Five of Masks Brainstorm catch

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Five of Masks Brainstorm catch

#1 Post by Lazarae »

And to think this all started with a scribbled title during a bout of insomnia on a six hour flight, followed by some very pretty stock art.

I have a rapidly expanding idea that I'm not sure I can handle with my little (read: lack of) experience with Ren'Py, but it won't leave me alone. I'm posting this because explaining my ideas to people help me work the kinks out, even if no one's paying attention, but you're welcome to supply advice, assistance, and reminders that I'm clearly insane for even attempting this.

I'm thinking three complete angles on the story from three completely different characters, possibly each within a game. It's sort of a political intrigue/mystery(?) in a very dark fantasy world. There's options for relationships, but I don't plan on having romance be the main focus and you would be able to finish without choosing anyone, and a few of the romances choices are fatal. I'm not entirely sure how I want to set up the system, though, especially with the MCs' personalities being malleable depending on your choices- the main characters are all under a lot of stress, so it makes sense that they change from their initial personalities.

The Backstory and Setting: The world, which has no name (It's usually called "the Land", or just "the world"), is roughly equivalent to our mid-dark ages. Plague, famine, war, with a chaotic magic system on top of it all. Magic is given by the thousands of gods, and reacts differently depending on where the user is at the time and which gods dominate that area. This is because the world is just the product of a sibling fit between the gods, their end game is to have only one pantheon (or one god, if that's what it comes to) ruling over their creations whose only purpose is to solve this argument. Gods almost never reveal themselves to the people, simply "touching" them to give them power. The only exceptions are the two goddesses who aren't even real gods: they've been around since even before the Creator gods were born. These two are Kaini, the Oracle also known as Fate's Harlot, and the Unspoken Lady who governs death and the realm of the dead. Kaini takes a mortal vessel to take her knowledge to places where it's needed, but her motives are unclear as she and the Lady aren't involved in the same feud the other gods are. The Unspoken Lady has never directly contacted the people of the world, but there are legends of sightings of her collecting the souls of heroes from battlefields.

There are three main countries related to the story: Caeit, where the story takes place; Uless, province currently under the control of Caeit and plotting a civil war; and Iorum, a long time rival of Caeit in an uneasy peace at the moment.

Caeit means "Bedlam" in the old tongue, and is named after a battlefield in a mythic prophesy. It was founded by Elaesar, a rebel escaping from his homeland. The capital city bears his name, but the royal bloodline follows the women: while an idealist and a good army leader he had no skill governing a fledgling country and his wife took over after the war, so both are honored in different ways. Uless's name also comes from the same prophesy, meaning "Wanderer" and the homeland of the mythical hero. Uless is a very small territory and was under the control of another country until Caeit freed it; because it was too small to defend itself it has a pact with Caeit that has gradually unraveled and now borders on civil war. It's technically part of Caeit, but has its own government, laws, etc, and Caeit mostly considers it as separate besides military/security interests and taxes.

Just before the story starts: The royal family of Caeit suffers an assassination attempt. The Queen dies within a few days due to injuries, leaving the mentally unstable King Laevian and their young daughter Isedria. Havoc ensues for the next two years until Laevian's suicide from his inability to cope with his wife's death. Isedria, at 14, takes the throne with the family friend and adviser Cier's assistance. The new Queen had a very hard time with the mess her father managed to create in two years: Uless feels particularly abused but the Mad-King's rule, the people no longer trust the royal family, and the fragile peace between Caeit and Iorum grows increasingly delicate. She's managed to salvage just enough trust to keep the peace for five years, but as Iorum's army unexpectedly multiplies and Uless grows increasingly restless over its dependence things begin to look bleak. In an attempt to solve these problems, inviting the leaders of Iorum and Uless to the ten-day celebration of a universal holiday revolving around the creation of the gods and the world. It is considered a highest crime to harm another being during those ten days; the most warlike and abusive of people will keep to this, armies meeting on the battlefield will lay aside their weapons and celebrate with their enemies, and even woodcutters and hunters will put aside their work because trees and the lowest of animals are the living works of the Creator gods, parents of the modern gods, who lie dormant. It is the night before the festivities and Actia, vessel of the Oracle, appears in Isedria's chambers to give her an oracle card: the Five of Masks. The story begins that morning.

Characters as of right now: (Art is in the works. Might post pictures of the stock that inspired the story and a few of the characters until then, if I can get permission.) Most of the ages are pretty young because of the short lifespan.

Isedria, the Queen Maiden:
19 year old female. Forced to grow up fast due to her father's illness, it was easy at first for her to slip into the world of politics after her parents' death. Over time, though, as Cier gave her control of more and more things, it's worn her down. Almost all of her waking hours are spent ruling the kingdom, as she puts every little problem on her plate. After the mess her father made, she believes that every policy must enforce the trust in the royal family, so she attends to all of them personally. She's very intelligent and good at reading most people with the exception of foreign nobles who share the same gift. She's in poor health due to stress but refuses to allow herself to rest, even during the holidays.
(Main character of the first game)

Cier, adviser to the dead King, friend of the dead Queen:
45 year old male. Long time friend of the former Queen, he was asked to come to court when she married her unstable husband. While he served her mostly as a confidant, he became key to the survival of the country after she died. Rumor has it that she may have been warned of her own death by the Oracle's vessel, and she knew how important Cier would become to her kingdom. After the king's death he weaned Isedria into the role of Queen a little at a time. She sees him as something of a father figure and is very close friends with his son, who he's trained to be her future adviser. His health is rapidly deteriorating, and the end is clearly near.

Jalis, future adviser to the Queen:
20 year old male. Cier's son and good friend of Isedria. Though he hasn't taken his father's role yet, he's still very thoughtful and full of sound advice. He and Isedria used to play together before the Queen died and he's the only one who remembers the little girl she used to be. Level headed and calm, he hides his concerns and fears very well. He's never judgmental, and the best person Isedria can rely on for an unclouded opinion on someone, though it may take a while for him to form one.

Actia, Vessel of the Oracle:
Exact age unknown, between 17 and 22, female. Because of the Oracle, she exists mentally somewhere in the future, and is often considered to be driven mad by her role. Some small part of her awareness remains in the present, though it does tend to flicker in and out, and she perceives everything in symbols. People treat her with a mix of respect and fear, and it's easy to become uncomfortable being in the same room as her. Her speech pattern is actually pretty coherent, but marred by small spasms of her visions. She sways when talking, and performs most social expectations in an almost mocking manner.
(Main character of the third game.)

Aetheris, royal physician:
22 year old male (looks younger than he is: about 18). Probably the most optimistic character in the whole cast, Aetheris is always full of energy despite his taxing job. In truth he hides everything behind his smile, convincing himself that everything will turn out alright as long as he doesn't lose hope. Something happened to him in the past, he's been very good at hiding it thus far but grows increasingly nervous throughout the festival. His main patient is Cier, but he's very concerned about Isedria as well.

Osandra, ambassador of Uless:
20 year old female. Rumor has it that she's an illegitimate child of Uless's king, or at least been given permission to wear the royal colors. She's well spoken and well versed in the ways of the court, even so much as to hide her intentions from Isedria and Dyacan. She's definitely hiding something, but no one can quite tell what. Pleasant enough in conversation, but often very blunt when it comes to her homeland. Also seems rather nervous about the festival.

Dyacan, Prince of Iorum:
21 year old male. Widely considered to be an untrustworthy snake. Barely hides his sarcasm when speaking to Isedria and Osandra. Came on behalf of his father, who must attend to local matters. Has a curious fascination with Actia and the Oracle. (Bio incomplete)

Crennan, son of a traitor(?):
25 year old male. Was training for the royal guard when the King declared his father a traitor, and he and his mother were forced to flee. He spent the next several years using his training as a mercenary. After his company was slaughtered, he decided to return to his birthplace, seeking answers and the redemption of his family. Had encountered Isedria before his father's sentence, and respects her but doesn't trust her completely. Arrives during the festival to ensure his safety.
(Main character of the second game)

Additional thoughts and clarifications: This post looks a little dense, but during the game this information would be more spread out. The game feels like it's going to be pretty big, especially since all the information here is relevant.

Things to figure out in the game(s):
  • Who killed the Queen all those years ago, and why
  • If the Queen knew about her death
  • Why the Oracle has taken an interest in this meeting, and this festival
  • What the ambassador and prince want from Caeit
  • Why Crennan's father was accused of treason.
  • A couple more things I can't list yet because they are spoiler-y.
Clarifications: (Because this was written over three nights during bouts of insomnia while I've been sick.)
The King was a little crazy before the Queen died, but it was her death that threw him over the edge.
The prophecy for which Uless and Caeit are named for is relevant, but not the way most people think. It's not playing out (actually, according to the legend it comes from, it already has been fulfilled long before the two lands were settled) or even directly connected to the current situation besides the fears of the people. Because Caeit was named for a battlefield, they fear the country will be destroyed in some upcoming war- possibly the looming civil war with Uless.
Isedria will explain the meaning of the Five of Masks card in the opening sequence but I'll put the short version here. It's basically about trust- both friends and enemies in unexpected places. Reversed it means introversion, and trust in the self. Bot meanings are relevant because Isedria was just handed the card rather than it being in a reading where the positioning of the card would be important.
There are at least three more characters, if not more, but I have yet to finish all the bios. Dyacan and Aetheris are also not entirely complete.
The Unspoken Lady goes by a title for a reason: her real name is considered taboo to the point that no one even remembers what it is.
All three of the planned games take place in the same time span, but it's not just repeats of a game from a different character because each character experiences different events and may react to similar events differently. Also, Actia would last in the series because her mind is so fractured that it would be hard to understand what was going on if you hadn't already played at least Isedria's. Her narration is important though, because she reveals things going on behind the scenes. Isedria would be the first because she has the ability to introduce the most backstory naturally, being directly tied to all of the important events.
I intend to do this whole thing on myself, mostly because I've never made something like this in a group and because I don't want anyone to be disappointed if it falls through. Of course, I'm open to any sort of assistance if you're willing to overlook those two points, but I won't feel bad if no one volunteers.

So, if you do read this, question, comments, or advice are all welcome and might help me to work some issues out. Also, let me know if any of the names sound a little too weird. I'm using random generators for them, but I'm trying to pick ones that sound natural. If I've seriously screwed up in that goal, let me know.

I can't think of anything else that I need to add at the moment, so I'm going to try and get some sleep.

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Re: Five of Masks Brainstorm catch

#2 Post by Veniae »

First of all, wow. Really, just wow. This sounds so interesting. It looks like you already have the most of it planned out, which is awesome. However, it sounds like a considerable challenge, but I believe that if you're persistent and patient, you'll manage to get it done. So, good luck~ I'm looking forward to more info.

Oh, also, if you need something, I'll be glad to help (or at least try to xD)!
Last edited by Veniae on Thu May 26, 2011 3:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Five of Masks Brainstorm catch

#3 Post by azureXtwilight »

One word. AWESOME.

This sounds like a complicated and dark story, the kind that I like~
Waiting for art update!

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Re: Five of Masks Brainstorm catch

#4 Post by RemnantDream »

This sounds amazing. I am already in love with this xD And it doesn't sound like most VNs.. I can't wait to hear more :D

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Re: Five of Masks Brainstorm catch

#5 Post by Snow Blossom »

Very interesting plot!
Lazarae wrote: It's sort of a political intrigue/mystery(?) in a very dark fantasy world. There's options for relationships, but I don't plan on having romance be the main focus and you would be able to finish without choosing anyone, and a few of the romances choices are fatal.
I love dark-themed games! And the fact that some of the romance choices are fatal is really intriguing 8)

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Re: Five of Masks Brainstorm catch

#6 Post by Lazarae »

Not sure what the rules are for thread necromancy, but I feel bad for being silent for so long.

So, my art skills continue to be a hindrance for this project, but it's not nearly abandoned. Right now I've switched from Renpy to ChoiceScript by ChoiceofGames, since it's a bit easier for me to wrap my head around right now. So right now it's in more of a text adventure form, but I'm trying to see if I can at least get some graphics for important scenes and such- much like Emily Short's Alabaster.

I also have a partial sketch of Isedria that I may put up when I finish, since I'm pretty proud of it.

So, not dead, just a change of plans. Once my skills are better I plan to remake it with Renpy, but I'm too bad at facial expressions right now to have it the way I want it.

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Re: Five of Masks Brainstorm catch

#7 Post by SusanTheCat »

I've looked at ChoiceScript briefly. How hard is it to use for longer stories? Are you able to add images?

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Re: Five of Masks Brainstorm catch

#8 Post by Lazarae »

ChoiceScript is actually very easy for longer stories as long as you can keep organized. I've read a post from someone who had issues going over 26 variables, but from the responses it's not common. As for images I did a bit of research today and it's been frequently requested, but not available quite yet. Some people are looking for work-arounds though, but I haven't found any... though someone mentioned familiarity with javascript may help.

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