she finds a stranger staring into her living room window, she begins to struggle even more as she realizes that nowhere is safe.

A full free online version is available here:

Also, please vote on the game at Kongregate and or Newgrounds!

You can find more about the downloadable premium version here:

I made this game for a number of reasons. One of the main ones was to test making a commercial product with our new engine. (Before I mostly made freeware games online). Also, I wanted to participate in the challenge.

Use the file menu at the top for options. Backtracking through text is not supported in the online version because Flash doesn't support right clicking. The premium version allows you to go back in a few places. I'm still working on the best way to go back through text without breaking other stuff. :D



Last edited by redpandastudio on Wed Jan 30, 2013 11:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Nowhere Safe [commercial] [psychological] [thriller]

#2 Post by Mirage »

Um, I can't see anything in that link. It gave me a blank page. I waited for like half an hour to see if it loads, but nothing appears.

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Re: Nowhere Safe [commercial] [psychological] [thriller]

#3 Post by azureXtwilight »

I can't view the images either... Is it just me?

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Re: Nowhere Safe [commercial] [psychological] [thriller]

#4 Post by Keiko-Tan »

Same here, I've been loading and refreshing the game for about one hour now..
Maybe it doesn't support Google Chrome and only certain browsers?

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Re: Nowhere Safe [commercial] [psychological] [thriller]

#5 Post by Mimi_Melody »

Um...the game loaded just fine for me. I've only played for a little while cuz I'm too tired...:(

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Re: Nowhere Safe [commercial] [psychological] [thriller]

#6 Post by redpandastudio »

Keiko-Tan wrote:Same here, I've been loading and refreshing the game for about one hour now..
Maybe it doesn't support Google Chrome and only certain browsers?
Yes! Some people have reported issues with google chrome. I'm still trying to figure out why, but until then you can try using IE or Firefox. You can also try playing the game at Newgrounds if you're having issues:

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Re: Nowhere Safe [commercial] [psychological] [thriller]

#7 Post by ixWishing »

Omg, the ending was really creepy. Omg.
"Hey there, little lady, remember me?"
I got totally spooked Q___Q
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Re: Nowhere Safe [commercial] [psychological] [thriller]

#8 Post by redpandastudio »

ixWishing wrote:Omg, the ending was really creepy. Omg.
"Hey there, little lady, remember me?"
I got totally spooked Q___Q
LOL! Yeah, that was the intention. I'm really surprised that people didn't see it coming.

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Re: Nowhere Safe [commercial] [psychological] [thriller]

#9 Post by ixWishing »

redpandastudio wrote:
ixWishing wrote:Omg, the ending was really creepy. Omg.
"Hey there, little lady, remember me?"
I got totally spooked Q___Q
LOL! Yeah, that was the intention. I'm really surprised that people didn't see it coming.
LOL. I just sat there bored, playing the game xD. I just woke up and decided to browse the forums and found this lol
I also had earbuds in, and when I got to the ending, I got spooked. Since I didn't expect any voice acting, I kinda got a shock lmao.
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Re: Nowhere Safe [commercial] [psychological] [thriller]

#10 Post by SusanTheCat »

Is there a way to save in the premium version?

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Re: Nowhere Safe [commercial] [psychological] [thriller]

#11 Post by redpandastudio »

SusanTheCat wrote:Is there a way to save in the premium version?

Hi Susan! There is currently no way to save. The game is 30 minutes long, so I didn't think a save function would be terribly useful. If the game gets enough attention, I may take the time to implement it. I could easily put a save point at the halfway mark, but being able to save anywhere would require at least 90 instances of code (there are 90 scenes, so I would have to mark each one) which might break something else.

Thanks for asking!


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Re: Nowhere Safe [commercial] [psychological] [thriller]

#12 Post by Cain0425 »

when i play the full game the end say there going to be more to the game and that i would have to wait for it come out

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Re: Nowhere Safe [commercial] [psychological] [thriller]

#13 Post by Taleweaver »

Well, having played this, I think I should give you a full review.

Your BG art is really good, definitely of commercial quality. Character art is not quite up to the same level, but close; the difference isn't too jarring. The game, as it is right now, is quite short - I haven't taken a look at the price you're charging for the download version, but I'd be reluctant to pay money - even only five bucks - for something that short. If there is a larger version available, then maybe it's justified.

I cannot complain about your writing style in itself - all very fluid, dialogues sound natural, your characters are appropriately recognizable by their use of language (and your protagonist is quite an interesting character, judging from how she managed to earn a bit of wealth). However, I see a bit of a problem with the way you end and connect scenes - in quite a few places, the switch is just jarring - you wake up, have a short conversation by the door, then a one-liner in the afternoon, and then, all of a sudden, you're in bed again. The plot just doesn't flow well, a few times it seems as though parts of the text are just missing in between.

My biggest gripe with the game, however, is the actual story. I've seen Brazilian telenovelas with less outrageous character backgrounds and secrets - your game, quite literally, doesn't seem to have a single normal person in it (aside from the periodically appearing policewoman who, strangely, also seems to be a part-time psychiatrist). Really, was that intentional? I had the impression you were trying to tell a slice of life story here, but you are making your own story unbelievable by adding way, WAY too many "special" events that might happen ONCE in a normal slice-of-life story but not all the time! The entire setup for your story is unusual enough; why didn't you stick with that one? And if you were trying to go for a thriller, in that case your protagonist isn't NEARLY threatened enough to make that work. It just doesn't feel as though anything could possibly happen to her in that house, and she behaves as though she feels the same.

Sorry for the harsh words - but whatever you were trying to do, it isn't working. For a thriller, the "thriller elements" are not nearly threatening enough. For a slice of life story, it's much too unlikely. You need to decide on what the point of your story is and then focus on that, or it won't work.
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Re: Nowhere Safe [commercial] [psychological] [thriller]

#14 Post by redpandastudio »

Taleweaver wrote:Well, having played this, I think I should give you a full review.

Your BG art is really good, definitely of commercial quality. Character art is not quite up to the same level, but close; the difference isn't too jarring. The game, as it is right now, is quite short - I haven't taken a look at the price you're charging for the download version, but I'd be reluctant to pay money - even only five bucks - for something that short. If there is a larger version available, then maybe it's justified.

I cannot complain about your writing style in itself - all very fluid, dialogues sound natural, your characters are appropriately recognizable by their use of language (and your protagonist is quite an interesting character, judging from how she managed to earn a bit of wealth). However, I see a bit of a problem with the way you end and connect scenes - in quite a few places, the switch is just jarring - you wake up, have a short conversation by the door, then a one-liner in the afternoon, and then, all of a sudden, you're in bed again. The plot just doesn't flow well, a few times it seems as though parts of the text are just missing in between.

My biggest gripe with the game, however, is the actual story. I've seen Brazilian telenovelas with less outrageous character backgrounds and secrets - your game, quite literally, doesn't seem to have a single normal person in it (aside from the periodically appearing policewoman who, strangely, also seems to be a part-time psychiatrist). Really, was that intentional? I had the impression you were trying to tell a slice of life story here, but you are making your own story unbelievable by adding way, WAY too many "special" events that might happen ONCE in a normal slice-of-life story but not all the time! The entire setup for your story is unusual enough; why didn't you stick with that one? And if you were trying to go for a thriller, in that case your protagonist isn't NEARLY threatened enough to make that work. It just doesn't feel as though anything could possibly happen to her in that house, and she behaves as though she feels the same.

Sorry for the harsh words - but whatever you were trying to do, it isn't working. For a thriller, the "thriller elements" are not nearly threatening enough. For a slice of life story, it's much too unlikely. You need to decide on what the point of your story is and then focus on that, or it won't work.
Thanks for taking the time to write all of that.

It would be pretty boring if the story was terribly believable. I mean... You have a woman that can't leave her house, so having things constantly happen is a good way to keep it from it being too slow. It already is pretty slow.

Did you play with the sound on? If not, you would have missed a lot of what made the creepy moments. Whenever I make a horror game, people complain that it wasn't scary enough, but then others complain that it's too disturbing.

The game is priced at $2.99, and it's mainly a "support our efforts" price tag since the entire game can be played for free. We also offer other ways to get the premium version for free.

The scene transitions are jarring because the online version doesn't support screen transitions. The downloadable version is much more fluid.

As for a thriller... I never intended for it to be a horror game, but it was difficult to find a genre for it to fit into. The focus is supposed to be psychological and somewhat of a case study on how someone may come to develop an illness such as hers.

I didn't think you were harsh at all. I actually appreciate what you wrote because it gives me a chance to improve for the sequel. Thank you!

Oh, and it seems like everyone has a psychological illness, but that's not the case. The doctor, the police officer, and Aya are actually illness free. The killer is obviously nuts, but only the main character and her boyfriend have problems other than him. It may seem like they all have issues just because the characters are limited. The truth is that when you look at families, you'll often find that most people have someone in their family or close to their family with mental illness, even if only temporary (I am including depression). Also, if you look hard enough, almost any family could be considered dysfunctional in some small way, so the whole idea is that mental illness is much more common than we think.

Because the focus is psychological, I think that abnormal psychology in multiple characters is fitting, but I admit that I had reservations about dropping in too many psychological problems when I was writing.

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Re: Nowhere Safe [commercial] [psychological] [thriller]

#15 Post by Taleweaver »

redpandastudio wrote:Oh, and it seems like everyone has a psychological illness, but that's not the case.
Of course not. I wasn't just talking about psychological issues. Let me explain:
First, Aya. Tries to set her psychologically troubled female friend with a psychologically troubled co-worker, with the reason being that she wants to get both of them off her back so that she can pursue her own interests. What a "charming" person.

Then, the doctor. Has a violent patient who is a threat to other people and still considers it a good idea to approach someone that patient has once taken as a target for his, well, urges. Also, talks about her patients, which she's not supposed to as a doctor. Eventually responsible for letting said violent patient escape because she thought she could heal him. Agh, so much incompetence!

Finally, the cop who shows up instead of a paramedic. (I guess you were trying to get the most out of your sprites.)
Really, the game felt... strange.
Scriptwriter and producer of Metropolitan Blues
Creator of The Loyal Kinsman
Scriptwriter and director of Daemonophilia
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