Your thoughts on a game idea? (was: Should I?)

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Your thoughts on a game idea? (was: Should I?)

#1 Post by Chilled_Dude »

Having worked on failed project after failed project for half a decade, I've grown tired of chasing ambitions. So when an interesting VN concept suddenly crossed my mind, I was immediately at an impasse--pursue or let die? I'm still unsure. Which is why I'm typing these words. Hope. Hope that one of you can help me make this surprisingly difficult choice.

I'll skip the usual "Who I am" hoo-hah and get straight down to business.

Quick Concept:
Linear story about the demons and scars in all of us presented in atypical VN fashion.

Technical Concept:
A sort-of VN lacking the standard multiple paths and endings we've come to know. Yes, I am a heathen! Wielding the strengths of VN presentation, the story would run for a single sitting--ideally south of 120 minutes.
The reasoning behind this choice is one of scope. "Keep It Small, Stupid"

Narrative Concept:
A young girl suffering from domestic abuse meets a brotherly spirit in the forest outside of her home. The story from there on is about the girl recovering the lost parts of her personality and learning how to live the life ahead of her with the help of the spirit. Though the people in the protagonist's daily life also struggle. And with her help, each of them come to rid themselves of the demons in their hearts.

By the end of the journey, the protagonist is able to forge her own path for the first time, but not before ridding herself of the ultimate demon of all.

So there's the gist of the concept, and here, is my question: Should I try to make a game out of this, or is it not worth pursuing?

Tremendous thanks in advance. This has really been bugging me.

Toodles for now~
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Re: Should I?

#2 Post by Greeny »

Sounds like a solid concept. I say go for it.
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Re: Should I?

#3 Post by latte »

As Greeny said, the concept looks good, and if you're aware you should keep small in order to actually finish it then I see no problems.
Just pinpointing that I'm writing a ~30min long KN (kinetic novel, with no choices orr branching paths, which is what you apparently want to make), and even that's proving to be a lot of work! Though I'm not much of a writer, which explains the slowness. Anyway what I mean is, it may take a bit more work than you're expecting, but if you believe in your idea then go for it.

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Re: Should I?

#4 Post by Applegate »

For all creative matters, motivation should be intrinsic rather than extrinsic. If you have to ask, the answer is likely, "No", because you lack the personal motivation to see it through.

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Re: Should I?

#5 Post by Kato »

Like Kanin mentioned, what you want to make seems to be a KN or 'Kenetic Novel'. It sounds like a fantastic concept though. Definitely something you should dive into. I think we all have been where you are at some point.

As much as I would like to see this develop, it's hard not to agree with apple though. If you really have the drive to finish the novel, our opinions shouldn't be able to sway you one way or another. Still, of you decide to go for it and want someone to bounce ideas off I'm always happy help out on things like this if you wanna throw me a pm.

Good luck!
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Re: Your thoughts on a game idea? (was: Should I?)

#6 Post by Taleweaver »

As you're looking for feedback on a game idea, I'm moving this into "Ideas".
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Re: Should I?

#7 Post by desulishor »

I tend to disagree with blindly believing in one's own idea. I think we're all kind of struggling in the dark since we have only our own views to guide us. Sure, I'd never write about something just because it was popular, but to bring your pride to the point where you can't ask a second opinion?
So, i guess you should go with it.

Since you're making a short VN that will probably be a small unpaid project, you shouldn't expect any artists to jump the boat at this stage though. Write and code everything, make a list of what art you absolutely need to make it work, and then make another thread for recruitment.

Also, make sure your handling of the problems or demons inside us isn't too superficial. (which can happen if you focus too much on keeping the story compact.) Same with the spirit, Think what's a normal person's reaction to something supernatural, would you trust your life and problems to such a being? I'm not saying it can't be done, but keep some humor here and there, and your wits about it.

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Re: Your thoughts on a game idea? (was: Should I?)

#8 Post by Boomsickle »

As someone who has a solid idea, written out story outline,demo written out,character descriptions made yet cant find someone willing to work with my idea 100% because they have "moral values" i say go for it! if you can pull it off by yourself than there's nothing stopping you and if you need help from artists than dont make that stop you im sure theres someone out there that will see your project in a way that deserves after all any story worth writing is worth telling, you just need the right audience.

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Re: Should I?

#9 Post by Applegate »

desulishor wrote:I tend to disagree with blindly believing in one's own idea. I think we're all kind of struggling in the dark since we have only our own views to guide us. Sure, I'd never write about something just because it was popular, but to bring your pride to the point where you can't ask a second opinion?
I feel like you're talking about how I said motivation should be intrinsic. That has nothing to do with concepts of "pride" or "blindly believing" in one's own idea; You'll see the OP explained his indecision as due to many failed projects in the past and a reluctance to pursue ambition. Overcoming that reluctance is neither an issue of blindly believing in your idea nor of being too prideful to rely on others.

It is having the confidence that the story you are writing is a story worth telling. Whether something is worth pursuing depends on whether you think it is important, and if you think something is important, you will be intrinsically motivated to make that happen. And that is what the OP needs to successfully start this project and see it through to completion.

If you are intrinsically motivated to study, you study because you want to learn. If you are extrinsically motivated to study, you study because someone told you to, or because you will be rewarded if you do. While this works with studying (you do get rewarded/punished if you don't do it), with a creative endeavour as creating a freeware game, you don't get rewarded, nor do you really get punished. Therefore, the only recipe to success is intrinsic motivation.

But if you have to ask whether what you're doing is worth it, it means you're handing your confidence to someone else and hope they will return it. You're depending on someone else's opinion. A "second opinion" requires you to have your "first opinion" first, and the OP states he is undecided. There's simply no question of pride or blindly believing in oneself. There's a matter of a lack of confidence on the OP's part, and he must find intrinsic motivation to work on the project or the first hardship he encounters could derail the entire project.

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Re: Your thoughts on a game idea? (was: Should I?)

#10 Post by fleet »

If you want to make your story, by all means do so. Please be aware that more people will read a visual novel with choices and branches than will read a kinetic novel.
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Re: Your thoughts on a game idea? (was: Should I?)

#11 Post by Chilled_Dude »

I'm greatly appreciative for all of the feedback here. I was looking for additional voices to help shed light on details that hadn't crossed my mind. I was scared of just jumping into something I felt I absolutely needed to make with an unintended disregard to the countless failures I've been a part of (never my own projects mind you), some even being funded endeavors.

Still unsure actually haha, but given the thoughts you guys allowed me to consider, I think I'll go ahead with it. Failure is a real possibility, and no matter how large the risk of it is, it's more fun to chance it than not to.

Thank you.

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