NaNoRenO 2007- The ren'ai visual novel challenge!

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#241 Post by chronoluminaire »

Scout wrote:
DaFool wrote:I have yet to see an example of a 2-poster where the first post says "Hello!" and the second says "Here's my complete game!".
Yeah, I have to say, I really don't trust those sorts of people. >.>
:lol: Good to see you again!
I'm really hopeful that I'll be able to get this finished in time. I lost a week at the beginning because of a massive school project, but I've been pushing on anyway; I know that if I had seven more days, I'd definitely be able to finish... so two days should be just as fine, right? Right?
Go for it!!!! You can do it!
On the other hand, I wasn't really sure when I started if this was a community I was interested in at all. But I think this fun little experiment has convinced me of that, even if I don't end up finishing.
It's great to have you! (And you WILL finish, you hear me?! :))
I released 3 VNs, many moons ago: Elven Relations (IntRenAiMo 2007), When I Rule The World (NaNoRenO 2005), and Cloud Fairy (the Cute Light & Fluffy Project, 2009).
More recently I designed the board game Steam Works (published in 2015), available from a local gaming store near you!

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#242 Post by lordcloudx »

Ah wellz anywayz, I'm gonna say I have the same mindset as absinthe. And my new sig will reflect this sometime tonight.

I would have released Wings anyway using Onscripter if PyTom didn't make moonlight walks or RenPy.
How do you make your games? I see. Thank you for the prompt replies, but it is my considered opinion that you're doing it wrong inefficiently because I am a perfushenal professional. Do it my way this way and we can all ascend VN Nirvana together while allowing me to stroke my ego you will improve much faster. Also, please don't forget to thank me for this constructive critique or I will cry and bore you to death respond appropriately with a tl;dr rant discourse of epic adequately lengthy proportions. - Sarcasm Veiled in Euphemism: Secrets of Forum Civility by lordcloudx (Coming soon to an online ebook near you.)

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#243 Post by DaFool »

lordcloudx wrote:I would have released Wings anyway using Onscripter if PyTom didn't make moonlight walks or RenPy.
History would have turned out differently...maybe there would be 41 OEL games made with onscripter, instead of the current 1 demo.

When PyTom decided "I will complete this game" was a momentous occasion. Had he not, maybe that other french engine in Resources thread would have been used instead.

I celebrate every Ren'Py game released, and especially every game that achieved some technical milestone. All the projects I am co-producing / producing will attempt to achieve some milestone, even something lesser than was originally intended, but a milestone nontheless. This is just me...everyone else can make their games as small and beautifully simple as they want to...but for me I can't help but think big (I grew up in the U.S. after all). I also hope to someday get inspiration for that beautifully simple game--it will be so much easier to get that first self-produced game out, and that's what's recommended for everyone starting out anyway.

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#244 Post by absinthe »

11 hours to go!

Wouldn't you know it, we had a wicked Texas thunderstorm this morning and our power was out for four hours. And I overslept because of it!

Fortunately, I had time yesterday to add an alternate path I'd planned from the start but wasn't sure I'd have time for. I'm pretty pleased with it -- I realized yesterday that I'd somehow made an entire Ren'Ai game with no kissing. So I had to fix that problem. ;)

And I finished up all the stuff in my TODO file!

Okay, couple of pre-release questions! (Don't think they warrant their own thread, but maybe?)

1. How do I get my readme to package in the top level instead of in the game directory? If I put it in the game directory before packaging for distro, it ends up in the /game directory; I'd like, ideally, for it to be next to the .exe instead.

2. When I use a small presplash.png and window mode, the game loads up with the upper-left corner of the game window in the same place as the upper-left corner of the presplash. This puts it about halfway off my screen... is there anyway to specify the position of the game window on startup? It's not crucial or anything, but I was wondering.
My 2007 NaNo entry: Eidolon

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#245 Post by lordcloudx »

DaFool wrote:but for me I can't help but think big (I grew up in the U.S. after all).
Ya I get it. Ps2 vs Xbox all over again. Never been out of the country for my part.

Absinthe: why not just put in manually after the game has been packaged?

edit: new sig reflects my thoughts as promised
How do you make your games? I see. Thank you for the prompt replies, but it is my considered opinion that you're doing it wrong inefficiently because I am a perfushenal professional. Do it my way this way and we can all ascend VN Nirvana together while allowing me to stroke my ego you will improve much faster. Also, please don't forget to thank me for this constructive critique or I will cry and bore you to death respond appropriately with a tl;dr rant discourse of epic adequately lengthy proportions. - Sarcasm Veiled in Euphemism: Secrets of Forum Civility by lordcloudx (Coming soon to an online ebook near you.)

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#246 Post by F.I.A »

DaFool wrote:People learn by the example of others. Yes, this is just a hobby, and people can and do get burned out by it. But I prefer to see people seriously pursuing it rather than dabbling in it. One of the things I learned is that this isn't a light hobby! Nothing is light if you want it to become a means to build serious talent. Making things is fun, but finishing things is adrenaline
Indeed, game making is a rather time consuming hobby, thus a in-depth interest needs to be developed for it.

Still 3 hours to go over here. Hope all can make it in time. Good luck. :D

Winter shard
WIP: Hyperion(Trace unknown), ?????(Progressing)

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#247 Post by PyTom »

absinthe wrote: 1. How do I get my readme to package in the top level instead of in the game directory? If I put it in the game directory before packaging for distro, it ends up in the /game directory; I'd like, ideally, for it to be next to the .exe instead.
Put it in the directory above the game directory. For example, if you have the directories renpy-6.1.1/MyProject and renpy-6.1.1/MyProject/game, then if you make renpy-6.1.1/MyProject/README.txt, it will go in the same directory as the exe file.
2. When I use a small presplash.png and window mode, the game loads up with the upper-left corner of the game window in the same place as the upper-left corner of the presplash. This puts it about halfway off my screen... is there anyway to specify the position of the game window on startup? It's not crucial or anything, but I was wondering.
Not easily.
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#248 Post by absinthe »

lordcloudx wrote:Absinthe: why not just put in manually after the game has been packaged?
Because the packager tells me I can't unzip Mac and linux distributions on Windows and I'm too lazy to load up Linux! Hah, now you know the truth... I'm a semi-lapsed Linux user. I think 7-zip'll actually do linux, now that I think of it, so that might be what I'll do.
PyTom wrote:Put it in the directory above the game directory. For example, if you have the directories renpy-6.1.1/MyProject and renpy-6.1.1/MyProject/game, then if you make renpy-6.1.1/MyProject/README.txt, it will go in the same directory as the exe file.
I could have sworn I tried that, d'oh! I'll go rename and move stuff around.
PyTom wrote:Not easily.
I was afraid of that. No biggie, it doesn't take that long to load or anything.

((5 hours left))
My 2007 NaNo entry: Eidolon

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#249 Post by Misuzu »

I'll process through all the NaNoRenO hosting things in a couple hours. I've got to get some sleep first, but congratulations to all the people who succesful got their game out! =P

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#250 Post by pheriannath »

Gi...Give up...

I don't want to go into a detailed account of what happened, the last few days have been a little hectic for me. Suffice to say that I got sandwiched between three school projects approaching their deadlines (two of them, ironically, fell on April 1st).

I had to throw my hobbies down and take them on, and...well...when the storm of stressful late nights blew over, I found myself in April and the death clock counting up T_T

...And I've got my exams coming up this month, and university exams are not to be scoffed at - so what this means is that my game will probably be completed way past deadline (not that I expected to be able to make my first game so successfully anyway)

So I'll finish it, but not as part of NaNoRenO...sorry for adding yet another black mark to the NaNoRenO statistics :(

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#251 Post by DaFool »

Don't worry about it, RL is important too.

This is the most successful Nanoreno yet, so I'm happy (so many good games!)

Although we may need to write a summary of the results on the same page that described Nano2005 and Nano2006 (renaigames page)...I admit reading excuses is also a bit amusing, if it weren't treading on sensitive territory.

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#252 Post by Nafai »

Ah life - the bad thing about it is that, well it happens. Sorry to hear about that pheriannath - but looking forward to seeing the game upon completion :)

And on that note - congratulations to all the NaNo participants, especially those who finished their games. Pat yourselves on the back people. Good job :)

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#253 Post by mikey »

DaFool wrote:This is the most successful Nanoreno yet, so I'm happy (so many good games!)
I was really surprised today as well when I checked back, congratulations to everyone!! Honestly, with NaNoRenO stitched together at the very last minute (remember the discussions whether it was needed or not), this is something I wouldn't have anticipated. I wanted all the best, but I admit I was skeptical - and I'm glad to admit I was so very wrong! And now, I have the pleasant situation of having a backlog of fanmade VNs ^_^.

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#254 Post by pheriannath »

And while I haven't been able to finish my game in time (I'm still cursing my projects for wasting away my precious time), I now have the opportunity to expand on it the way I wanted to (initially I thought I'd have to do a quick release for NaNoRenO, and do the rest in short episodes to keep for continuity, but it looks like I can actually realise my story in one long KN now).

I'll start writing up a storm after my exams are over :)

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#255 Post by mutio »

Misuzu wrote:That actually was actual thought pattern many months ago when it was still and VNN, but sometime a while back, a site that was essentially spoofing our name was created (for the record, that was At the time, their site (and arguably their content) was pretty terrible, so we decided to differentiate ourselves, we would convert the name over to just VisualNews. Ironically (and confirming our wonders if they had chosen on purpose to structure their name exteremly similar to ours (since the owned both and .com)), one week after we changed to VisualNews, they changed their name to Visual-Novels =_=;;....

In the end, no rivalry was created between the two sites becuase we target relatively different audiences. VisualNews is a translation specific website that brings news on the English scene of visual novels while Visual-Novels went off to become more of a general site with tidbits from the translation scene and tibits from just random stuff from Japan (although in my personal opinion, I still don't like their content very much).

But thats the history of the name change =D. Oh... and I just didn't like saying "dot" when I was saying the word "" too xD. As Message (my head news reporter) put it, "It sounds so much sexier in my language! VisualNews punt net!" (he's from the Netherlands).
May be a bit late but I'd still like to make things clear here:
1st: Visual-Novels.Net was OUR idea and we first heard about visualnews one month after we had already bought the server+domains
2nd: Visual-Novels or visual-novels doesn't matter, there is no large/ small spelling for URLs
3rd: VisualNews was already more than 2 years old when our site was founded; sure our site wasn't that good in the beginning ;) <- good stuff always needs its time *G*

Indeed there's no rivalry, our mascot Ichigo wants to become friends with your mascot once you have one :)
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