Bettafish vs. Seahorse

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Bettafish vs. Seahorse

#1 Post by gennethapang »

Hello, I'm new in the production of visual novels. I like animals, especially the birds and fish. I have an interest in science and I love making art, particularly drawing. In fact, one of my favorite forms of drawing is creating concept art, especially for the characters and writing about their backstories and personalities. I'm making a visual novel because I want to tell stories in ways that don't always require the traditional book format. I chose to create a story in a visual novel format because I believe a visual novel with many branches (20 characters, each with a route for their own in my case), that can allow better translation than in paperback format. I have nothing against the game book format, but I believe that the visual novel format will work much better with my story.

The visual novel I'm working on is a tale about two warring factions, the saltwater and freshwater fish, and the player gets to choose which side to fight for. As you can see form the heading, the two teams focused on are the bettafish and seahorses. The more routes you take for these 20 characters, the more you learn about the characters and how the world and how the nature of the work shaped them into who they are. The tone of this story is intended to feel similar to the video game franchise of Team Fortress 2.

Summary so far: The world has fish as the sapient, dominant species, with humans as the second dominant species. The player doesn't know why. Still, the player plays as one of the main characters, the twins. Their job is to watch over, tend to the weapon and supply demand, and kill any potential enemies or liabilities to their team. The twins will be assigned to either the saltwater or the freshwater. They have a choice to team up with one particular person. So, the player has a choice to join these fish on a world of death, insanity, and stupidity.

I've tried typing up the first lines and choices to this visual novel to practice typing the coding for the data. Unfortunately, despite my efforts to copy the format of an example script of an example visual novel, there seems to be a mention of an error. When I tried to launch my project, the engine said this:
I'm sorry, but errors were detected in your script. Please correct the
errors listed below, and try again.

File "game/script.rpy", line 38: is not terminated with a newline. (Check strings and parenthesis.)
(Perhaps you left out a " at the end of the first line.)
The Boss “Ms. Azul Pisces, I need you to work with the freshwaters."

I don't know what I did wrong, I even went to the examples and forums for help and followed those advices, but they didn't seem to work.
I can't continue production of the visual novel unless I can figure out this error. I'll try to create a link to show what I've made so far. :(

I will also post the profiles I've created for the fish and main characters. So, here they are.

Team Betta
• Name: Gardenia Steel
• Hair: blue green
• Eye color: Red orange
• Distinguishing features: Extreme Rosetail, deteriorating fins and crooked looking skin
• Family: Unnamed mother, unnamed father
• Backstory: She was the one who introduced Chang’e to the world of the mercenary. Gardenia was able to do so when she managed to sneakily find some old family guns from her father’s side. As she got older, she noticed that her body was deteriorating, and her family did as much as they could to try to improve her body. She never really got better. They just limited or slowed down her illness. It’s fortunate that it’s just the fins showing the most wear. She’s been in an arranged marriage with a delta tail male, Chi Ennéa. They weren’t happy with having to marry each other at a destined point in time. However, they grew to be on good terms. She’s also grown to learn that Lapis is his friend, and when Lapis has been sent to be a mercenary at one of the lowliest and “dangerous” location to die, she decided to join there to protect her. Chi didn’t get a chance to go because he got locked up after several attempts to escape and reach lapis. Gardenia chose to go to the low place because she knows that Lapis is his beloved friend. Gardenia originally intended to go for a moderate mercenary quarters to do some sniping. Her parents still believe she’s in that modest place. Gardenia went to do a sniping job because she wanted to try sniping some walking, breathing enemies for a change. She had to convince her parents, though, repeatedly, that she could go to a place that could provide her the safety and resources for her ailments.
• Personality: Snarky and pretty bitter, she doesn’t like to be pitied by anyone. She has a business like personality, trying to make sure that she gets the work done. She’s quite intelligent and is a hard worker. She knows that she’s not really physically capable, and she tries to make up for that by using and improving upon her sniping abilities. She’s become so good at sniping that she’s able to calculate the wind direction with her fin. She has a jealousy for the crowntail betta because the crowntail is a breed known for fragile fin ends, yet she shows no sign of wear and tear. Despite her bitter personality, she’s laid back in her relaxing times and tends to ignore her teammates for the most part. In fact, she doesn’t care about getting into cockfights with her comrades. She likes to be left alone purchasing and testing out different guns. She even likes to examine the details in the gun designs.

• Name: Chang’e Yuèliàng
• Hair: Brownish purple with streaks of lavendar
• Eye color: Dark brown
• Distinguishing features: Halfmoon
• Family:
• Backstory: She comes from a proud family of halfmoons. Her previous profession is comparable to bodybuilders. She came from a long line of halfmoons that were now either bodybuilders or beauty contestants. She grew pretty tired of the stress of trying to look good in her profession and felt that her calling was in being a mercenary. She felt that discovery when she was young, when a few friends introduced her to water guns. She’s also the daughter of the fish who provides the bettas with weapons. In fact, that was the same betta who didn’t want her to join this team because this team is one of the lowest of the low and faces a higher risk of danger or not the most luxurious of conditions. She’s refused the luxuries that her father tries to offer her to make her more confortable. These luxuries include giving her a bigger room with expensive things that could make her comfortable, such as lots of real plants, which is in contrast of the used silk plants that her team use.
• Personality: She’s not exactly the brightest bulb, but she’s a sweet one. She’s pretty much the princess of the group. She’s made fun of for her pampered background. She does have a violent, brutal side when pushed too far and has some kind of rivalry with the dragon betta. She wants to feel the rush of a challenge, and sees killing the sea creatures to be a good thrill to start with, something her parents are proud but concerned about. While she doesn’t want to live in luxury by now, she loves her portable cannons too much to part with. Those cannons of hers were the ones that introduced her to her love of the world of mercenaries. She also uses her cannons to propel herself for better movement and for fun. She’s a bit plucky like that with her cannons to the point of giving them names, having tea sessions with them, cleaning them, and not letting anyone hurt them.

• Name: Chomkwan Morh
• Hair: Dark blue with a red streak
• Eye color: Blue
• Distinguishing features: Fighter plakat
• Family: A huge family of fighter plakats, mother
• Backstory: She’s the outcast of her violent warrior family because she’s teamed up with non-plakat breeds or plakats that aren’t bred for fighting. Her family believes that a fighter plakat fighting with or against non plaket breeds or non fighting plakats is a sign of weakness. Her mother has produced several clutches of fry, and all of them were healthy. Her and her clutch were the last clutch of their mother’s. She was the only one to survive a velvet disease and still shows some symptoms of her issues, such as not growing back her fins entirely or gaining much body shape. Because of that, her family considers that as a sign of a broken body rather than battle scars. She chose to become a mercenary to prove them wrong and make them feel guilty for their actions. Basically, it’s her way of rubbing her potentially great status in their faces.
• Personality: She’s cocky and tomboy in personality. She likes to flirt with guys by trying to show them her fighter moves. Hence, she’s more into the male main character, but she really does care about him. She wants to at least gain some form of respect from her family and trains hard, trying to play the cool silent type. She has a jealously over the dragon betta for achieving that personality and she works to learn from her to not much avail. She’s really that determined to reach a goal, not always noticing when the goal is not worth it. Despite her insecurities, she manages to have some fun with her life, such as eating her favorite junk foods and playing some mini games and watching her favorite popcorn flicks. She even has a playful side when she’s relaxed, teasing people closest to her.

• Name: Adel Braille
• Hair: Red with silver highlights
• Eye color: N/A
• Distinguishing features: Dragon scale, also blind from the scales covering her eyes
• Family:
• Backstory: When her blindness developed, she trained hard to try to adapt. She’s managed to learn how to enhance her hearing, smell, and touch senses.
• Personality: She has a rivalry with the halfmoon betta. Their rivalry involves whether which one can kill the most enemies, but this is more of a game than a real competition of proving who’s the best. She’s calm, quiet, and cynical. She’s strong on keeping with the honor of watching over her teammates, she’s good at tolerating their antics. She’s a stoic person who is able to execute her fights with elegant movement. She’s basically graceful. She’s modest on how she’s able to handle herself and her actions as a powerful mercenary. She has a gentle and caring side to children, including the fighter plakat and the human assistants. However, she has a vulnerable side of what she would even do with her life once the war is over, or if she’s even making her life worth it all, or if it even matters that she dies or not, stuff like that. When she’s thinking about those things or is asked about them, she goes silent and tries to bottle her emotions, keep them locked away and tries to go away from people for a breather. She also has really strong stamina and is a person who likes to stay late up at night.

• Name: Lapis Lazuli
• Hair: Indigo blue
• Eye color: Red
• Distinguishing features: Veiltail
• Family:
• Backstory: Raised in a simple life with her two parents, her existence proved to be happy. She didn’t even consider her genetic background as a veiltail. To be honest, both of her parents are veiltails. She’s the childhood friend of one of the highest class members of the betta fishes, a delta tail from a family of halfmoons. They’ve been on happy terms and she considered him to be her great friend, he returned those feelings as well. However, he was in an arranged marriage and she was tricked to go out to be a mercenary for the money. They convinced her that the mercenary work is easy and pays well, doesn’t require the brain power she struggles to claim. It was supposed to be a suicide mission for her. They basically feared that she would fall in love with the delta tail and ruin the arranged marriage and pollute the bloodline. In the betta fish hierarchy, there are two kinds of societies, those of the domestic betta splendens and those of the wild bettas. The wild bettas and betta splendens are having a basically reunited to help each other defeat the salt water fish. For the betta splendens, bettas descendants of highly bred bettas, show bettas to be exact, are of the high class nobility, pet store betta descendants are the commoners.
• Personality: Considered the second not so bright bulb of the group. She’s considered that because she’s not so perceptive with some things that are even in front of her. This also includes pretty obvious disguises and lies. She’s naïve that way. She now feels insignificant among her teammates breed wise because she’s just a veiltail. This is from people berating her not to fall in love with high class bettas, that and some slut shame her. In fact, there were times that she’s tried to befriend people of higher class/breeds but has been shamed for trying to hit on someone because she’s a veiltail. This is based on what I’ve read about breeding betta fish: you don’t breed veiltails (especially those from petstores) with other desired fish because it ruins the gene pool. She’s physically tough, able to shake off the hard labor she goes through, she’s used to the hard labor. She’s been called stupid, but she keeps her optimism strong, finding happiness in simplest things such as the foods she eats. She’s bubbly.

• Name: Florence Gonino
• Hair: Red with sky/aqua blue at the ends of the hair, the brown is around the roots of the hair
• Eye color: Yellow-orange
• Distinguishing features: Peaceful betta
• Family:
• Backstory:
• Personality: She cares more for her pet assistant shrimps than her comrades. She believes mostly in healing through acupuncture, herbs, and stuff like that. However, she’s understanding of using the medicines we typically use. If anyone were to go to her romantic route, particularly the male, she’d be willing to find a way to kill and preserve said person’s brain in another body so that her pet shrimp could have someone to be cared for while she’s away. That and she would feed that person’s body to her shrimp, making sure that the body is prepared deliciously. Hell, she sometimes even offers the bodies of fallen enemies to her pet shrimp, making sure that the bodies are well prepared. She shows quite a good-natured, sometimes motherly exterior to her teammates. Though, she is more of a mother to her pet shrimp. She has a tendency of staying late up at night doing studies and caring for her pet shrimps. She’s mischievous, teasing people and pulling a few pranks on them. When she finds the chance, she uses her words to toy with her enemy’s minds. She likes to tease people by sneaking on and spooking them.

• Name: Jay Liddell
• Hair: Red Orange
• Eye color: Orange Blue
• Distinguishing features: Double tail
• Family:
• Backstory: Came from a wealthy family, though not as wealthy as Chang’e’s or Gardenia’s. Her family, particularly her mom, tried to make her more social. She’s one of the victims of the war between the saltwater and freshwater fish. Her trauma came when there was a failed attempted project for the freshwater and saltwater fish to coexist. That was the project of creating failed residence areas for the saltwater fish, caused by some humans that are related to the main twins Rojo and Azul. So, with the participating saltwater fish choking to death, there was an angry riot that followed that caused the saltwater residence areas to collapse onto some freshwater fish. Jay’s family was one of those victims. The excess salt killed them and put her into a terrible case of shock. As a result, she became traumatized for a while and became stuck in her own fantasy world. However, when she popped in and out of reality, she showed how physically dangerous she can be. She’s learned to get used to and adapt from her issue. So, seeing her capabilities, she’s been accepted to become a mercenary. She was also chosen to be a mercenary because of her tolerance to pain.
• Personality: Quiet in nature, she lives in her mental world at times. Even before her trauma, she was a quiet, isolated but beloved person. When she’s in her mental world, she becomes a formidable opponent in reality. In her mental reality, she becomes much more confident, active, and cheerful. She’s insecure with herself. She chose to become a mercenary because she feels that’s the place she can let herself go without hurting any civilians. Her teammates barely have any idea how to react to her because of her mental instability and benefits combined with her apparent sweet nature. She tolerates her madness and the world she’s stuck being in. However, she finds some good in the fantasy world she’s sometimes stuck in, considering the fantastical versions of her teammates much more likeable and fun. She does feel a need to avenge her family for those responsible for that incident, particularly that saltwater fish she believes. She likes to do some drawing and her favorite foods are daphnia, whether live or freeze dried. However, her other favorite food is fresh blood worms.

• Name: Amari Adana
• Hair: Light brown Green
• Eye color: Brown Blue
• Distinguishing features: Wild betta Betta Smaragdina
• Family:
• Backstory: Chosen to be the mercenary commander because she’s not only one of the team’s oldest, she’s been one of the wild betta’s child geniuses. Her position has been partly controversial since she’s a wild betta species who’s leading some relatives of upper class betta fish. She used to lead a rag tag team of wild bettas before, and she was pretty fine with that. She chose to be a mercenary because she believes that’s one of the greatest, highest positions a wild betta could reach. As a child genius, she believes that she could achieve more. When she encountered her team of mostly domestic bettas, she started to compare herself to them.
• Personality: She does her best in trying to make sure that her team is on the right track. She worries over her teammates to the point of treating them almost like younger siblings. She’s not as athletic as much of her teammates, even lacking the brute force that her strongest teammates have. She only knows the basics of shooting. So, she’s like the average gruff joe. She likes to dance, sometimes going clubbing. She’s a bit temperamental when trying to be a good leader. She feels the pressure of leading the relatives of some upper class betta fish. She doesn’t understand much of the upper class betta lifestyle. She’s confused a lot on their customs. She’s trying to develop better communication with them by talking to them about their lifestyles and backstories. She’s really close to the medic because of their similar heritage. She’s still a bit uncomfortable with the medic doing dissections and bloody experiments on the corpses of their fallen enemies. She’s heard before on how fragile the fins of the domestic bettas are. So, she really does get uncomfortable and anxious on making sure her team doesn’t hurt themselves.

• Name: Marguerite Oreo
• Hair: Black with dark red streaks
• Eye color: Green
• Distinguishing features: Crowntail
• Family:
• Backstory: She comes from a family where interacting and/or interbreeding with bettas of high class or low class doesn’t really matter. It does make sense since there are other descendants of pet store bettas that are not veiltails.
• Personality: Being calm, cool, rough is her personality. She relates with the halfmoon betta the most because they both share similar backgrounds. She’s cocky, confident, stubborn, sarcastic, determined, and independent. She has a quick wit, a dry sense of humor, and at times strict. She’s okay with some of the jokes that the fighter plakat tells and even respects the little fish’s drive to become stronger. She is a bit insecure about looking chubby, wondering why no one has called her fat yet, but she keeps that thought to herself. Despite her cool nature, she believes in mating with fish that don’t “taint” the genetic line. She’s quite prideful that she’s a crowntail that is doing well in a fight. Despite her cool nature, her vengeful nature opens when enemies push her too far, such as hurting her loves one. She’ll stop at nothing to get her revenge, even if it means hurting the enemy’s loved ones. She’s intelligent, and is at times picky about people intentionally touching her things. She tries to suck that up and not hurt people’s feelings because they touched her things, but her temper slips a bit. For the most part, though, her temperament is gentle, which compliments her cool nature as well.

• Name: Six Dumbo
• Hair: Muted Reddish purple
• Eye color: Lavender
• Distinguishing features: Elephant ear
• Family:
• Backstory: Born from a very impoverished background, she yearned for life of better luxury. She gained that chance when she encountered an assassin who murdered one of his targets. She asked to be his pupil. They made a deal that every kill she does for money, she’ll let the money go to him. The amount of money that she had to give him was several thousand dollars I think. She worked hard to be a capable thief and assassin all the way to adulthood. She chose to be a mercenary because being a mercenary was a similar field, but with higher pay. However, she got stuck with what is considered the lowest of the low not because of her genetic background, but because there are teams with higher members whose relatives she’s killed. So, she’s been forced into this low team to increase her chances of dying.
• Personality: She’s good at being intimidating, maybe too good. This happens, even when she’s trying not to be. She’s a diva. Her reputation is that she has fins so light and soft that she’s able to steal stuff or sneak in and out without people noticing her. She has a competitive, fierce rivalry with the extreme rosetail betta. The rivalry is from trying to prove to each other that they’re powerful fighters. The rosetail wants to prove that even from high-class consummations that went wrong, such as inbreeding, she’s able to handle herself. The elephant ear wants to show how pathetic the high-class bettas truly are. She believes in achieving more through what they do than by bloodlines. In fact, she has this assumption that most of these bettas in her team are only being mercenaries because they think they’re powerful for being of high-class blood. She does show a bit more respect to the crowntail betta because she considers that crowntail and her family to be less arrogant. She’s pretty nice to the veiltail, has some degree of sympathy for her and she means it. She’s decent friends with the veiltail.

Main Player Characters
• Name: Azul Pisces
• Hair: Auburn
• Eye color: Soft amber
• Distinguishing features:
• Family: Twin brother
• Backstory: She and her brother have been together since childhood. Their parents were in a way responsible for a failed attempted truce between the saltwater and freshwater fish. She and her brother were there to witness this incident. Learning to tolerate the death of fish because of that incident, she decides to be in the world of the mercenaries. She chose that because the main boss of the humans offered her and her brother a place of their own when the saltwater and freshwater fish beat each other to death.
• Personality: She’s the sibling with the least problem with murdering people. She just kills on a whim and treats it like an average job. She’s still sweet natured and loves her brother dearly. When she’s with her brother, they act and behave in unison to the point of finishing each other’s sentences. When separated, her difference shows.

• Name: Rojo Pisces
• Hair: Auburn
• Eye color: Soft amber
• Distinguishing features:
• Family: Twin sister
• Backstory:
• Personality: He gets stressed more easily than his sister and is prone to hesitating more when killing. He’s sweet in nature and loves his sister dearly. When with his sister, they act and behave in unison, even finishing each other’s sentences. That and also sometimes talking in unison. It wierds people out at times and he’s cool with joining in with his sister on the fun of that. When separated, his distinctness shows. He’s working on getting used to killing people by starting with the disposal of dead bodies.

Team Syngnathidae
• Name: Billie Silver
• Hair: Yellow-green
• Eye color: Yellow
• Distinguishing features: Leafy seadragon
• Family:
• Backstory: She didn’t really officially join the mercenary ranks. Rather, she was She joined the mercenaries to just setting guerilla traps to defend her neighborhood, her home, the place she literally grew up in, from the encroachment of freshwater fish. However, she didn’t trust the canon fodder strategy that was thrust onto her and her kind. She didn’t expect that she would be given much of a choice to survive. So, she hid and went on her own to do her own work. What made her survive the war and be part of this branch was she hid a lot and set a lot of guerilla traps for the freshwater fish. In fact, she was considered MIA by the saltwater fish, making her the latest addition to the team. She was discovered when she saved the life of one of her future teammates from a seagull attack on high tide. Remember, sea horses and relatives have trouble with tidal waves.
• Personality: She’s a strategist in setting up traps and is paranoid at times. She is a bit poor in handling her paranoid behavior. Despite that, she’s pretty forgiving and likes to have fun with some drinking. Her paranoia is that her enemies will find a way to be able to defeat her and her teammates. She would rather work alone, partly because of people and their reactions and because she feels she’s able to concentrate in doing stuff better. She mostly does sneaking when attacking her enemies.

• Name: Kate Ramsey
• Hair: Dark brown
• Eye color: Scarlet
• Distinguishing features: Weedy seadragon
• Family:
• Backstory: She was the first medic of her kind in a saltwater world where the main medics are the cleaner wrasse. She joined the mercenary world to be a combat medic since most of the medical positions were already taken over. She never experienced being cannon fodder. Rather, she was sent to go search for survivors and tend to them when the smoke from a battle clears. She understands that she’s of a slower moving species but wishes she could be in a position where she has a higher chance of saving more lives than seeing the dead. She does this stuff at the cost of her health considering how sensitive sea horse and relatives are. However, she does has a literal safety bubble to ensure that she doesn’t get too sick. She was later enlisted to be her current team’s combat medic to ensure that she doesn’t feel left out.
• Personality: She’s a friend of the leafy sea dragon. She’s stern, maybe a bit cold in nature. She likes to sleep at times. She has a no care personality that contrasts with the leady sea dragons. She’s impressed with her friend’s ability to find good places to set traps and trick enemies into them. She respects that ability. For a medic, she’s more into going into combat. Despite her cold shoulder, she shows a good amount of care and comradeship to her teammates. She makes sure to go get the job done so that everyone can go home. She’s working on balancing her tendencies to nap with work. However, she sometimes lets her smugness get over her head when confronting enemies, especially the enemy medic that is the peaceful betta.

• Name: “Prince Doe” Ned Gaye Wilson
• Hair: Bright red
• Eye color: Light brown (formerly), now a really pale grey
• Distinguishing features: Ruby seadragon
• Family: Nao Shimetta mōfu (younger foster sister)
• Backstory: He was an orphan along with Nao. Both became brother and sister to each other. They were pretty close. When alive, he admired the beauty that shown in the many features of living things, such as jellyfish, corals, and other fish, note that he didn’t ever compare who was beautiful or not, he’s not that kind of judge. However, there was a strain when the war became more prevalent in their lives and he was under pressure from watching over both of them. This pressure came to the point where he started to feel that she was just slacking the burden from the war over to him. The last time both siblings saw each other was during a fight, with Nao whining at the end. Ned left for a bit in need of some space. What killed him was an indirect calamity of the use of some dynamite that the freshwater fish used to remove the coral reefs because they are a housing point for many species, including some young species of fish that could be a potential threat. She He died once and was brought back to life as an experiment to bring back the dead. He lost his memory from the explosion unfortunately. She’s He’s been made immortal to the point of being able to recover from burns, dismemberment, and even explosions. She’s He’s always able to regenerate before the cells in her his body die again. This is a curse for her him and she can’t feel pain or anything. So, she’s he’s been forced into the fighting. He tried to run away from the world of mercenaries, but returned when scared civilians attacked him for being supposedly a rogue zombie. Basically, there was a case when there was a fifty-fifty chance that the formula that made him an undead immortal or a total, aggressive flesh eating zombie that can even mimic a person. Think terminator zombie.
• Personality: As someone who’s been forced into this fight, she’d he’s rather fight as a medic than go directly into a fight and kill someone. She’s He’s a pacifist but has been desensitized to the death, even before she he died. So, she he just makes sure to just beat her his enemies out of consciousness than really kill. She He tries to make sure to only kill out of self defense. She He tries to see if there really is an option to not kill her his opponents, even in the heat of battle. She He is the weakest of her his teammates. So, she he serves as the intimidator of her his opponents while her his teammates make sure the enemies stay down or they reach their goal. She He also is the one who makes the enemies’ resources run low. She’s He’s nihilistic and doesn’t like many people. He likes some things that are effeminate such as dresses and desires that once the war is over, he can have the resources given to allow him to retire and let him just do some art, such as sculpting. He believes that his artistic interests and anything effeminate is a remnant of when he was alive. He’s annoyed when people pity or applaud him for being an unfortunate/striving guy who likes girly things.

• Name: Dory Connors
• Hair: Olive green
• Eye color: Dark green
• Distinguishing features: Ribboned pipefish
• Family:
• Backstory: While she’s not as fast as Nao, she is the most perceptive in finding the many directions to be efficient in movement. Her movements in combat are comparable to parkour. Part of the reason she chose to be a mercenary was some degree of patriotism for her saltwater kind. She adopted those ideals from her mentor, who believed that the freshwater fish are growing too aggressive in their desires.
• Personality: She’s a cheerful person. She’s basically the nice cheerleader character. She’s wishes to help her teammates be as comfortable and happy as possible, especially the ruby seadragon. She’s a bit promiscuous at times and keeps some female oriented playboy magazines. Her cheerful attitude is represented in a cocky and self-assured tone. Her pitch in voice is not so high and effeminate. She is a thrill seeker, choosing to be a mercenary because this job was another challenge to give her more adventure. She basically wanted to spice her life a bit more. She shares her interests in breaking the mold with Bhavna. In fact, she’s more tolerable to Bhavna’s antics than she is with Billie’s because she at least finds Bhavna’s antics funnier than Billie’s paranoia.

• Name: Bhavna Maya
• Hair: White with streaks of red and orange
• Eye color: Grey
• Distinguishing features: Ornamental ghost pipefish
• Family:
• Backstory: She chose to be a mercenary because she was excited of the idea of shooting things without being held back. Unfortunately, she found herself disappointed that she was put into the cannon fodder field. She’s been so loony through much of her life that she doesn’t know or remember who her family was.
• Personality: She’s pretty loony, and she embraces her madness. She’s pretty happy about living in her own insane world. She’s capable of breaking the fourth wall on her own at times. She’s able to go in and out of her fantasy world. She’s energetic. She’s able to suck people into her madness. She has a lot of fun with her job, and she really likes it when her opponents put up a fair and good fight. She doesn’t mind killing. She’s also a bit childlike in personality and even loves candy. She is a bit clueless, though, and gets a bit lost with directions. As an ornamental ghost pipefish, she decides to break her species limits and stretch her legs.

• Name: Falguni Achchha
• Hair: Grassy green
• Eye color: Brown tan
• Distinguishing features: Robust ghost pipefish
• Family:
• Backstory: Comes from a wealthy background. She was one of the few in her team that wasn’t originally cannon fodder. She was part of a group of fish that were made to assassins because of her camouflage ability. The main reason she was put into her current team of seahorses and relatives was because more camouflaging assassins that could move faster or are a more predatory species joined.
• Personality: She’s laid back in personality. She’s also one of the most lady like teammates and has a personality similar to a southern belle. She’s witty in her own quiet way. She’s at times picky with textures and what food she eats. She has a bit of a concern about being prepared for combat. So, she makes sure that she knows some useful techniques. She can be reserved, not stoic. She’s the type who gives shy smiles. She would still be straightforward. She got fed up of having her kindness taken advantage of and decides to take that out in being a mercenary because she has thoughts on killing people. She’s tired of being mocked as a species who just drifts across the sea. Her human form is large busted.

• Name: Beatrice Sharpe
• Hair: Yellow
• Eye color: Light blue
• Distinguishing features: Pacific Lined seahorse
• Family:
• Backstory: She and her family used to live around an estuarine area. However, their home was taken over by the freshwater fish. The freshwater fish just stated that since they’re saltwater fish, than they’ll be fine just moving to sea. The reason that they were evicted was because there was an attempt at building a literal wall to show that this region’s freshwater fish wish to not want anything to do with the saltwater fish. The freshwater fish even joked that there’s species of seahorse that could handle estuarine waters. That literal wall that caused their eviction was from a failed project in making areas where the saltwater fish can co-exist with the saltwater fish. This was the same failed project that the human twins’ parents and themselves were involved in. After being evicted, her family went through a series of illnesses that killed them one by one. Beatrice used to be made fun of not only for her estuarine background and for having a bulging snout that’s too big even for a seahorse. Was considered a walking punch line at a young age until she grew into a lovely adult. Her family has this tradition to pass down a certain song from generation to generation. She chose to be a mercenary to become a war hero. That and she wants revenge, believing that a freshwater fish does not really know love, especially among those not of their kind.
• Personality: She’s an eager person willing to try new things. She has a high curiosity and has a playful side of telling terrible jokes and puns. If people cross her or makes her feel like insulted, she will retort back very sharply and very cruelly. She’s like the shrew lady from the taming of the shrew. She is probably vengeful, like she wants revenge. She became a mercenary because some of her loved ones got hurt from an attempted truce between the freshwater and saltwater fish, because the saltwater subjects were put in water that just had table salt in there.

• Name: Eve Campion
• Hair: Dark brown
• Eye color: Orange
• Distinguishing features: Pot bellied seahorse
• Family:
• Backstory: Originally, she came from a family of mercenaries that worked as bodyguards against shady deals between the humans and the saltwater fish. She knew bits of that stuff, but never really the whole thing. That’s because she wasn’t so close to her parents at the time. No, it wasn’t because her parents disliked that she’s gay. She just didn’t agree with what her family has to do, being involved in a shady deal with humans. She finds it disturbing that there are saltwater fish willing to backstab their own kind to save their skins. She knows that the humans mainly wish to have both sides taken down. She’s aware that those shady ones made a deal with the humans that if they keep their own militia in check, they’ll be left alone, as are the bodyguards. But, she only stayed because her parents and younger siblings do the job willingly. She’s afraid that if she chooses to leave, than the bosses would notice and hurt her loved ones in retaliation. She joined the main armies because that was what paid big bucks at the time of orders as a spy to keep in check that the saltwater fish don’t exceed the freshwater fish too much. Was one of those who were also used as cannon fodder. The reason she managed to survive despite her species’ sensitivity is her tenacity, even for her own species as a pot bellied seahorse. She was put into her current faction when her younger siblings have been sent out to spy on their own teams as well.
• Personality: She likes to eat, and her team pokes fun that her love of eating matches her appearance as a pot bellied seahorse. She doesn’t really care, though. The thing that would get on her nerves, though, is if people negatively point out how long her fronds are. She’s a friend with the pacific seahorse. She’s pretty calm in nature and is on friendly terms with the robust ghost pipefish. She tries to be the peacekeeper among her teammates whenever they’re arguing and bickering. When things go bad for her, minor bad things at least, she’s like “whatever”. She’s pretty stubborn about people telling her that she needs to do something, even under military orders unless it’s the bosses her family works with.

• Name: Georgia Amir
• Hair: Pink
• Eye color: Magenta
• Distinguishing features: Pygmy seahorse
• Family:
• Backstory: She chose to join the world of mercenaries to follow her mom’s path. Her mom used to be a war strategist, even before it was decided to make the seahorses and relatives cannon fodder. To be honest, I imagined that she looked up to her mom. Before meeting her current teammates, she used to have a ragtag team that was officially used as cannon fodder as well. They consisted mostly of species that would be considered more objectively capable. A good number of them I believe consisted of flagtail pipefish, and also maybe some of one of the coral pipefish and some other species that are able to move a lot. However, during one mission, most of her teammates got injured or killed. It was bad timing to because as soon as she lost her team, it was made official for the seahorses and their relatives to have their own faction rather than be used as cannon fodder. The current team she has now she considers being an uncomfortable downgrade. However, she tries to figure out how to work their physical limits, especially their scout, and figure out how to use their strengths in war strategy.
• Personality: She’s like a yapping little dog that knows what orders to bark. Her teammates are a bit scared of her because of that. Her tongue is sharp and she’s determined to ensure that her team is well-protected and well lead. She’s capable of fighting herself and will join in the fray if her teammates are not doing totally well against the enemies. Despite being a delicate species, she’s been well valued for her war strategies. She’s also a capable fighter and is a bit athletic herself, but she’s a glass cannon. She’s been considered a valuable leader in both her original and current team. She makes sure to not look down on her current team and stay strong in believing in them out of a promise of a fallen comrade to keep strong as a representative of their relatives fighting in the war as soldiers and mercenaries, not cannon fodder.

• Name: Nao Shimetta mōfu
• Hair: White
• Eye color: Dark red
• Distinguishing features: Banded pipefish
• Family: “Prince Doe” Ned Gaye Wilson (Foster older brother), unnamed husband and child.
• Backstory: Married a banded pipefish that has a personality and attitude that’s based on Nostalgia Critic’s character, Bill. Chose to become a mercenary because she felt this is the only way to protect her family as well as ensure that they have the money to live. She keeps her birth surname. When she finally meets the undead Ned, now Prince Doe, after all these years, she initially thought it really was Ned. However, she changed her mind when she saw how young he looked and that he didn’t even recognize her. She still feels denial that “Prince Doe” and Ned are not the same people.
• Personality: She’s sensitive to the cold and tends to like warm environments. She places high value on her family members. In fact, she doesn’t want to be without them. She’s a bit timid around her teammates. She makes sure to keep in contact with her family and ensures that the money is given to them to keep them safe. She’s a play on of the army guy’s wet blanket wife trope. So, she gets crazy anxious about telling her family that she loves them and she’ll make sure to stay safe and save enough money for them if things go wrong. She even talks about what she’s done and how she’s keeping herself safe so that her husband won’t get anxious. She’s self-loathing that she doesn’t really care about her family and that one day she’ll just get bored of them and leave them. Her husband tells her at times that he knows she cares and that she’s over reacting. Her personality is one of the more passive or pacifist ones. She’s fine being more indirect with killing people than literally killing them on her own. So, she’s more okay with killing people than Ned is. As an engineer, she creates their version of TF2’s teleporters and dispensers. She usually teams up with the scout and the spy of the team to be able to establish an ambush spot.

Thank you for responding to this post.
The one on the left is Georgia Amir. The one on the right is Nao Shimetta mōfu.
The one on the left is Georgia Amir. The one on the right is Nao Shimetta mōfu.
Top left is Bhavna Maya. Top right is Falguni Achchha. Bottom left is Beatrice Sharpe. Bottom right is Eve Campion.
Top left is Bhavna Maya. Top right is Falguni Achchha. Bottom left is Beatrice Sharpe. Bottom right is Eve Campion.
Top left is Billie Silver. Top right is Kate Ramsey. Bottom left is "Prince Doe" Ned Gaye Wilson. Bottom right is Dory Connors.
Top left is Billie Silver. Top right is Kate Ramsey. Bottom left is "Prince Doe" Ned Gaye Wilson. Bottom right is Dory Connors.
Top left is Amari Adana. Top right is Marguerite Oreo. Bottom left is Six Dumbo. The bottom right is the main characters, the twins Azul Pisces (left) and Rojo Pisces (right).
Top left is Amari Adana. Top right is Marguerite Oreo. Bottom left is Six Dumbo. The bottom right is the main characters, the twins Azul Pisces (left) and Rojo Pisces (right).
Top left if Lapis Lazuli. Top right is Florence Gonino. Bottom left and right is Jay Liddel in her depressed and confident mode.
Top left if Lapis Lazuli. Top right is Florence Gonino. Bottom left and right is Jay Liddel in her depressed and confident mode.
The top left is Gardenia Steel. Top right is Chang'e Yuèliàng. Bottom left is Chomkwan Morh. Bottom right is Adel Braille. I drew them in human forms to get a good basis on what their personalities would be like. Also, it is nice to imagine some animals in human form.
The top left is Gardenia Steel. Top right is Chang'e Yuèliàng. Bottom left is Chomkwan Morh. Bottom right is Adel Braille. I drew them in human forms to get a good basis on what their personalities would be like. Also, it is nice to imagine some animals in human form.
If you check on this file and see betafish vs seahorse and see the script, maybe there will be some kind of error discovered that I overlooked.
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Last edited by gennethapang on Sun May 28, 2017 9:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Bettafish vs. Seahorse

#2 Post by Scribbles »

can you copy/paste your first 38 lines of code here with the code tags? I'd rather not download anything, from the error it looks like you're missing something simple like a " or : or something
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Re: Bettafish vs. Seahorse

#3 Post by gennethapang »

Scribbles wrote:can you copy/paste your first 38 lines of code here with the code tags? I'd rather not download anything, from the error it looks like you're missing something simple like a " or : or something
How do I copy/past my first 38 lines of code with the code tags? What are code tags? I know how to use the copy and paste keys. Moreover, I understand you're uncertainty with downloading anything. But, I'll try to copy and past the first 38 lines from the script code to here.

The Boss “Ms. Azul Pisces, I need you to work with the freshwaters."

If you want, I can post my entire script that I've made so far. It's not much, I can promise that.

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Re: Bettafish vs. Seahorse

#4 Post by Scribbles »

[ code ] (put your code here) [ /code ]

those are code tags, (but use without the spaces.)

you'll want to paste probably the first 38 lines of your code since the error is at line 38

based on that one line you posted, perhaps the problems are with the capitalization of the character tag, but I'm not 100% sure. I'm not super knowledgeable about programming. I'm also not sure what you're having issues with.
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Re: Bettafish vs. Seahorse

#5 Post by gennethapang »

Scribbles wrote:[ code ] (put your code here) [ /code ]

those are code tags, (but use without the spaces.)

you'll want to paste probably the first 38 lines of your code since the error is at line 38

based on that one line you posted, perhaps the problems are with the capitalization of the character tag, but I'm not 100% sure. I'm not super knowledgeable about programming. I'm also not sure what you're having issues with.
Okay. I'll try to past the "first 38 lines" of my code.

[ code ]The Boss “Ms. Azul Pisces, I need you to work with the freshwaters."[ /code ]

Is this the right way to copy and paste with the code tags? I fear that I didn't do it right. :(

I've also tried to fix it a bit and now it says that there's an indentation mismatch on line fifteen. I'll copy and paste them without the code tags.

# the game starts here.
label start:

The Boss “Hello based on my tight schedule I have to ask you this"
The Boss “which of one of you two shall join the Freshwater or Saltwater groups"
“She files through a large stack of papers"
“each filing by the fingers makes the papers more crinkled"
The Boss “I’ve decided that..."


“...young man, Rojo Pisces to the freshwater.":
jump rojofreshwater

“...young lady, Azul Pisces to the saltwater.":
jump azulsaltwater

“...young man, Rojo Pisces to the saltwater.":
jump rojosaltwater

“...young lady, Azul Pisces to the freshwater.":
jump azulfreshwater

label rojofreshwater:

The Boss “You, Rojo Pisces."

label azulsaltwater:

The Boss “Azul Pisces, how do you feel being assigned to work with the saltwaters."

label rojosaltwater:

The Boss “Rojo, to the saltwaters. Your sister shall go work with the freshwaters."

label azulfreshwater:

The Boss “Ms. Azul Pisces, I need you to work with the freshwaters.”:

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Re: Bettafish vs. Seahorse

#6 Post by Scribbles »

Code: Select all

label azulfreshwater:

    The Boss “Ms. Azul Pisces, I need you to work with the freshwaters.”:
the : at the end of this line shouldn't be there. that is probably causing an error. I can only assume that all of your indentation is correct.

did you define The Boss as a character anywhere? you probably shouldn't capitalize it OR have two words. Have you read through the documentation and tutorials? I would recommend you start there if you are new to Ren'py

you kept the spaces in the code tags, which is why they didn't work.

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Re: Bettafish vs. Seahorse

#7 Post by gennethapang »

Scribbles wrote:

Code: Select all

label azulfreshwater:

    The Boss “Ms. Azul Pisces, I need you to work with the freshwaters.”:
the : at the end of this line shouldn't be there. that is probably causing an error. I can only assume that all of your indentation is correct.

did you define The Boss as a character anywhere? you probably shouldn't capitalize it OR have two words. Have you read through the documentation and tutorials? I would recommend you start there if you are new to Ren'py

you kept the spaces in the code tags, which is why they didn't work.

Okay. I've already deleted the : at the end of that line. However, when I launched the project, it still said that there was an indentation error. I also don't know about these spaces in the code tags. I checked on the texts, and I don't know where these spaces in the code tags are. I did press shift + R to reload to see if anything new could come up. I did and I did find this.

Code: Select all

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "renpy/common/00keymap.rpy", line 396, in script
    python hide:
  File "renpy/common/00keymap.rpy", line 411, in <module>"_reload-1", "reload save game")
PicklingError: Can't pickle <type 'function'>: attribute lookup __builtin__.function failed

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "renpy/common/00keymap.rpy", line 396, in script
    python hide:
  File "/Volumes/renpy-", line 814, in execute
    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,
  File "/Volumes/renpy-", line 1719, in py_exec_bytecode
    exec bytecode in globals, locals
  File "renpy/common/00keymap.rpy", line 411, in <module>"_reload-1", "reload save game")
  File "/Volumes/renpy-", line 286, in save
    dump((roots,, logf)
  File "/Volumes/renpy-", line 45, in dump
    cPickle.dump(o, f, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
PicklingError: Can't pickle <type 'function'>: attribute lookup __builtin__.function failed

Ren'Py Launcher
I don't know if this is able to tell you anything. However, I assure you that I did read the tutorial to the best of my abilities, even copying and pasting the example pieces to test scripts to see if they worked, and they did. I didn't even know that I had to define my boss character. I thought defining the characters was mostly for the font colors. When I looked at an example on the tutorial that didn't have the characters' font colors, there was no characters defined. So, maybe I missed something. I'll have to try.

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Re: Bettafish vs. Seahorse

#8 Post by gennethapang »

I've tried watching and reading many tutorials over and over. However, no matter what I try to edit, I often have this error saying that I have a mismatched indentation. I don't know what's really wrong, then. I've even counted the number of spaces per line. I even looked at many examples, even on the tutorials. So, the most I could think of as the source of this error is the editing tool that I've chosen. However, I don't know how I can look up and change my editing tool on the ren'py engine. So, I would like some really informative answers on what I can do to fix this mismatched indentation.

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Re: Bettafish vs. Seahorse

#9 Post by gennethapang »

I've tried watching and reading many tutorials over and over. However, no matter what I try to edit, I often have this error saying that I have a mismatched indentation. I don't know what's really wrong, then. I've even counted the number of spaces per line. I even looked at many examples, even on the tutorials. So, the most I could think of as the source of this error is the editing tool that I've chosen. However, I don't know how I can look up and change my editing tool on the ren'py engine. So, I would like some really informative answers on what I can do to fix this mismatched indentation.

I even tried starting a new file and typed up the example formats. I tried to work on a clean slate with a new script file. This still says that I have an indentation error. This error is killing me, and I need to know how I can make this game to have a good idea on my route story formats and if this engine can handle a menu of four options.

This is how my current script looks. I hope that anyone reading this can understand the formatting this file has.

# The script of the game goes in this file.

# Declare characters used by this game. The color argument colorizes the
# name of the character.

define b = Character(“Boss”)

# The game starts here.

label start:

# Show a background. This uses a placeholder by default, but you can
# add a file (named either "bg room.png" or "bg room.jpg") to the
# images directory to show it.

scene bg room

# This shows a character sprite. A placeholder is used, but you can
# replace it by adding a file named "eileen happy.png" to the images
# directory.

# These display lines of dialogue.

b “Hello based on my tight schedule I have to ask you this"

b “which of one of you two shall join the Freshwater or Saltwater groups"

“She files through a large stack of papers"

“each filing by the fingers makes the papers more crinkled"

b “I’ve decided that..."


“...young man, Rojo Pisces to the freshwater.":
jump rojofreshwater

“...young lady, Azul Pisces to the saltwater.":
jump azulsaltwater

“...young man, Rojo Pisces to the saltwater.":
jump rojosaltwater

“...young lady, Azul Pisces to the freshwater.":
jump azulfreshwater

#end of menu, start of labels

label rojofreshwater:

b “You, Rojo Pisces."

label azulsaltwater:

b “Azul Pisces, how do you feel being assigned to work with the saltwaters."

label rojosaltwater:

b “Rojo, to the saltwaters. Your sister shall go work with the freshwaters."

label azulfreshwater:

b “Ms. Azul Pisces, I need you to work with the freshwaters.”

# This ends the game.


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Re: Bettafish vs. Seahorse

#10 Post by Scribbles »

this is how your code indentation should look:

Code: Select all

# The script of the game goes in this file.

# Declare characters used by this game. The color argument colorizes the
# name of the character.

define b = Character(“Boss”)

# The game starts here.

label start:

    # Show a background. This uses a placeholder by default, but you can
    # add a file (named either "bg room.png" or "bg room.jpg") to the
    # images directory to show it.

    scene bg room

    # This shows a character sprite. A placeholder is used, but you can
    # replace it by adding a file named "eileen happy.png" to the images
    # directory.

    # These display lines of dialogue.
    b “Hello based on my tight schedule I have to ask you this"

    b “which of one of you two shall join the Freshwater or Saltwater groups"

    “She files through a large stack of papers"

    “each filing by the fingers makes the papers more crinkled"

    b “I’ve decided that..."

        “...young man, Rojo Pisces to the freshwater.":
            jump rojofreshwater

        “...young lady, Azul Pisces to the saltwater.":
            jump azulsaltwater

        “...young man, Rojo Pisces to the saltwater.":
            jump rojosaltwater

        “...young lady, Azul Pisces to the freshwater.":
            jump azulfreshwater

        #end of menu, start of labels

label rojofreshwater:

    b “You, Rojo Pisces."    

label azulsaltwater:

    b “Azul Pisces, how do you feel being assigned to work with the saltwaters."

label rojosaltwater:

    b “Rojo, to the saltwaters. Your sister shall go work with the freshwaters."

label azulfreshwater:

    b “Ms. Azul Pisces, I need you to work with the freshwaters.”

    # This ends the game.

however there are other problems with your code.

After the jump to label under the menu it will continue to the labels below it until it returns because nothing happens to prevent it.

did you define the room image? You have to define all of the assets you want to use in your game. images, variables, characters, and so on.

I'm really not sure if you're looking at the updated tutorials and you don't seem to know a lot about programming. The usual suggestion is to take the (free) code academy course on python.

if you're still getting indentation errors I guess you could try deleting everything and retyping it?
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Re: Bettafish vs. Seahorse

#11 Post by Scribbles »

I should also note that this isn't really the forum for Q/A stuff so I won't be replying anymore. You'll want to post in the right board for that. I didn't realize this was in "ideas"
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Re: Bettafish vs. Seahorse

#12 Post by gennethapang »

Scribbles wrote:I should also note that this isn't really the forum for Q/A stuff so I won't be replying anymore. You'll want to post in the right board for that. I didn't realize this was in "ideas"
Ok. I'm sorry. I'll try to find on the forums page where to get help for my errors.

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