Magical Boutique

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#181 Post by musical74 »

I got to thinking....maybe this is too advanced but have vendors swing by and try to convince you to buy their merchandise? For example, You have a vendor selling *ready-made potions* or have a vendor selling flowers for Fram or have one selling stylish clothes? It's worked OK in the others games I've tried with *random vendor visits*....BUT there should be some kind of catch. Example: the vendor is willing to sell you 15 Fox's Cunning....but the price tag is rather STEEP, or there's a vendor wanting to sell you something, but he's kind of shifty....or you get a female vendor that you have absolutely no clue what she's selling outside of *ready made potions*.

Just an idea...this may not work (or be too much of a pain to make work) but it would add to the fun favtor, I think.
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#182 Post by monele »

I'm not sure if you're referring to this but MagBou2 already has 3 vendors, thought they're not random and don't usually come to the shop, unless they want to *ask* something of you. One of them is selling plant ingredients, another one animal ingredients. There might be other vendors at some point for minerals and other more advanced components... and/or I'll have them be foreign merchants who only appear once in a while or have to be sought out (by a "merchant" type character from your boutique). Oh yeah, the third vendor is actually a restaurant owner. Eating there (once a week at most) will cost money but boost morale for whoever you bring with you (because food is good! :D).

The vendors in town will have developed personalities, be present in a few quests of their own, and... hopefully, be available for some endings ^_^.

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#183 Post by anndelise »

I just wanted to say that this is one of the few games I am impressed by. (Cute Knight being at the top, at the moment.)

I liked the seemingly simpleness of it, graphics AND interface.
And while I've read a number of posts in this thread in which it seems people were wanting more in it, I also seem to remember reading something about this being the first project of this complexity that monele and dafool have done. Am I wrong?

I, personally, think that it was a great idea for them to release the game they had instead of putting more and more time/effort into increasing its complexity. At what point would one finally say "enough, it's done?" Plus, sometimes it's more motivating to work on a second project if you've already accomplished at least one project.

Sometimes I think it would be better to have completed a game that has just a few closely knitted systems (in this case the brewing, gathering, reputation, and simple quests), and then after that has been released, expand on it by adding in another 1-3 closely knitted systems that either
* expand the original game out (such as adding more characters and expanding the character interaction abilities)...
* or makes one of the previous systems more in depth (such as adding seasonal affect to gathering).

I could be wrong, and if so, monele please correct me, but it seems that there is a lot of pressure being placed on you regarding MagBou 2. Most of this pressure seems to be coming from yourself...wanting to make something vastly superior than the MagBou ya'll finished. I just wanted to say that if this is so, then try taking a few deep breaths, and know that you don't have to get the next game perfect and "complete" in one go. That you remember that you have the options to expand or make deeper parts of it. And that you remember that you need the highs of accomplishing something (and perhaps the praise too) to help keep you motivated. (or at least most people do)

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#184 Post by anndelise »

oh, and...ummm.....
when's the code coming out?

this game inspired me to download Ren'Py and see if I could learn how to code. Thank you.

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#185 Post by monele »

At what point would one finally say "enough, it's done?"
Hmm... never, if it's me ^^;...
Plus, sometimes it's more motivating to work on a second project if you've already accomplished at least one project.
I'm pondering that at this time... and it doesn't forcefully prove true :/...
it seems that there is a lot of pressure being placed on you regarding MagBou 2. Most of this pressure seems to be coming from yourself...wanting to make something vastly superior than the MagBou ya'll finished.
Ohh, that be so true ^^;... It's a constant struggle : make MagBou2... make a kinetic novel... make a very very simple game... focus on story... focus on gameplay. Whichever way I look at it, there's always something that doesn't fit. And it's no one's fault but my own : I want to make a game *I* would enjoy tremendously... and I'm veeeery demanding >.>...
I just wanted to say that if this is so, then try taking a few deep breaths, and know that you don't have to get the next game perfect and "complete" in one go.
*breathe*... that's when I thought of episodic content... but that's a whole load of problems too ^^
That you remember that you have the options to expand or make deeper parts of it.
I first have to fix the current system which, though not obvious, can't deal with something bigger than... 23 global rep or something (you just can't follow as the difficulty is exponential... and adding new workers would just mean having to add more and more and more as time goes).
I do have a possible solution to this already but just a few days ago, I suddenly lost all motivation for MB2... again... I hate my changing moods ~_~...

And yes, I definitely work on feedback. It's the only "money" I'll require.
when's the code coming out?
Gah, you're right ^^;... Promised that a while ago and it's not yet released. Well I'll work on this (shouldn't be too long ô_o). Mind you, there might be french comments along with english comments (I'm coherent like that...) but hey... I hope it can help :).
Good luck with your own project ^_^

EDIT : There, code source attached............ now for the many questions that'll follow ^^; *prepares*
Source code for Magical Boutique 1.2
(68.31 KiB) Downloaded 123 times

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#186 Post by DaFool »

Python >_<

Anyway, despite barely knowing the inner workings of the code, I'd have to say that working on this game has taught me how to be a better project planner. I've learned since then to set limits and maximize few resources, as well as overall directions in game design. I'm glad that players like anndelise recognize it as well.

monele >> wait for my NT release in the next couple of weeks (the location engine is done btw. I really like how I could just specify a starting location and day / night preference and then have an interactive explorable town setting... something similar to what is hoped for MagBou2.) It's pretty basic though, so I shouldn't hype it too much... but the principle is there.

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#187 Post by monele »

Python >_<
Well, yes... that's what Ren'Py is made of ;). Ok, I guess this *could* be done in regular Ren'Py (especially now with the new call of labels with parameters and stuff) but as a programmer, I find it easier to stick to what I know : object oriented programming ^^;... Plus, even though it can be done in Ren'Py, the more complex the project (programmatically), the harder and harder it'll get if you stick to Ren'Py code. You'll have to repeat a lot of stuff which will make modifications harder as time goes by.
Anyway... that's for somewhat justifying my choice ^^;... (not like I really have to since I'm the one coding anyway xD)
I'd have to say that working on this game has taught me how to be a better project planner. I've learned since then to set limits and maximize few resources, as well as overall directions in game design.
Sadly, it seems I haven't learned much from this project :/... It *was* released in a "okay, let's just get it out" fashion and it's definitely *not* what I had envisionned. My new projects just suffer from my same old problem : I want them to be everything possible at once >.>...
Ok, I learned one thing : that with enough time, I could let the ego go (:D) and actually release something, and admit it's not so horrible to do that after all XD.
wait for my NT release in the next couple of weeks (the location engine is done btw.
Will this be open source? I'm intrigued. I've tried thinking about how I would do it and of course I'm already knee-deep in weird python stuff XD... even though I *tried* to stick with Ren'Py code.

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#188 Post by anndelise »

wow, that got put out fast!!!!

so, um.... :oops:
how do I actually get to see the codes?

they've already been unzipped, and I tried sticking a copy of the folder into the renpy6.2.0 folder, but that didn't give me access when I opened the renpy.exe

i also tried open with renpy.exe...and that didn't work

i'll try some a couple of other ideas...the last idea being to actually look in the manual to see if it tells how to do this.

(I guess I shoulda mentioned that I'm also totally computer illiterate :oops: )

edited to add: notepad seems to let me see it, though something seems kind of off, having # signs at lines where there are emply lines.
Is this the usual way codes are viewed?

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#189 Post by monele »

Mmmm... if you're really just starting with this, it might be a little tough ^^. I'd suggest downloading the latest version of Ren'Py and checking out the "demo", if you haven't done this yet. Oh and "The Question" too. You should be able to access these from the launcher : launch renpy.exe, and change projects with the "Select Project" button. Then "Launch" them to try them out. Once you see how they play out, click on "Edit Script" in that same launcher. It should open a default editor and let you see the code.

# signs indicate comments. You can have them be alone on a line... it doesn't really do anything special :).

Anyway, you should really try checking the Quickstart guide :
and then the rest of the wiki documentation.
I wouldn't really suggest starting with Magical Boutique as an example to understand the basics, since I'm a rather messy coder and use advanced functionalities ^^;.
Try to understand the code of the Demo and "The Question" first... try to change it, see what it does.

And finally, you should probably start a new thread in the Ren'Py section of the forums since your first steps probably won't be related to Magical Boutique ^.^.

Good luck!

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#190 Post by DaFool »

I second's kinda like learning how to be an auto mechanic and starting with a Ferrari in your garage :D

(Although, it is unavoidable that games the likes of Elven Relations, Morning Star, O3, and those with primarily technical as well as creative achievements are what shows what kinds of games people are capable of making in their free time).

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#191 Post by Tempy »

Very nice game. Though, about the difficulty:

Dalma was used for brewing, Fram for gathering, and Pom did mostly brewing with some gathering. At first I had problems getting enough ingredients. Blueberries were needed but it took Fram 2 days for every trip, not enough to satisfy demand. When I could buy the chariot I mistakenly thought it could be shared between the gatherers so I ended up giving the chariot to Pom instead of Fram - which didn't solve the blueberry shortages. Just when I got enough money to buy a 2nd chariot the Captain's quest occured, leaving me little cash left. I'm correct to assume that the characters perform poorly when morale is low right? I ended up with low morale for everybody and was thus not fast enough to succeed the quest :/ Dalma ended up only producing 1 cure per day and Pom couldn't gather any Amber. I didn't have saves going back far enough :/

Next time I'll probably give the chariot to Fram first, or maybe skip blueberries altogether.

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#192 Post by monele »

Ah, yes, sorry about that ^^;... Yet another of these "could have been better" things. There's no indication about the chariot being one-person only and... most importantly... not switchable :/... (something I planned but ended up not doing to release the game... guh).
As for blueberries, my gut feeling is that it would be hard to do without them... but at the same time, I wonder if avoiding the potion itself could lead to it not being in demand that much... hence blue berries would indeed be less useful.

I hope the problems didn't lessen your enjoyment too much ^^;... Thanks for playing!

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#193 Post by Sed »

Cool, the source code has been released. I just looked through it. It is kind of funny to see what dialog didn't make it into the game.

I know I promised an expansion pack awhile back, but real-life has gotten in the way for the past month. I'm just getting to the point where I have my head above the water again. Next week, the company I am working for is forcing everyone to take a vacation. Apparently, no one is taking enough vacation.

Hopefully, that will give me enough time to finish stuff up and concentrate on VNs again.

I already have one quest partially done involving a natural disaster. Maybe I'll post what I have so far later today.

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#194 Post by monele »

It is kind of funny to see what dialog didn't make it into the game.
I haven't looked at it in such a long time that I'm not even sure which one you're referring to >.>... XD...
I know I promised an expansion pack awhile back, but real-life has gotten in the way for the past month.
Wah ;o;.... Ok, this was the childish player in me. A more mature reaction would be : Aww :(...
Next week, the company I am working for is forcing everyone to take a vacation. Apparently, no one is taking enough vacation.
I actually happen to give courses on "how to stop worrying about work and think about getting some free time"...... Uh, not really but I'm definitely *not* forgetting about vacations ;)
I already have one quest partially done involving a natural disaster. Maybe I'll post what I have so far later today.
Mah, if you're positive you're going to finish (or at least continue) soon, it might be better to get a bigger pack of new quests. This way, playing again will be really fulfilling ^^

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#195 Post by Sed »

What I've found amusing about MB is people's reactions to it. Some people seem to have a real hard time playing the game. I remember someone saying they just randomly pressed buttons. After the first round, I understood the mechanics and was able to optimize my output of potions. I remember someone else giving everyone a vacation for several months, then working them into the ground.

What must be even more frustrating is how people want contradicting things.
  • I want more of a business sim!
    I want more of a story!
    I want to marry Fram! ;)
Can you have your cake and eat it too? I guess in the end, just make a game you want to play and the audience will follow. You can't please everyone and you shouldn't even try.

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