GxB Superpowers questionnaire >_>

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Re: GxB Superpowers questionnaire >_>

#16 Post by JustAnotherMe »

Part I

1. what are the superpowers you'd most like to have? (pick 2)
freezing time (I need this, especially for my bed time) and copying the other's ability (envy... I know)

3. what do you think is the most cliched superpower?
either reading mind or moving objects

4. how would you use your superpower? would you use it for good, evil, or mere convenience?
evil... no. good... yup. convenience, absolutely yes.

5. would you keep your power secret?
yes, if not, I think I'd be a test subject.

6. What do you think would happen if your close ones would find out? How would they react?
dunno... surprised? envy? curious?

7. If your superpower was influenced by your emotion... Do you think things might get out of control? How? (""out of control" doesn''t necessary have to mean directly hurting someone)
yes, of course. I'm a moody person.

8a. What would you do if you ended up hurting someone? what if you''d kill someone?
unforgivable... I might keep blaming myself for the rest of my life. I might shut down my power as long as I can.

8b. if someone you're close to, with a superpower, would end up hurting you because they could not control their power at the time (e.g. during an argument or emotional outburst), would you be able to forgive them in time? even if they'd almost killed you, or you lost a limb/eye/etc. because of them?

uggghhhhh.... that depends. If they really mean it, I can live with it. Though at times I might keep blaming them for not able to do things I did, like how they stole lights from my world, or how they stole my talent (it's all in my hand), or when I can't feel the wind when I'm running again... But if that can give me a new perspective on life, in a good way, then I'll be thankful to them. Especially if it's them who can give me that new life. Missing a limb isn't too bad.

9. do you think your superpower would backfire on you? if so, how do you think it would backfire? for instance you end up freezing yourself, you teleport yourself into a tree ( in other words you'd end up killing yourself), getting stuck in the past etc.....
if the superpower is out of my control, then yeah, it could backfire me. Might as well not use them, or just plainly do practice (if there's one) to get my power in control. For my chosen superpower: 1) freezing time: may be when I get older than everybody else? If I can, I want that freezing time things to be able to freeze my age too. 2) copying abilities: I might be lamenting myself because it's not my ability.

10. if you were arrested for using your superpowers, and you were given the choice to either spend the rest of your life locked up in a special prison cell or to join a team of people with superpowers who do the dirty jobs for the government/some mystery organisation (with the risk of getting locked up in the end, anyway, if you happen to screw up)..... Would you go for the latter? would you try to escape if the right occasion arised, or would you try to get accept your new life?
Might as well join them and do some secrets to secretly crush whatever plans they have (or crush them). But I would escape from them and hide myself and secretly crush them of course. If it end up with me dead, then so be it. I'd rather dead then causing deaths. Especially to the innocent or others who try to do justice.

does that offer sound realistic at all??? lol

Nope. XDDD It's fun btw.

Part II

1. if the heroine started out as someone coldblooded killer... would you still continue playing the game?
While I know this is some controversial thing, but I might want to play this. I mean, I wanna know what's inside the mind of a coldblooded killer who change. What kind of things that changed them? What kind of things that would be the cause to make them a coldblooded killer?

2. if most of the guys in the game were cold-blooded killers, would you still pursue them? (they'd still display emotion, but at the same time they would not have any problem killing someone on the spot, in theory.)
I believe some dirty jobs are needed to maintain the world to keep going. But that doesn't mean that I would pursue the one without some understanding of humanity. Kill the one who's needed to be killed (aka the bad one) but don't kill mercilessly to the other who stand in their way, because they have a life, they have their loved ones and people who loves them too.

3. would you feel very disappointed if some of the guys would be pursuable....but didn't have a very happy ending?

I'd say... yes... But if the ending is reasonable and feels so real, then it's okay. Though it must be a heart-wrenching story to compensate the urge to shout 'WHY????' with sob.

4. If the heroine was stronger than some of the guys and wasn't afraid to show it, would that bother you?
Nope. Not at all. Why must?

5. Is seven guys too much?lol don't answer that:p :oops:
give me 10, and I'd probably still pursue each one of them XDDD

6. if there was a girl route, would you prefer a friendship or love route?

7. how dark is too dark for a game? (I promise I won't add cannibalism or anything like that, btw ;) )
Mass killing is still okay. Brutality is still okay. Yeap, cannibalism isn't okay. And some sick unreasonable and just too insane isn't okay (like the ughh... rape till dead... in a painful way... especially to the newborn... or ughh... I'll leave it at that. I can't say it anymore)

8. define a "too angsty" character. (I definitely want to avoid those as much as possible lol)
to not move on, still chained with their painful past, not trying anything to get out of them, and especially if they keep on telling the other about their past and it'll be like begging for pity.

Oh... so many question. I might as well make some questionnaire like this. It'll help me a loottttt XD Gut luck with this!!
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Re: GxB Superpowers questionnaire >_>

#17 Post by PrettieAngel »

Part I

1. what are the superpowers you'd most like to have? (pick 2)

It's a bit difficult to decide, in my opinion. Probably invisibility and teleportation.

2. In a game ( or book or movie etc), what superpowers would make you roll your eyes?
The ability to read minds or emotions, mostly. I can't seem to think of any others right now (unless it's the "every power in the universe" power, but that's a bit silly). Especially when there are others that for some reason aren't affected by the power.

3. what do you think is the most cliched superpower?
I think right now, the ability to read minds, as above. Control over various elements is rather common too, although I don't have anything against it.

4. how would you use your superpower? would you use it for good, evil, or mere convenience?
Probably convenience. I don't really feel the need to go out of my way to help or hinder society.

5. would you keep your power secret?
Most likely. I think there are probably too many risks involved with letting others know.

6. What do you think would happen if your close ones would find out? How would they react?
Honestly, I think it would make them suspicious of me and my past actions, considering the powers I've chosen.

7. If your superpower was influenced by your emotion... Do you think things might get out of control? How? (""out of control" doesn''t necessary have to mean directly hurting someone)
There's a good chance of it. If not, there isn't much to develop of a power. I would imagine maintaining use of a power would require a neutral amount of emotion and decent concentration to keep under control.

8a. What would you do if you ended up hurting someone? what if you''d kill someone?
If it was an accident, I'd probably feel guilty initially, especially if they were close to me. I guess it really depends on what happens but I'd probably get over it.

8b. if someone you're close to, with a superpower, would end up hurting you because they could not control their power at the time (e.g. during an argument or emotional outburst), would you be able to forgive them in time? even if they'd almost killed you, or you lost a limb/eye/etc. because of them?
No, especially if it left me permanently handicapped. I find it somewhat difficult to forgive people anyway so even if I don't act like I outright hate them, I'll probably always harbour negative feelings towards them.

9. do you think your superpower would backfire on you? if so, how do you think it would backfire? for instance you end up freezing yourself, you teleport yourself into a tree ( in other words you'd end up killing yourself), getting stuck in the past etc.....
Probably. With powers that allows one to sneak around, I can imagine it would be easy to make some bad desicions. Even if they don't backfire directly, there would be other consequences.

10. if you were arrested for using your superpowers, and you were given the choice to either spend the rest of your life locked up in a special prison cell or to join a team of people with superpowers who do the dirty jobs for the government/some mystery organisation (with the risk of getting locked up in the end, anyway, if you happen to screw up)..... Would you go for the latter? would you try to escape if the right occasion arised, or would you try to get accept your new life?
I'd probably go for the latter. It's more secure, even if only a little bit. I assume in this case that the government would be aware of my powers and prevent me from using them to escape captivity and I like freedom.

does that offer sound realistic at all??? lol
It sounds reasonable and I don't think would be something that hasn't been done before.

Part II

1. if the heroine started out as someone coldblooded killer... would you still continue playing the game?

Yes. I personally don't mind what the player's character is like very much, as long as I get to make the major desicions, since often it doesn't have too much of an impact. It could definitely be interesting if it has a significant affect on the direction of the story, though.

2. if most of the guys in the game were cold-blooded killers, would you still pursue them? (they'd still display emotion, but at the same time they would not have any problem killing someone on the spot, in theory.)
Another yes. Provided it's a game and the guys won't be portrayed exactly like real life murders, such traits can make them more attractive, in my opinion.

3. would you feel very disappointed if some of the guys would be pursuable....but didn't have a very happy ending?
Probably not, as long as the endings make good sense and are as long as the happy endings. I don't mind so much if the endings are happy or not, so much as how much 'attention' was given to the guy on the path.

4. If the heroine was stronger than some of the guys and wasn't afraid to show it, would that bother you?
I'm a bit conflicted with this question. While I like females who are the 'model housewife', I'm not really like that at all. I suppose I wouldn't mind as long as she isn't wishy-washy.

5. Is seven guys too much?lol don't answer that:p :oops:
If it were up to me, yes. I find any more than six becomes rather tedious and even that's pushing it. For a first game, it's probably best to go with a lower figure.

6. if there was a girl route, would you prefer a friendship or love route?

7. how dark is too dark for a game? (I promise I won't add cannibalism or anything like that, btw ;) )
If the game's supposed to be dark, I don't think you can go too far, as long as the game itself is legal.

8. define a "too angsty" character. (I definitely want to avoid those as much as possible lol)
I find it annoying when a character has various events in the history that they should dislike remembering/ talking about, yet somehow still manages to come up every other moment. I don't mind angst as long as the dealt with reasonably by the character and doesn't seem to just be thrown in to make the player pity them.

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Re: GxB Superpowers questionnaire >_>

#18 Post by MiSi »

Part I

1. what are the superpowers you'd most like to have? (pick 2)
flying would be cool... and maybe something with poison (fangs, claws, whatever...?)

2. In a game ( or book or movie etc), what superpowers would make you roll your eyes?
unnatural strength... it is so overused ._.

3. what do you think is the most cliched superpower?
strength, as I said above :D

4. how would you use your superpower? would you use it for good, evil, or mere convenience?
For my own purposes, I think... or to help people in need (if I meet some, that is...) but most likely I wouldn't be a famous lifesaver...

5. would you keep your power secret?
I guess I would... my family maybe would know about it

6. What do you think would happen if your close ones would find out? How would they react?
They would know it from the very beginning, so... they wouldn't treat me different

7. If your superpower was influenced by your emotion... Do you think things might get out of control? How? (""out of control" doesn''t necessary have to mean directly hurting someone)
No, I don't lose control over myself usually

8a. What would you do if you ended up hurting someone? what if you''d kill someone?
I would be shocked... even if it was a bad guy

8b. if someone you're close to, with a superpower, would end up hurting you because they could not control their power at the time (e.g. during an argument or emotional outburst), would you be able to forgive them in time? even if they'd almost killed you, or you lost a limb/eye/etc. because of them?
Of course I would forgive them. They aren't close to me for nothing ;)

9. do you think your superpower would backfire on you? if so, how do you think it would backfire? for instance you end up freezing yourself, you teleport yourself into a tree ( in other words you'd end up killing yourself), getting stuck in the past etc.....
Well, I could then poison myself... *needs poison resistance, too* :D

10. if you were arrested for using your superpowers, and you were given the choice to either spend the rest of your life locked up in a special prison cell or to join a team of people with superpowers who do the dirty jobs for the government/some mystery organisation (with the risk of getting locked up in the end, anyway, if you happen to screw up)..... Would you go for the latter? would you try to escape if the right occasion arised, or would you try to get accept your new life?
I would try to escape... but only if the prison cell is uncomfortable :lol:

Part II

1. if the heroine started out as someone coldblooded killer... would you still continue playing the game?

2. if most of the guys in the game were cold-blooded killers, would you still pursue them? (they'd still display emotion, but at the same time they would not have any problem killing someone on the spot, in theory.)
Even more sure!

3. would you feel very disappointed if some of the guys would be pursuable....but didn't have a very happy ending?
Nope. Life isn't always easy and jolly, you know? :D

4. If the heroine was stronger than some of the guys and wasn't afraid to show it, would that bother you?
It doesn't bother me if she knows that she is stronger... but if she only goes around and shows the guys how easily she can beat them, that wouldn't be much of a strength. I like tomboyish characters, but only if they don't want to show, that they are better than guys. (Oh yeah, kinda hate this part of emancipation :P )

5. Is seven guys too much?lol don't answer that:p :oops:
The more, the merrier ;)

6. if there was a girl route, would you prefer a friendship or love route?
Friendship. I don't like yuri. That's all.

7. how dark is too dark for a game? (I promise I won't add cannibalism or anything like that, btw ;) )
For me there's nothing as "too dark" :twisted: :lol:

8. define a "too angsty" character. (I definitely want to avoid those as much as possible lol)
Haha, actually I think, angsty characters are funny :lol:

I hope I could help with my answers... ;)

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Re: GxB Superpowers questionnaire >_>

#19 Post by Cidz »

Part I

1. what are the superpowers you'd most like to have? (pick 2) shapeshifter and time traveling.

2. In a game ( or book or movie etc), what superpowers would make you roll your eyes? something stupid and useless like idk growing out your fingernails or idk... making milk sour >_>

3. what do you think is the most cliched superpower? superhuman strength

4. how would you use your superpower? would you use it for good, evil, or mere convenience? probably mere convienence or use it however i wanted to.

5. would you keep your power secret? id tell a few trusted people but other then that i wouldnt want alot of attention.

6. What do you think would happen if your close ones would find out? How would they react? Well looking up at my last answer, chances are id already tell them because i trust the people im close to. im sure they would be in disbelief at first but after i showed proof theyd probably be all O_O OHSHI- NOWAY!!!!! =OOOOO

7. If your superpower was influenced by your emotion... Do you think things might get out of control? How? (""out of control" doesn''t necessary have to mean directly hurting someone) well if it was influenced by anger yea. any other one probably not.

8a. What would you do if you ended up hurting someone? what if you''d kill someone? like someone i knew or like a bad guy or like some random stranger? if it was someone i was super close to id probably be one of these "ill never use my powers again i killed the person i love!!!" type of people. but if it was like someone i dunno raping a little girl or something i probably wouldnt care. if i accidently hurt a stranger id feel bad and hesitate to use my powers but i still would eventually.

8b. if someone you're close to, with a superpower, would end up hurting you because they could not control their power at the time (e.g. during an argument or emotional outburst), would you be able to forgive them in time? even if they'd almost killed you, or you lost a limb/eye/etc. because of them? i dont think id forgive them right away and it would take time but eventually i would. plus if the gouged my eye out i could wear a eye patch and all badasses have eyepatches!

9. do you think your superpower would backfire on you? if so, how do you think it would backfire? for instance you end up freezing yourself, you teleport yourself into a tree ( in other words you'd end up killing yourself), getting stuck in the past etc..... teleporting myself into a tree sounds hallerious >_> but uhh... wait well if i go by the powers i mention i wanted in the 1st question hmm... probably? if i was one of these super experience users maybe not so much but if i was a novice or begginer yeah i can see myself screwing up alot lol.

10. if you were arrested for using your superpowers, and you were given the choice to either spend the rest of your life locked up in a special prison cell or to join a team of people with superpowers who do the dirty jobs for the government/some mystery organisation (with the risk of getting locked up in the end, anyway, if you happen to screw up)..... Would you go for the latter? would you try to escape if the right occasion arised, or would you try to get accept your new life? special prison makes me think of deadman wonderland and i dont think id want to go to anything like that soooo ill go with the super evil secret organization, that seems kind of fun anyways. i dunno if id escape, depending if this secret organization kept my interest or not. i guess if i got bored of them or i wasnt gaining anything id try to escape if the opprotunity came up.

does that offer sound realistic at all??? lol sure!

Part II

1. if the heroine started out as someone coldblooded killer... would you still continue playing the game? hell yeah i would. coldblooded killers are so awesome <3

2. if most of the guys in the game were cold-blooded killers, would you still pursue them? (they'd still display emotion, but at the same time they would not have any problem killing someone on the spot, in theory.) mmmmm SO HOT. yes i would soooo would... sexy cold blood killing machines that show there dere side to you... soooo hooooot. (im begging to think i have twisted taste in men >_> <_< )

3. would you feel very disappointed if some of the guys would be pursuable....but didn't have a very happy ending? i wouldnt be dissapointed. id be sad because its a sad ending, but i kind of like sad/tragic endings. unless it was one of those endings where the MC and guy keep making it seem like they are going to get together but never do, not because they died or anything tragic they just never....really..got anywhere. id probably be dissapointed if it was that kind of ending.

4. If the heroine was stronger than some of the guys and wasn't afraid to show it, would that bother you? nope! i love strong heroines <3 i much rather have that then some weak one that cries all the time.

5. Is seven guys too much?lol don't answer that:p :oops: no not at all, (of course your talking to a girl whose story has 11 love interests >_> )

6. if there was a girl route, would you prefer a friendship or love route? either one. i mean i wouldnt swoon over the chick i would the guys if it was a love one. but it might be kinda fun to play a love or friendship route.

7. how dark is too dark for a game? (I promise I won't add cannibalism or anything like that, btw ;) ) well as long as you dont make it like enzai i think youll be ok.

8. define a "too angsty" character. (I definitely want to avoid those as much as possible lol) shinji from NGE. i really hate those characters that whine and whine but never do anything. i mean its like theyre the type of character that CAN do something but dont, all they do is sit around and mope. they dont even try and they dont have much of a reason to be mopey. they are just self-loathing. ya know? like... if a character lets say is in a life or death situation like yuki from mirai nikki i can understand him freaking out, i mean hey you got a crapload of people after you, however he does try and come through in the end and does have some pretty cool moments, so hes an ok char.

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Re: GxB Superpowers questionnaire >_>

#20 Post by LVUER »

PrettieAngel wrote: 1. what are the superpowers you'd most like to have? (pick 2)[/b]
It's a bit difficult to decide, in my opinion. Probably invisibility and teleportation.
Do you mean invisibility or invinCibility?
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Re: GxB Superpowers questionnaire >_>

#21 Post by PrettieAngel »

LVUER wrote:Do you mean invisibility or invinCibility?
Invisibility, of course (the ability to become invisible on will, not always being invisible). XD That's not legit? It's definitely something I'd like to have, personally. >.> <.<

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Re: GxB Superpowers questionnaire >_>

#22 Post by sheetcakeghost »

Part I

1. what are the superpowers you'd most like to have? (pick 2)
Pause and Quick Save (like you can do in video games)

2. In a game ( or book or movie etc), what superpowers would make you roll your eyes?
There aren't any, really. It's not the power but the way the character handles the power.

3. what do you think is the most cliched superpower?
See answer 2.

4. how would you use your superpower? would you use it for good, evil, or mere convenience?
Well, I'd like to think I'd use it for good, but it's more likely I'd use it for convenience, and then use it for good if the occasion arises.

5. would you keep your power secret?
I want to say yes, but I tend to blurt things about myself with friends. So my friends would probably know about it. I wouldn't go advertising it though. I could probably pull off a secret identity.

6. What do you think would happen if your close ones would find out? How would they react?
My family is pretty accepting by nature, and my friends are all nerds, so probably really well.

7. If your superpower was influenced by your emotion... Do you think things might get out of control? How? (""out of control" doesn''t necessary have to mean directly hurting someone)
So long as I stay on my bipolar meds things should go just fine. But even off them, I might be a little too impulsive in my use of them from time to time. Nothing dangerous. d:

8a. What would you do if you ended up hurting someone? what if you''d kill someone?
Feel god awful. It wouldn't keep me from using them again, but I'd likely stop using them in the way that got that person hurt/killed.

8b. if someone you're close to, with a superpower, would end up hurting you because they could not control their power at the time (e.g. during an argument or emotional outburst), would you be able to forgive them in time? even if they'd almost killed you, or you lost a limb/eye/etc. because of them?
I'd forgive them pretty much right away. It's just in my nature. I'd probably joke about it though, just to make them uncomfortable.

9. do you think your superpower would backfire on you? if so, how do you think it would backfire? for instance you end up freezing yourself, you teleport yourself into a tree ( in other words you'd end up killing yourself), getting stuck in the past etc.....
Oh more than likely. Super powers that involve time can have all sorts of nasty side effects also involving time. Also, Quick Save isn't an undo button. I gotta think to quick save to return to the point I quick saved at. And if I was falling from a cliff and quick saved right before I hit then I'd be hitting it for a long time before I managed to time my pause just right.

10. if you were arrested for using your superpowers, and you were given the choice to either spend the rest of your life locked up in a special prison cell or to join a team of people with superpowers who do the dirty jobs for the government/some mystery organisation (with the risk of getting locked up in the end, anyway, if you happen to screw up)..... Would you go for the latter? would you try to escape if the right occasion arised, or would you try to get accept your new life?
Well, it'd be harder to sneak around with my powers if I'm in prison, so I'd probably do the government work one. Then again, if it's a normal prison and not a superpowers based one, I would own that bitch.

Part II

1. if the heroine started out as someone coldblooded killer... would you still continue playing the game?
Yeah, probably. If the game is good and the writing is solid.

2. if most of the guys in the game were cold-blooded killers, would you still pursue them? (they'd still display emotion, but at the same time they would not have any problem killing someone on the spot, in theory.)
Well seeing as how the game would probably be about that, and I downloaded it, then clearly I'm okay with playing it. If it wasn't what I was expecting I wouldn't really stop under the same conditions as number 1.

3. would you feel very disappointed if some of the guys would be pursuable....but didn't have a very happy ending?
Nope, natural part of life.

4. If the heroine was stronger than some of the guys and wasn't afraid to show it, would that bother you?
Seeing as how I own a set of ovaries myself, not really. I would feel it's cliched if they Mary Sue it though.

5. Is seven guys too much?lol don't answer that:p :oops:

6. if there was a girl route, would you prefer a friendship or love route?
I prefer a friendship route for all characters as well as romance ones. Just because I don't want to bone you shouldn't mean we still can't be friends!

7. how dark is too dark for a game? (I promise I won't add cannibalism or anything like that, btw ;) )
60% Cacao

8. define a "too angsty" character. (I definitely want to avoid those as much as possible lol)
One who absolutely refuses to change, learn from mistakes, and constantly complains even when in a healthy relationship with other people.

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Re: GxB Superpowers questionnaire >_>

#23 Post by LVUER »

Nah, it's ok. I'm just afraid you wrote it wrong since some people do. You won't use it to peek someone in bathroom, will you? Hehehe...
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