How can I implement shooting sequences?

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How can I implement shooting sequences?

#1 Post by LJN »

I need to make a basic shooting sequence (i.e. some sort of whack-a-mole), how can I do it?

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Re: How can I implement shooting sequences?

#2 Post by KimiYoriBaka »

well, depends on the pacing and your ability to code.

it's possible to use a timer and a list of imagebuttons to make a shooting sequence, but you'd have to keep setting the timer after every click, which is somewhat awkward and can lead to lag if there's too much going on.

the other way I know of, would be to program it in pygame. this isn't too hard for someone who has used pygame, or any other gaming library before, but if you're not experienced it'll be quite a task.

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Re: How can I implement shooting sequences?

#3 Post by saguaro »

I have a Catch the Kitten! game in YERT that might be useful to start with. The kitten imagebutton has xpos ypos that are automatically reset by a timer. It is based on an idea for a shooter by MildCurry I think.

Code: Select all

screen kitten_catch:
    $ xx = renpy.random.randint(50, 750)
    $ yy = renpy.random.randint(50, 550)
    timer 0.5 action SetScreenVariable("xx", renpy.random.randint(50, 1000)) repeat(True)
    timer 0.5 action SetScreenVariable("yy", renpy.random.randint(500, 750)) repeat(True)
    imagebutton idle kitten.pic hover kitten.pic action [Hide("kitten_catch"), Jump("kitten_got")] xanchor 0.5 xpos xx yanchor 0.5 ypos yy
    add "images/cat_fg.png"

label kitten_catch:
    scene greenbg
    play music "music/Cat Chase.ogg" fadein 0.5
    show header "Catch that kitten!" at customfade
    $ renpy.pause(2.0)
    hide header
    call screen kitten_catch
    jump kitten_got

label kitten_got:
    show header "Congratulations!" at customfade
    show message "You got a kitten!" at customfade
    jump neighborhood

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Re: How can I implement shooting sequences?

#4 Post by LJN »

How about Policenauts-style shooting sequences? Are they easier?

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Re: How can I implement shooting sequences?

#5 Post by kankan »

It would be about the same, codewise anyways. It might be a little bit tougher since enemies would be firing back at you, especially if you wanted to be able to shoot down whatever they toss at you (I have to admit that I have only the barest idea on what Policenauts looks like). Are the shooting sequences essential to your game?

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Re: How can I implement shooting sequences?

#6 Post by LJN »

Yea, they are. I did try to code them by myself, but I failed. The dialog\menus system is already done, those shooting sequences are the only obstacle now, 'cause I don't have a slightest idea what should I do.

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Re: How can I implement shooting sequences?

#7 Post by LJN »

Bump - still looking for help.

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