-:-NytWalk -:- {A thriller, horror, romance Visual Novel}

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-:-NytWalk -:- {A thriller, horror, romance Visual Novel}

#1 Post by SwitchGameDev »

-:- Is it real?-:-
Definition of "Imagination:
"The power of reproducing images stored in the memory under the suggestion of associated images (reproductive imagination) or of recombining former experiences in the creation of new images directed at a specific goal or aiding in the solution of problems (creative imagination)"
"​This Visual Novel is a game of finding yourself.
And I mean, really finding yourself.
Imagine if you couldn't imagine. Because you were INSIDE your imagination.

Somehow. It happened. Somehow you were trapped in your imagination and there was no one around you. No one, and you simply lay amidst your memories and thoughts, seeing their physical entities float around you like uneasy wraiths and then. Suddenly...

You're not alone...

Or are you?
In a setting where you cannot define the real from the unreal, and dangerous enemies stalk you through the "Night", you begin to realise that the imagination isn't what it seems to be, and the things you thought you knew were just irrelevant pieces of paper that hid the secrets of your imagination from yourself.

Then again, if you thought you couldn't escape. Then maybe you can..."

You wake up somewhere. You don't know where, you don't know when you came there, but you know you're lost, and you need to get out. Fast.


-:- A Game By Switch Dev -:-

I am a teenage solo indie game dev, currently working with a small group of talented young artists and musicians to develop my first Visual Novel for university credit. Did I mention I'm anonymous?


NytWalk is a psychological thriller, horror game through which, YOU - the narrator - make the choices. I say "Game", as there are many more choices to be made that affect game styles than there would be made in a typical visual novel. Travel through your imagination featuring stunning and vivid different art styles in order to find out where you are, why you are there, and perhaps. Who... Exactly you are. Play as yourself and uncover the secrets of the place that you used to think was all fun and games.

Presenting music from upcoming musicians, and a roller coaster of emotion. Question your imagination. Double take at what you see.

The game will be available on steam to buy for a small fee of £2.99, however this is unconfirmed and will be defined towards the end of the development and production of the game, and a free partial demo will be available.

Rating: 15 (Due to horrific themes and images.)

First channel trailer (The game has developed a lot more since this trailer was made): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StQ9iK2APR8



Status: Active
Plot: 66%
Chapters Complete: N/A (At the moment, the story is one ongoing. With further research, this will split).
Coding: 2% (Coding catches up with the completion of each batch of assets issued).
GUI: 0%
Art: 3%
Music: 20%
Resolution: 800x800 subject to change.

NytWalk, having started research mid-march, is still in the early stages of development, yet is doing well. The game will be long. With gameplay so far nearing 30 minutes even though I am not yet even a fifth of the way through. This post is to raise awareness of the game and generate a community, so kindly visit my website and interact to support me and see where in the development stage we are currently at. There are also many vacancies and many opportunities for aspiring artists to contribute towards the game. Asset distribution is always open. :).


Nightwalk already has over 10 backgrounds in use and assets are being issued constantly. NytWalk is due for completion during June next year.

Storyboard development is strong and characters have many emotive poses. Graphics, and UI however are scheduled for development.

Cordelia: First impression; after being found shivering underneath a table. The spunky, rude girl, desperate to keep herself alive at the cost of all others. Selfish. Bossy. And yet, strangely... controllable. Cowardly and submissive at times and seems as though she may be hiding important information. Just... What is it?

"You bought a Night Crawler into the reside?! You couldn't be more stupid!"

The unnamed heathen: Free-spirited and seemingly carefree. However the unnamed young man has an off-putting crazy flair to him. Out of place. His charismatic and happy go lucky attitude is just too shady to be real... And why doesn't he have a name?

"A name? What is that? Funny word..."

Visit the blog on my website to receive more frequent updates on the game and more information.


When researching and coding, occasionally I upload how to's and tutorials of any new things or code I have made. For example; I recently uploaded a video to my personal youtube channel on how to make a function that enables and/or disables swearing. Pretty basic stuff, but some stuff nonetheless.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3x3mfq ... e=youtu.be
Last edited by SwitchGameDev on Sun Jun 12, 2016 2:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: -:-NytWalk -:- {A thriller, horror, romance Visual Novel

#2 Post by KittyWills »

Interesting plot you have going. Looking forward to what you guys make. =D

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Re: -:-NytWalk -:- {A thriller, horror, romance Visual Novel

#3 Post by SwitchGameDev »

Thank you very much :). We're feverishly working away on game before we pitch another development post. Just trying to raise a community :).

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Re: -:-NytWalk -:- {A thriller, horror, romance Visual Novel

#4 Post by RamRam »

Wow, this will definitely be a mind-blowing read! I look forward to this and see how it will turn out! :)
Completed Project!

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