Hussler-1 [Sci-fi] [Horror]

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Hussler-1 [Sci-fi] [Horror]

#1 Post by Kozelek »


I'd like to invite you to try my #WinterVNJam entry, a small sci-fi/horror story (30 minutes long more or less) that I hope will interest many of you. The main influences are, as is usually the case with any science fiction and horror story, "Alien" or "The Thing", although if you expect it to be a copy of any of those, you may be in for a surprise. :wink:
In it we have worked mainly two people: Natalia Zaytseva designing the characters, drawing the backgrounds and creating the user interface, and myself, Pablo Martinez, writing the story and programming it in Ren'Py.

The story goes like this: In a remote settlement of only 1,000 people on an icy planet where nothing can grow, two Cosmiczon Ltd. employees complete the last delivery on their list. They might soon come to understand that the real reason they are there might endanger their lives.

Anny comment is appreciated!

Here are some screenshots:

You can see more of Natalia's amazing art here.

This is a preliminary version of the game. The script and text is 100% complete, but unfortunately we have only had time to finalize 75-85% of the art. Some of the screens will appear blank with text only, and others have placeholders. All that will be fixed in future versions.

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Joined: Tue Aug 04, 2009 3:38 pm

Re: Hussler-1 [Sci-fi] [Horror]

#2 Post by Kozelek »

There's a new release for Husserl-1, Version 0.18.

We have added multiple languages in this new version 0.18, which was something that many people had asked for. There are currently only two languages offered: Spanish and English. However, additional languages may be added in future versions.

If you speak Spanish and have been putting off trying the game because of the language barrier, now is the time to do it! If you do, please leave us a comment here about your experience.
Hay una nueva versión para Husserl-1, Versión 0.18.

En esta nueva versión 0.18 se ha incluido algo que muchos me habían pedido; múltiples idiomas. De momento solo hay dos disponibles: Español e Inglés. Sin embargo, en futuras versiones podrían añadirse idiomas adicionales.

Si hablas español y hasta ahora el problema del idioma te había impedido probar el juego, ¡este es el momento de hacerlo! Y cuando lo hagas, nos encantará que nos dejes aquí tus impresiones.

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Re: Hussler-1 [Sci-fi] [Horror]

#3 Post by LoaExMachina »

I just started trying this game and already got the bad ending 1 !
I'm guessing I took the shortest route to death, lol. My feelings so far : The exposition is so well made, it feels mysterious, but not too confusing.
And this art style is beautiful : Stylized and colorful enough to be visually appealing, yet serious and realistic enough and well fitting for the tone ! I'll be back once I've played more routes and got more of the lore, but so far I'm loving it !
[edit : I've got one of the good endings now ! Might try all the endings later, idk, in any case, still a great VN, one of the best ones I've played so far !]

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