Locked Heart (GxB) (VN/Otome/Fantasy)

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Re: Locked Heart (GxB) (VN/Otome/Fantasy)

#16 Post by riiko08 »

Here's some promotional posters I made some time ago *v*
My art style has changed once again OTL


Full images can be viewed here: http://sta.sh/21wokadxy12e

Thank you so much for the feedback guys! For those who are yet to play the game, I hope you can give comments as well *w*

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Re: Locked Heart (GxB) (VN/Otome/Fantasy)

#17 Post by Akitsuki »


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Re: Locked Heart (GxB) (VN/Otome/Fantasy)

#18 Post by Erikka »

oh my God! OH MY GOD!!!
Why I've never noticed tis project before??! It looks really good... Deon - it's totally my type! Downloading the game!

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Re: Locked Heart (GxB) (VN/Otome/Fantasy)

#19 Post by Bellethiel »

riiko08 wrote:
As for Royal, I love tsun tsun characters as well, but given the length of the story we're aiming, the progression will be very slow if Royal would always remain grumpy and I didn't want to make the players feel "rushed" when Royal is all grumpy at the beginning and then suddenly becomes so sweet at the end. So I had to gradually let Royal open up. (I hope you get what I mean. I suck at explaining OTL)
Thank you so much for playing! //cries
Yeah, I see your point. I guess you cannot have everything. But!
That makes me excited for possibly longer, future projects!

Pleasure was all mine. I had lots of fun. <3

I absolutely adore poster with Gold.

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Re: Locked Heart (GxB) (VN/Otome/Fantasy)

#20 Post by Pinlin »


Okay, I haz calmed down.

I just downloaded the game but need to wait till I get back from school tomorrow. I've played the demo before and it was very satisfying. Now I'm dying to know happens next. After I've played all routes, I'll write my thoughts and experiences. Really, every character looks interesting. I'll take my sweet time =w=
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Re: Locked Heart (GxB) (VN/Otome/Fantasy)

#21 Post by onewschicken »

This game is amazing!
I really enjoyed all 3 routes, so far I have obtained all the normal endings and 2/3 best endings. You did amazing on this game
1. What do you think of the story?
I thought it was really well thought out, I enjoyed the overall story as much as I enjoyed each route. I loved how each route revealed something different about the story.
2. Which route did you liked the most and why?
Originally my favorite was Royal's route but then after I played Deon's he really captured my heart especially once he gave us his sad back story and how contrary to what everyone believed hebwas actually the most self-less out of everyone! His route made my heart ache the most but it also made me the happiest
3. Any constructive criticisms? So we'll know what we should improve on for our next projects *A*
I didn't really notice anything besides the overwrite save bug, which you had mentioned already. So other than that great job!
4. Just curious, if this was a commercial game, how much are you willing to pay for it? Assuming I have own credit card, bc my parents would never let me use their card since they're so skeptical, I'd be willing to pay $5-$10.
Since this game is so well done and such good quality :D
Good luck on your future projects, I look forward to them ^^

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Re: Locked Heart (GxB) (VN/Otome/Fantasy)

#22 Post by VocaloidsRCool »

Bellethiel wrote:I played in Royal (normal end) -> Sol (normal end) -> Deon (normal end) -> Deon (best end) -> Royal (best end) -> Sol (best end) order.

Let me tell you tho, getting Royal's best ending drove me crazy.

But it was worth it, I absolutly adore my main menu cg now.

In my opinion for first game it was great job. Well done.

Question time:

1. In general I liked it, even if it was cliche at times. Some parts were also quite easy to figure out early on. For example
I started off with Royal's route, and I knew he had a thing for Gold the moment he was pouting next to the mirror
. Good job with wrapping up the story, even tho game isn't really long. I loved the fairytale feel, when it came to whole curse buisness.

2. I would say... Deon, which was a big surprise for me. I was convinced I will like Royal most since tsundere for life and all but in the end that was not the case.

Firstly, he is the only one who does not have another girl around him. Royal has hots for Gold, and Lilly has hots for Sol so it felt kinda awkward at times.
I was kinda sceptical when it came to this love at first sight thing, but since he was lonely fella I guess it makes sense in a way.
I think only in this route Aura really comes to terms with her dad's death? I really liked it.
I also liked the fact that in this route Sol had to actually take some time after talking with Deon, before forgiving him. Deon's freindship with Royal was also nice addon. I also liked how Aura didn't have a chance to feel insecure about being in the house after everything was over since Deon is all like LET ME LOVE YOU.
3. There was only one thing which really bugged me. It might be just my personal preference though.
I didn't like how Royal was "accidentialy" showing his softer side right from the start. He is supposed to be grumpy to hide his feelings, isolate himself from people and all that, and yet in one of the first scenes he manages to stand next to mirror lost in thought, sad looking, mumbling about his devotion to Gold, while Aura is watching him. He had few moments like that, when in my opinion he was opening his heart to fast, just to be like OH SNAP I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT, seconds later.
Aside from that, since I love my tsunderes sad puppy looks, I loved him anyway (he lost to Deon tho!).
4. Err... I usually stay away from commercial games since currency exchange ratio is making them ridiculously expensive for me killing me.
How did you get all of their best ends? Please tell me in a spoiler block, I beg of you! m(-_-)m

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Re: Locked Heart (GxB) (VN/Otome/Fantasy)

#23 Post by pyopyon »

1. What do you think of the story?
I loved it! I thought it was very interesting and I really liked the combination of Goldilocks and the Three Bears mixed with Beauty and the Beast. I actually adore fairy tale retellings-- and I laughed a lot when Aura spoke about the 'childhood story' when she nicknamed them Papa Bear, Mama Bear, and Baby Bear. Go in-universe shoutouts!!

Separate from my favorite route, I will say that I think Deon's storyline had... a lot going on and it took away from his route. There was the storyline about her father, and about her relationship with music, and then that of his relationship with Sol... I think the storyline about Sol and Deon took the most attention and as a result, it made the storylines about the music seem rushed and really, largely unaddressed. Plus, because Sol's own route was also about his relationship with his brother, it felt a little, little bit redundant. Just a little bit though. I still liked playing Deon and Sol's routes!

I also wondered at the timeline... If the curse was only seven years, and Aura is maybe fifteen, why didn't she know about her mother working as a chef for the d'Lockes? Aura has clearly never met the toymaker, and the toymaker gave no indication that she also erase Aura's memories, so I was a little confused about why she wouldn't know her mother was away working for them. The fact that toymaker said she sent Rua away made me think that Rua lived with the d'Lockes family, coupled with the fact that the toys all knew Rua as the family's cook, but didn't know Aura. Does that makes sense? Like if Rua lives with the d'Lockes as their chef, then why didn't Aura live with them, too? If she didn't live with them, how could the toymaker send her away when the curse was already in action and the last person to see the toymaker off was Royal?

A solution to the 'how doesn't Aura know them already' could be that Aura lived with her father while her mother lived far away with the d'Lockes as a chef and visited often, or something to that extent, but I wasn't sure about Rua being sent away/ how the toys wouldn't know what happened to her.

I know it's a fairytale but I take notice of things like that;; I'm sorry!
2. Which route did you liked the most and why?
Papa Bear!!

But honestly, all the routes were really good! The fairytale was darker than expected, considering the cute art and general light-heartedness of the heroine, but then you have people dying and everything and I was kind of like o: from the emotional whiplash. Such a great mix.

I just like Papa Bear's archetype the most. Grumpy love interests are always my favorite. I enjoyed all of the routes thoroughly, so the only reason I like Royal the most is because I liked Royal's character type the most. Each story was quite good! Ah, one thing I wished was that we got to see Royal do something butler-ey, like making tea or serving Aura something. (I also like the butler character so I was a teeny bit disappointed on that front XD.)
3. Any constructive criticisms? So we'll know what we should improve on for our next projects *A*
I already talked about the timeline thing... but the ones that I really thought about as well were about Miss Maria and Lillie.

Miss Maria really needed to be expanded upon... I really didn't know her as a character and I wish I did. Even though Aura comments on how young she looks,and how her eyes are a startling red... we never get much information as to whether those things are significant. It would've been nice to know who she was, especially since if she's in her mid-to-late twenties, she would've already been a late-teen/young adult when the curse was activated. I really though there was going to be more about her character, since she would've been the oldest surviving member pre-curse so I would've liked to know more.

Same with Lillie. Sol mentions they're friends, but I wondered if they were friends before the curse and who Lillie was. In my mind, I decided that Lillie was the old butler's daughter and thus sort of like a sister to Royal when I read the scene in Deon's route about her trying to console him, but him refusing to talk to her... but then they barely spoke to each other in the other routes. TT__TT

So I guess, my CC is to say if you want side characters to not just be wasted sprites, I would definitely give some backgrounds to them. I liked them so I wanted to know more... but we don't find out anything more from them. Even the bio on this thread gives more information on Miss Maria, because I had no clue she was a head tutor or anything like that. I didn't really get a Demon Nanny vibe because she rarely appeared (except in Deon's route when she and Aura spoke about Deon while doing the laundry.

AH! And I almost forgot-- Deon's route... Aura says they rushed her father to the hospital and it really took me out of the story for a moment. Maybe 'fetched the doctor' would be better. Hospitals are just so modern that it took me by surprise.

Ah, and (oh, I realized I keep saying 'ah'. It's because I keep coming back to this window when I remember something. Haha. Anyway!) it surprised me that Sol's route had the most automatic(?) CGs. It seems like the other routes, you got CGs based off of the right choice, but with this one, most of Sol's CGs you got from the kinetic parts of the storyline. It's not bad, but something I noticed.
This isn't really CC, but I found a small coding error--
after I unlocked Royal's best ending and the menu CG changes, the original, three bears main menu CG in the gallery becomes unavailable for viewing. It says, "Image 'cg mainmenu1' not found." After I unlocked Deon's best ending, it still says that.
4. Just curious, if this was a commercial game, how much are you willing to pay for it?

The length plus the amount of art makes me say a solid $7, but
if Miss Maria and Lillie were given character development and the routes were evened out (Excuse me if I'm wrong, but was Deon's route longer than Royal or Sol's?) I would pay $9.99USD. (Idk why but 9.99 seems cheaper than $10 looolll.) The plot wrinkles in the timeline would also be great if straightened out or addressed.
Random Opinions:
I really liked the Locked Heart icon and the bears, too. I really loved the GUI!! The buttons for making choices especially, and the quitting pages. The only think I thought about was the font. I think it fit on the menu pages and such but it did seem a little bit gaudy when being used as the reading text. I think something a little more plain should've be used so it's easier to read.

Also, I think text shouldn't cover the heart on the right side of the text box, but it should stay indented like it is when Aura is in the right side of the text box. It's not bad, but because the length of the line changed when Aura was there or not there, it made it a little harder to read. Plus, I thought the heart was pretty so it would've been nice to see.

The music is really good, by the way. (Right now I'm listening to it, haha.)

I think it would've been cute if bear!Deon also got human!Deon's sparkles. Deon's sparkle was one of my favorite little details. I think my favorite CG was Royal's CG after the curse is partially broken and you get to see his hottie human self. I really didn't expect it! What a hottie, I mean seriously!! After three bear CGs, I was totally Heart Eyes-- and as a bonus, I actually thought the curse would be broken at the end, so I didn't know you would see their human forms so much... after seeing Royal (who I played first) I am eternally grateful. LOL.
I hope that even through my criticisms you see how much I love this game! I love it a lot! Please don't mistake me! This is an excellent game! Also I haven't gotten Sol's best ending... it's the only one... so I'll update this when I do! Thanks for your hard work!!
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Re: Locked Heart (GxB) (VN/Otome/Fantasy)

#24 Post by riiko08 »

Erikka wrote:oh my God! OH MY GOD!!!
Why I've never noticed tis project before??! It looks really good... Deon - it's totally my type! Downloading the game!
Can't wait to know what you guys think of the game ;w;

Okay, I haz calmed down.

I just downloaded the game but need to wait till I get back from school tomorrow. I've played the demo before and it was very satisfying. Now I'm dying to know happens next. After I've played all routes, I'll write my thoughts and experiences. Really, every character looks interesting. I'll take my sweet time =w=
PINLIIINNNNN!!!! Ahh~~ Thank you for downloading! I hope you'll enjoy *A*
I'm also excited for your game! //clings
onewschicken wrote:This game is amazing!
I really enjoyed all 3 routes, so far I have obtained all the normal endings and 2/3 best endings. You did amazing on this game
1. What do you think of the story?
I thought it was really well thought out, I enjoyed the overall story as much as I enjoyed each route. I loved how each route revealed something different about the story.
2. Which route did you liked the most and why?
Originally my favorite was Royal's route but then after I played Deon's he really captured my heart especially once he gave us his sad back story and how contrary to what everyone believed hebwas actually the most self-less out of everyone! His route made my heart ache the most but it also made me the happiest
3. Any constructive criticisms? So we'll know what we should improve on for our next projects *A*
I didn't really notice anything besides the overwrite save bug, which you had mentioned already. So other than that great job!
4. Just curious, if this was a commercial game, how much are you willing to pay for it? Assuming I have own credit card, bc my parents would never let me use their card since they're so skeptical, I'd be willing to pay $5-$10.
Since this game is so well done and such good quality :D
Good luck on your future projects, I look forward to them ^^
Uwaaahhh!! Thank you so much! I'm really glad you enjoyed playing it. Please look forward to our future games. We'll do our best to improve more!
pyopyon wrote:1. What do you think of the story?
I loved it! I thought it was very interesting and I really liked the combination of Goldilocks and the Three Bears mixed with Beauty and the Beast. I actually adore fairy tale retellings-- and I laughed a lot when Aura spoke about the 'childhood story' when she nicknamed them Papa Bear, Mama Bear, and Baby Bear. Go in-universe shoutouts!!

Separate from my favorite route, I will say that I think Deon's storyline had... a lot going on and it took away from his route. There was the storyline about her father, and about her relationship with music, and then that of his relationship with Sol... I think the storyline about Sol and Deon took the most attention and as a result, it made the storylines about the music seem rushed and really, largely unaddressed. Plus, because Sol's own route was also about his relationship with his brother, it felt a little, little bit redundant. Just a little bit though. I still liked playing Deon and Sol's routes!

I also wondered at the timeline... If the curse was only seven years, and Aura is maybe fifteen, why didn't she know about her mother working as a chef for the d'Lockes? Aura has clearly never met the toymaker, and the toymaker gave no indication that she also erase Aura's memories, so I was a little confused about why she wouldn't know her mother was away working for them. The fact that toymaker said she sent Rua away made me think that Rua lived with the d'Lockes family, coupled with the fact that the toys all knew Rua as the family's cook, but didn't know Aura. Does that makes sense? Like if Rua lives with the d'Lockes as their chef, then why didn't Aura live with them, too? If she didn't live with them, how could the toymaker send her away when the curse was already in action and the last person to see the toymaker off was Royal?

A solution to the 'how doesn't Aura know them already' could be that Aura lived with her father while her mother lived far away with the d'Lockes as a chef and visited often, or something to that extent, but I wasn't sure about Rua being sent away/ how the toys wouldn't know what happened to her.

I know it's a fairytale but I take notice of things like that;; I'm sorry!
2. Which route did you liked the most and why?
Papa Bear!!

But honestly, all the routes were really good! The fairytale was darker than expected, considering the cute art and general light-heartedness of the heroine, but then you have people dying and everything and I was kind of like o: from the emotional whiplash. Such a great mix.

I just like Papa Bear's archetype the most. Grumpy love interests are always my favorite. I enjoyed all of the routes thoroughly, so the only reason I like Royal the most is because I liked Royal's character type the most. Each story was quite good! Ah, one thing I wished was that we got to see Royal do something butler-ey, like making tea or serving Aura something. (I also like the butler character so I was a teeny bit disappointed on that front XD.)
3. Any constructive criticisms? So we'll know what we should improve on for our next projects *A*
I already talked about the timeline thing... but the ones that I really thought about as well were about Miss Maria and Lillie.

Miss Maria really needed to be expanded upon... I really didn't know her as a character and I wish I did. Even though Aura comments on how young she looks,and how her eyes are a startling red... we never get much information as to whether those things are significant. It would've been nice to know who she was, especially since if she's in her mid-to-late twenties, she would've already been a late-teen/young adult when the curse was activated. I really though there was going to be more about her character, since she would've been the oldest surviving member pre-curse so I would've liked to know more.

Same with Lillie. Sol mentions they're friends, but I wondered if they were friends before the curse and who Lillie was. In my mind, I decided that Lillie was the old butler's daughter and thus sort of like a sister to Royal when I read the scene in Deon's route about her trying to console him, but him refusing to talk to her... but then they barely spoke to each other in the other routes. TT__TT

So I guess, my CC is to say if you want side characters to not just be wasted sprites, I would definitely give some backgrounds to them. I liked them so I wanted to know more... but we don't find out anything more from them. Even the bio on this thread gives more information on Miss Maria, because I had no clue she was a head tutor or anything like that. I didn't really get a Demon Nanny vibe because she rarely appeared (except in Deon's route when she and Aura spoke about Deon while doing the laundry.

AH! And I almost forgot-- Deon's route... Aura says they rushed her father to the hospital and it really took me out of the story for a moment. Maybe 'fetched the doctor' would be better. Hospitals are just so modern that it took me by surprise.

Ah, and (oh, I realized I keep saying 'ah'. It's because I keep coming back to this window when I remember something. Haha. Anyway!) it surprised me that Sol's route had the most automatic(?) CGs. It seems like the other routes, you got CGs based off of the right choice, but with this one, most of Sol's CGs you got from the kinetic parts of the storyline. It's not bad, but something I noticed.
This isn't really CC, but I found a small coding error--
after I unlocked Royal's best ending and the menu CG changes, the original, three bears main menu CG in the gallery becomes unavailable for viewing. It says, "Image 'cg mainmenu1' not found." After I unlocked Deon's best ending, it still says that.
4. Just curious, if this was a commercial game, how much are you willing to pay for it?

The length plus the amount of art makes me say a solid $7, but
if Miss Maria and Lillie were given character development and the routes were evened out (Excuse me if I'm wrong, but was Deon's route longer than Royal or Sol's?) I would pay $9.99USD. (Idk why but 9.99 seems cheaper than $10 looolll.) The plot wrinkles in the timeline would also be great if straightened out or addressed.
Random Opinions:
I really liked the Locked Heart icon and the bears, too. I really loved the GUI!! The buttons for making choices especially, and the quitting pages. The only think I thought about was the font. I think it fit on the menu pages and such but it did seem a little bit gaudy when being used as the reading text. I think something a little more plain should've be used so it's easier to read.

Also, I think text shouldn't cover the heart on the right side of the text box, but it should stay indented like it is when Aura is in the right side of the text box. It's not bad, but because the length of the line changed when Aura was there or not there, it made it a little harder to read. Plus, I thought the heart was pretty so it would've been nice to see.

The music is really good, by the way. (Right now I'm listening to it, haha.)

I think it would've been cute if bear!Deon also got human!Deon's sparkles. Deon's sparkle was one of my favorite little details. I think my favorite CG was Royal's CG after the curse is partially broken and you get to see his hottie human self. I really didn't expect it! What a hottie, I mean seriously!! After three bear CGs, I was totally Heart Eyes-- and as a bonus, I actually thought the curse would be broken at the end, so I didn't know you would see their human forms so much... after seeing Royal (who I played first) I am eternally grateful. LOL.
I hope that even through my criticisms you see how much I love this game! I love it a lot! Please don't mistake me! This is an excellent game! Also I haven't gotten Sol's best ending... it's the only one... so I'll update this when I do! Thanks for your hard work!!
Woah! Thank you so, so much for pointing all the errors/inconsistencies! I really do wish we could give a deeper background for each characters and explain the other details, but given the length we were aiming for, we tried to keep it as short as possible (since we already made it longer than planned OTL)
I'm sorry if Deon's route seemed more of an info dump. Lol! I guess we were just so caught up in trying to include some important bits QAQ Anyway, now I know what we should do in our future games. I'll definitely take note of all your comments/suggestions!

For the code errors, it's unusual since we never got an error when we tested the game. I'll have to ask my programmer about it. (since I fail at codes)

Thank you so much for the very helpful comment. Despite all the errors, I hope you still enjoyed the game *v*

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Re: Locked Heart (GxB) (VN/Otome/Fantasy)

#25 Post by riiko08 »

Walkthrough is up guys! (For those who are stuck getting the best ends) :D

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Re: Locked Heart (GxB) (VN/Otome/Fantasy)

#26 Post by pyopyon »

Ah, yes. It seems that even though I have unlocked the special menu, I cannot open the old menu CG or the new menu CG in the gallery. )^':

Thanks again for this game! And I finally resorted to the guide for Sol's perfect route ; 3 ; My pride is hurt but my heart is delighted. Sol <333
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Re: Locked Heart (GxB) (VN/Otome/Fantasy)

#27 Post by scarlet62 »

pyopyon wrote:Ah, yes. It seems that even though I have unlocked the special menu, I cannot open the old menu CG or the new menu CG in the gallery. )^':

Thanks again for this game! And I finally resorted to the guide for Sol's perfect route ; 3 ; My pride is hurt but my heart is delighted. Sol <333
oh this happened to me too! :3 maybe there are some error?._.

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Re: Locked Heart (GxB) (VN/Otome/Fantasy)

#28 Post by DrSchizo »

I've just started working on the HTML5 conversion on Sandbox Adventure.

The web version of Locked Heart shoud therefore be ready in a couple of days!

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Re: Locked Heart (GxB) (VN/Otome/Fantasy)

#29 Post by myuunie »

Hello! Aaah how nervous I am, this is my first post on the forums so I hope I do a good job... (#゚ロ゚#)

I finally finished the game after working all night through it and I knew that I definitely wanted to answer your questions and tell you how much I adored it! -sobs- Thank you as well for the walkthrough! I must say that I was in desperate need of it. OTL I am such a walkthrough user that I couldn't help but wait until it was out to really finish Sol's and Deon's route. I really appreciate you posting one, especially since I was getting frustrated trying to get Sol's Best End.

I played it in the order of: Papa Bear, Mama Bear, and finally Baby Bear!
I do think that this is the best order and I am really glad I did it this way!

Anywho! To jump into the questions! ⁽(◍˃̵͈̑ᴗ˂̵͈̑)⁽


1. What do you think of the story?

I really loved it! I really liked that the premise of the story was a fairytale mix between Beauty and the Beast and Goldilocks. It's a mix that not a lot of people would think to consider. I know I certainly would've never thought that the two could merge to create a love story, but once you read through every path it really does make a lot of sense. The story it tells is so lovely and adorable. I love the mix of the toys and romance and just everything was insanely cute!

As for each story by it's own, I think that they were all really well written! I would've liked for them to be more expanded upon though. I did feel that Deon's route held a lot more information and was longer than all the other ones which I can understand since his is the one that holds the big secrets, I just kind of wish that Royal's and Sol's route were a bit longer in length so that it matched up to Deon's route. Maybe a little more glimpses into Royal's and Sol's daily life? Maaaybe... bit more into Royal's and Sol's past and how they lived with the horrible head of the house? Or maybe even their interactions with Gold.

It isn't something that's a HUGE problem since, to be honest, I'm just being nitpicky. (灬ºωº灬)
I think I just wanted more of both of them.

I will say that I also very much loved Aura as a main character. She was so sweet and she handled herself properly with the entire situation. She wasn't a ditzy, can't-do-anything MC with no personality, she actually really stood up for herself and she had her real thoughts and opinions and any option that was taken in the story showed a little more about her. I do get tired of really optimistic heroines, but Aura was incredibly cute and I appreciate that with every route you find out a bit more about her and her family and all the things she went through.

Overall though, I think that the story was really well-thought out and well-written. I really wish it could've been longer though. I know you mentioned how you weren't aiming for a long VN, but man there isn't enough teddy/human love hehehe~ ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ It was just really cute and I definitely want some more!

2. Which route did you liked the most and why?

Definitely, definitely Deon!

I am not easily swayed by princely charms like Sol has or flirty attitudes like Deon, so I thought that Royal would steal my heart (which he did quite a bit). But Deon just took the cake for me which it definitely, definitely has to do with his story. I did think just like anyone else that he was just a player or a flirty character and after playing so so so many otomes I always know that there is some kind of secret, hidden past towards it or hiding a sweet guy underneath. However, I LOVED the fact that Deon was acting the way he was, not really for himself, but for his siblings.

It was actually something that surprised me. I can usually tell where the story is going, but I did not guess that Deon was acting or playing the fool because he was trying to protect his siblings from his father. I thought he was doing it to run away from his responsibilities which kind of sucks for Sol since they were all thrown upon him, but his reason was so much more endearing and so much more heartfelt that I found myself really loving to hear the truth from his story. It was really well-thought out. It didn't make him seem like the usual flirty trope and it gave him a lot more depth.

I do kind of wish that we could've seen Deon tell the truth to Sol. I do understand that it wasn't a super necessary scene since we do get one shortly after with all three of them, however, I kind of wish we got to see the same kind of scene that there was in Sol's room where they talk about the truth in the bedroom, but now this time we can actually get the full story. I think it would've added to the emotional impact.

I really loved Deon's route though and what a genuine guy he was, even as a little bear. The whole confession and kiss scene was TOO CUTE. I could totally understand why Aura didn't take it seriously, but I did appreciate that she didn't just roll her eyes and walk away and instead told him that he could definitely attempt to court her. I thought that they fit each other so well as a couple, even more than the other two which is why I would definitely consider this route to be more of the canon route.

Which in a way is kind of funny if you think about it! In the Goldilocks story, the best meal for her was the one of the baby bear, as well as the seat, and the bed. Which if you now think of Aura as Goldilocks choosing from the three bears, she does the same and fits perfectly with the baby bear. I'm not sure if you guys did it on purpose, but hey! I loved it! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

3. Any constructive criticisms? So we'll know what we should improve on for our next projects *A*

I think that overall, for you guys' first VN, you did an incredible job. I would've bought it if you guys told me this was your fourth or fifth one from how fantastic the quality was.

The art was on-point, the characters had depth to them, the backgrounds were gorgeous, the music was absolutely stunning, and every little detail within the game was really beautiful. I could hardly even tell it had been done on Ren'py because the way you guys laid everything out, including the font, was so so so lovely and so unique. You guys really made this game your own and I am certain that it's gonna very soon explode here and many other otome players will be raving about it. It's really cute and the story is incredibly unique. I love the fairytale twist it has.

I'm not sure if I have any criticisms... hmm... I think there are a couple of things maybe. Let me go back and check!

I'm not sure if I truly have any true complaints, I just think that if you guys have made the story a bit longer and really wrote everything out I would've loved it a thousand times more. I really appreciate how detailed every route was, but I do think that the story could've spent a little more time in their bear bodies. We could've gotten to know the characters a little better before they turned back to human. I know that Lillie's and Miss Maria's doll and cat sprites were only used a bit, but I think it would've more fun to get to know them in those bodies.

Or even if they were already humans, I think learning more about Lillie and Miss Maria would've added to the story. Maybe gotten to know how Lillie even began living with them or how Miss Maria got to tutor and take care of them. Fleshing out their characters would've made me love them a thousand times more. I thought they were lovely characters and even with Lillie, this could've easily turned into a very sinister love triangle, but Lillie wasn't petty or mean about it. I loved that since I personally hate love triangles.

I would've loved to have learned more about her. Especially Miss Maria too since we hardly get to see her throughout the story. She is more of an extra character that poses as an authority figure every once in a while, but even then, she doesn't appear to have much purpose. The story could've had just about the same impact with or without her. I think if we learned more about her, it would've been a bit better.

I think those things would really be just about the only points that I wanted to mention.

OH! A BIT ABOUT THE ART! I loved it to bits and pieces, I just would've love to have seen maybe a bit more accuracy to the toymaker's sprite or description! I am not sure exactly what it said word for word but it describe her to have long flowing hair over her shoulders with an old torn up cloak, but the sprite doesn't really show her long hair or the cloak being torn.(˶′◡‵˶)I might just be nitpicky again, but my little eyes noticed the inaccuracy. It's one of my pet peeves in otomes. When a description says something that isn't accurate to the drawing it just crumbles my crackers. (⸝⸝•́દ•̀⸝⸝)

It was such a small thing though! Everything else is drawn super accurately and even the expression changes in the CGs were incredibly beautiful! Thank you for taking the time to draw such beautiful characters oh gosh. I loved their expressions as bears too, those blushes just KILLED ME. Too cute!

4. Just curious, if this was a commercial game, how much are you willing to pay for it?

I think that right now, I would pay about five dollars or a little more than that! If the story was a bit longer, I think it would be definitely worth a bit of a higher price as well, like seven or eight dollars. (˵ ° ᗜ ° ˵ ) I think it's worth some money though! I do appreciate the fact that you made it free. So many games are commercialized lately that it's killing my wallet. (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) So I thank you for making them for free. I do understand how hard they are to make and how much time it takes, but I really am so grateful for you taking the time to make such a cute and well-written/drawn game absolutely for free!


I hope this answers all your questions!
Congratulations on making such a great game!
I hope to see more amazing work from you guy's soon! ୧( ⁼̴̶̤̀ω⁼̴̶̤́ )૭

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Re: Locked Heart (GxB) (VN/Otome/Fantasy)

#30 Post by Erikka »

1. What do you think of the story?

The story was nice. Kind of a fairytale) The CGs were gorgeous and the guys looked really stunning! But to be sincere I prefer more mature games with more serious plot.

2. Which route did you liked the most and why?

Definitily Deon! First of all I have a thing for a flirty guys like him(and he looked very hot!). Second, his route seemed more unconventional than others. Other two guys were very stereotyped and too predictable: a tsundere and a sweet-boy. Deon seemed more out of the ordinary and I really enjoyed his story.

3. Any constructive criticisms? So we'll know what we should improve on for our next projects *A*

I notice quite many stock characters in otome games this days. People seem to use labels and stereotypes too often. I wish there were more of original and "nonstandard" characters.

4. Just curious, if this was a commercial game, how much are you willing to pay for it?

I think 5-8 dollars. If this game had longer story, more characters and endings then I would be willing to pay more.

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