HeART Thief (GxB, Slice of Life, Romance, Drama)[Update]

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HeART Thief (GxB, Slice of Life, Romance, Drama)[Update]

#1 Post by Laera-chan »

HeART Thief
I'm not dead! I swear. :lol: I've had a lot of irl drama recently, and dropped off the face of the planet, but I'm back, and hopefully, better than ever. :oops: Production on this will continue now, as I still consider this game my baby, but right now my focus is on Anomalis' An Otaku's Guide to Santa's Reindeer! (Link in signature) As for backgrounds... I'm thinking mostly free assets, as it IS set in a high school. :lol: If any writers would like to volunteer their services, I would also love that. Please shoot me a PM if you're interested! Loves!
Story Outline and Writing: Laera-chan
Sprite and CG Artist: The wonderful Mitoky! So happy! (Yes, she's the same person, for those of you who've seen the previous edit)
Background Artist: None yet (Probably free assets)
Music: None Yet (Probably free assets as well)
Coding/Programmer: None yet (If you're interested in helping, please send me a pm!)
GUI/Logo Artist: None Yet (See above!)
Proof Readers: None yet (See above!)
Beta Testers: None yet (Not accepting applications until most of the writing is finished.)
Basic Plot
You've just been hired on as the new secretary to a High School Principal, and it's a bit overwhelming. At 27 years old, you've had a few part-time jobs while working through college, but nothing like this. As you learn about your duties as the Principal's secretary, you juggle work, student drama, friendships, and even love in your new workplace. There's even the rumor about a Phantom that haunts the halls at night?
Basic Info
-Customize MC's name (and possibly her looks!)
-6, possibly 7 Love Interests (all male)
-Romance OR Friendship endings for each obtainable guy, and maybe a few Friendship routes for a few girls
-One (maybe two?) secret routes
-Each obtainable guy has a different route, so each story line is unique!
-This would be completely free, or maybe a "Pay what you want" game.
-at least 2 CG's per ending, so 4 per route. That's up to 28 CG's so far, with possibly more depending on the artist.
-CG Gallery
-Maybe an Ending Gallery, to let you know which endings you've achieved?
-There's technically no 'alone' ending; instead, have an "ALL THE FRIENDSHIP!" ending.
-Voice Acting? Maybe.
CharactersSubject to change during progress
MC: Lynnett Marquis (Lynn-ett Mar-key)(Name changeable)
-27 years old
-Likes: Reading; Dancing; Music; being with friends; fantasy/sci-fi movies/books
-Dislikes: Confrontation; Work (even though she does it, she likes to gripe about having to work. Just the sort of "I don't wanna go!" even as she's getting dressed type of thing); coffee; tea
-Personality: She can make small talk while at work, but finds it very awkward. She's quite shy, but much better than when she was in High School. She blushes quite easily, but when she grows comfortable with someone, she can tease/flirt back, even if she's blushing. When comfortable, she has quite a bit of gentle sarcasm and humor.

Alan Thornton, the Principal ("The stoic Boss" type)
-35 years old
-Likes: Reading; teaching (he used to be an English teacher before he became the Principal); Coffee (He secretly likes it with cream and lots of sugar)
-Dislikes: Students breaking the rules; alcohol; smoking
-Personality: Cool, calm, and collected, he has a good head on his shoulders, and takes his responsibilities very seriously. He can be sweet when he wants to, but knows when and where it's appropriate. He apparently has a fiancee..?

Richard "Rick" Callahan, the Vice Principal ("The playful/flirty Boss" type)
-29 years old
-Likes: Laughing; jokes; pranks; having fun; helping others
-Dislikes: Paperwork; coffee/tea; people getting hurt from jokes and/or pranks; bullying.
-Personality: Outgoing, boisterous, and fun-loving. He's the students' favorite because he's always out in the halls, laughing and joking with them. They (and other staff, as well) always feel comfortable going to him, whether it's to say hi, or to get help with a problem. He hates bullying with a passion, and deals with it strictly, but still fairly, and investigates any allegations of it seriously. While people confide in him, he doesn't confide in anyone. Could there be a dark secret that keeps him from getting too close to others?

Spencer Alarick, the School Nurse ("The Sarcastic Tsundere" type)
-32 years old
-Likes: Quiet; classical music; poking fun of people; and shh! It's a secret!
-Dislikes: Having to treat students' injuries; being bothered in general
-Personality: While he's calm and professional in front of student's and most staff, when he's comfortable around a staff member, he becomes sarcastic and "Prickly" as the P.E Teacher says. Consequently, these two staff members are always snarking at (Spencer) and pranking (Chad) each other. Spencer refuses to acknowledge that he is friends with Chad, even on pain of death. You easily find his first two sides, but can you get close enough to discover his well-hidden third side?

John "Chad" Jones, the P.E Teacher/Track Coach ("The Fun-loving, Big Brother" type)
-26 years old
-Likes: Track; coaching; teaching; basketball
-Dislikes: The paperwork part of teaching; people joining the track team for superficial reasons
-Personality: He's very energetic, loud, and excitable, but he can be calm when the situation calls for it. He's very sweet and gentle, and loves to spoil kids, his girlfriend (if he had one), and small animals. He's pretty tall and buff, but with his personality, he's practically a giant teddy bear. However, he can be fierce and intimidating, especially when something/someone is threatened...

Clark Bramwell, the (new) Math Teacher ("The Shy, Kinda Geeky, Nice Guy" type)
-24 years old
-Likes: Playing video games; making class fun; helping others
-Dislikes: Being the center of attention; being forced/coerced into doing things against his will; scary movies/stories
-Personality: He's a very nice guy, always willing to help, but he's very shy. His students (and sometimes other staff we're looking at you, Rick) like to tease him, and sometimes (and not always accidently) go too far, making him tear up or even cry when in private. Despite the teasing, most students actually really like him because he's such a nice guy. He wants to help guide troubled students onto a better path, like someone did for his brother 11 years ago...
Other Characters
Kevin Reynolds, The Janitor ("The Awkward, Eccentric" type)
-Age: 39
-Likes: Art; Painting; Cars; Working with his hands
-Dislikes: Dishonesty; Betrayal; Bratty students vandalizing public property; and... Rick?
-Personality: Scruffy and rather disheveled in appearance, the Janitor is actually a really nice guy. Really quiet and shy, at least until you get to know him. Somewhat dorky and clumsy, he develops a not so secret crush on the rather oblivious MC. But is that all just an act to hide what he's really like?

Tyler Michaels, the Delivery Guy ("The Doting Hothead" type)
-Age: 22
-Likes: Swimming; Programming; Wolverine; making jewelry
-Dislikes: Being micro-managed; being treated like a kid; closed mindedness/bigotry
-Personality: Hard working and energetic; fun-loving and mischievous, with a sweet side. He's a bit of a hothead when it comes to bigotry, or when he thinks someone is looking down on him because of his age. He has a younger sister (age: 12) that he dotes on and makes jewelry with/for. He also wears the jewelry that she makes him- regardless of what other people think. They were made by his precious little sister and he adores them. He loves to dote on the women in his life.

Marissa Eastwood, the Vice Principal's Secretary ("The Gentle, Nurturing" type)
-Age: 31
-Likes: Taking care of others; cooking; organizing things; singing
-Dislikes: Cleaning of any kind; messes/clutter; yardwork of any sort
-Personality: Sweet and gentle; She mothers everyone, even those older than her. She gently encourages MC's relationships. Is in a steady relationship with her boyfriend.

Claire Nealing, the Front Office Worker ("The Energetic, Bubbly" type)
-Age: 28
-Likes: Dancing/clubbing; movies; social media
-Dislikes: Being forced to sit still; formal events; her parents
-Personality: Bubbly and energetic; While she can be forgetful at times, she is not, never has been, and refuses to become a "Dumb Blonde". Her parents are well-to-do politicians, and dislike that she's chosen to work in a position that's "beneath her". They constantly try to get her to quit her job for something "better", set her up on blind dates with influential young men, and look down on those "less than" them. All of which cause her to want nothing to do with them most of the time. However, because she's so family oriented, she tries not to get into fights with them.
Feedback I'm Looking For
-Does this sound like something you'd like to play?
-Do the characters grab your attention? Which are your favorites?
-Do the names sound alright?
-Would you be interested in helping out with this project? (If so, please look below for a list of positions I currently KNOW I would need)
-Unless I make a kickstarter for this, all work done would have to be free. Would you be willing to help out knowing that? (Especially the artist, as I LOVE CG's and like I said earlier, I need at least 26 CG's. But like with love, more is better.) :lol:
Positions I'd Need Filled To Complete This
-Voice actors? I'd love to have this voiced. At least partially.
-Music composers/editors. I'd like some background music for this, maybe an original Intro/Theme song specifically for this game?
-Anything else that may come up
Last edited by Laera-chan on Thu Mar 09, 2017 5:32 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: HeART Thief

#2 Post by Mama J »

You know all my answers to those questions already but I'll answer anyway !! :D
Does this sound like something you'd like to play?
YES, YES, A MILLION TIMES YES -- *cough* Yes. :lol:
Do the characters grab your attention? Which are your favorites?
The characters are different in their own ways! My favorites are the Nurse and the Vice Principal because I like those kinds of guys, yanno? (;
Do the names sound alright?
Bwahah, absolutely. I especially love the BrOTP name -- Chadwick :D
Would you be interested in helping out with this project? (If so, please look below for a list of positions I currently KNOW I would need)
You know I am! Sign me up for writer or anything along those lines (:
Unless I make a kickstarter for this, all work done would have to be free. Would you be willing to help out knowing that? (Especially the artist, as I LOVE CG's and like I said earlier, I need at least 26 CG's. But like with love, more is better.) :lol:

Haha, you already know how on board I am with this project so! Really can't wait to see it develop, and help you out along the way!!

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Re: HeART Thief

#3 Post by Laera-chan »

Mama J wrote:You know all my answers to those questions already but I'll answer anyway !! :D Haha, you already know how on board I am with this project so! Really can't wait to see it develop, and help you out along the way!!
:lol: :lol: Your enthusiasm for this really makes me feel better about putting it out there. It also makes me laugh! And yes, I've got you down for a writer, and possibly a coder already, and I'll be picking up some of the writing (possibly. If there are better writers out there that are interested, I'll let them do the routes, and I'll just organize this, I guess. >.> :lol: ). But thanks for the interest! You make me laugh! :D

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Re: HeART Thief

#4 Post by Anyubel »

Ah, this sounds really nice! I like how the characters are a lot older and stuff from the generic visual novel setting (ie. high school). When I do play them, I'm usually a little disheartened that for most otomes, except for the recent ones I've been playing, the characters are all really young.

As for names, they seem alright, I don't have anything against any of them. I feel like names can grow on people, so you really have nothing to worry about there. For characters, I'd say Clark interests me the most for ... reasons. In other words, I *almost* always love the nerdy characters, so I am excited to see where things go ^_^

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Re: HeART Thief

#5 Post by Laera-chan »

Anyubel wrote:Ah, this sounds really nice! I like how the characters are a lot older and stuff from the generic visual novel setting (ie. high school). When I do play them, I'm usually a little disheartened that for most otomes, except for the recent ones I've been playing, the characters are all really young.

As for names, they seem alright, I don't have anything against any of them. I feel like names can grow on people, so you really have nothing to worry about there. For characters, I'd say Clark interests me the most for ... reasons. In other words, I *almost* always love the nerdy characters, so I am excited to see where things go ^_^
Thank you so much for your response! I'm glad you like it! Yeah, I usually run into a lot of the High School age characters, which is nice, but seeing as I'm now
23 1/2
, I find it a bit... awkward romancing them at times, because I'm just like, "Jailbait. Jailbait. They're freaking jailbait."

Speaking of young adult and not teenage Love Interests, I just recently played Nusantara: Legend of the Winged Ones, and it was amazing! They're all early to mid-20's so that's different, and it was just really well done and I love it. It and another game that deals with an older LI were part of what inspired me to make a VN with a slightly older crowd. Well, that and "Jailbait, Laera-chan. Jailbait." :lol: :lol:

I'm glad you don't hate the names, at least! Oooh, another one for Clark! Mama J loves Nurse Hottie (Spencer) and Vice Charming (Rick), but I'm afraid I love them all too much to choose one over another! And I hope I can do this well enough that you enjoy it!

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Re: HeART Thief

#6 Post by 2Birds »

Firstly. Older MC *fist bump*

I love the concept, especially with the secretary dealing with student drama, and striking up friendships. I think there's a lot to explore there. The phantom adds a touch of fantasy which I think is cool too.

Little shocked that Alan has a fiancee :O Can you steal him? :O :O

I'm interested in Spencer, and what kind of personality his third side has, whether it's more malevolent or ups the playfulness???

When you say phantom I'm assuming he's a thief at the school? Basing this entirely off the title haha. What does he steal? Or does he steal things outside of the school? At a nearby gallery perhaps, but hides his loot on campus? Or is he like the Phantom from phantom of the opera and plays music at night haha.

Chad is really appealing, I like that he's the big guy but he's a giant teddybear X3

-Does this sound like something you'd like to play?
Yeah for sure. Is it a mystery or a slice of life? Or both!?

-Do the characters grab your attention? Which are your favorites?
Spencer and John/Chad for sure. Playboys aren't my thing and neither are the shy guys (though I have been swayed before).

-Do the names sound alright?
I actually really dislike the name Chad haha (sorry!), it reminds me of all the douche-types in American movies XD John sounds like a good manly name, It could grow on me who knows XD I'm picturing Shinpachi from Hakuouki in my head haha.

-Would you be interested in helping out with this project?
I've got my own projects going on but I wish you all the luck!

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Re: HeART Thief

#7 Post by Laera-chan »

2Birds wrote:Firstly. Older MC *fist bump*
Yes! Don't get me wrong, HS VN's are awesome and cute, but I'd like to be able to immerse myself a little more in a VN, and since I'm no longer in HS, I find it awkward, like I said.
2Birds wrote:I love the concept, especially with the secretary dealing with student drama, and striking up friendships. I think there's a lot to explore there. The phantom adds a touch of fantasy which I think is cool too.

Yeah, I actually just came up with a bit of drama that's in every route, but it changes slightly based on who's path you're on, and maybe if it's a romance vs a friendship path.
2Birds wrote:Little shocked that Alan has a fiancee :O Can you steal him? :O :O
He's in the obtainable characters section, isn't he? :wink: 8) That's all I'm saying. There's a specific reason he has a fiancee, and a reason he's in the LI section.
2Birds wrote:I'm interested in Spencer, and what kind of personality his third side has, whether it's more malevolent or ups the playfulness???

I'm glad you like Spencer, and I hope his third side is appealing! :oops:
2Birds wrote:When you say phantom I'm assuming he's a thief at the school? Basing this entirely off the title haha. What does he steal? Or does he steal things outside of the school? At a nearby gallery perhaps, but hides his loot on campus? Or is he like the Phantom from phantom of the opera and plays music at night haha.
Maaaybe. Maybe he just skulks around at night, scaring the bejeesus out of young whipersnappers that break into school to vandalize property. :wink: :lol: :lol: I'm afraid I can't tell you more without spoiling it.
2Birds wrote:Chad is really appealing, I like that he's the big guy but he's a giant teddybear X3

Right?! I love me some big teddybear type macho guys! :mrgreen:
2Birds wrote:-Does this sound like something you'd like to play?
Yeah for sure. Is it a mystery or a slice of life? Or both!?

-Do the characters grab your attention? Which are your favorites?
Spencer and John/Chad for sure. Playboys aren't my thing and neither are the shy guys (though I have been swayed before).

-Do the names sound alright?
I actually really dislike the name Chad haha (sorry!), it reminds me of all the douche-types in American movies XD John sounds like a good manly name, It could grow on me who knows XD I'm picturing Shinpachi from Hakuouki in my head haha.

-Would you be interested in helping out with this project?
I've got my own projects going on but I wish you all the luck!
It's mainly slice of life, maybe a hint of mystery? I'm not too good at coming up with plot twists, so I hope I can do this right. And did you know that Spencer and Chad are a cannon BrOTP? Their name is Chadrick! They're like, best buds in the game, and Mama J and I are all over that! :lol: :lol: :lol: I'm sorry you don't like the name, but hopefully this game will change your opinion? Or at least, I hope I can make you like John/Chad enough to not mind the name Chad. And I saw! I'm actually pretty interested in it, and had it bookmarked! So I understand, and thank you for your interest! Also, I don't know that one, so I'll have to look up a picture of him!

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Re: HeART Thief

#8 Post by Anyubel »

Laera-chan wrote:Thank you so much for your response! I'm glad you like it! Yeah, I usually run into a lot of the High School age characters, which is nice, but seeing as I'm now
23 1/2
, I find it a bit... awkward romancing them at times, because I'm just like, "Jailbait. Jailbait. They're freaking jailbait."

Speaking of young adult and not teenage Love Interests, I just recently played Nusantara: Legend of the Winged Ones, and it was amazing! They're all early to mid-20's so that's different, and it was just really well done and I love it. It and another game that deals with an older LI were part of what inspired me to make a VN with a slightly older crowd. Well, that and "Jailbait, Laera-chan. Jailbait." :lol: :lol:

I'm glad you don't hate the names, at least! Oooh, another one for Clark! Mama J loves Nurse Hottie (Spencer) and Vice Charming (Rick), but I'm afraid I love them all too much to choose one over another! And I hope I can do this well enough that you enjoy it!
I know, right? T_T
I still need to play that one. I got it loaded on my computer too and all. Actually, I got so much to play I don't know how I'm going to get through them... I still have to clean my room for the second or third time this week, I have papers with concept art and fanart everywhere lol

It's a good thing you love all your characters though. If you can't get the feels for all your characters, it becomes hard to write them up or draw the CGs/sprites for them and that's no fun. I know the feeling all too well with previous things I've tried to make :lol:. Though, I suggest if you feel like that about one of your characters later on and you didn't invest too much love into them, just pluck their path out rather than suffer. It'll help in the long run, I think.

Anyway, good luck! :D

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Re: HeART Thief

#9 Post by Laera-chan »

Anyubel wrote: I know, right? T_T
I still need to play that one. I got it loaded on my computer too and all. Actually, I got so much to play I don't know how I'm going to get through them... I still have to clean my room for the second or third time this week, I have papers with concept art and fanart everywhere lol

It's a good thing you love all your characters though. If you can't get the feels for all your characters, it becomes hard to write them up or draw the CGs/sprites for them and that's no fun. I know the feeling all too well with previous things I've tried to make :lol:. Though, I suggest if you feel like that about one of your characters later on and you didn't invest too much love into them, just pluck their path out rather than suffer. It'll help in the long run, I think.

Anyway, good luck! :D
Oh, it's really good! I suggest playing Mitra, Rama, and Reksa, in that order, just like she says. It really is amazing. And yeah, I get the whole "Having a ton of stuff to do" thing.

And thanks for the advice! My problem is, I have a few side characters that I'm falling in love with, and want to make a route for, and I'm like, "NO! There are too many routes already! Just save him for the next game, and make a type of sequel thingy." :lol: :lol:

Oh, oops. So, that's out. 8) Yeah, I have a vague idea for another game set in the same setting as this one, with a few familiar faces, and some new ones! But I have to work on this one, first! :lol:

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Re: HeART Thief (GxB, Slice of Life, Romance, Drama)

#10 Post by Ran08 »

Oh wow, this is great! 😁 Nowadays, I feel like I'm getting way too old for typical high school otomes, where characters are like 15 or 16. Maaaan. I think it's refreshing to see things from an older perspective. I'm definitely looking forward to playing this one!

As of now, my favorite dude is Clark. Aaah, hope we get to see artwork soon! 😃

Good luck with the project (and also with finding people! I would've loved to help, but I've got my hands full at the moment with old projects, so...) 😉

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Re: HeART Thief (GxB, Slice of Life, Romance, Drama)

#11 Post by Laera-chan »

Ran08 wrote:Oh wow, this is great! 😁 Nowadays, I feel like I'm getting way too old for typical high school otomes, where characters are like 15 or 16. Maaaan. I think it's refreshing to see things from an older perspective. I'm definitely looking forward to playing this one!

As of now, my favorite dude is Clark. Aaah, hope we get to see artwork soon! 😃

Good luck with the project (and also with finding people! I would've loved to help, but I've got my hands full at the moment with old projects, so...) 😉
I'm glad you like this! And I know! Doesn't stop me for enjoying them, but I feel like I can't quite imagine myself as the MC in the HS age games anymore. Le Sigh.

And another one for Clark! I'm so glad he's getting some love! I was worried my poor baby would be passed over for the more flamboyant types. As for artwork... That depends entirely on when I can find/bait&trap/bribe an artist to work with me. Otherwise... You'd be getting stick figures. And not very pretty ones, either. :lol: :lol:

Thanks for your review, and the luck! Lord knows I'm gonna need it with my workload! :oops: :lol:

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Re: HeART Thief

#12 Post by Anyubel »

Laera-chan wrote:Oh, it's really good! I suggest playing Mitra, Rama, and Reksa, in that order, just like she says. It really is amazing. And yeah, I get the whole "Having a ton of stuff to do" thing.

And thanks for the advice! My problem is, I have a few side characters that I'm falling in love with, and want to make a route for, and I'm like, "NO! There are too many routes already! Just save him for the next game, and make a type of sequel thingy." :lol: :lol:

Oh, oops. So, that's out. 8) Yeah, I have a vague idea for another game set in the same setting as this one, with a few familiar faces, and some new ones! But I have to work on this one, first! :lol:
And yet I sit in my room all day trying to get things done, and still get just about nothing done haha

Yesss sequels are the way to go!! It's best to spread the meat in separate games, and you can do things/tidbits that link from one game to another. Doing so also allows you to change up the sprite and CG style too for future games. Besides that, drawing the same art style and character designs can get really really boring (that's how it is for me :$)

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Re: HeART Thief (GxB, Slice of Life, Romance, Drama)

#13 Post by Double_SS »

Does this sound like something you'd like to play?
A VN where the characters aren't all in high school? Hell yeeee!

Do the characters grab your attention? Which are your favorites?
Yes they do grab my attention! They all sound interesting! I feel like the cast can have a lot of fun together. Or trouble? Hehe.

Do the names sound alright?
Not a huge fan of Chad either, same reason as 2Birds said, but I'm sure you can sway me.

Would you be interested in helping out with this project?
I would really, really want to help write maybe, but I'm working with another project at the moment, and I don't know if I'd have the time. But I will say that I really want a good, mature VN to exist, and there's plenty of potential here. You seem to have a lot figured out!

I hope for the best for you! Good luck! :D

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Re: HeART Thief (GxB, Slice of Life, Romance, Drama)

#14 Post by Laera-chan »

First of all, I'd like to thank you all for being so supportive of my game! I'm really glad you all seem to enjoy the concept! Even though that makes me nervous about getting it done right.

Double_SS wrote:Does this sound like something you'd like to play?
A VN where the characters aren't all in high school? Hell yeeee!

Do the characters grab your attention? Which are your favorites?
Yes they do grab my attention! They all sound interesting! I feel like the cast can have a lot of fun together. Or trouble? Hehe.

Do the names sound alright?
Not a huge fan of Chad either, same reason as 2Birds said, but I'm sure you can sway me.

Would you be interested in helping out with this project?
I would really, really want to help write maybe, but I'm working with another project at the moment, and I don't know if I'd have the time. But I will say that I really want a good, mature VN to exist, and there's plenty of potential here. You seem to have a lot figured out!

I hope for the best for you! Good luck! :D
And I know! I hardly find any that aren't HS age. So I'm hoping to start up a series for some of the older players. Not that younger players can't play them! At this point, there's no R-18 rating for them. They're all really tame. So you don't have to worry about anything like that.

I'm glad you like them! And yes, some of them can get into a bit of trouble... Eyes Chad bugging Spencer

Oh my gosh, I can FEEL the pressure to make you all like the name Chad. To be honest, I was thinking Chad from Bleach when I thought of the name. Of course, my Chad looks nothing like that Chad, nor does he really act like it. But I thought, Oh, I like Chad (from Bleach)! That'll be his nickname while "John Jones" (think Martian Manhunter from the old Justice League cartoons //shot) is his name!

And ohmygosh, I would LOVE another writer! Seriously. I have so many routes on this thing, and that's AFTER I've knocked out some, and took a few other characters completely out. I'm not on too tight of a schedule. I'd like to have it out around this time next year, if possible, but there's no hard deadline for it. If I get it out sooner, great! If I get it out in June 2017, alright! If it's a birthday present to myself next December (2017), then Hey! It got out! But I'd really like to get it out by December. So if you can help, I'd love to have you! To be honest, a few of the routes are giving me headaches. Like, I know the basic plot for the routes, but the little details, and "choice points" of the routes are a migraine and a half. But if you think it's too much for you at this time, no biggie! I hope you'll enjoy it when it comes out, regardless!

But thanks for your interest and support! I'm kind of floundering here, but shhhhh! Don't tell anyone! :wink: :lol:

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Re: HeART Thief (GxB, Slice of Life, Romance, Drama)

#15 Post by robovelociraptor »

Hello! ^^

Does this sound like something you'd like to play?
Yep! I like Otome games for the most part, so it's right up my alley. As many others have said, it's refreshing to see a romance VN that isn't about High School students. Also it's not set in Japan. :P

Do the characters grab your attention? Which are your favorites?
Strangely (for me, anyways), based on their descriptions I like all the characters. They seem like good people. I can't really say that I have a favorite yet. (I do like tsunderes though.)

Do the names sound alright?
They're fine! I don't think names are particularly important, in any case. I suppose I understand people's distaste for the name "Chad," but it would never drive me away from a character.

Would you be interested in helping out with this project?
Maybe, but I think it's a good idea for me to build a better portfolio first.
Last edited by robovelociraptor on Thu Jul 21, 2016 11:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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