Sacred Forest [Fantasy][GxB]

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Sacred Forest [Fantasy][GxB]

#1 Post by logogriph »

Scroll to the bottom to see the art first, if that's your thing. It's all conceptual at this point, so feel free to make comments and suggestions! Here goes

Sacred Forest
(definitely a working title)
Basic Plot

The protagonist lives in a sleepy mountain village. She spends her days honing her skills under the guidance of the village priest and helping her mother manage the almost continually vacant Inn. Life is good, if not uneventful, but trouble looms on the horizon. Something is amiss in the woods surrounding the village. At the prompting of her mentor and many others, the burden of unraveling the mystery is pushed onto the protagonist. It's up to her to swallow her fear, delve into the very bowels of the sacred forest, and face whatever waits for her there.

(i'll admit it's not the most original plot, but i wanted to choose something simple considering this is my first VN, and i think i've added enough of a personal touch that it's still interesting!)


The protagonist

Alina - A girl with a natural talent in magic, she lives with her mother and her familiar, Sadiki, in the village's only Inn

(you may have noticed not much is said about the protaganist's personality. this isn't because she doesn't have one, i promise)


Sadiki - Alina's familiar, he's been with her since she was a small child. Although they sometimes butt heads, they share the same deep, unbreakable bond that all humans and their familiars share. He's somber, sarcastic, quick to anger, and undyingly loyal to Alina (if not somewhat overprotective)

Agrim - He's quite reserved, so not much is known about who he really is or where he came from, but there are more than enough unsettling rumors floating around to fill in the blanks. Regardless of what he did before, now he serves as the village priest and a mentor to Alina. A very harsh and unrelenting one at that. Born of Ice

Klemen - A travelling merchant who's far too honest to be in the business of sales. He likes good food, pretty girls, and pleasant conversation. He's not the brightest color in the crayon box, but he's kind and courageous. Born of Heart

Nemorio - A fiend who dwells in the woods. He's a bit eccentric, sporting many strange mannerisms and an equally oddball style of speech. He also seems to be effected by whatever ailment is plaguing the forest. Born of Life

Side characters

Mom - Alina's mother. A stern, but kind-hearted woman. Born of Earth

Vivien - Alina's neighbor and friend. She's graceful, gossipy, and gullible. Born of Water

The World

I wanted to put this up top but I didn't want to scare off people with a huge wall of explanatory text. Being a set in a fantasy world, there's some terms used above that might have confused you! Or not. But I'm going to elaborate anyways.

Mana - Alright, some rpg gamers probably know what mana is in your typical fantasy world; fuel for magic! In this setting, it's that as well, but I'm also using it in a way that's more true to it's original definition. Mana isn't just for use in magic, it's a part of all things, both living and inanimate, and it has great influence on the shape and content of the world as a whole. There are 14 different kinds of mana. All creatures possess, to some extent, all 14 types, but all creatures are born with a predisposition to one type in particular. This is called being "born of {blank}"

Fiends - This can be a somewhat misleading term. "Fiend" refers to any living creature that isn't human, from cuddly bunnies to big scary beasts. There are three types of fiends; lesser, greater, and legendary. All fiends start as lesser and have the potential to one day become legendary. The stages work as a sort of evolution. Not the pokemon kind of evolution where one second you're magikarp then BAM gyarados, but something much more gradual. The further in evolution a fiend is, the more physically affected they are by their mana

Familiars - When a human has strengthened their mana to a certain point they might acquire a familiar. A familiar is just a regular fiend who's become bonded to a human through a mysterious process that fuses the essence of their mana together. This makes both parties stronger (familiars are much more likely to reach the greater fiend stage than wild fiends), but it also means if one dies, grows ill, or is injured, the other will be weakened greatly. This instigates a very deep sense of dependency and symbiosis, which usually gives birth to a strong emotional bond

What I Actually Have Done

Plotting - I have everything plotted out.
Writing - 7500 words written - the prologue is 1250 of those words, the other 6250 is the first chapter
Coding - About half of what's written is coded with no pictures (mostly just so i can get the branching and point system down)
Music: Not gonna lie, I'm not sure what to do about this one, but for right now it's the least of my worries
Art - I honestly don't have much in the way of art yet. IWhat you see here is pretty much all there is. I'm a writer first and an artist second in all things I do, so I probably won't get seriously started on the art until I at least finish writing the first chapter

i removed a majority of the images i had here because i plan to redo them

i think this is pretty close to the final stage design for the protag, alina. she's an archer u v u

shhh don't look at the feet i didn't feel like drawing toes
do not ask why there are 3 designs for them //coughs

And, well, that's pretty much it. Things will be slow going because I don't have as much free time to work on it as I did. My goal now is still primarily writing, art second, and then coding. Hopefully I can get a demo or something out at least before the year is up haha OTL Anyway, thanks a lot for reading (if you read it all you are a shining star), and if you have any comments/questions(/advice orz) I'd love to hear it!
Last edited by logogriph on Thu Sep 26, 2013 7:38 pm, edited 35 times in total.
WIP: Sacred Forest

when by now and tree by leaf, she laughed his joy she cried his grief, bird by snow and stir by still, anyone's any was all to her

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Re: Sacred Forest [Fantasy][GxB]

#2 Post by Talena »

It seems like a good idea, if you keep adding your own flair to it the 'unoriginal plot' will be your own (and to tell you the truth there is hardly anything original in books, movies or games now days so all good ^.^)

I would like to play this once you have it all up and running... If you continue it or w/e...

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Re: Sacred Forest [Fantasy][GxB]

#3 Post by merdeamour »

Whoa, this looks really cool! I love the art, and thank you for sympathizing with me, your fellow brokebutt.

When you said the plot wasn't entirely original, that didn't shake me because I saw how your grammar was just great, which is a MUST for me in VNs (okay, okay, I'm a grammar Nazi...). Also, I like seeing "unoriginal" plots being turned into interesting ones because of their freshness. You piqued my interest because of the fantasy element in this--I love playing fantasy VNs, maybe because the depth of the storyline allows me to get lost in a different world.

The 'mana' thing is a theme that's frequently used in games, but I'm eager to see what you'll do deviate from the ordinary "elemental" stuff... I se that you have 'life' and other stuff like that, and that makes me pretty excited to know more about that (and the other types, of course)! :D

Also, your character profiles sound pretty good, looks like you've really put thought into your story. I feel like this went through some tight editing, and that's pretty cool (:

P.S. I'm not really much of an artist, but I DO know what I like in art, and I like your art pretty much. If this is what you do when you're lazy, I can't wait to find out what you'll do when you're not! xD

I guess I'm a shining star now...? :3
What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?
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Re: Sacred Forest [Fantasy][GxB]

#4 Post by logogriph »

It seems like a good idea, if you keep adding your own flair to it the 'unoriginal plot' will be your own (and to tell you the truth there is hardly anything original in books, movies or games now days so all good ^.^)

I would like to play this once you have it all up and running... If you continue it or w/e...
thank you! yeah, playing it is gonna be a long way off, but i've already cleared the stage where i usually drop things and i've been working on it pretty steadily every day, so the outlook is hopeful. i wouldn't have started a thread for it if i didn't honestly believe i can finish it :)
Whoa, this looks really cool! I love the art, and thank you for sympathizing with me, your fellow brokebutt.

When you said the plot wasn't entirely original, that didn't shake me because I saw how your grammar was just great, which is a MUST for me in VNs (okay, okay, I'm a grammar Nazi...). Also, I like seeing "unoriginal" plots being turned into interesting ones because of their freshness. You piqued my interest because of the fantasy element in this--I love playing fantasy VNs, maybe because the depth of the storyline allows me to get lost in a different world.

The 'mana' thing is a theme that's frequently used in games, but I'm eager to see what you'll do deviate from the ordinary "elemental" stuff... I see that you have 'life' and other stuff like that, and that makes me pretty excited to know more about that (and the other types, of course)!

Also, your character profiles sound pretty good, looks like you've really put thought into your story. I feel like this went through some tight editing, and that's pretty cool (:

P.S. I'm not really much of an artist, but I DO know what I like in art, and I like your art pretty much. If this is what you do when you're lazy, I can't wait to find out what you'll do when you're not! xD

I guess I'm a shining star now...? :3
ah, thank you so much ; u ; (yes. you shine bright like a diamond)

yeah, mana is pretty common for fantasy themed games, but i'd like to think what i'm doing with it in terms of predispositions and it's zodiacal aspects is pretty unique! maybe. at least, i haven't seen it anywhere else haha. but i'm not entirely sure exactly how deep i'm going to get into all that with this game. there are some things that will be extremely relevant to the story, while other things will probably just be briefly touched on or implied more subtly. if it makes the story feel clunky, i won't try to force it in there (i have pages of notes on it tucked away in my documents, though)
WIP: Sacred Forest

when by now and tree by leaf, she laughed his joy she cried his grief, bird by snow and stir by still, anyone's any was all to her

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Re: Sacred Forest [Fantasy][GxB]

#5 Post by merdeamour »

Again: this seems like a well though-out story, and I'm excited to see where this goes...

And I can see you put up more art! I love them, I really do :D

*I'm now stalking this thread... while shining like a diamond/star, though.*
What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?
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Re: Sacred Forest [Fantasy][GxB]

#6 Post by logogriph »

Again: this seems like a well though-out story, and I'm excited to see where this goes...

And I can see you put up more art! I love them, I really do

*I'm now stalking this thread... while shining like a diamond/star, though.*
i'll try to keep the thread updated with my progress. i'm chipping away pretty steadily at the writing everyday. the art is another story, but i'l get there haha

it's motivating to know someone is actually following the project C: thank youuuu
WIP: Sacred Forest

when by now and tree by leaf, she laughed his joy she cried his grief, bird by snow and stir by still, anyone's any was all to her

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Re: Sacred Forest [Fantasy][GxB]

#7 Post by Talann »

Ohmygod! This is just an interesting idea and the art is just whoa! I fell in love with it completely! xD
I am so excited to see the ending and just like I will be a stalker from now on. Seriously can't get over how beautiful the art is and the story seems really really reaaaallly interesting! Keep it up :3

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Re: Sacred Forest [Fantasy][GxB]

#8 Post by logogriph »

Ohmygod! This is just an interesting idea and the art is just whoa! I fell in love with it completely! xD
I am so excited to see the ending and just like I will be a stalker from now on. Seriously can't get over how beautiful the art is and the story seems really really reaaaallly interesting! Keep it up :3
thank you!!! the ending will be quite a ways off LOL but i plan on keeping with it! i'm glad to know you like the art especially ; u ; i've been feeling kind of wonky about my art lately since i'm going through a sort of transition with my style atm. speaking of art...
i think this is pretty close to the final stage design for the protag, alina. she's an archer u v u
so what do you guys think of the color schemes? favorite one? any suggestions? i'm a bit iffy about how well certain colors mix, so i'd love to hear feedback. i'm mostly concerned about the colors but you can comment on the design itself, too, if you have something to say!
WIP: Sacred Forest

when by now and tree by leaf, she laughed his joy she cried his grief, bird by snow and stir by still, anyone's any was all to her

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Re: Sacred Forest [Fantasy][GxB]

#9 Post by merdeamour »

Still stalking xD Alina's sprites are beautiful <3

My favorite has got to be the first one... gotta say that that color scheme looks the best to me. I'm not an artist, though, so I'm just speaking about what's most aesthetically pleasing for me ((:
What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?
-Vincent van Gogh
I manage a blog, Another Otome Diary where I give my two cents on otomes I've played. Check it out, or let me know if you want a game of yours reviewed!

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Re: Sacred Forest [Fantasy][GxB]

#10 Post by azureXtwilight »

Personally I like the middle one XD

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Re: Sacred Forest [Fantasy][GxB]

#11 Post by RubyGem »

First and foremost, I would like to say that you got me interested. Maybe, I admit, that your base idea wasn't that original but your personal touch and concept made it seem different and I think this game will be one fresh and interesting fantasy novel.

Second, I love your art. I'm not an artist - in fact I suck at it, but your art is great. It's slightly different from the usual anime-looking characters. So, it'll be interesting to see it come together in the actual game.

Moving on to the characters themselves, they seem to really fit in with the whole fantasy theme of the game. I'm interested in seeing what you do with the whole 'born of fire' and all. I can kinda guess (since I'm currently reading a couple of fantasy books) but maybe you'll surprise me or something ;)

Okay, the last point. On Alina's character design? It's great :) I don't really have a favorite among the three color schemes and all. And I don't know if it's just me, but personally, it's like the three different schemes embody a bit of the three elements : fire, water and air.

So, with the above being said, I shall just end this by saying good luck on this project :D and that I'll be stalking this thread.

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Re: Sacred Forest [Fantasy][GxB]

#12 Post by logogriph »

wow so i figured i should drop in here and let everyone know that this is something i'm still working on! the project is alive, and i remain very passionate about it. admittedly i did drop it for a while for a couple of reasons. one being because i got incredibly frustrated trying to figure out how i could make readers understand the mechanics of the world enough to truly enjoy the story, without actually taking away from the story itself. every time i tried to add something in somewhere it felt forced, and if i left it out then things were going on that people besides me probably wouldn't understand. but i did eventually come up with something that i think (hope) will be fun and entertaining, and it doesn't interrupt the flow of the game!

however, the main reason i stalled was because i realized i was in a very shaky place with my art style. i was in the process of experimenting and transitioning and i realized that probably wasn't a good place to be when starting a project like this! so i sat it aside while i figured things out, and i have to say i'm pretty content with where i've gotten c: i've redone alina's concept art (it is still sloppy, because it's still concept art otl) and i plan to redo the other concepts i had
all that being said, i didn't entirely neglect this while i was working on other things. i did progress in the actual script a bit, but mostly i refined my original outline to be a lot more organized and detailed, including not just the main plot points but also filler and branch points. which doesn't mean much for you guys, but it's fantastic for me c: adversely, it made me realize the story is going to be a lot longer than i originally intended = u =;;; i also did quite a bit of character developing, and i have a much better grip on the personalities and backstories than i did before

and, well, that's pretty much it. things will be slow going because i don't have as much free time to work on it as i did. my goal now is still primarily writing, art second, and then coding. hopefully i can get a demo or something out at least before the year is up haha otl
WIP: Sacred Forest

when by now and tree by leaf, she laughed his joy she cried his grief, bird by snow and stir by still, anyone's any was all to her

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Re: Sacred Forest [Fantasy][GxB]

#13 Post by Lyyli »

I like what you have so far! I prefer fantasy as one of the genres for otome games. Your art is very pretty, and if I have to choose a color scheme I like the orange, black and yellow one the most.
No matter how long it takes I will wait~

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Re: Sacred Forest [Fantasy][GxB]

#14 Post by Talena »

Hello again. I do hope you are still going with this game. I'm still looking forward to playing it... (Also I have been very patient waiting for it to come out XD)

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