IIcharacter Alpha (RenPy based sprite generator in English)

Questions, skill improvement, and respectful critique involving art assets.
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Re: IIcharacter Alpha (RenPy based sprite generator in Engli

#31 Post by iichan_lolbot »

xPerfectSuicide wrote:This is really great. I would like to help with the art of some bases for characters (when I have a little more free time)
Natsu Dragneel wrote:Can I add some clothes and stuff?
You mean, like, draw some new clothes and stuff for me to add to some next release so that community would use it? Maybe, but keep in mind that iiCharacter development is currently frozen and I don't have much plans on it, but I can help you to make something like a patch.

If you mean, like, add some clothes and stuff for yourself to generate sprites containing extra layers, I can teach you where to put png files and how to name them according to your given scenario (if there is not much stuff) and/or write a small manual on how layers are composed and names are parsed (if there is much stuff).

Natsu Dragneel
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Re: IIcharacter Alpha (RenPy based sprite generator in Engli

#32 Post by Natsu Dragneel »

I would like that if it isn't too hard for you. I don't wanna bother.

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Re: IIcharacter Alpha (RenPy based sprite generator in Engli

#33 Post by iichan_lolbot »

No, it's not much bother. What exactly are you planning to do? Add some cloth to existing character set or create a new character set from your PSD file?

Natsu Dragneel
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Re: IIcharacter Alpha (RenPy based sprite generator in Engli

#34 Post by Natsu Dragneel »

Well, I saw that not every model comes with wings so I would like to do that and also I would like to add recolors of items :)

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Re: IIcharacter Alpha (RenPy based sprite generator in Engli

#35 Post by iichan_lolbot »

OK, let's talk about wings first. Wings are usually shown on a layer that is behind te body.
You are going to work with models that comes without wings, so for them it is a completely new layer.
So we should add it to the layers of a character set.

Layers are added to IIcharacter models by creating directories inside charsets\CHARSETNAME\layers\.
Layer directory name has format "priority.name[@group][.LR]", where [] means optional things.
* priority - integer, means how deep the layer is drown, 0 - deepest, 100 - on above of 99 and so on
* name - text that would be displayed as a layer name
* @group - layers are grouped for better randomization and showing things like back hair and front hair together, common groups are "@body", "@dress", "@face" and "@hair"
* .LR - this mark is used for layers which consists of left and right items that are *usually* paired, but sometimes can be unpaired, an example is wearing different socks or only one shoe

I don't think that you would need unsymmetric wings, so I won't give details for ".LR" thing, so lets just say that wings folder should be named "NN.wings@body". NN is a number which depends on other layers existing for a charset that you are extending. Good priorities for wings are 12 is they are below back hair and 25 if they are above back hair but below body. Experiment with this number and check other charsets.

After you have a folder for a layer, you should put layer variants inside. Each in it's personal folder.
Layer variant directory name has format "name[.X.multiplier][.IF.key.value]*[.IFNOT.key.value]*".
* name - displayed name of layer variant. IMPORTANT: if layer name is '-' is avaliable, than layer is optional and cross icon is displayed to disable that layer
* multiplier - integer, affects probabilyty of getting this layer variant randomly. ".X.0" is used if randomizer should never pick this variant (for nude safe randomization, for example)
* if some variants can be applied only in some cases, ".IF.key.value" and ".IFNOT.key.value" can be used.

You don't need IFs for most charsets, so let's skip it for now. Wings are something optional and not usually present on random characters, so you would need to create "-.X.NN" folder inside your "12.wings@body" folder, where NN is how much oftener character without wings should be autogenerated. Experiment with this number and check other charsets.
For each other wings variant you need to create a folder with meaningful names like "Fairy wings", "Dragon wings", "Angel wings", etc. Or just create folders "1", "2", "3", "4", etc.

Now, lets put some graphics for each wings variant. IIcharacter supports several image sources and lots of image modifiers, let's just discuss the main scenario of showing a non-animated layer containing one *.png.
In this case, png image file name has format "name[.T.color][.C.color].png"
* name - non-displayed name of an image, not used anywhere
* .T.color / .C.color - color name that would be displayed in recolor tab of IIcharacter, common colors are "skin", "hair", "eyes". Use a name different to existing colors if needed.
".C.color" is used for recoloring BLACK&WHITE image by changing RGB color space.
".T.color" is used for recoloring BLUE image by changing HSV color space.

Let's summarize this. You should have something like this:

Code: Select all

                   <empty folder>
               White wings\
                   White wings.png - image with white wings
               Dragon wings\
                   Dragon wings.T.wings.png - image with blue wings
I hope that would be enough for now.

Feel free to ask if you need some even more complicated scenarios, like composing layers from several pngs, adding animation, configuring transparency, checking conditions if this wings can be combined with other layers, adding limits for colors and palletes, showing layer at given position instead of using image's top left corner, etc...

Natsu Dragneel
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Re: IIcharacter Alpha (RenPy based sprite generator in Engli

#36 Post by Natsu Dragneel »

So I need one empty folder too?
I dont need '-image with white wings" part or?

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Re: IIcharacter Alpha (RenPy based sprite generator in Engli

#37 Post by iichan_lolbot »

Natsu Dragneel wrote:So I need one empty folder too?
Yes. If layer is optional (like, hats and socks, tails and wings), user should be able to remove it.
Some layers cannot be removed (like, head), they does not contain "-.X.NN" folder.
Wings are optional, so they should contain empty "-.X.NN" folder.
"-.X.NN" folder should contain images that should be drawn when no wings are selected.
That is why it is empty - no images are needed when no wings are selected.
Natsu Dragneel wrote:I dont need '-image with white wings" part or?
I don't know what kind of wings are you planning to draw. =)
"White wings" or "Angel wings" without any recoloring is something quite useful, I think.
As for recoloring white things with RGB or blue things with HSV, look at the other existing images from a charset that you are going to extend.
If most of images are blue with ".T.color" modifier (most charsets are using this) - do so.
If most of images are white with ".C.color" modifier ("Probe_001.F.CC-BY-NC-SA-30" is the only example that I remember, actually) - do so.

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Re: IIcharacter Alpha (RenPy based sprite generator in Engli

#38 Post by Natsu Dragneel »

Ok but I can not open script

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Re: IIcharacter Alpha (RenPy based sprite generator in Engli

#40 Post by Natsu Dragneel »

But in which script should I place the code?

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Re: IIcharacter Alpha (RenPy based sprite generator in Engli

#41 Post by iichan_lolbot »

You don't need to modify any script files, just add some files and folders and restart iicharacter.

Natsu Dragneel
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Re: IIcharacter Alpha (RenPy based sprite generator in Engli

#42 Post by Natsu Dragneel »

so just add folders? But why did you gave me a code?
I tought I'm gonna have to code :)

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Re: IIcharacter Alpha (RenPy based sprite generator in Engli

#43 Post by iichan_lolbot »

Oh, that was just a way to attach folder tree listing text to a forum post, sorry. All you need is to add some files & folders.

Natsu Dragneel
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Re: IIcharacter Alpha (RenPy based sprite generator in Engli

#44 Post by Natsu Dragneel »

Did it, p.s. can somebody add a mermaid tail to Default KHmix, the one that came with it is just fish tail sticking out from "behind" haha :D

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Re: IIcharacter Alpha (RenPy based sprite generator in Engli

#45 Post by iichan_lolbot »

Natsu Dragneel wrote:Did it
Great! Please, show the result once you are done, it is really interesting to see it.
Natsu Dragneel wrote:can somebody add a mermaid tail to Default KHmix
Actualy, there is something called a mermaid dress in "30.dress@dress" layer of "Default KHmix" charset. See folders:
* Mermaid.IF.subset.1.IF.height.400.IF.dresstop.false
* Mermaid.IF.subset.2.IF.height.400.IF.dresstop.false

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