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#16 Post by Jerails »

*Does a quick double take*

24!? I thought you were still a teen!

It's great that you've got your tablet and other whatchamahoozits, I guess that means we may be able to see a steady stream of your art make an appearance now, eh? Just curious.
It's been a while, folks!

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#17 Post by Lillico »

ah I thought I'd share this as well- just as an after though-
insite into the behind the scenes life of Lillico

Imagethe other projects I have going on Image
theres an 'art walk' in my town ocean springs- and we live on the street its on- it's just in the down town area which is about a 1/2 mile down the road- so me and my former room mates (who live in the cottage behind my house-cause his mom owns all the property we live on) are going to set up a 'art sale' in the front yard of his moms house- (because she often has yard sales there-) and hope to pick up some of the crowd on the way down to the art walk- and actually the art walk is nothing but a art side walk sale- it's just put on by the art commsion of ocean springs or whatever- which is like 30$ to join so we havn't done it yet-
so my former room mates- (they're jeremy and rachel) are former School of the Art Institue of Chicago students- so they have actually been pretty active in the act of creating art- weither it's comics or paintings of collage- so they're trying to encourage me to get together some stuff to put out with them- so I'm getting these grass beach mats from walmart- they're like 1.50 each and they're 33" x 66"and I'm going to try to make full body scrolls with them- I just have to find a paint or something that won't crack- I need to stain it somehow- anyway- I got a new to practice with- I'll keep you updated on this if I actually go through with it-

then in Sept sometime theres another art festival in the street over in new orleans close to a coffee shop we went to - jeremy and rachel used to go over for the weekend and just go to shows and hang out in the city environment- cause our town is kinda pitiful- it's nice to get back in the city sometimes- anyway- they're going to buy space and participate in this one- and it'll be a little bit of a different crowd- so they're trying to make some 'zines or comics to take to that- I'm going to try to make a coloring book for that- I had a concept Idea- call it "the ABCs of japanese" and just feature a different japanese word for every letter of the alphabet (ex. A is for Anime !! :3)
so far I've only daydreamed about these ideas and the dead lines are fast approching me- not to say I couldn't do these in my own time- but whatever-
i wanna make a web comic too ;_;

but I can't write-
as you can see
also- my Boyfriend Reggie is working on a game himself- with his friend owen who is formerly a employee of microsoft in la- till get got fired ^^;; this game is going to be something "MMP space economy based game thats player policed" and when they talk about it - it sounds like they're putting alot into it and trying to make it better than other games they've played before (they talk about jumpgate alot)
he said that he would give me the link to let you guys know when they're ready for beta testers-
it's going to take them a while though- they're just getting started and all this outter space stuff sounds complicated >:D
I got a new game today- Tales of Symphonia- I should go try it out

^_^;; Ok I just typed alot!!! :oops:

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#18 Post by Lillico »

there has been a steady stream actually- I just didn't feel confident enough to show it off here 6 6;;
if you wanna see my most recent stuff- I've been spending the past few days just getting the feel for my new tablet and sketching gaia commisions for practice- (and pay!!)
and opti-sama stalked me :shock:
anyway- check it out over here---->
practice mind you all....

yup I'm 24- and my boyfriend is 26
he's been married and divorced already cause he's an old man! :mrgreen:

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#19 Post by Sai »

Happy Birthday Lillico (I'm a bit late but oh well...)

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#20 Post by rioka »

Tanjoubi wa omedeto gozaimasu, Lillico-san!!

lol So I wasn't the only one who thought you were younger. Personally, I thought you were in your early 20s ...and you've got the same b-day as my friend! And the same age too - what are the chances of that? O_O

Anywhooo, you've got a lot of projects on your plate girl! Hope you can keep up with each one. ...Ooo, Tales of Symphonia. I've got to get that. How is it so far?

OK, I think I'll stop there before I blab some more. XD

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#21 Post by Lillico »

^_^ ahhhahah I have updates on that too :3
turns out the art walk isn't the big event we though it was- the larger one takes place later on in the year- so we went and found out about it - and you can have a table @ it - all you have to do is be a member of the ocean springs art guild or whatever- and so I joined and now I have 10 days to get stuff together for a table-
I've desided I'm going to use the grass mats to do something like this-
- I didn't know what kind of color to use to bring it out- and since it's a grass mat and can be rolled up like a scroll I don't want anything that the paint will chip or flake off of- so I'm going to use a wood stain on the back ground area of it- to bring out the main image and then use sharpees to add color in places and maybe pastels..
also- since I'm going to feature a traditional japanese kimono style iu think I'm going to wear my kimono that day ^^;; they also said I could do charachtures (sp??) so that might go over well too..

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#22 Post by Lillico »

eclipse wrote:Tanjoubi wa omedeto gozaimasu, Lillico-san!!

lol So I wasn't the only one who thought you were younger. Personally, I thought you were in your early 20s ...and you've got the same b-day as my friend! And the same age too - what are the chances of that? O_O

Anywhooo, you've got a lot of projects on your plate girl! Hope you can keep up with each one. ...Ooo, Tales of Symphonia. I've got to get that. How is it so far?

OK, I think I'll stop there before I blab some more. XD
ooh and I won't let myself play TOS untill I get some work done like a good girl

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#23 Post by Trinity Riot »

That's some very pretty art ;_;

*wishes he could draw*

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#24 Post by Otaku Dash »

AH MAN!!! I missed Lillicos birthday!? *Goes to hide in a coner of the house -_-;*

A late happy birthday to you Lillico...hope that we celebrate this day each year with your life full of hapiness and joy... :)

*Looks at artwork*

:shock: *drools*

That is amazing Lillico! Your art is really good, i can't get enough of it :D
"Life is like a flower....take care of it and watch it bloom......only there will you see its true beauty" - Myself

"Emptiness....that is...true fear...."


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#25 Post by rioka »

That's a nice wood block drawing there. If you're unsure of the coloring, why not photocopy it and try out some variations before applying it to the original? That way, if you mess up - it's no big deal.

I would suggest watercolor for the wood block one but I guess you could try something else if you're going for something modern looking. =)
Lillico wrote:ooh and I won't let myself play TOS untill I get some work done like a good girl
lol I don't blame you. I have my own share of games sitting there, trying to tempt me... XD

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#26 Post by mikey »

Congrats Lemma, for snatching an artist like Lillico... *envy* But now you can't make any excuses like " know the artist is slow" and all that :D I'm looking forward to the new games...

Lillico>> the art would be just perfect for some narrative-intensive VN, an ancient legend of love... oooh, I'm so romantic. :oops:

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#27 Post by Lillico »

Ok I made a practice one...
on a worn out mat that we had actually been using-
just drew my character on there and I'm practicing with my different kinda of pens and pastels and the like-

don't mind that the mat is torn- ;_; it looks bad but it's just so you get the idea- (actually I drew this one too big)


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#28 Post by Trinity Riot »

You should mass produce those and sell them for profit @_@

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#29 Post by Sai »

It's looking really nice Lillico =)

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#30 Post by Lillico »

Trinity Riot wrote:You should mass produce those and sell them for profit @_@
mass produced?
I can't work up the energy to finish one- I'm just going to wait till the last minute ^_^ a trademark of most artists I know ^^;
(*feels weird calling herself an 'artist'*)

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