Novice Ren'py Programmer will work for experience [FREE]

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Novice Ren'py Programmer will work for experience [FREE]

#1 Post by chadoue »

Hi, I used to do a lot of programming back in college which ranges from simple i/o coding to graphics coding (SDL).

I missed those days that is why I would like to code again. I recently found out about Ren'py. I studied python before so it's manageable.

I also want to explore the VN game genre and willing to work for free.

Plus, I am open to challenging plot lines that need challenging programming.

With my experience in programming before, I can figure it out soon enough.

Learned Languages: C/C++ programming, Assembly Language programming
Offering: Ren'py Programming [FREE]

If you are interested in my services, please do message me. Thank you!

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Re: Novice Ren'py Programmer will work for experience [FREE]

#2 Post by gnotsowiseman »

Hi there, If you're still looking for some experience I may have a project which fits.

I have been teaching myself ren'py for the past year or so. (not non-stop) And though I have some of the basics down, I am still unable to create what I envision. I _think_ the programming should be easy (infamous words) but in the end, my programming skills are just not up to the task.

The Story. (at the moment untitled, but the working title is Bethany)
The story is a mixture of sci-fi and poetic prose. Bethany and her ship's AI travel from place to place, bickering and more or less acting like mother and daughters do. It includes time travel, alternative universes, and our own humble planet.

The story(ies) themselves are finished. Some copy-editing is the only thing remaining.

What I envision:

Because 'Bethany' started out as a collection of flash-fiction pieces, it doesn't automatically 'scream' VN. However, after giving it some thought on how it/they could work in the VN genera, here is what I have come up with.

After a brief introduction explaining how Bethany is now stuck in a VN and that her memories have been corrupted, the reader is presented with the first flash-fiction piece. (each piece is ~500 words) At the end of each piece the reader will be asked to choose where in the time-line that piece occurred. (there are 24 chapters / flash fiction stories) Further, there are a handful of artifacts (images / art) which have to be placed with the correct 'story'

At the end, the reader will have the choice to re-read it in the order they've chosen.

Ultimately, the VN will be 'short' by most standards. The problem I have been having is getting the interface to record user choices and present them back as a completed novel.

What can I offer?
The writing is done. So, no worries about story creation.
Most of the 'assets' are also done. (though I am referring to them as artifacts.)
I plan on heavily promoting the 'physical' novel which this will be adapted from, which means 'you' as the main programmer will also be promoted. In theory, it could lead to better paying projects, or at the very least a nice feather in your cap.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

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Re: Novice Ren'py Programmer will work for experience [FREE]

#3 Post by Deaddisc »

If your still looking for work i have room for a programmer and willing to pay little fee for helping out :) wouldnt go into details here but its a multi choice VN, but if you RPG maker skills or are willing to learn you
seem to be that man/woman im looking for :) email me

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