Get that thing off your chest... Now...

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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#2446 Post by MaiMai »

Blue Lemma wrote:As for people getting all choked up, I don't think that's due to them thinking he's the Best President EVAR but more because of what the ascension of an African-American to the top office in the nation symbolizes. It's a sort of "anything is possible" or "look how far we've come" feeling, which could be very poignant if you faced racial discrimination. That's my theory, anyway.

And you can bet there were probably a bunch of people who didn't support Obama crying, too, when he got elected and re-elected ^^
I kind of had that feeling back in 2008-2009 in my junior year of high school after his first inauguration. I'm Vietnamese-American, and yet the fact that a person of a different race after two centuries of European/American presidents that I studied in history got to where he was felt surreal to say the least. Leadership wise, maybe not the best step, but at least it'll encourage other minorities in America that they too have a chance at the wonderful game of American politics and presidency!

I think.
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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#2447 Post by Blue Lemma »

Lishy wrote:I'm going to be a crazy right-winger surrounded by dirty, kinky liberals! Hnnnnnnnnggggggg!!!!!!

(Obviously I'm being satirical.)
Is that you, PyTom? I didn't know you moved to Portland! I thought there were rules against sockpuppeting.

:lol: :P

But c'mon now, you make "kinky" sound like a bad thing :wink:

@MaiMai: Yay, anecdotal theory confirmation #1 :D
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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#2448 Post by Lishy »

Blue Lemma wrote:
Lishy wrote:I'm going to be a crazy right-winger surrounded by dirty, kinky liberals! Hnnnnnnnnggggggg!!!!!!

(Obviously I'm being satirical.)
But c'mon now, you make "kinky" sound like a bad thing :wink:
When I say liberals are dirty, it could very well be a good thing! There's nothing more kinky than protesting, collectivist scum! ;)

Now if only I could meet a sadist in the Psychiatry program who needs subjects like me... Ohh I wish a girl like that would confound my world! :lol: I think I'll save the details for the 18+ section! :lol:
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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#2449 Post by Taleweaver »

Lishy wrote:Let's be bold her: Whether someone likes Obama's policies or not, is he really that much more exceptional than any other presidents of the past?
No, he's not. There are two exceptional things about him, though:
1) He's the first black president of the U.S., and most minorities consider him "one of us"
2) He's the first president of the U.S. who wasn't elected by a majority of white men

The latter is the more exceptional thing, because from my perspective, as a non-U.S.-citizen, it's a sign that things are changing. Not necessarily for the better, but...
I think after the nightmare of Bush and Cheney, people suddenly start bragging about shit a normal president is SUPPOSED to do! Got Bin Laden? "You're supposed to!"
...yeah, pretty much that. After eight years of Bush-Cheney, news of schools considering teaching Creation as an "alternative scientific theory" and an unfortunate early "Mission Accomplished", it's a relief that the U.S. finally has a normal president again. That's why we Germans love him.

Oh, and...
What? Obama is our President, we elected him, and we need to support him!!!! if you dont support Obama, you are being anti-American!!!!
Strange that nobody complained about that when it was Bush instead of Obama. "Not supporting the president" was dangerously Liberal, bordering on Socialist, and definitely reason enough to have Homeland Security check your background for hidden Muslim tendencies. /sarc
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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#2450 Post by RunicV »

Argh! Why do people just have to be so damn racist?

Me and my friends were sitting in Subway minding out own business when some foreigner boy started making racist comments. Ugh! Even when we walked away, he and his stupid classmates followed behind us and continued making some sort of high-pitched noise. Just what the fuck, man. You're in Singapore and you dare to insult us here? Our own country? Just what the hell.

He was some 14/15 year old idiot with a bunch of friends. I checked the map, and found out they were from a school that accepted overseas students. I asked a random guy also from their school wearing the same uniform what school they were from, and he confirmed it.

I'm just so mad now. Unfortunately I didn't take a photo of them, I wish I had did. I would've posted it all over the net and complained. Ugh. Stupid jerkbags. If I ever see someone making racist comments, next time I'll take a picture and complain. *flips table*

If you're a foreigner in a country, don't make racist comments. Seriously.

I'm sorry for posting so much in here, I just felt so annoyed.
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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#2451 Post by Blue Lemma »

@Taleweaver: I'm not even sure what a "normal" American is anymore. My best guess is "broke and pissed at the government" :P

@ RunicV: That's annoying, talk about being an ungracious guest...
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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#2452 Post by AshenhartKrie »

Auro-Cyanide wrote:
Sapphi wrote:
Auro-Cyanide wrote: Women living in the same area do tend to start cycling together. It would be all types of hilarious if the internet counted.
Somebody really needs to make a visual novel about this.

Can I maybe interject some advice about the pill, though? Unless it's really terribly necessary, I would recommend trying to get by without it, since it ups your chances of breast cancer and stroke (especially if you smoke). It's also very important that you are good with remembering to take daily medicine, which is a talent I don't have. With the one I tried, there were four sets of seven pills per month. The first three are the actual medicine, in graduated strengths, with the first week of the month having the most estrogen, and dropping off through the next weeks till you get to a set of dummy pills. The dummy pill week is the week you bleed.

Now... I was stupid enough to forget to take my pill three days in a row near the end of the first week of the month... so I had given my system a huge dose of estrogen, then deprived it suddenly. The result was that my poor body thought it was time to bleed AGAIN. It was extremely painful. My entire lower back felt like it was on fire for days. At least one night I couldn't sleep because it hurt so much. And I bled for a month. :cry:

So, if you really need it, the pros might outweigh the cons, but I just felt like I had to add that word of caution...
Yeah, it's good people have to go to the doctor to get a script done, it's really something that should be discussed first. There are different types of pills for different types of issues, and they don't suit everyone. I knew one girl who got agonising painful periods, but she was also allergic to the pill. Poor thing.

I take Estelle/Brenda. I can skip it for a number of days without anything happens (girls, don't do that if you are using it for birth control obviously). My skin has been way better, mood swings aren't an issue and I'm more regular. It's good for girls to know about the pills potential to help with hormones and not just for birth control. The period is a monthly thing that is going to happen for many years. Might as well try and make it more comfortable if you can.
I've told mum I want to go on the pill. Now I just need to muster up my courage and actually visit a GP. I'm terrified by doctors and clinics. -shudders-
On the Obama issue, I'm not American, so I have no idea what's going on.
I DO know that I intensely dislike Julia Gillard. So much for "If you elect me I won't put a tax on carbon" or whatever it is she said.
Now not only do we have to pay for the carbon we use or whatever, but since mum doesn't have a job and I'm turning 16 this year, her single parenting payment is being cut in half, as is everybodies. We still get money from the government, but its close to half as much as we used to, which isn't good. I'm getting a job to help mum out with the bills, but I really do miss not having to calculate every single cent to make sure we get the most out of what we buy.

Runic, that's terrible of them. And I know. I live in a really racist country (yup. Aussies can be helluva lot racist) and we have refugees at our school. I feel sorry for some of them.
Some people are just so ignorant.

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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#2453 Post by Blane Doyle »

I think we can all agree on two things here today.

1) Governments can and will suck (regularly, but not always) and people will love and hate them (this is always).
2) Being female sucks on a regular basis (WHY AGH). But at least we can do something about that. Horray for advice and openness on the internet!

This post has been.... kinda pointless. But I am glad I read this thread tonight. Couldn't sleep anyway, painkillers wore off... I really hate being a woman sometimes... but it is nice to know people are up to talk about that here.

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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#2454 Post by Deji »

Back on the topic of the pill, I take one that consists of 21 pills that are exactly the same, and then you're supposed to 'rest' from it for 7 days before starting a new box, and so on, and there's where you bleed.
Basically, if you skip/forget it for 3 days, you bleed.
The good thing about it is that if you never rest those 7 days, you never bleed :'D Good for summer time/vacations, special occasions, when you *don't* want to be bleeding. I'm still used to the 7 days without pill thing, so I get my period every other month or so, but still, better than having it every month <3

If you're going to start on the pill, go talk with your doctor about which one will be the best for you and what you want out of it (be it birth control, be more regular, decrease PMS symptoms, etc). I was prescribed this one for birth control 10 years ago (when I was 19) and luckily I've never had to change it, while some people I know have been prescribed other pills and they haven't worked very well with them and have had to go through different ones until they find the one that works the best for them. So it's *very* important you go through this with the help of your doc and ask them *any* questions you may have :)

(Personal experience not related to the pill: I had this ... 'defect' down there I never asked about and never came up during checks, so last year I mustered up courage and asked about it, and the doc was very supportive and gave me lots of options! So it's good to ask about anything you're concerned or curious about, even if you feel you may sound dumb for asking; it's always better to directly ask somebody that knows! )
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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#2455 Post by PyTom »

Folks, let me just remind you that randomly talking about politics - be it talking about particular political figures (President Obama) or particular issues - is against the forum rules, when it's not discussing a game directly. That's for a good reason, as political threads tend to cover things that people feel strongly about and also disagree on, and so can flare up very quickly. Let's not have this, even in the soap opera thread.
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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#2456 Post by Lishy »

So I went to my class and I was the only one who knew anything of the subject matter. Everyone else took is just because the schedule was good... Lol.

Kinda disappointed there was no hippies.

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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#2457 Post by Blane Doyle »

You ever go back and watch/read/play something you used to think was AWESOME and then not only realize it is bad... but also somewhat disturbing because of the way it treats some of the content?

... yeah... I was a really really dumb teenager apparently... I feel a great amount of shame for having enjoyed a certain manga/anime now. I... YESH. What was I thinking when I was younger this is... WOW. 14 year old me was DUMB.

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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#2458 Post by KittyKatStar »

Blane Doyle wrote:You ever go back and watch/read/play something you used to think was AWESOME and then not only realize it is bad... but also somewhat disturbing because of the way it treats some of the content?

... yeah... I was a really really dumb teenager apparently... I feel a great amount of shame for having enjoyed a certain manga/anime now. I... YESH. What was I thinking when I was younger this is... WOW. 14 year old me was DUMB.
Same here. Or anime/manga/book I thought was stupid (i.e. gave up too early etc) and give it a second shot years later... And find out it's not that bad.

I can't think of anything I liked that also *disturbed* me, but I could think of plots/stories I thought were awesome only to realize they were just edgy for the sake of being edgy and OMGCOOLBLOOD or SHOCK VALUE. ._.

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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#2459 Post by mugenjohncel »

I said I'll try not to brag at Lemmasoft but I can't contain my excitement anymore...


But what really excites me is...

What am I gonna put in the Time-Capsule... right now I'm inclining on inserting DVD and SD card copies of my previous games and instructions how to open them... I also am thinking of inserting other Ren'py Games in there...

The time capsule I plan on purchasing is quite big... about 2FT x 1FT x 9IN more or less... waterproofed of course...

I could also insert porn in there but this is a [CLASSIFIED INFORMATION] Project so I'll probably have to do this in secret :twisted:

I'm so dedicating tomorrow thinking what to put in the Time-Capsule :mrgreen:

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Re: Get that thing off your chest... Now...

#2460 Post by Zylinder »

And Mugen just entered my list of people to kidnap and hold for ransom.

Congratulations! :twisted:
Blane Doyle wrote:You ever go back and watch/read/play something you used to think was AWESOME and then not only realize it is bad... but also somewhat disturbing because of the way it treats some of the content?

... yeah... I was a really really dumb teenager apparently... I feel a great amount of shame for having enjoyed a certain manga/anime now. I... YESH. What was I thinking when I was younger this is... WOW. 14 year old me was DUMB.
This happens to me quite a bit. I recently went back to read my first ever romance novel, which I remembered as being so awwwwww and lovely angsty. It always had a special place in my heart. 400 romance novels later, I re-read it again... And it turns out it's just mediocre at best. By my standards now, it would rate 1 star, and that's the best I can say about it.

It's a little sad/disillusioning, I guess. Should have left it well alone. :C

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