Most Anticipated VNs

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Most Anticipated VNs

#1 Post by applegirl »

Hey guys! I was busy playing the new Winter Wolves VN that I had been anticipating for a while and that got me thinking about the list of VNs that I've been anticipating playing. I'd like to follow the same format of underrated VN list (which I hope got people interested in some unknown gems) and possibly get some reccomendations on VNs that haven't been suggested. Again, please no recommendation of a VN made by yourself personally.

I'd like to stick to OELVN for my list (although there are a lot of Japanese VNs I'm getting ready to read) since I feel like OELVN are probably most overlooked in that regard.

GxB List
1. Cinders by Moa-Cube and Sakevisual
Why I'm Anticipating it: Holy cow, this project has talented people working on it. Beautiful art and a fantastic twist on a classic fairy tale. The little I've seen of this project makes me very, very eager to play. Reading the development blog and seeing how deep of a game this is going to be automatically makes this a must buy game. Also, I admittedly love all Sakevisual games. I know this won't disappoint, I just hope it'll be out soon.
2. Area-X by Zeiva Inc.
Why I'm Anticipating it: Every single game by Zeiva Inc has an amazing amount of art/story/depth. A sequel to X-note? Heck yeah, I'm going to get this one! I haven't been able to find a lot of details regarding the specific storyline, but what little I've found have intrigued me in terms of going through different time periods with really amazing characters. Eagerly anticipated, but I feel like this will take a while because it seems like it will be a longer game than X-note (no complaints here :D)
3. Dragon Essence by Zeiva Inc.
Why I'm Anticipating it: Again, I know this game will have great art/story/comedy. I can't find a lot about the storyline, but I have faith in the indie game makers Zeiva Inc to make this VN impressive and worth the money. Plus, I like the fact that the artist from Fading Hearts is also working on this game.
4. Undead Lily by Winter Wolves
Why I'm Anticipating it: Haha, I'm going to limit Winter Wolves games on this list because then it'll probably too redundant. But I saw this on the youtube channel and became intrigued. Seems like a fun game with pretty art. Since I've enjoyed a lot of Winter Wolves VN, I feel pretty safe in saying I'll be reading this as soon as this comes out :D

BxG List

1. Cradle Song
Why I'm Anticipating it: Playing the demo made my jaw drop in terms of story/art/music. Very charming story all of a sudden turns into a intriguing mysterious situation that made me eager to read more (darn you cliffhangers!!). I love the art and writing. It feels oddly classic and there is a professional quality that makes me feel like this VN is going to be worth every cent.

2. Shock Cocoon
Why I'm Anticipating it: No demo but the promotional video was enough to make me feel like finally a horror/mystery VN from the OELVN community would challenge the stranglehold that the Japanese horror VN have had on the market. Beautiful art, special effects, and music that really add to the atmosphere. Plus the surprise voice acting was amazingly done in terms of the response generated (at least from me, I think I jumped up four feet in surprise, :lol: )

3. Katawa Shoujo

Why I'm Anticipating it: Do I really need to explain? This project is very well known and surprisingly controversial due to its subject matter. But it is a clear labor of love that involves the enthusiastic work of many talented artists/writers. It is an intriguing idea that I'm eagerly waiting to see completed. Somehow it is also going to be free. :shock: I'm still amazed by the quality that freeware VNs are reaching.
4. Analogue: a Hate Story By Cristine Love
Why I'm Anticipating it: I've played Digital and DTIPB by Love and adored both VNs. There is a very good reason why she is well known in this community, she is incredibly original and takes risks. Those two VNs automatically make me eager to read this VN.
5. Planet Stronghold Expansion by Winter Wolves
Why I'm Anticipating it: Not long ago, I played Planet Stronghold by this indie game maker. Loved it! An epic storyline and fantastic gameplay (kept me up for several nights :D) makes this an automatic MUST get. Just take my money :lol:
6. deIz sequel? by Mike Inel
Why I'm Anticipating it: I'm not sure if this is going to happen and I've checked his deviantart to try to figure it out (still not sure if this VN will really be released). But the guy knows how to make great art and an interesting storyline. Famous to most due to Draw with Me, but the VN deIz is definitely worth a read. Very intriguing, although it is deathly silent at times. I think he's updating this? Or making a sequel? Honestly, I have no idea, but I'm looking forward to whatever comes out next.

BxB List
1. Break Chance Memento
Why I'm Anticipating it: I had no idea what to expect when I downloaded the demo, but playing it made me very, very interested in this VN. The art and storyline just works. I can't explain it, but it is a very intriguing idea that makes me curious what exactly lies beneath. I'm honestly not the biggest BxB VN fan, but this VN is so interesting that I'm going to make an exception.

All Others List:
1. Kansei sequel by Sakevisual
Why I'm Anticipating it: I loved both Jisei and Kansei. I know it is jumping the gun to talk about the sequel, but I know that it is in development (right? please say yes! :lol: ). Very intriguing VN series that is well worth the money and has professional high quality voice acting. The storyline and art is top notch and I want to know more about the great cast of characters.

Haha, long list! I'd like to hear what VNs you guys are eagerly anticipating as well :D

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Re: Most Anticipated VNs

#2 Post by gekiganwing »

Just a few minutes ago, I tried to find news about Zeiva's planned games on their site. Not easy to find. Looks like there's more news on their Facebook page.

It was 2009 when the Katawa Shoujo team released their first demo. They usually say it will be done "when it's done," though I recall there was talk of finishing the project in 2011. Now there's about five weeks left until the beginning of 2012...

It's been almost ten months since we heard anything about Flight of Twilight. I don't know if the project is active. Since I think it's meant to be a freeware game, it's hard to say if it will be completed.

Flowerthief has released a full version of Heartache 101, but at the same time, he's stated that more content is planned. This person's created three unique and fascinating freeware games, and I want to see what he will do next.

And while I openly enjoy cute/moe games, I am looking forward to more western visual novels which have a western aesthetic. Examples of upcoming VNs in this category would include Cinders, some of Cristine Love's indie games, and the planned Ariane's Date Simulator sequel (still a work in progress from what I read on Facebook).

Looking at the most recent VN translation progress thread on /jp/, I see several games which I would almost certainly enjoy in English. But it's impossible to guarantee that any fan translation will be completed. And even if a game is licensed, it can take months or years before it has a solid release date...
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Re: Most Anticipated VNs

#3 Post by Camille »

A handful of the games I've been looking forward to, all in the WIP section here on LSF:

- Reset; It just sounds epic in an everyday life sort of way. I love that it's got a BxB couple at its core without romance being the main point of the game. Also love that the couple has already been established at the start of the story. I'm looking forward to seeing how this one goes. :D
- Circum[N]avigate; I really love the world that this takes place in. (a mix of sci-fi and fantasy is always cool) I don't know enough about the characters and plot to make any judgments yet, but I'm giving this the benefit of the doubt and hoping that it's pretty awesome.
- Water's Edge; There aren't a whole lot of BL games being made around here, but this is one of the ones I've got my eyes on. Again, I don't know enough about the characters and plot, but the art is fantastic and I love the dark atmosphere they've got going. Definitely one to watch. *_*
- School Memories; What is there not to love about this? A high school VN about an introverted girl making real friends for the first time? With no romance in sight? I just love that. I love this creator's comic series (Bottled Prince is awesomesauce) so I'm expecting a lot out of this.

Of course there's more games, but I don't want to be here forever, so I'll just list these for now and let other people have a turn. xD Also I'm really flattered that BCM is on your anticipated games list. ^^

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Re: Most Anticipated VNs

#4 Post by Omnificent »

A thread like this doesn't really help underrated stuff get more exposure than popular works, but I'll bite. :P The work I'm most looking forward to in the WIP forum right now is Wayang Kulit, because it's pushing the medium to tell a fable in a unique way.
Forever Alone: Nerds the Gathering - A brotome game. (Nerdy Valentine's Day Card and small status update 2/14/14)
Night at the Hospital - Maiden voyage of Team Snugglebunny
Skylessia: Tale of the Boon - Epic fantasy whatsit, currently on hiatus.
Viking Pipsqueak Productions Blog (under construction)

I occasionally frequently draw other people's characters. Now offering delinquentization, medievalization, and cyborgification. Hit me up in PM if you want sprites for your KN or non-ren'ai VN.


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Re: Most Anticipated VNs

#5 Post by Deji »

gekiganwing wrote: It's been almost ten months since we heard anything about Flight of Twilight. I don't know if the project is active. Since I think it's meant to be a freeware game, it's hard to say if it will be completed.
We're still working on that!
The game won't be freeware, it will be commercial, afaik.

First chapter is scheduled for release next year. It's being directed right now and some art needs to be finished. Works is slow.
The current plan (afaik, unless they decided to cut it shorter) is to have 5 chapters.

...and I think that's all I'm allowed to say as a member of Mystery Parfait ^^;
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Re: Most Anticipated VNs

#6 Post by applegirl »

@gekiganwing: Very true! I am a facebook fan of Zeiva, so I get decent updates but it is hard to find information at times. I guess it's nice in a way, the plot definitely won't be spoiled. Seriously, I have no idea about KS (every year it is the same), but here's hoping. Gah, I totally forgot that Flight of Twilight existed! Seriously, waiting for that :D I do greatly appreciate the Heartache mention, I just read/played that for hours. Very addicting and reminded me of how horrible an RPG player I am :lol: Please tell me there is a way to cheat or a walkthrough for that VN! Ah...I know what you mean about jp VN. I'm still heartbroken that Cartagra's tl is done but hasn't been licensed/given any release date :cry: Or Baldr Sky...or countless others that look amazing but won't get tl :cry:

@Camille: I was incredibly impressed by BCM and really cannot wait for it :) I hope this doesn't put any pressure, but just playing the demo blew me away. I could go on and on about how everything impressed me (the art/writing/mystery/etc.), but I am probably saving that for the finished game thread, Very nice recommendations too, I feel like you're slowly turning me into a BL fan too :lol:

@Omnificent: Haha, I know! My list is filled with probably the most famous in the OELVN community, argh. But I do love the under appreciated VN list I had earlier ^^; I honestly never heard of that one, nice rec.

@Deji: Ah, hopes are risen again! Hmm...Mystery Parfait seriously takes the mystery part seriously :D Ah, but love your art~

EDIT:I just realized I forgot to list Rock Robin and Memoirs of an Angel :shock: Gahh, this happens with each list!
Man, got to love the great VNs coming out :D

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Re: Most Anticipated VNs

#7 Post by Auro-Cyanide »

Rock Robin. No other game has managed to make me quite as excited for it's releases as it. I played the demo and wanted it then and there. I loved the writing, I loved the characters, I loved the pacing, I loved Dallas <3

Also, Caramel Mokaccino, cause there is a certain somebody I just have match make with someone else for the good of my sanity. The cuteness of it will kill me.
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Re: Most Anticipated VNs

#8 Post by teacup »

I-I'm so happy to see my game on your list. I'll do my best to make it awesome! (^o^)/

My most anticipated games are:
Break Chance Memento - because the demo was pro and it has a lot of interactions that you don't see in visual novels often. I thought I didn't like BL before, but I've found lately that no matter who the protagonist/love interests are, that doesn't get in the way of an awesome story.
Project Delta - although apparently that isn't the real name. I simply like the story of this one, and the art reminds me of your average bishoujo game, which I don't see very often anymore. It makes me feel nostalgic ;w;"
Maid of Midsummer - This game seems really pro as well! Everything about this absolutely impresses me! It seems really ambitious, especially for a free game, so I hope the creator is able to finish it (>w<)b
Sacred Sand - Another BL game... This game really interests me for some reason. I think it's because it has so many endings, and all the characters will have one, which makes me believe it must have really developed characters which is always good. --crosses fingers it will get finished--

There's much more of course. In fact, I get so happy whenever i see a new game finished, no matter what it is, I usually give it a shot. So in a way, I anticipate the release of every game in the WIP forum XD Good luck everyone!

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