Adding a smartphone with various functionality [WIP]

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Adding a smartphone with various functionality [WIP]

#1 Post by TrickWithAKnife »

I will update this topic gradually, if there is interest. I'd also like to tidy up the code to make it easier to read.
I look forward to any ideas other people may have.
And yes, I am a programming noob. But I'm slowly getting better, so keep that in mind.

Feel free to do whatever you like with this code. But if you do use it, or parts of it, please let me know.
It would be a big ego boost to know some of my code is in someone else's game.

This is made using launcher version

Current functionality:
  • Taking screenshots
  • Viewing screenshots (Interface is ugly, but functionality is fine.)
  • Scrollable map
  • Sound settings in a phone menu affecting the real game
  • Self-updating journal/notebook
In progress:
  • Contact information
  • Clock (Game time, not real time, although some things may be updated in real time)
Possible future features:
  • scrollable map with clickable portions
  • Calendar with reminders
  • Other game options controllable from the phone's menu.
  • Web browser (Just some simplified dummy sites that hyperlink to real websites using the player's browser)
There are two new files, 0.rpy (for variables) and phone.rpy (For the vast majority of phone functionality).

This is not complete. There are mountains of variables for the language study part, but I want to keep that part private.
I will add a few words later as examples though.

Code: Select all

#                                                  VARIABLES                                                     #
#    For setting up the variables before they need to be used.  There will be a lot.     #

init: #                                                                                
    $ photos = [] # Used for the camera
    $ = 0
    $ currently_viewed_picture = 0 # This is used in the picture viewing app, to keep track of which photo is being viewed.
I will share the notebook/journal code later. I want to remove some parts of it first, as the purpose of this is to share functionality, not game contents.

Code: Select all

# This creates the button to show the phone menus
screen button:
    vbox xalign 0.0 yalign 0.0:
            idle "Phone/phone smallest.png"
            hover "Phone/phone smaller.png"
            action ui.callsinnewcontext("mainphonescreen") # FOR TESTING OTHER PHONE ICONS

label hide_all_phone_screens: # It's a little tidier to do it this way.
    hide screen blank_phone_screen
    hide screen mainphonescreen
    hide screen show_bigass_sideways_phone
    hide screen show_the_actual_photos
    hide screen start_map_app
    hide screen start_map_travel_app
    hide screen start_sound_options
    hide screen view_photos
    hide screen viewport_alphabetical
    hide screen viewport_category
    hide screen viewport_category_or_alphabetical
    hide screen travel_map_a
    hide screen travel_map_b
    hide screen travel_map_c
#                                                PHONE STARTING SCREEN                                                        #

label mainphonescreen:

    call hide_all_phone_screens
    show screen mainphonescreen
    "" # Need this to function properly.
    jump mainphonescreen #Keeps the menu there if the player clicks another part of the screen
# This part shows the main phone screen, and controls what happens when icons are clicked.    

screen mainphonescreen:
        ground "Phone/300x400 phone with icons.png" 
        hover "Phone/300x400 phone with glowing icons.png" 
        hotspot (22, 100, 68, 68) clicked ui.jumps("take_a_photo") # 1st icon (Camera)
        #hotspot (93, 115, 50, 50) clicked ui.jumps("mainphonescreen") # 2nd icon (Safari)
        #hotspot (149, 115, 50, 50) clicked ui.jumps("mainphonescreen") # 3rd icon (Calendar)
        #hotspot (204, 115, 50, 50) clicked ui.jumps("mainphonescreen") # 4th icon (Clock)
        #hotspot (38, 188, 50, 50) clicked ui.jumps("mainphonescreen") # 5th icon (Japanese study app)
        #hotspot (93, 188, 50, 50) clicked ui.jumps("mainphonescreen") # 6th icon (Mail)
        hotspot (176, 190, 68, 68) clicked ui.jumps("start_map") # 7th icon (Map)
        #hotspot (204, 188, 50, 50) clicked ui.jumps("mainphonescreen") # 8th icon (Phone)
        if > 0: # So it doesn't display photos that aren't there.
            hotspot (23, 281, 68, 68) clicked ui.jumps("view_photos") # 9th icon (Pictures)
        #hotspot (93, 260, 50, 50) clicked ui.jumps("mainphonescreen") # 10th icon (Settings)
        #hotspot (149, 260, 50, 50) clicked ui.jumps("mainphonescreen") # 11th icon (Contacts)
        #hotspot (249, 271, 68, 68) clicked ui.jumps("start_travel_map") # 12th icon (Train timetable?)
        hotspot (249, 271, 68, 68) clicked ui.jumps("travel_map_a") # 12th icon (Train timetable?)
        #hotspot (38, 334, 50, 50) clicked ui.jumps("mainphonescreen") # 13th icon (Messages)
        hotspot (97, 364, 68, 68) clicked ui.jumps("start_sound_options") # 14th icon (Music)
        #hotspot (179, 369, 68, 68) clicked ui.jumps("start_word_list") # 15th icon (Notebook)
        #The notebook IS working. I've disabled it for now, but I may show it later.
        hotspot (127, 492, 86, 42) clicked ui.jumps("hide_all_phone_screens") # Home button (Exits)
screen blank_phone_screen:
        ground "Phone/300x400 phone no icons.png"
        hover "Phone/300x400 phone no icons.png"
        hotspot (127, 492, 86, 42) clicked ui.jumps("mainphonescreen")


#                                               NOTEBOOK FUNCTIONALITY                                                       #

label sort_alphabetically:
    call hide_all_phone_screens
    show screen viewport_alphabetical
    "Wow, that's a lot of letters."
    jump sort_alphabetically
label sort_by_category:
    call hide_all_phone_screens
    show screen viewport_category
    "Sorting alphabetically..."

label temp:
    "Nothing really happens here.  Just a temp screen"


# This part is for the volume/sound controls on the phone  #

label start_sound_options:
    call hide_all_phone_screens
    show screen blank_phone_screen
    show screen start_sound_options
    "Showing sound options..." # Need this to function properly.
    jump start_sound_options #Keeps the menu there if the player clicks another part of the screen

screen start_sound_options:
    side "c b r":
         area (28, 107, 284, 342)
         viewport id "vp":
             draggable True
                     style_group "pref"
                     has vbox

                     label _("Music Volume")
                     bar value Preference("music volume")
                     #The next lines are for testing music volume.  Change the track name to whatever you will use.
                     #textbutton "1":
                     #        action Play("music", "Music/Tristam - I'm Going Down (DotEXE Remix).mp3")
                     #        style "soundtest_button"
                     #textbutton "2":
                     #        action Play("music", "Music/DotEXE - 38 Degrees.mp3")
                     #        style "soundtest_button"

                     style_group "pref"
                     has vbox

                     label _("Sound Volume")
                     bar value Preference("sound volume")

                     if config.sample_sound:
                         textbutton "Test":
                             action Play("sound", config.sample_sound)
                             style "soundtest_button"

                     style_group "pref"
                     has vbox

                     label _("Voice Volume")
                     bar value Preference("voice volume")

                     if config.sample_voice:
                         textbutton "Test":
                             action Play("voice", config.sample_voice)
                             style "soundtest_button"

         bar value XScrollValue("vp")
         vbar value YScrollValue("vp")         

#                                                         MAP OF TOKYO                                                                #
# I'm planning to add the ability to zoom in and out of the map.

label start_map:
    call hide_all_phone_screens
    show screen blank_phone_screen
    show screen start_map_app
    "Now I can scroll around to see Tokyo" # Need this to function properly.
    jump start_map#Keeps the menu there if the player clicks another part of the screen
screen start_map_app:
    side "c b r":
         area (22, 103, 296, 353)
         viewport id "vp":
             draggable True
                     idle "Maps/mega tokyo map 3.jpg"
                     hover "Maps/mega tokyo map 3.jpg"
                     #action ui.callsinnewcontext("start_word_list") # FOR TESTING OTHER PHONE ICONS
         bar value XScrollValue("vp")
         vbar value YScrollValue("vp")         

#                                       MAP FOR TRAVELLING AROUND TOKYO                                               #
label travel_map_a:
    call hide_all_phone_screens
    show screen blank_phone_screen
    show screen travel_map_a
    "" #Need this, or bad things will happen...
    jump travel_map_a # To prevent more bad things happening.
label travel_map_b:
    call hide_all_phone_screens
    show screen blank_phone_screen
    show screen travel_map_b
    "" #Need this, or bad things will happen...
    jump travel_map_b # To prevent more bad things happening.

label travel_map_c:
    call hide_all_phone_screens
    show screen blank_phone_screen
    show screen travel_map_c
    "" #Need this, or bad things will happen...
    jump travel_map_c # To prevent more bad things happening.

screen travel_map_a:
    side "c b r":
         area (22, 103, 296, 353)
         viewport id "vp":
                     ground "Maps/Travel map/a.png" 
                     hover "Maps/Travel map/a2.png" 
                     hotspot (172, 73, 49, 14) clicked ui.jumps("mainphonescreen") # Ikebukuro
                     hotspot (193, 150, 49, 11) clicked ui.jumps("mainphonescreen") # Kabukicho
                     hotspot (190, 162, 43, 12) clicked ui.jumps("mainphonescreen") # Shinjuku
                     hotspot (247, 143, 48, 76) clicked ui.jumps("travel_map_b") # Next screen

screen travel_map_b:
    side "c b r":
         area (22, 103, 296, 353)
         viewport id "vp":
                     ground "Maps/Travel map/b.png" 
                     hover "Maps/Travel map/b2.png" 
                     hotspot (40, 75, 48, 11) clicked ui.jumps("mainphonescreen") # Ikebukuro
                     hotspot (61, 150, 51, 11) clicked ui.jumps("mainphonescreen") # Kabukicho
                     hotspot (39, 212, 40, 12) clicked ui.jumps("mainphonescreen") # Harajuku
                     #hotspot (0, 0, 0, 0) clicked ui.jumps("mainphonescreen") # Will add more areas
                     hotspot (0, 143, 38, 76) clicked ui.jumps("travel_map_a") # Previous screen
                     hotspot (247, 143, 48, 78) clicked ui.jumps("travel_map_c") # Next screen

screen travel_map_c:
    side "c b r":
         area (22, 103, 296, 353)
         viewport id "vp":
                     ground "Maps/Travel map/c.png" 
                     hover "Maps/Travel map/c2.png" 
                     hotspot (241, 221, 53, 48) clicked ui.jumps("mainphonescreen") # Narita airport
                     hotspot (208, 288, 45, 24) clicked ui.jumps("mainphonescreen") # Disneyland
                     #hotspot (0, 0, 0, 0) clicked ui.jumps("mainphonescreen") # Will add more areas
                     hotspot (0, 143, 48, 76) clicked ui.jumps("travel_map_b") # Previous screen

#                  This is the setup for taking photos                #
# It's including the phone in the photos.  Need to fix that.  #

        import os
        def camera_take_photo():
            newPhoto = renpy.invoke_in_new_context (_camera_take_photo)
            return "photo_taken"
        def _camera_take_photo():
            renpy.take_screenshot((960,540)) # 75% of screen size
            #renpy.take_screenshot((640,360)) # 50% of screen size
            #renpy.take_screenshot((1280,720)) # Full screen
            #renpy.take_screenshot((677,380)) # Resized to fit the phone screen
            photo =
            photoname = str(
            photodir = config.basedir + "/game/pho/"
            if(os.path.isdir(photodir) == False):
            f = open(photodir + photoname + ".png", "wb")
            return photoname

#           This part is for taking photos on the phone           #
#  It's still taking photos of the camera.  Need to fix that.   #
#  Also need how to recall the image names for display.     #

label take_a_photo:
    call hide_all_phone_screens
    $ camera_take_photo()
    $ renpy.pause(0.3)
    "Photo taken." # Need something here to function properly.
    call assign_next_photo_number
    jump mainphonescreen

label assign_next_photo_number:
    $ += 1

#           This part is for viewing photos on the phone           #
label view_photos:
    $ currently_viewed_picture = 1
    jump view_photos_2

#label show_the_actual_photos:    

label view_photos_2: # Split into 2 parts to make changing image easier.
    call hide_all_phone_screens
    show screen view_photos
    show screen show_the_actual_photos
    jump view_photos_2
screen view_photos:
        ground "Phone/phoneforpictureviewing.png"
        hover "Phone/phoneforpictureviewingblurry.png"
        hotspot (182, 420, 238, 73) clicked ui.jumps("view_previous_photo") # Left button
        hotspot (618, 420, 238, 73) clicked ui.jumps("view_next_photo") # Right button
        hotspot (861, 218, 107, 102) clicked ui.jumps("mainphonescreen") # Home button
screen show_the_actual_photos:
    side "c b r":
         area (180, 38, 689, 383)
         viewport id "vp":
             draggable True
                 for i in range(currently_viewed_picture):
                         idle ("pho/%d.png" % i)
                         hover ("pho/%d.png" % i)
         bar value XScrollValue("vp")
         vbar value YScrollValue("vp")   
label view_previous_photo:
    if currently_viewed_picture == 1:
        "This must be the first photo." # Just so the photo doesn't change
    if currently_viewed_picture > 1:
        $ currently_viewed_picture -= 1
    jump view_photos_2

label view_next_photo:
    if currently_viewed_picture <
        $ currently_viewed_picture += 1
    if currently_viewed_picture ==
        "I guess this is the last photo." # Just so the photo doesn't change
    jump view_photos_2
This was all designed for a window size of 1280x720, so it is best viewed in a large window.
If you want to change the window size, modify the appropriate line in options.rpy to:

Code: Select all

    config.screen_width = 1280
    config.screen_height = 720
I also modified the size of menu items to make the text on the phone easier to display. This was done by adding this part to the start of options.rpy:

Code: Select all

        style.button_text.size = 18
To get these features to actually work, you should add the following line to script.rpy. This will show a small phone on the screen, which can be clicked to use.

Code: Select all

show screen button
Playable demo: (Skydrive)
smartphone cookbook files 24 May 2012.rar
(2.93 MiB) Downloaded 1233 times
Last edited by TrickWithAKnife on Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:26 am, edited 4 times in total.
"We must teach them through the tools with which they are comfortable."
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Re: Adding a smartphone with various functionality [WIP]

#2 Post by TrickWithAKnife »

Small update.
  • Changed the phone images so less images are needed. Yes, I know it's ugly, but it's just a place-holder for showing the code.
  • Increased the size of the phone screen so it will be less crowded when viewing a lot of text.
  • Moved all the hide screen code to one area to make it easier to keep track of and change.
  • Changed the travel map so a map larger than the phone screen can be viewed, and some parts be clickable. Not the way I was hoping to do it, but it's working at least.
  • Added the option to test the music volume by playing whatever music you choose.
  • Removed some code that is no longer relevant.
"We must teach them through the tools with which they are comfortable."
The #renpy IRC channel is a great place to chat with other devs. Due to the nature of IRC and timezone differences, people probably won't reply right away.

If you'd like to view or use any code from my VN PM me. All code is freely available without restriction, but also without warranty or (much) support.

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Re: Adding a smartphone with various functionality [WIP]

#3 Post by ZinniaAuRevoir »

:shock: You know, when I was 6, I used to take a look in my cousin's Additional Math exercise book and I ended up staring the numbers and some letters with unknown calculation in confusion for a long time.

And that's the first impression I have when first looking at the codes of yours ( :( I'm sorry if you feel this is an offence post) but I'm still remember the surge of curiosity I had at that time, forced me to rush, get my cousin and demand an explanation! Ahaha. I still remember how his face was!

Anyway, thanks for your concern, I get to know more codes and usable in Ren'Py. I'm no game programmer and that's why :o I'm aware of importance in your role. Please post more codes you've done and I'll root for you. :D

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Re: Adding a smartphone with various functionality [WIP]

#4 Post by TrickWithAKnife »

:lol: That's the same way I feel when I look at real programming. Mine is just hacked together ideas, held together with tape and glue. But if I can make it work, then it's fine by me.
Luckily the people here are really nice, so with help from others, and the Ren'Py wiki, somehow it's coming together.
"We must teach them through the tools with which they are comfortable."
The #renpy IRC channel is a great place to chat with other devs. Due to the nature of IRC and timezone differences, people probably won't reply right away.

If you'd like to view or use any code from my VN PM me. All code is freely available without restriction, but also without warranty or (much) support.

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Re: Adding a smartphone with various functionality [WIP]

#5 Post by ZinniaAuRevoir »

:lol: I want to add smartphone in my game but I really don't know how, even I've read some cookbooks couple times, I ended up in this thread of yours. 8) I still can't help to feel how amazing this codes, even I've read it hundred times. :roll: I'll try it after finish the intro of my game (it's for coding and writing practices).
BTW, do you have any hint for coding different outcome from the major options to determine entire game? As an example in dating game, when we start to play, the game will ask your name and gender; if you choose boy, all of the character you will have to conquer are females and if you choose girl, the outcome will reversed to conquer males.
Should I open a new file due to the options or else? :mrgreen:

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Re: Adding a smartphone with various functionality [WIP]

#6 Post by TrickWithAKnife »

As long as you use variables, it should be easy enough.
If you like having different files to be organized, maybe you could make one for male and one for female?
"We must teach them through the tools with which they are comfortable."
The #renpy IRC channel is a great place to chat with other devs. Due to the nature of IRC and timezone differences, people probably won't reply right away.

If you'd like to view or use any code from my VN PM me. All code is freely available without restriction, but also without warranty or (much) support.

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Re: Adding a smartphone with various functionality [WIP]

#7 Post by ZinniaAuRevoir »

That's great. But I don't know how to start with. Should I say jump to, or else?

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Re: Adding a smartphone with various functionality [WIP]

#8 Post by TrickWithAKnife »

Just make a new .rpy file in your editor. Ren'py treats separate files as the same file. Then you can do like you said, and jump to the right label.
"We must teach them through the tools with which they are comfortable."
The #renpy IRC channel is a great place to chat with other devs. Due to the nature of IRC and timezone differences, people probably won't reply right away.

If you'd like to view or use any code from my VN PM me. All code is freely available without restriction, but also without warranty or (much) support.

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Re: Adding a smartphone with various functionality [WIP]

#9 Post by ZinniaAuRevoir »

Okie dokie! :mrgreen: Currently I'm downloading the .zip of your smartphone. I'm really appreciate your effort! Thanks! :D

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Re: Adding a smartphone with various functionality [WIP]

#10 Post by SundownKid »

You should make it a playable demo - right now you have to integrate it into the game to actually see how it works.

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Re: Adding a smartphone with various functionality [WIP]

#11 Post by TrickWithAKnife »

I'll try to put out a demo in the next few days. Real life is busy at the moment.
"We must teach them through the tools with which they are comfortable."
The #renpy IRC channel is a great place to chat with other devs. Due to the nature of IRC and timezone differences, people probably won't reply right away.

If you'd like to view or use any code from my VN PM me. All code is freely available without restriction, but also without warranty or (much) support.

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Re: Adding a smartphone with various functionality [WIP]

#12 Post by TrickWithAKnife »

Added a demo to the original post.
"We must teach them through the tools with which they are comfortable."
The #renpy IRC channel is a great place to chat with other devs. Due to the nature of IRC and timezone differences, people probably won't reply right away.

If you'd like to view or use any code from my VN PM me. All code is freely available without restriction, but also without warranty or (much) support.

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Re: Adding a smartphone with various functionality [WIP]

#13 Post by tuna_sushi »

Wow! This is really useful! Especially my VN kinda connects with phone... ^.^"
I might use this code for my VN :D
Thank you for this code, it's really useful :)
My favourite part was the ones with photos(screenshots). Especially you could see them again. :P

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Re: Adding a smartphone with various functionality [WIP]

#14 Post by TrickWithAKnife »

The code for that was taken from ... =8&t=11813 .
I also had a lot of help from DragoonHP to get it working how I wanted.

I'm not really a programmer, I've just gathered a lot of useful code together and modified it for my needs.

Glad people are finding it useful though.

One note though. Please don't use the icons in your own projects....
"We must teach them through the tools with which they are comfortable."
The #renpy IRC channel is a great place to chat with other devs. Due to the nature of IRC and timezone differences, people probably won't reply right away.

If you'd like to view or use any code from my VN PM me. All code is freely available without restriction, but also without warranty or (much) support.

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Re: Adding a smartphone with various functionality [WIP]

#15 Post by TrickWithAKnife »

I've updated the code for phone.rpy on the first post of this topic.
Thanks again to DragoonHP who fixed the problems with the phone showing up in photos, and implementing a much better way of viewing the photos.
"We must teach them through the tools with which they are comfortable."
The #renpy IRC channel is a great place to chat with other devs. Due to the nature of IRC and timezone differences, people probably won't reply right away.

If you'd like to view or use any code from my VN PM me. All code is freely available without restriction, but also without warranty or (much) support.

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