Foreign Languages

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Re: Foreign Languages

#31 Post by spooky »

Everyone here knows so many languages!
I'm English and the only language I ever did at school was French and I don't remember a thing even though I did it for about 6 years :c I probably know more Japanese than French even though I've barely tried learning it...

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Re: Foreign Languages

#32 Post by ririruetoo »

I live in America, and I know English...And currently I'm majoring and studying Japanese. In high school I also took Spanish.

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Re: Foreign Languages

#33 Post by MarineScripter »

My native language is Spanish as both my parents are Colombian, but I've lived in America my whole life and speak a fluent, American English. I also take Japanese classes and have tried learning French and German. As my dad travels frequently, he passes on some of his Italian and other such languages at times.

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Re: Foreign Languages

#34 Post by Daistarir »

chocojax wrote:English - 5/5
Vietnamese - 3/5 (I can listen well, can only attempt at speaking and reading, absolutely cannot write.)
Japanese - 2/5 (Took about 4 years of it in high school, but I'm still pretty bad at it, loool.)
French - 1/5 (Only 2 years of it, so I only know a few grammar points and can kinda read simple sentences, haha.)

I really like foreign languages too, so I'm planning on taking a few classes in college if I have enough room. :v!
Wow , you studied Vietnamese ?!
Bạn học được bao nhiêu rồi?
Vietnamese 5/5 (Can't help it)
Korean. 4/5 ( Yeah xD)
Japanese 5/5 ( I studied Japanese for 10 Years)
French 3/5 ( Merci xD )
English 1/5 (...)

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Re: Foreign Languages

#35 Post by MomoiroGirl »

Weeeell, I guess I know a bit varied languages ^^''
I'm Danish, but I grew up in Ghana (Africa), so I know english from there as well :P Sooo here it goes:

Danish/English - 5/5 : Both are my mothertongue. I know it sometimes looks like my english fails, but i blame my keyboard (it has an extra row of buttons on the left, which f*ck up my writing considerably XD) I really am good at english, I've always been the best in class :P

French - 2/5 : Had it for a total of 5 years, scattered about in my school life, the last three years being in high school, but I can only pretty much get by and understand it (our teacher only taught us theoretical stuff, my class never learned to speak it properly :P)

German - 1/5 : Ich bin böse und knaller mit der tür (a stupid danish joke XD) I had it for 2 years, didn't give a shit, s only understand parts that sound danish :P

Swedish - 2/5 : Can't speak it, but can communicate well enough and pretty much understand swedish, 'cause it's a Scandinavian language <3 :D

Norwegian - 3/5 : Much more like danish, so the same as what I wrote for swedish, only I understand this even better

Japanese - 1/5 : Can't read it, only a few kana, but I can sometimes make out what a person is saying if they speak slowly and simply enough, and of course I have a short list of phrases that I know :P

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Re: Foreign Languages

#36 Post by MiSi »

Why does everyone here know that many languages? :lol:
As for me:

German - 5/5: It's my native language and I can proudly say, that I'm very good at it (well, I'm writing novels for over 8 years now... :D )
English - 4/5: Most of grammar and spelling as well speaking is easy for me, but I don't know enough words to express myself the way I would like to. :P :D
Latin - 1/5: Had it in school... and a hard time to even get my proficiency certificate. Let's say... I'm a complete failure according that :D The only thing I can do with this language is deriving foreign words.

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Re: Foreign Languages

#37 Post by CtrlAltLee »

English 4/5 Native language, but grammar is confusing ;;' I can't tell you what a gerund is without looking it up, and I always, ALWAYS get marked awfully on papers for teachers from other countries My papers I submit to native English speakers get high marks though, since they aren't as nitpicky about grammar and stuff.

Japanese 2/5 - I have a minor in Japanese, but I cannot even read a children's manga yet. The ultimate thing that stopped me from going further and simply using native materials was Kanji. After a trip to Akihibara where I was reduced to writing everything in English and having them reply in written English because my spoken Japanese was so mangled and my vocabulary so impractical, I gave up learning Japanese in the classroom. This last summer i got about 500 into Heisigs remember the kanji, but I was trying to do to much at once. Next summer I'm going to get through all of book 1. After I do that, I'm going to try learning sentences the MCD method, and hopefully next time I go to Japan I'll be more understandable.

Spanish 0/5 I can understand about 40% of what is said spoken at a normal speed from living in a Spanish household for a year, but since I am never invited to participate in the conversation I don't know how, and the class I'm taking is proving to be very challenging.

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Re: Foreign Languages

#38 Post by specialtantei »

Native language is Romaninan but still 3/5. I haven't been there for a while so I kinda forgot u.u
Then I speak English, and I give myself around 3.5, 4 /5, althought I still want to improve some stupid grammar mistakes I do, ussualy in writing, I have no probs with speaking.
Spanish 4.5/5, I've been living in Spain for around 5, almost 6 years, so I can speak it and write it pretty well, but as always, there is still room for improvement :D.
German 1/5, studied it for 2 years and got an A2 title but never practiced it properly, so I tend to forget it. I am good at grammar and bad at vocabulary xD.
French 2.5/5, I also have an A2 in french, but have practiced it more since I went to France and stuff like that. Somehow I never really got to like it.
Japanese 1/5, I know as much as any average otaku. Small idea of grammar, no idea of reading, writing, or too complex sentences and vocabulary. That's why Google Translate FTW xD.
Uhm, that's all of it, kinda :3.

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Re: Foreign Languages

#39 Post by wakagana »

English - 5/5
Korean - .5/5 (Just started learning. lololol) - Rosetta Stone is nice.
Ebonics/AAVE - 5/5 - Terrible commercialized rap music lets you learn this quite easily.
internet/l33t sp34k - 4/5 - 0n1y 3xp3ri3nc3 c4n 6ive y0u kn0w13d6e


Re: Foreign Languages

#40 Post by darkphilious »

Malay: 5/5 (native language)
English: 5/5 (second language, and I can speak fluently)
Arabic: 3/5 (learned for a few years, can understand words and speak it, but not too fluent)
Japanese: 1/5 (just some basic words, can't even read a single word in Japanese)

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Re: Foreign Languages

#41 Post by JKOL »

Swedish: 5/5
English: 4.5/5
Finnish: 4/5
Japanese: 3.5/5

I understand Norweigan a bit (it's similar to Swedish) but I can't speak it.
I'd like to learn Spanish, German, and Mandarin in the future.

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Re: Foreign Languages

#42 Post by Devil's Truth »

I was educated in an International School for most of my life so...
English: 5/5 (Native)
Japanese: 4.5/5 (I can read, write and type well, but I can't write it by hand that well/I'm half Japanese.)
French: Um... 0-1/5 (I took it up until Year 6)
Chinese(Simplified): 0-1/5 (I'm currently learning it)
Korean: (It's not even worth mentioning but...) Almost 0/5
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Re: Foreign Languages

#43 Post by Didules »

I feel like I can't speak any languages when I want to, but still:
French: 5/5 (native!)
English 4/5 (not at writing though... and still studying it even though High-school is over)
German 2-3/5 (I started German and English together but I don't know why I never liked German >.<" Sorry!)
And that's all! I hope to study some other languages later, but for now I really can't ^^

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Re: Foreign Languages

#44 Post by tiya_nofurita »

Indonesian : 5/5 (my native-national language)
Javanese : 2.5/5 (it's my local language, yes I'm pretty suck at it)
English : 2.5/5 (okay, I won't rate myself too high. I can understand if it's written, but not verbally. Also, I'm suck at writing the correct sentences without too many grammatical errors and I still hardly convey my real intention.) Google Translate is my best buddy :D
Japanese : 0.05/5 (I learnt a bit from high school, I can only understand hiragana and some katakana, though. And maybe some simple kanji. Listening and speaking is no-no. Watching/reading too many Japanese anime/VN might help on this last year :D)
Arabic : 0.05/5 (Because I'm Muslim certainly I can read Arabic, but not without harakat(vowels). But I still hardly grasp the meaning of it. Listening and speaking, ugh, no)

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Re: Foreign Languages

#45 Post by Aines445 »

Sigh...Now's the time to finally say that yes, I'm from Portugal! But the Land of Wonderzzzz will always have a special place in my heart...Not! XD

Portuguese 5/5 (It's my mother tongue, but I forget some words because of english sometimes X.X And also, if a brazillian talks too fast it might be hard to understand, the keyword being might.)

English 4.5/5 (It could be called my main language because that's the language I use when I think XD And I think I'm pretty good at it, but I slip up sometimes...)

French 2/5 (I'm pretty average when I pronounce it and I know some things with grammar, but I still think I really suck at it.)

Spanish 1/5 (You'd think a portuguese person could learn spanish better, but I don't think I'm good at it. The only good thing is that they're so similar that I don't have to bother with learning it.)

Russian 0/5 (My aunt used to teach me russian, but I never really listened to her and all that knowledge was lost.)

Japanese 2/5 (But I kind of want to break this one up:

Hiragana 4/5 (I read hiragana well, but some others like the one for 'sa' and the one for 'chi' are kind of similar, and I sometimes confuse one for another.)

Writing Hiragana 1/5 (Lol I can write 'shi' and 'de' for example but the rest is too complicated and I don't even try knowing that I'll fail XD)

Katakana 3/5 (I confuse them a lot, but I have a basic understanding of which is which.)

Writing Katakana 1/5 (No. Maybe I could write 'ko' or 'ro', but overall I suck at writing japanese.)

Kanji 1/5 (I know a little kanji, but not many.)

Writing Kanji 0/5 (T_T How I love the latin alphabet....)

Speaking japanese 2/5 (Did you know that Portugal went to Japan in 1500? XD I think I can pronounce japanese pretty well, but I have issues with grammar, and I don't think I can hold a conversation without fixing those issues.)

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