[WIP] NOSTALGIA -fragment of memory

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Re: [WIP] NOSTALGIA -fragment of memory

#16 Post by Applegate »

I'd scrap the "with a complete change of attitude" line; it's something the reader can infer, likely.

I like what I see so far, and it seems you approach the subject matter seriously. I'd like to advise against setting an arbitrary wordcount goal, however. You should write the story as long as it needs to be, rather than as long as you'd like the reader to take.

I like the NVL scene, too.

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Re: [WIP] NOSTALGIA -fragment of memory

#17 Post by jelly-crown »

Wow, in that case I must be an incredibly slow reader.

Actually, I deleted that entire scene from the script, haha.
I agree with what you're saying, it's just easier for me to work toward a goal {even if I end up not reaching it, or surpassing it} instead of typing the story until I reach what I consider the end of it. But if the story ends up being shorter than what I intend, by no means would I add in meaningless filler to stretch it further.
Glad you like what you see!

Because visuals are important, have a screenshot. Now with a textbox!

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Re: [WIP] NOSTALGIA -fragment of memory

#18 Post by vasudaprime »

Samu-kun wrote:I think about 40 000 words, depending largely on one's read speed.
11 words a second? For a whole hour? I guess I must be a slow reader as well :?.

jelly-crown wrote:Chisato: There's no reason to look so uncomfortable
Quite. He won't be able to blackmail you if he doesn't remember anything :P.

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Re: [WIP] NOSTALGIA -fragment of memory

#19 Post by jelly-crown »

Yeah, I recently read a novel that was about 60,000 words and it took me 3-4 hours. I guess everyone just reads differently. As for visual novels, I tend to read even slower, because it's more than just reading, it's enjoying the atmosphere of the music, the characters, ect. Nonetheless, I suppose quality > quantity.
The goal is set for 80,000 words. Will I reach it? No clue. But it's easier to finish something when you know where you're going.


The game contains 846 screens of dialogue.
These screens contain a total of 10,618 words,
for an average of 12.6 words per screen.
The game contains 0 menus.

My intention is for the demo to be the first 10,000 words, so in that sense, the demo is done. I just need to add a few things to enhance your viewing experience before I release it. :)

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Re: [WIP] NOSTALGIA -fragment of memory

#20 Post by Jonarific »

The average American adult reads prose text at 250 to 300 words per minute. While proofreading materials, people are able to read at 200 wpm on paper, and 180 wpm on a monitor. <- so speaks wikipedia, with a verified citation.

Audiobooks are recommended to be 150–160 words per minute, which is the range that people comfortably hear and vocalize words. <- wikipedia speaks again, but a citation needed.

Although, with a test taken at college to measure our WPM reading speed, most people clocked in around 100-200 WPM. Slow, comfortable reading is probably around 100-200 I would imagine?

I'm curious, how far along into the plot are you? Do you like, know your endings? And is there going to be a way to choose between which girl you end up with? Or is it a linear plot? And why did you choose your story to be linear/not linear.

I like Mifuyu~

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Re: [WIP] NOSTALGIA -fragment of memory

#21 Post by jelly-crown »

So... I'll assume the average VN reader reads at 200 WPM. In that case, 200 words per minute * 10,000 words = How long?
I'm guessing 200 * 10,000 is the wrong equation since two million minutes is a really long time. {I'm absolutely horrible at math. OTL.}

The plot is complete! I've planned out all of the possible endings. As for which girl you end up with, that's decided by points, which are added {or subtracted} depending on which choice you make at decision points.
The thing I love the most about visual novels is obtaining all of the endings. I think it makes the game more fun and gives you incentive to replay it. Also, if you're not satisfied with one ending, there are several more that could be preferable. That's why I chose a non linear plot.

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Re: [WIP] NOSTALGIA -fragment of memory

#22 Post by Jake »

jelly-crown wrote:So... I'll assume the average VN reader reads at 200 WPM. In that case, 200 words per minute * 10,000 words = How long?
Answer: 50 minutes. (Several people around here have worked on the informal rate that "10000 words is an hour" before, as it goes.)

The "per" in "words per minute" means "divided by", so "words per minute" is "words divided by minutes" - so to find out how fast someone reads, they would get them to read a long bit of text (say 2000 words) and time how long they took (say, 10 minutes) and they get "words per minute" by dividing the number-of-words by the number-of-minutes, so 2000/10 = 200 words per minute.

When you want to find out how long that person will take to read a thing of a different length, we need to re-arrange a bit. We know that their 200 comes from:
200 = number of words / time
and you want to find 'time' from 'number of words':
200 = 10000 / ???

To re-arrange, we have to manipulate the equation, doing the same thing to both sides of the '=' until we come up with something that says "??? = <some combination of 200 and 10000>".

- Dividing and multiplying are opposites. So if we take a number and divide it by ten and then multiply it by ten, we end up with that same number. So we can move the '???' from one side of the equation to the other by multiplying both sides by '???':
200 * ??? = (10000 / ???) * ???
which is the same as:
200 * ??? = 10000
(We started with this step because it's harder to get a number out of a divide than it is to get a number out of a multiply, so we always deal with our divides first if we can.)

- We can use the same rule to do the reverse and move the 200 to the opposite side as well, so that the '???' is on its own. This time, because we're trying to get rid of the '200' from the left, we want to divide by 200, because that's the opposite of the multiply that's already there:

(200 * ???) / 200 = 10000 / 200
which is the same as:
??? = 10000 / 200
10000 / 200 = 50

(There's actually a neat thing called the 'triangle rule' which you can use in situations like this to cheat a little bit, as well. Basically, you arrange the parts of your equation in a triangle like this one. If one side of the equation is a divide, you put the first number at the top corner of the triangle and the number it's divided by in one of the bottom corners; if instead one side of the equation is a multiply, then you put the two parts of the multiply at each bottom corner. The remaining side of the equation goes in the remaining corner, so for "WPM = words / minutes" we would put 'words' (W) and 'minutes' (M) in the top and one of the bottom corners respectively, because there's a divide:

Code: Select all


and then 'WPM' can go in the remaining corner:

Code: Select all


WPM     M
To find out what any particular value is if you know the other two, you just cover up the value you want to find out... and the arrangement of the two that are left will tell you how to write the equation. If they're next to each other, multiply them together to get the remaining value; if they're one over the other, divide the top one by the bottom one.

So if we want to find how many minutes it takes for a 200WPM reader to read 10000 words, we fill those values into our triangle:

Code: Select all


200      ???
cover up the '???' and you get:

Code: Select all


- and since they're one atop the other, you can say ??? is equal to 10000 / 200.

If you wanted to find how many words a 200WPM reader could read in 10 minutes, you'd have your triangle like this instead:

Code: Select all


200      10
- cover up the '???' and the two remaining values are next to each other, so we multiply them together and get ??? = 200 x 10 (so a 200WPM reader can read 2000 words in ten minutes).
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Re: [WIP] NOSTALGIA -fragment of memory

#23 Post by eclipsezero »

Sounds kind of like Another Code and Time Hollow, which means this should be freaking AWESOME.
Can't wait until its released : O

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Re: [WIP] NOSTALGIA -fragment of memory

#24 Post by jelly-crown »

Mifuyu's sprite is up~ Now all the main girl's sprites are done. Phew.

Holy mackerel. That triangle thing went way over my head. @A@;
Basically, all you have to do is divide the number of words by the WPM to find the time, right...?

Ah, Time Hollow! I played that game a while ago.
To be honest I'm not really sure how it sounds similar, but I liked Time Hollow's concept of
1. seeing a memory/flashback
2. having no idea when or where it happened
3. having to search for the clues to confirm the details of the memory
I guess you could say that my INTENTION is for memory mode in Nostalgia to be a {very} simple version of that concept.
Glad you're looking forward to it :D

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Re: [WIP] NOSTALGIA -fragment of memory

#25 Post by eclipsezero »

By the way, is it alright if i ask how you got the menu to appear in the dialogue screen itself? That is, in the last image you posted?
Is it custom, or can it be done using Ren'Py's language itself? : O

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