I'm learning to draw, and looking for advice

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I'm learning to draw, and looking for advice

#1 Post by QofDust »

Hi Lemmasoft people. All my life I believed that you could either draw or you couldn't. That it was some kind of gift. It only just occurred to me how silly this is. Drawing is like anything else. Anyone can do it with enough practice, and no one can do it without it. So three weeks ago I bought one of those "Learn to draw" books, and used it along with online tutorials, a crate full of erasers, and some help from nice people here.

From time to time though I'd like to show people what I've been doing with all my time. Maybe even get a little feedback. Comments, be they constructive, critical, cruel, or even complimentary are always welcome.

My first try at a sprite. They've got the same face and body, and I know the pose is a little rigid, and boring, but I was having a hard enough time getting those proportions right...I'll figure out a more interesting pose next week...hopefully.


Thanks for looking. :D
Last edited by QofDust on Thu Dec 06, 2012 8:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Learning to Draw

#2 Post by Geckos »

I applaud your can-do attitude! It is absolutely true that practice is required to do anything particularly well. Even exceptionally talented artists will be surpassed by a new artist that works on honing their skill through practice.

Your line work, color choices and anatomy are all pretty nice for you deciding to start up arting all at once!
I especially like the transparency of the frills on the yellow dress that overlap the legs on the right sprite. The shading on the redhead's hair is quite fetching as well. One thing that you might enjoy trying out is adding a shadow under the chin of the doll, similar to the one you have added on the legs of the right sprite. Nice work curving the shadows to conform with the curve of the leg.

If there's anything in particular that you would like any critique on let us now and I'm sure the lemmasoft community would be more than glad to send some tutorials/helpful tips your way. Keep up the good work and keep practicing! :3
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Re: Learning to Draw

#3 Post by mirelle »

If you are fumbling about the rigid poses and whatnot- I really suggest you to get a 3D model! Not the expensive, made-of-wood ones of course, but some freewares like MikuMikuDance for an example. the included models really help with making advanced poses for basic proportions like young girls, but you can also get more models (mostly game rips) by googling them out! I really recommend it as an alternative for posing :D

Other than that, I really love your style! I love those sparkling eyes. Oh my aren't they just pretty.

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Re: Learning to Draw

#4 Post by VerdeICe »

Well your symmetry is great, if you did you line work by hand. Just keep working at it, you'll defiantly be great. I look forward to your future in art.

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Re: I'm learning to draw, and looking for advice

#5 Post by QofDust »

Hello again. So I've been at this for a month now, and I think I'm still making progress. I tried a more interesting pose this week, and I know there's something wrong with her left arm, but I think I'm improving. I spent so much time drawing this week my index finger actually got sore. As always any comments or advice whether its constructive, critical, cruel or complimentary is welcome.


Next week I'm going to try something with a background....or maybe just a back ground if I get busy.

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Re: I'm learning to draw, and looking for advice

#6 Post by Taleweaver »

As this thread is all about QofDust's art, I'm moving it to the Personal Art forum.
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Re: Learning to Draw

#7 Post by ebi brain »

mirelle wrote:If you are fumbling about the rigid poses and whatnot- I really suggest you to get a 3D model! Not the expensive, made-of-wood ones of course, but some freewares like MikuMikuDance for an example. the included models really help with making advanced poses for basic proportions like young girls, but you can also get more models (mostly game rips) by googling them out! I really recommend it as an alternative for posing :D

Other than that, I really love your style! I love those sparkling eyes. Oh my aren't they just pretty.

The wooden dolls really aren't THAT expensive. Check out dollar stores for cheap poseable mannequins.
I use an Obitsu with magnet feet ( these are a bit pricey, but they are awesome for posing ---> HLJ.com).
You can also follow your parents/friends/siblings/bf/gf around and draw them :p
Or go to the mall and draw people there.

But in a pinch, posemaniacs (site) is also useful.

To give your characters more dynamic, make sure to practise drawing lots and lots and lots of gestures. Gestures are quick drawings that capture the movement of a body and onc eyou understand how they work, they can help breathe some life into your drawings. For examples, check out Vilppu, Nicolaides and Loomis.

And keep practising drawing from life!

Im a beginner, so take me advice with a grain of salt...
I like the body pose, way more interesting than the first...
But if I were you, I'd also make lots of studies of real faces,
as the way they're stylized now, something seems really off with the way the eyes are positioned.
In the first one especially, it gives you this vibe that she's cross-eyed.And there's just no "life" in the eyes.

But, if you were able to do this in just a few weeks... i applaud you!
Keep it up!
Since I have our site RSI, I used speech recognition by, sometimes this means I'll make some mistakes. :D

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Re: I'm learning to draw, and looking for advice

#8 Post by dramspringfeald »

Hello there!

I'll give the usual response. First go to your Local / College Library and grab as many Medical and Human Anatomy books as you can find. If you do not have access to them go to Pirate bay and download the "How to Draw, Medical and Anatomy" collections.

Draw all the Bones, Muscles and Tissue you see. Remember Anime and Cartooning are simplified versoins of humans. Also learn about Prescriptive and look through the forums because I'm sure 10% of my posts are mostly this. We have extensive tutorials all over the place (including my signature). Please use them.
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Re: I'm learning to draw, and looking for advice

#9 Post by ebi brain »

@Dramspringfeald: did you mean "perspective"??

*has never heard of "prescriptive" when it comes to drawing*
Since I have our site RSI, I used speech recognition by, sometimes this means I'll make some mistakes. :D

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Re: I'm learning to draw, and looking for advice

#10 Post by dramspringfeald »

ebi brain wrote:@Dramspringfeald: did you mean "perspective"??

*has never heard of "prescriptive" when it comes to drawing*

and now we know why I give NO advice in writing. >.>'

Damn you google spell check! DAMN YOU!!!
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Re: I'm learning to draw, and looking for advice

#11 Post by Mellanthe »

Hmm, not bad for first attempts. A heck of a lot better than me when I first started drawing two years ago for sure!
Anyways, I know It's really hard to fix rigid poses but here's what I suggest:

-Try doing the same pose you want to draw in a mirror and see what's uncomfortable and what's not.
I tried doing the pose of your second set of sprites with the angle you drew and to be honest, it kind of hurt ^_^;

-Try practicing purely EXAGGERATED poses, like a super hero pose
It usually helps people to loosen up their lines, - plus it's good practice for dynamic pictures - because if you can convey a feeling through body language alone, that' basically most of the battle. Most times, you can tell what a character is feeling without even seeing the face.

I can't say that much on anatomy as I know absolutely nothing about it and draw on instinct but I know that practice will help you to develop that instinct like it did for me. So good luck and keep practicing!!

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