The Witness (New Ren'ai Game in production)

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The Witness (New Ren'ai Game in production)

#1 Post by burnout02urza »

Hi, everyone on the forums.
Recently, I've started working on a Visual Novel, one that pokes fun at both 'sentai' live-action shows and magical girl anime. Imagine, say...The Power Rangers, albeit in a dark, dark world that's not entirely different from our own...


Your name's Ichiro Tanaka, a second year student in a normal high school in Tokyo. All that changed one night on the way home from school, when you and five friends were imbued with the power of the 'Arcana' by a magician who phased in and out of reality like a mirage. Gazing into any reflective surface allows you to transform into an armored crusader, a warrior striking fear into the hearts of evil everywhere!

...Or at least, that was the plan.

On the first night out, your unnamed team ran into a gang of drug dealers, instead of the 'monsters' you were meant to hunt. They had automatic rifles, and on that night, you received your first taste of reality. Now, you're the only one of the team still alive.

Once you were meant to be a hero.

Now, you're just The Witness, still fighting a one-man war you neither wanted nor intended. The magic that changed you has forced you to feed on the very creatures you destroy, a catch-22 you never knew till much later. Every night, you go hunting, trying to stop the rising tide of hunger and madness...

It's a World Of Darkness out there. Some people love you, others despise you, and some will hunt you down. There are others like you out there, some benevolent, some insane...And you can feed on them, in the same way they will attempt to feed on you.

Care to play?


Ichiro Tanaka:
You. Unlike other ren'ai game heroes, you're not a complete loser...In fact, you're reasonably competent in both facets of your double life. However, your tour of duty as a superhero is starting to tell on you, leading to occasional problems in school...Especially when, sometimes, your work follows you.

The Witness:
Your alter-ego, and the namesake of this game (Expect a screenshot to be posted soon!). Your rely upon a deck of cards to create weapons, equipment and armor out of thin air, though the basic weapon is a 13mm handgun named 'Testament'. In this form, you heal wounds FAST, and have several abilities that allow you to hold your own against any monster. Unfortunately, you still CAN die, though your identity is protected by the suit.

Eiko Shinguji:
Your childhood friend and classmate. A sweet, clumsy girl who likes you (More as a brother than anything else, though), and maybe harbors a crush. Recently, you've grown apart...Maybe an enterprising player can change that?

Magical Girl Hikari:
A fledgling mahou shoujo you meet, after a brief cooperation to root out another nest of demons. VERY beautiful (And very cute in a sailor fuku), yet her behaviour is almost completely immature for her age. She's skilled with her magic, though, and utterly ruthless in combat. She doesn't know who you are behind the visor.

Miko Suzuhara:
An upperclassman, one supposedly quite interested in the occult. She has some skill in fortune-telling, a talent she's working eagerly to develop. More importantly, she knows that you're more than you seem. You don't know exactly what to do about that, though.

(More to come...Maybe.)


All right. As you can see, this isn't exactly a cute game. Anyway, 'The Witness' will be a Visual Novel based along the lines of games like Fate/ Stay Night (I love that game). There'll be nine endings, not counting the shorter paths that will lead to your bloody demise :) . Basically, the purpose of the game is either about how you come to terms with the power you now wield...Or how you let it destroy you. Both ways are entirely plausible.
It's possible to 'win' The Witness without 'winning' any of the girls, and it's also possible to 'lose' The Witness with or without the girls. For the idea of the setting, imagine say...'Spawn', or Blackbird's excellent 'Magical World' setting. Yes, there are cute anime girls, and there are some truly impressive battles, but it's your choice entirely whether you choose to indulge. In fact, you could play through the game entirely as a trigger-happy psycho, a angsty student, or a cool, dark hero...We can accomodate you.

Suggestions? Comments? Watch this space for updates!

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#2 Post by darkknight »

It seems to be a good game
Sorry to be a downner but can u really do it.
Dont bite off more than you can chew.

Good luck
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#3 Post by PyTom »

13mm handgun? Do they make those? The largest I've seen is the Smith & Wesson 500, which is .50 caliber. Or is this just a metric conversion thing?


Having the recoil of a 12 gauge firing rifled slugs, and being impractically huge, the only purpose I can think of for this sort of handgun is posing cute girls with. :-)

BTW, does the title remind anyone else of every Amish person's favorite Harrison Ford movie?


#4 Post by Burnout02 »

Heh...Any relation to that movie (Which I've never heard of, anyway) is purely coincidental. Actually, maybe 'Visual Novel' is the wrong term...I was thinking of something more along the lines of, say...The PK Girl. Except that the story lets you choose your actions in this way:


Option 1: <Action>
Option 2: <Action>
Option 3: <Action>

There'll be quite a lot more choices than the standard Visual Novel, though. Less 'cut-scenes'...Combat is interactive, too, in the same way.

Something like that, at any rate, with the pictures loading as important scenes turn up. I'm using ADRIFT generator to write the story...After I finish the initial release, of course.

Oh, and the 13mm handgun...Yeah, that's a really implausible weapon. But manifesting a holy sword to cleave through your opponents (YES, YOU CAN DO THAT) , or transforming by mumbling words in front of a mirror...That's implausible too, trust me. It's anime, after all.

Besides, considering the kind of people you'll be going up against, and considering that it's VERY easy to die in this game, you'll need all the help you can get, trust me. :o

See, I'm handling the game in chapters. There's one 'major' chapter, where your choices cause you to progress to the other, more specific ones. For example, one 'chapter' is for Hikari's story, another for the 'Losing your sanity one', etcetra. Each of these separate files are password-protected...So no cheating 8) . It's also easier to keep track of character development, that way: The Witness will be different in the 'I hate this job' path than in the 'cool, dark hero one. Different cards, and stuff.

Any other questions?

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#5 Post by Jerails »

Yeah...Will the main character(s, I'm including his alter ego here.) interact with other characters via dialogue? I mean...He's going to apparently develop according to the decisions made by the player, so his personality is supposed to change. (According to your "Become either the cool, dark hero, or the Magical boy who's sexuality is in question.") Ergo, wouldn't this mean the character's speech also be influenced in some way?

Cool, Dark Witness : "...Hm, too easy."

M.B.W.S.I.I.Q : "Like...omg...that's so cool! Do that again!"

...Heh, I can just imagine it...

Cool, Dark Witness : "...These pants are like...out of style...Wanna go to the mall?"

...And also...Just curious...But isn't 13mm = .50 cal? ...Just curious...
It's been a while, folks!

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#6 Post by burnout02urza »


Yes, you DO talk to people, with conversation choices playing a big part in the game, besides the fighting, of course. Oh, and you're playing as the same guy (no split personalities here.)

However, as stated earlier, due to the episodic format of this game, if you played the first chapter to the point where you get the password for, say...the 'Badass' personality type, yeah, you can expect the dialogue and the powers you get to change. The hero's behaviour also changes, too: If you play as a 'heal-the-world' guy, expect the story to become more cheerful. If, on the other hand, you're an antihero...Well, suffice it to say that it's going to be...Different.

Very different.

To put it in the simplest way, if you're a violent antihero, combat will feature more prominently, and you'll likewise change to suit this. Or, if you're going after girls, the story may become more shoujo-style, with less emphasis on the superheroic part. This is a ren'ai game, after all, though not every path involves the girls. In fact, thus far, at least four endings have been set aside where you don't end up with them. They're not bad endings, though, and the good ones might not be what is expected.

(...And enough about the handgun, okay? You'll be using a wide array of weaponry in this story, which also changes based on your choices. After all, the transformation is a manifestation of your personality, after all.

A brief example:

Standard: Handgun, Generic Sword
Psycho: Chainsword, Claws...
M.B.W.S.I.I.Q: Razor petunias! (Just kidding. Really. Put the bats down.)

If you're really violent, you can unlock the Obliterator loadout after your first playthrough. What is that, exactly? Well, wait and see, though I strongly encourage you NOT to simply choose 'kill him!' at every branch. Definite bad end that way, unless...Nah, I'm already giving too much away.)

I'll include a preview of the bad guys in the next post.

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#7 Post by BlackSpider »

The story and proposed gameplay looks really interesting. This is going to require a lot of work and involvement. You might end up economising on art, special cg's, backgrounds, shorten your story and so on. I don't want to discourage you in any way, but if it's your first game you'd better read Lemma's game making tips. What more, Adrift 4.0 doesn't work on non English Windows 98SE systems. That's why I was never able to play the PKGirl (There are still many people using this OS, including myself. I just don't feel like buying WinXP - will rather switch to Linux instead). Look at Ren'Py, it's a much better engine for visual novels than Adrift.


#8 Post by Guest »

BlackSpider wrote:What more, Adrift 4.0 doesn't work on non English Windows 98SE systems. That's why I was never able to play the PKGirl (There are still many people using this OS, including myself. I just don't feel like buying WinXP - will rather switch to Linux instead). Look at Ren'Py, it's a much better engine for visual novels than Adrift.
I played it on Win98SE (English). Although I really had trouble installing it and had to manually overwrite Adrift 3. Whatever. It was complicated.

Although I would strongly recommend that you stick with Adrift (sorry, BS) and that is due to practical reasons - it seems you already constructed the game for the Adrift system and the multitude of text and choices looks to be overwhelming. When you already began, there's nothing to decide on. Finishing it is everything.

Still, Adrift is only Adrift and sure, I'd like to see a game of that "caliber" to be made in RenPy (a worthy engine), simply because it will be more ren-ai-game-like. Also... text-based fighting (as I understood) is going to be a challenge.

Do you have an approximate plan when the stages of the game might be finished?

PS: The story... it is going to be great as I read, so I root for you and hope you can finish your project. It's going to be an interesting combination ren'ai and guns. :P

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#9 Post by mikey »

That was me. Third time this week I forgot to log on :?

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#10 Post by chronoluminaire »

Sounds fascinating! The setting reminds me a lot of Sailor Nothing, a wonderfully and terrifyingly dark parody of the Magical Girl genre. You should read it if you haven't.

As for the game... go for it! :D Will you be doing the graphics yourself (characters and/or other art), and if not, who do you have lined up for it?

The PK Girl was a great game, and I thoroughly support you in your efforts to bring another quality English-language bishoujo game to the world! :)

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#11 Post by burnout02urza »

Thanks for the support, everyone.

I have a friend named Zhenteng, who draws manga for M.A.G.E, Singapore's anime magazine. So far, she hasn't submitted most of her stuff, but her artwork is quite good...There are some other people helping me, too, who have requested to remain anoymous, just in case I screw this project up.

Thus far, I'm still working on the 'primary' scenario, where your choices determine which of the branches you'll get. I'll try to finish the 'alignment' endings first. Most probably the good-guy path and the neutral, generic ending, so that people can get a feel for the game.

Oh, and here are some of the cards you get to use:

(As a hint from the developer, I suggest using these sparingly.)

Army Of One: Create a small army of phantasms to attack. They're quite weak, shattering after a single strike, but they serve as a good distraction.

The World: Time stops for up to five seconds. Highly useful. You only get ONE of this, so beware.

Liber Legis: Where would we be without transport? Creates a motorcycle that travels faster than almost any other vehicle the world has ever seen.

Betrayer: Your melee weapon. At the beginning, it's a force sword. Later, it can either be an chainaxe, a lance or two shortswords.

The Emperor: Your only real companion. Summons your 'familiar', a man-sized automaton made completely of steel.

(More to come)

The Bad Guys:

Hey...Nobody loves you, after all.

Bishop: The main bad guy of the story. You don't know exactly who he is...As far as you can tell, he's a magician of some sort, your quintessenial Dark General. Except that's he's not stupid, knows how to plan, and understands your major weakness. You have a feeling that he's closing in on you...Good luck taking him down.

Kumi: A witch-huntress and inquisitor, supposedly sponsored by the Church. She thinks that you're the spawn of the Devil, and has decided to make killing you her life's work. Who knows...She might be right. After all, her faith-based magic and holy weapons are especially painful to you. (Throwing knives, white phosphorous grenades, an auto-crossbow...) Interestingly enough, she's equally glad to kill the very same monsters you hunt.

The Justicar: This guy is bad news. He's also a sentai hero like you, a knight in shining silver armor. With wings. Oh, and he uses cards like yours too, with a myarid of powers, from generating light to summoning 'angels' to attack. He cares even less about collateral damage than you do, and simply wants to kill you to 'drain your power'. Maybe you can do the same to him?

(You do NOT know who 'he' is outside of the armor. Finding out is a major plot point.)

The Police: Repeat after me...'I am a criminal. I commit criminal acts.' The boys in blue would love to get their hands on a murderous vigilante like you, so watch out for Murphy.

The Mooks: Generic Badguys Who Die By The Dozen. Describes everyone from minor youma (You feed on them) to misguided mahou shoujo, to gangsters packing firearms. Note that even the 'good guys' don't work very well together, and that some consider you irredemably evil.

(More to come.)

One last thing...Yes, I did read Sailor Nothing, though angst isn't a major point in The Witness. Once again, there's a path where you CAN end up a gloomy, introspective Shinji clone, but it's not worth the effort.

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#12 Post by burnout02urza »

All right, I'm working on the Demo story right now, focusing on Miko Suzuhara's plotline. The main themes in this demo will be personal horror, hope and perhaps...Redemption? Yes, there will be a lot of fighting.

If anyone wants to contribute story ideas, or to take a look at the summary thus far, please e-mail me at

Until then, keep those Transformation Keys ready, and keep those guns loaded!

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#13 Post by musical74 »

Think this is going to be a good game when it gets finished...hoping you will have the demo out soon =)
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#14 Post by burnout02urza »

Woot. I've finished writing Suzuhara's story...Though now comes the programming and the editing part.

Though I can't give out the script, anyone who wants to know more about the story (and maybe anyone who has any suggestions) feel free to mail me.

Warning: Spoilers!!!

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