Bloody Chronicles [Mystery/Action]

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Bloody Chronicles [Mystery/Action]

#1 Post by igrasil »

Bloody Chronicles - New Cycle of Death

Bloody Chronicles is a visual novel and Igrasil Studio’s first project.
The plot focuses on Kazuki, who has lost his parents in an accident. After graduating from the police academy, he was recruited by Igrasil, a non-governmental organization which solves murders the police deem are impossible to explain due to lack of evidence.
Kazuki’s partners include the crazy and funny Ishikawa siblings, Kaoru Moriyama (the daughter of a millionaire and founder of the organization), and Suzumi, the head of the organization.

Main Characters
Side Characters

The whole series will consist of 3 installments; the first part is “Act 1 - New Cycle of Death.” We’re aiming for the length of the entire series to consist of 40 hoursof gameplay, where the player will be able to make different decisions that will affect the ending. Like in most visual novels, the player will be able to establish close relationships with the series’ characters and get to know their personal stories. Please note that our studio aren't fans of "fanservice", so Bloody Chronicles won't be another dating sims game etc.

Our game is broken into several chapters; these chapters are separated into seven days, where “Player Choices” will help or hinder the investigation. Player decisions and choices will affect the ending.


Suzumi | Akito A & B | Kaoru | Aki
oh, we won't tell you how to get the "DARK" ending... it's a secret! φ(゚ロ゚*)ノ

Bloody Chronicles can be classified as a mystery, drama, slice of life, and action; the plot takes place in a modern day fictional universe called Utna

Each of the character designs will include casual clothes, organization uniforms, unique poses, and different facial expressions. We’re aiming for each character to have 30 fully-detailed CG illustrations and their own original musical compositions.

Casual / Uniform Clothes

PC -Windows / Mac OS Linux

Mobile - Android / Windows Phone / Xbox - pending


Here you can see our project status! The bars below represent what is done and what we still need to do - updated weekly

Meet our Voice Actors
The main characters in the Bloody Chronicles series will be fully voiced.

Skyler Davenport

John Archer


Sayaka Mashiro

Bloody Chronicles F.A.Q.

1.When game will be released

- We're hoping for a release date of March 2017

2.Will the players establish close relationships with the characters?/ Will the relationships be 18+ or all-ages?

- You can establish close relationships with every member; however, in this game you won't found any H-scenes.

3.Where can we see your progress?

- Here you can check our weekly progress

4.Have you decided on a price for the VN

- We're considering a price range of $15-19

5.Will the game be translated for other languages?

-The game is being written in English, with input from our Japanese and polish members. In the future, we plan on releasing it in additional languages.

6.Will you add a Japanese voiceover?

-We will focus on adding a Japanese voiceover once the English version is finished, provided our campaign is funded successfully.

7.Will you add steam trading cards?


8.How about achievements?.

- Why not? It'll be fun!

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Re: Bloody Chronicles [Mystery/Action]

#2 Post by gekiganwing »

I remember seeing this project mentioned on Indiegogo. Today, I searched for "Bloody Chronicles" there, and saw that the campaign was cancelled. That said, how will the development of this visual novel be funded from now on?

I associate the word bloody with words such as gory, bleak, or violent. However, people in other nations will see the same word and have very different reactions. This project might benefit from a title change. You might benefit by reading at least some parts of the TVTropes article Did Not Do the Bloody Research.
igrasil wrote: Like in most visual novels, the player will be able to establish close relationships with the series’ characters and get to know their personal stories. Please note that our studio aren't fans of "fanservice", so Bloody Chronicles won't be another dating sims game etc.
What sort of content rating do you think would be appropriate for your story? If you used MPAA or ESRB ratings, would you classify it as PG-13 or T (Teen) for some violence or horror?

I'm not sure what romance games and visual novels you have experienced, or which ones you have enjoyed. The most recent dating simulation (defined by complex, stat-driven gameplay) that I got into was Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 3rd Story, which is worksafe. If it had an official English version, then I think it would get either an E10+ or a T rating. That said, your context may vary.

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Re: Bloody Chronicles [Mystery/Action]

#3 Post by igrasil »

gekiganwing wrote:I remember seeing this project mentioned on Indiegogo. Today, I searched for "Bloody Chronicles" there, and saw that the campaign was cancelled. That said, how will the development of this visual novel be funded from now on?

I associate the word bloody with words such as gory, bleak, or violent. However, people in other nations will see the same word and have very different reactions. This project might benefit from a title change. You might benefit by reading at least some parts of the TVTropes article Did Not Do the Bloody Research.
igrasil wrote: Like in most visual novels, the player will be able to establish close relationships with the series’ characters and get to know their personal stories. Please note that our studio aren't fans of "fanservice", so Bloody Chronicles won't be another dating sims game etc.
What sort of content rating do you think would be appropriate for your story? If you used MPAA or ESRB ratings, would you classify it as PG-13 or T (Teen) for some violence or horror?

I'm not sure what romance games and visual novels you have experienced, or which ones you have enjoyed. The most recent dating simulation (defined by complex, stat-driven gameplay) that I got into was Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 3rd Story, which is worksafe. If it had an official English version, then I think it would get either an E10+ or a T rating. That said, your context may vary.
Correct, project was canceled and money was refunded to backers because was picked up by MikandiJapan, you should know them from Libra of The Vamprie Princess and with they help we will moving to KickStarter.

Well, we dont want to offer another dating school life Visual Novel where you can hunt next girl to score etc I think its will be more that 13 because of bad language, gore and corpse - if we talking about ESRB I think its will be Mature M

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Re: Bloody Chronicles [Mystery/Action]

#4 Post by igrasil »

Tell everyone you know that the Kickstarter for Bloody Chronicles should be online on March 16th! Please support our release and tell your friends!

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Re: Bloody Chronicles [Mystery/Action]

#5 Post by igrasil »

Our KS is now live! Please visit us and share with your friends! We need your help to bring Bloody Chronicles to life!

Bloody Chronicles Demo:
Bloody Chronicles Windows Version
Bloody Chronicles Linux Version
Bloody Chronicles Mac Version

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Re: Bloody Chronicles [Mystery/Action]

#6 Post by DatYandereGirl »

Love the game idea! Backed it! <3

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Re: Bloody Chronicles [Mystery/Action]

#7 Post by igrasil »

DatYandereGirl wrote:Love the game idea! Backed it! <3
Thank you~!

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Re: Bloody Chronicles [Mystery/Action]

#8 Post by igrasil »

Hey everyone! How are you all today?

We here at Igrasil Studio are so happy that we've reached nearly 10,000 dollars within the week! You guys are the best! Thanks for your support and kind words in the last 6 days.
We're going to share some concept sketches from our special beach episodes (which will be made once we get the proper stretch goals done.) If you're fans of Aki or Kaoru, you're in for a treat with this update!



Thanks for reading and stay awesome everyone!

Also for those you forgot, please support our Thunderclap:

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Re: Bloody Chronicles [Mystery/Action]

#9 Post by JB Coleman »

Hi there I am very interested in your project i am a professional voice actor and would love to join this project here is my demo reel

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Re: Bloody Chronicles [Mystery/Action]

#10 Post by igrasil »

Yay! We just hit 351 backers! ありがとうございます! (´∀`)♡

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Re: Bloody Chronicles [Mystery/Action]

#11 Post by igrasil »

We would like to announce our partnership with MangaGamer! In addition to the help of MikandiJapan, the three of us are going to work together and bring more Japanese visual novels to the West! Banzai!

Lastly, here's an interview that we recently conducted with them about our game. Enjoy some more news about the future of Bloody Chronicles!"

You mention the main character Kazuki can form relationships with NPCs. Can you elaborate on this? Does this mean the player can form love relationships? Can relationships be made regardless of gender?

– Correct, Kazuki can have relationships with other Igrasil members like Suzumi, Aki, Kaoru and even Akito. Many users asking us for adult content (H content). Like we said before, we are always listening to our users and we will start our work on Adult Version of Bloody Chronicles.

You mention the game will be made in 3 installments; are all these going to be funded this time or will there be three different funding opportunities

– The current campaign will fund the first release, "New Cycle of Death." We are hopeful that through this initial funding drive we can create the first act and receive future funding through sales of the game.

You mention the first part will be released in March 2017, but how much of the game is left to make? Will the other parts take as long to be released?

-Our estimated release for Act 1 is next March. You can view our progress at our website
If all goes according to plan, we're hoping to release Act 2 (Revenge) December 2017 and act 3 (Last Order) by October 2018. It's going to be a wild ride!

With a Japanese style visual novel game it seems odd to have English voice actors. Can you explain how you came to use English voice actors?

-To be honest, what we're doing is a bit unorthodox; while most of our team is located in Japan, we're focusing our efforts in the western market. Likewise, we wanted to reach out to English voice actors to fit our localization; they were very kind and offered their services wholeheartedly. We also wanted to try something else with the voice acting, to gauge how western audiences would see a visual novel that was catered towards them rather than Japanese audiences.

How many different paths are possible in the game and how much do they actually affect the player’s progress or change the story?

–There will be five unique "paths", one for each of the cast excluding the main character, plus one "dark" ending. We made the paths unique, so that you won't know the true story just playing through once, much like visual novels with branches.
We've spent a year researching serial killers, how they work, and why it takes a while for police to catch them, if at all (such as the case of the zodiac killer.)

The story in the demo is a little confusing. For instance, as detectives do they work for, with, or independently from the police?

– Well, the demo was meant to establish the game engine as well as the UI, so we apologize if there was any confusion. There were a lot of things cut, such dialogue trees, since we're still working on those. In this universe, the organization is independent from the police, and they have funding through the Moriyama family.
This means they don't have to be cooperative if the situation calls for it. However, there are a couple of characters who have ties to the police, so it's in their best interests to work together.

80 hours seems like a lot of time to fill with just the Phantom case, what else will happen in Bloody Chronicles?

80 hours is an estimate, so just take it with a grain of salt. The overarching narrative involves the Phantom as well as his effect on the other characters; almost everyone has a different motivation for capturing the killer. We're hoping that the series will captivate players by going through the multiple endings (which will be vastly different from each other.) These different branches will explain why Kazuki was spared in that accident that killed his parents, as well as the different murders that are happening while the case is underway.

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Re: Bloody Chronicles [Mystery/Action]

#13 Post by igrasil »

We want to thank everyone who supported and helped us for those 40 days of KickStarter! Its Victory 862 amazing Backers! 49,255$!

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