Seven Kingdoms [GxB/G] [Fantasy, Politics, Rom] (Greenlit)

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Re: ~(DEMO!)~ Seven Kingdoms [GxB/G] [Fantasy, Rom, Politics

#106 Post by alylt »

I'm so glad it works now Rach! Yay~

Hi Arcanum, thanks so much for playing and for stopping by! Also, never fear, GUI revamps done by people who know what they are doing is coming soon!
(Seriously, I've learned so much since putting this out there that never would have occurred to me. This community is amazing <3)

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Re: ~(DEMO!)~ Seven Kingdoms [GxB/G] [Fantasy, Rom, Politics

#107 Post by ririruetoo »

Love the demo so far. Looking forward to the full game. Will it be free or cost money?

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Re: ~(DEMO!)~ Seven Kingdoms [GxB/G] [Fantasy, Rom, Politics

#108 Post by alylt »

Hi ririruetoo :)

Thanks so much for stopping by!

As much as I would love to release the game for free (and I would!) in order for making more games feasible (and we want to do that!) Seven Kingdoms is going to be a commercial (but hopefully affordable) release.

That being said, the final demo will be longer than most visual novels and free for everyone :) (Plus it kind of ends in a not too bad place) so people who can't afford to buy the final product should still have a good experience :)

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Re: ~(DEMO!)~ Seven Kingdoms [GxB/G] [Fantasy, Rom, Politics

#109 Post by ririruetoo »

That's fine, I'm really enjoying the demo so I wouldn't mind paying for the game when it comes out. Thankfully it isn't out now, I have no money to spend on anything but rent. :( I have a question though, do all of the characters you meet at the event have a route/ending? That would take a lot of work to achieve, but if that's the case is there anyone without a ending? Can there be romance/marriage endings for the female characters also, or can the main character only romance and marry the males?

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Re: ~(DEMO!)~ Seven Kingdoms [GxB/G] [Fantasy, Rom, Politics

#110 Post by alylt »

Hi again ririruetoo :)

No, not every character you meet has a route. And not all characters who do have routes have the same amount of content either. There are only 6 main romance routes, 3 routes that require finding hidden scenes/only really turn into romance at the end of the game, and 3 'medium content' routes, none of which are typically 'romancy' for plot reasons. :)

You can marry 1 of the female characters and romance 2 others. The other female characters you can't have any sort of path/or ending with, if that answers your questions :)

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Re: ~(DEMO!)~ Seven Kingdoms [GxB/G] [Fantasy, Rom, Politics

#111 Post by ririruetoo »

Okay that makes sense. While it would be ambitious for every character to have a route, that would be a crazy amount to write and code. Anyways, good luck on the game!

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Re: ~(DEMO!)~ Seven Kingdoms [GxB/G] [Fantasy, Rom, Politics

#112 Post by daLune19 »

Hi alylt,
Just wanted to drop by to say how much I have enjoyed my playthrough of your demo! You had me hooked at 'dragon age' and I haven't been disappointed.

What backgrounds did you unlock your first playthrough? Which did you pick?
The daughter of a notorious pirate, a minor noble with a scholarly bent, and a court lady skilled at politics. I've gone and made it my mission to go and unlock all the background and find all the unique dialogue for them all. And while I enjoyed and loved all of them I have to say being the daughter of a pirate is a personal fav.
I mean seriously your character ransom a goat how can you not love that <3
Did you have any success getting invitations your first try?
Yep. Every one but Jarrod, however I failed Zarad's and Clarmont's events the first try.

What characters are you liking?
From what I have seen so far all of them! And I sort of want to kidnap Penelope, such a cutie. Can't wait to see how you evolve them.

How are the Challenges and the hosting events? Are you having any luck getting great success/perfect success? Or is it too hard? Has anyone been able to get a perfect success hosting a tea the first week?
For of the majority of my playthrough's I simply skipped over the hosting challenges, but in my first few I did succeed, and even achieved a perfect success!
Having a high manipulation helps a lot.
Can't wait for when you finish the game, even if I am currently a dirt poor uni student, will just have to save up.

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Re: ~(DEMO!)~ Seven Kingdoms [GxB/G] [Fantasy, Rom, Politics

#113 Post by Fujihime »

The game sounds very promising and I especially love how the character design looks! Will comment again after playing the demo!
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Re: ~(DEMO!)~ Seven Kingdoms [GxB/G] [Fantasy, Rom, Politics

#114 Post by Laera-chan »

This. Sounds. AMAZING!!!! And what I've seen of the characters... they're all hot! :lol: So can't wait for the full game to be released. Any ideas on when that will be?

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Re: ~(DEMO!)~ Seven Kingdoms [GxB/G] [Fantasy, Rom, Politics

#115 Post by alylt »

Hi daLune~

Thank you so much for playing and for stopping by :) I super appreciate it!

Hi Fujihime and Laera-chan!

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you guys enjoy the game.

As for a release date, I'm aiming for late this year. But of course things may vary :)

And over on the lands of Tumblr two people have awesomely made guides for the demo, for anyone who is struggling. I didn't want to make one myself because that felt cheaty, but I'm super happy other people have made them and am happy to share!

Here are the links!: ... info-guide ... demo-quick

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Re: ~(DEMO!)~ Seven Kingdoms [GxB/G] [Fantasy, Rom, Politics

#116 Post by Jammed »

I usually don’t post at all, but I adore your game and it inspired me to slink out of the shadows for a bit.

I’ve played the demo too many times to say anything coherent except, MOOOREEE… but that isn’t really constructive XP Except, it’s an unimaginable pity that no bachelor was there to admire the perfect success on riding challenge. People should have been going “wow” at that show XD

So I do have two slightly longwinded questions, hopefully not too spoilery…

1) Since we have at least two backgrounds with ladies who are sole landowners without an heir, is it possible for people of seven kingdoms have their sons merry into wife’s family and go to her country? Specifically those at the Summit.

2) Will there be a, I’ll call it a conflict for the lack of better term, between certain backgrounds of MC and that of their potential match? For instance, the sheltered princess or the scholar having to move to Skalt or Hise; the politic hating tomboy and freedom loving pirate ending up in Corval or stuffy Arland. It would be quite the cultural shock. I admit, I mostly ask since just thinking about my tomboy countess (who apparently looks like a lemon at the very mention of politics) locked up in the inner court breaks my heart (also, I don’t think she would agree to giving up her freedom no matter how much genuine love might be involved).

See, your game inspired thinking! And planning! And worse! Creating fanart and fanfiction!

Final question! Can Penelope and Emmett be a thing together? Please let them be a thing!

Thank you for making this wonderful game.

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Re: ~(DEMO!)~ Seven Kingdoms [GxB/G] [Fantasy, Rom, Politics

#117 Post by cometgears »

I loved the demo! Can't wait until you finish the game.

What is your favorite background so far?
The daughter of a pirate was the first one I played, and probably my favorite, but I'm also intrigued by the tomboy Countess.

I still like hearing about your favorite characters~
I have so many favorites!

I really want to know more about what's up with Lisle and Penelope.

Cordelia seemed a little bland, or not the kind of character I like, but she's started to grow on me. It's almost weirdly like a bit of rebellion on her part, that she's so reserved and polite when it's the opposite of what you expect of someone from Hise.
And I liked that she's competent if you take her on the boat race.
Ana is very sweet, and I like her sprite design.

I suppose if I had to name a favorite, right now it would be Clarmont. He barely tells you anything about himself, yet for some reason has a demeanor that makes you open up. And can he really be as nice as he seems? I don't know if I want him to turn out good or incredibly evil.

...I also want to learn more about Lord Blain. And I want General Falon to like me.

Have you noticed the effects of the personality options yet?
I think I noticed a few mentions, but I've been playing characters with mostly similar personalities, so I'll have to try being the opposite and see if I get some different reactions.

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Re: ~(DEMO!)~ Seven Kingdoms [GxB/G] [Fantasy, Rom, Politics

#118 Post by alylt »

Hi Jammed!

I feel super honored that you liked the game enough to comment :) Thank you so much! You rock! (Also... Fanfiction, Fanart?!? If you are willing please give me links so I can see/share it!

If you check your relationship stats, people *do* actually react to the awesomeness that is saving yourself ;) It's just more...silent approval.

question 1) - Yes! It is possible in those instances for people to marry up by marrying the lady in question. However pretty much anyone you can marry in game has a rank or title higher than either the Countess or the Widow. Generally that would result in the people splitting time between the two nations. (Unless you marry a crown prince. Then you are stuck in their nation in a more permanent way.)

question 2) - I figure players know what they are doing. They shape their MC after all. And for most romances, certain checks have to be passed. People who are completely unsuited for what's required for life in a different country generally won't be able to get that far in the romance. (You have to have some ability with people and politics to keep on the Zarad path for example.) So basically it will only be a problem if you decide it will be~

question 3) - You know I can't answer that kind of stuff! Hehe

Hi cometgears!

Thanks so much for playing and for your comments, I really appreciate you guys! You are all the bestest!

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Re: ~(DEMO!)~ Seven Kingdoms [GxB/G] [Fantasy, Rom, Politics

#119 Post by astarinel »

I actually registered for these forums just so I could comment on how much I love the demo for this game. :) It's like my perfect otome crack, I can't even. I actually have played a fair number of Choice of Games games and I really like how you've used some of the concepts form that, like asking questions of the player about events to form the MC's character.

What backgrounds did you unlock your first playthrough? Which did you pick?
My favorite background is Corval, and the first ones I had access to were Corval and Jiyel. Smart and manipulative is how I like to play! I have tried all of the backgrounds though, and I really like some of the little conversational differences that crop up in observation and interactions based on your origin. The different stories you can tell Clarmont are kind of great. :)

Did you have any success getting invitations your first try?
The first time I played I got about four invitations, but I was able to figure everyone out eventually with some practice.

What characters are you liking?
I am going to get that hot megane Lyon if it kills me. Other than that, I've actually been really surprised by how much I like ALL of the characters, even those I generally consider to be not my "type." I tend to take an instant dislike to either "the flirt" or "the nice guy," but I actually really liked both Zarad and Emmett and thought they were really interesting variations on those types.

How are the Challenges and the hosting events? Are you having any luck getting great success/perfect success? Or is it too hard? Has anyone been able to get a perfect success hosting a tea the first week?
It seems to be harder to get people to a tea than a musicale! I was able to get a very successful tea, but I haven't managed a perfect one yet. The musicale I've gotten without much difficulty. Also it seems like no one wants to go to the scholar thing... except of course Lyon who loves it. I successfully got a few people to accept the invite to that one with some trial and error, but couldn't get perfect attendance.

Have you noticed the effects of the personality options yet?
Ha, when I was the ambitious widow (and kind of mean) Lyon shut me down HARD. Also, the one time I got an invite from Gisette, I was too nice to go along with her schemes and she ended up hating me I think! So that's been pretty interesting.

I enjoyed it so much that I actually fairly thoroughly proofread the character generation through the conversations the first night, and I wanted to know if you wanted me to send the little things I caught to you somewhere. I looked for an email address on the game website but didn't notice one. :)

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Re: ~(DEMO!)~ Seven Kingdoms [GxB/G] [Fantasy, Rom, Politics

#120 Post by alylt »

Hi astarinel!

I'm so honored that you signed up to give feedback! You are the best! (Also there's lots of other great games here on lemmasoft, you should totally look around if you haven't!)

Yes, this game actually started as a Choice of Games, which is why it's kind of morphed into a choice of games/dragon age/otome game hybrid monster of weirdness.

I am always happy to have people send me any errors they find! (People have found quite a few in the latest demo, but I'm waiting until we add week three to put up the updated version) There is an email and contact form on the demo page of the website, but I probably should make a contact us page instead so it's easier to find! Anyway, you can email me at azalynestudios(at)

Thanks again~

You guys are so awesome :)

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