Seeking composer for otome VN OST [Temp Closure]

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Seeking composer for otome VN OST [Temp Closure]

#1 Post by rufiangel »

Hey all, I've had an otome VN project (Apodrasi) on the backburner for 500 years now. While the writing is done and almost all art assets are completed (sprites, BGs and GUI all done - just need to work on CGs now) it's been undergoing a major programming overhaul that I think will probably take a while yet. We're hard at work on it though whenever we can spare time, and we're at a point where I feel comfortable trying to redo the music as well. (We have a bunch of placeholders right now that can't be used in the final release for various reasons.) The game will be a free-to-play release.

I need 13 unique tracks that loop between 30 seconds to 1 minute, with four of them being character themes that have two variations each, and one track that has a more epic variation for certain endings. Atmospherically I'm looking for something similar to the anime Haibane Renmei, and I have a preference for piano-based or acoustic pieces for this particular OST. I'd like to offer a lumpsum payment of USD 500 for the whole package rather than pay per minute. Please do let me know in the comments if you feel this isn't reasonable!

If you're interested, please reply here or PM me with samples of your work and I'll get back to you soon. Thank you!

For more details about the VN itself, please feel free to check the link above or ask any questions if you have any. :)


EDIT 06/10/21: Hey everyone, thanks for all the PMs! If I didn't get back to you, I'm really sorry. Due to some RL circumstances suddenly hitting, I wasn't able to get around to all the PMs. We still haven't chosen a composer yet, and if you did PM me and I haven't replied yet, please note I probably will in the future. For now, I'd like to temporarily close this until I know for sure I'll be able to concentrate on creating this OST. Thank you!
Last edited by rufiangel on Wed Oct 06, 2021 3:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
Please check out Speechless, a project on hold for the moment!
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Re: Seeking composer for otome VN OST

#2 Post by UrizenComposer »

Hi, I'm quite interested in your project. :) As an orchestral and trailer composer I like basic compositions of piano and acoustic instruments.
Of course I have some questions about some details of the commitment(about the variations or "remixes" of the character themes; the exactly length of every music cue; if is ok for you to pay with PayPal; if there is a contract; and stuff like that).
Here's an emotional music cue with piano and melodic elements used for another VG project, just for example: ... tle-screen.
And here's my Soundcloud page with most of my music:

If you're interested, I'm available to make a call.

Discord:  UrizenComposer#1324
Instagram: urizencomposer
SoundCloud: UrizenComposer
Facebook:Urizen Composer
Twitter: Composer Urizen
Thank you for your attention.
Best regards.
Paolo Migliorisi - Urizen Composer
I'm a sound designer and an orchestral composer for Videogame/Film Scores, I studied music on my own for about 15 years and I love to traslate the ideas of my clients into musical emotions. Why? Because Music is oxygen for the soul.

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