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School's Out! GxB / GxG

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 12:38 pm
by Chansel
Kimiko Adams is a normal girl with a relatively normal life. She lived with her divorced mother and her lesbian partner for most of her life, her father having flown off to some remote country. But after the recent and sudden break-up of her mom, they had to move out ASAP. Having little time and thus very few options, the move ended up taking them far away from their old lives.
Can Kimiko cope with all the stress?
Will she be able to build up a new life?
It's all up to you!

Help Kimiko as she tries to juggle all the different aspects of her life. Should she spend more time with her recently dumped, chaotic and lesbian mother? Or is giving that special guy a call a better idea? And don't forget about studying for the exams!

Guide Kimiko's decisions by taking on the role of her conscience, stylist and manager as she is faced with many different scenarios!

Game Features:
- 4 Eligible characters
- At least 6 different endings
- Change Kimiko's look with different outfits and haircuts
- Play the last three months till graduation
- Both Stat based and Event based game play
- CG gallery and Original Character Art
- Customized GUI

School’s Out is a romance based slice of life kind of story and it’s extremely character driven. It all depends on who you talk to and when you decide to help them with their problems. ...or decide not to help them. That is all up to you, of course.

The game is still very much in development. But in the meantime I’ll be posting screenshots of what you can expect to appear in the game. Note that all of these are subject to change and may not be exactly what you’ll see in the final version.
ImageImageImageImage - Image
The last one is a sneak preview of the clothing system. Though in the final version you won’t buy complete outfits, but rather a separate shirt, pants and shoes :) It’s using the Celeste doll made by Deji-chan as a placeholder and the rest is fully made by Aleema.

Kimiko’s artist: charmwitch
Character Artist: EriDaiho
Eva Adams Artist: Suihara
CG Artist: miyoyan
Clothing system: Aleema
Writer: Chansel
Editor: IonicMomo






Re: School's Out! GxB / GxG

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 12:52 pm
by Nanally
OMG !!! This looks so great O__O I already want to try it!
The art is just "Wahhh!!!" Plus the guy is gorgeous and the idea of changing Kimiko look is truly a good one.

As you have already guessed this game is getting my attention and I look forward to playing it x3
When you have new info or screenshot you must definitely let us be aware !

:D Yay ! And good luck on your project, rely on me too cheer you up.

Re: School's Out! GxB / GxG

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 2:07 pm
by PrettySammy09
Wheeee!! An Otome game with pretty guys. Although the first guy seems like a bit of a jerk. :/

I'll be following this! Good luck!

Re: School's Out! GxB / GxG

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 2:09 pm
by Deji
Definitely looking forward to this C:
Art looks lovely! Can't wait to see more!~

Re: School's Out! GxB / GxG

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 2:25 pm
by dstarsboy
Looks awesome! You get to be the MC's stylist?

Re: School's Out! GxB / GxG

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 3:16 pm
by cloudyssky
Can't wait to see this as a demo or full realease!

Re: School's Out! GxB / GxG

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 3:32 pm
by Chansel
Wow, thanks everyone ^^
It's really motivating to hear all your positive feedback =D
*starts writing more scenes*
Although the first guy seems like a bit of a jerk. :/
Hehe, that's why there's several datable characters. Not everyone likes the same type of guys ;)

Re: School's Out! GxB / GxG

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 3:54 pm
by Nanally
Mmh he is more like a "bad guy" I think.
Well I can't help maybe I just like jerks x) Anyway this type of guy generally end up being the cutest in otome games!

It may be early but do you intend to release a demo ? ^.^

Re: School's Out! GxB / GxG

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 3:58 pm
by Chansel
"Bad guys" are my favorites in otome games too XD
Actually, this is basically a compilation of my favorite type of characters ^^"
Which is so great about making your own game. You get to decide the awesomeness of the cast!

And yes, I do plan to release a demo. But I'm afraid it might take some time before it's finished. I'll keep you posted!

Re: School's Out! GxB / GxG

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 8:47 pm
by Aleema
Tsundere bad boys? Yum, yum. I agree. ;)

Also, if you're looking for a scripter/coder, I'm game. Turns out I love programming and designing, but the writing of the story is actually hard for me. :( I really want to do a game like this. Every time I play Tokimemo girl's side, I want to throw it down and try to make a game just like it. But I have no story, no characters, and no motivation to make either of them. Just the framework. My best attempt veered off into a band sim, lol.

Re: School's Out! GxB / GxG

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 9:00 pm
by Chansel
But I have no story, no characters, and no motivation to make either of them. Just the framework. My best attempt veered off into a band sim, lol.
That's kinda funny, since I'm the opposite XD
Scripting things is like trying to read chineese for me. While writing and thinking up characters is a jiffy. I even have dreams about my own characters and stories ^^" Which often give me some pretty good ideas, lol.

I already sent you a pm before reading this ^^" And just now replied to your reply.

Re: School's Out! GxB / GxG

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 9:11 pm
by Aleema
Chansel wrote:
But I have no story, no characters, and no motivation to make either of them. Just the framework. My best attempt veered off into a band sim, lol.
That's kinda funny, since I'm the opposite XD
Scripting things is like trying to read chineese for me. While writing and thinking up characters is a jiffy. I even have dreams about my own characters and stories ^^" Which often give me some pretty good ideas, lol.
Holy crap, your characters come up in your dreams? Well, I daydream scenarios a lot, which helps me. :)
Funny you should say that, because most all of my story ideas come from dreams I had (that I refine), so I know it's in me somewhere. =P I think many years of forced writing in school has sucked the fun out of it for now ...

But I did major in computer science in high school (not college, so laugh if you want), but I had to be placed a year ahead because I was doing the programming stuff too fast. ^^; So, please, let me help you with coding, too!

Re: School's Out! GxB / GxG

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 10:01 pm
by Chansel
You know what? I think there isn't anyone out there who hasn't been inspired by a dream they've had at some point in their lives ^^
It's a shame school has gotten you so de-motivated to write though... It's so much fun! Trying to have other people see and feel what you want them to see and feel, it's great ^^

Wow, very impressive. You must be a real wizkid ^^ And I already send you a huge pm with the details. If you still want to help me after that, I'll name you as the official scripter in the first post :) (hehe, I made that sound as if it was an huge honor.. Even though it is I that am honored that you want to help me out XD)

Re: School's Out! GxB / GxG

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 11:42 pm
by Nanashiko
Woah~ That guy is so hot @A@ *drools* looks good so far ! Will look forward to see more progress in the future!

Re: School's Out! GxB / GxG

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 11:48 pm
by azureXtwilight
Whoa! It's so pretty! I feel bad for not realizing it sooner! Good luck with your game. I will be rooting for you!