In need of partners (Mainly Artists/Writers)

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Posts: 17
Joined: Sun Oct 20, 2013 7:20 am
Projects: The Witch
Organization: H A L E .
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Location: Paris, France

In need of partners (Mainly Artists/Writers)

#1 Post by -LKays »

Hello friends or maybe strangers,
We are called Image
A bunch of lighthearted individuals who appreciate writing, drawing, and especially making visual novels. Okay, Jk.
When I said "we", I meant me and future partners. :lol:
But I wasn't kidding when I said that I'm very lighthearted, I'm an easy-going person who's in need to partners especially artists and writers. In my past days, I write and draw alone and make games alone with flash. But nowadays, I can't complete any of my projects because, I've always been a lone wolf. :(
So yeah, anyways, who ever you are, or what you are and want to give a little help to me, don't hesitate!
I'm currently looking for a co-writer and a co-artist.
The programming and music is usually done by me but you can offer yourself to give a little aid hmm?
If anything, I'm also offering myself to co-write a project.
Alright, that's about it,
Thanks for taking the time to read this boring post. :wink:

The current project I'm working is the story about a witch called: "The Witch"
Yes, how very original.
It gots the blend of an otome game, tragedy and psychological (yes, abit)
It's for all audience.
Blanche finds herself the last witch inside the all-ethereal world of Zilch. She'd been living under the woods of Jardeth for eighteen years until she decided that she wanted to venture in the world of mankind. Ignoring the rules that the kind Elder Widow had told her, she decided to approach an old woman in need of help and cured her wounds and her granddaughter's blindness by her mystical powers. Empathy, and compassion stirred inside her mind as she was determined to heal the weak. Fascination maybe, desire blended in her heart. She wanted humans to accept her. So every night, she sneaked from her humble abode to see Man to tend their injuries. She was thanked and praised when she did nothing but, satisfy the need inside of her. Years passed, she was now known as Kuratia, the Goddess of Light. The Elder Widow warned her once again that her actions will lead her to her fall if she continued to cross paths with them, but she ignored her humble message as she felt that she was doing the right thing. One day, the King of Jardeth announced the whole kingdom another witch hunt event and a generous amount of gold was offered for those who captures Kuratia. Will she survive the hunt? What will she do...?

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Chen Li
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Re: In need of partners (Mainly Artists/Writers)

#2 Post by Chen Li »

Hi, I am an artist.
You got me curious. I joined the LSF recently because I wish to do commisions one day. But right now I don't feel capable enough to ask for money, so joining a free project is what I desire at the moment. =)

A little bit about myself:
I have done a few character sprites for 2D RPGs in the past. The older ones are really bad, so forget about those.xD I started to take requests again recently, though. I think I am getting the hang of it bit by bit. I still lack experience, and would like to try VN-style sprites for a change. I think that will really help me with my art.
I am only capable of drawing people for now. Backgrounds and creatures are the bane of my existence... I want to expand in those areas in the future, but for now I right out suck in that matter.

I can neither write nor help with programming, if there'd ever be need for that.

So, what exactly are you looking for? If it's just character sprites, that is fine. I think I can handle that. Maybe some simple CGs, if necessary. But I am not skilled enough to draw in different styles if I have to work with different artists. I am actually still figuring out my own style right now. I also still got problems with coloring, tbh.
I will always take some time. Maybe one or two weeks or even more for a single sprite. I work full-time and stuff.

Well, before this drags on, I'll just leave some expamples of my art. I got two finished requests to show, too, if you are interested to see more. I don't want to show these in public since the characters are not mine. But I can send them in a pm if that's okay.

Okay, okay. I can draw cute characters, too. I just prefer cheeky, weird and those more or less alluring faggots for my own characters.

Looking forward to your reply. =)

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