A Very Important Date [GXB|GxG|BxB][Otome|Slice of Fantasy|Commercial]

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Chibi Subaru
Posts: 103
Joined: Thu Aug 07, 2014 1:33 pm
Projects: A Very Important Date
Organization: Naïve Sprites
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Location: OH, USA

Re: A Very Important Date [GXB|GxG|BxB][Fantasy] ~ 3 hours left on KS

#76 Post by Chibi Subaru »

We’ve hit one of our stretch goals last night! Unless our Kickstarter goes below $4,500 before the campaign ends, we will have a Boys Love side story in A Very Important Date’s main game. This will be a three to four chapters short story that will feature our main game’s cast.

If we remain above the goal before our Kickstarter ends, any backers that pledged at $30+ tiers will get the side story for free! (If a backer does not want this side story, it could be traded for a future side story instead.)

We’re currently at 139% with 3 hours left to go!

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Chibi Subaru
Posts: 103
Joined: Thu Aug 07, 2014 1:33 pm
Projects: A Very Important Date
Organization: Naïve Sprites
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Location: OH, USA

Re: A Very Important Date [GXB|GxG|BxB][Otome|Slice of Fantasy|Commercial]

#77 Post by Chibi Subaru »

Hi, everyone!

A lot has happened since we last posted on here. Life has gotten in the way for most of the team. There were the usual blockades like school and work getting in the way, but also Darkenmarr has dealt with more surgeries, my uncle (my godfather) passed away, and a number of major illnesses sprung up for a few of our team members, myself included.

Recently I’ve been diagnosed with precancerous colon cancer, which lead to us testing me for genetic diseases. From this I discovered that I have Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), so I will be having various cancer screenings for the rest of my life because my cancer chances are now vastly increased.

On top of that, I have a cyst in my leg (which at the moment is a big hole in my leg) that I’m waiting to have surgery on. It hurts a great deal and it’s slowing down my own progress with the game development, but we are all still plugging along.

So onto game development!

Darkenmarr has been reworking the sprites and we have a new set of main cast sprites, except for Alison (MC) as we’re still working on her. This time around our sprites have expressions and various clothing changes.

On the UI front, we’ve got Log, Name Change, Gallery, and Character Selection screens programmed. By the next demo release we’re hoping to add in 2-3 more features within the game.

With music, Geoff Moore has completed 10 songs for us so far and we’re hoping to work on the 11th one soon.

Hopefully once my own health situations calm down and classes end this semester, we can get a lot more work done before the next semester starts.

Here’s some images of Gwyn’s new sprite:


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Chibi Subaru
Posts: 103
Joined: Thu Aug 07, 2014 1:33 pm
Projects: A Very Important Date
Organization: Naïve Sprites
Tumblr: naivesprites
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itch: naivesprites
Location: OH, USA

Re: A Very Important Date [GXB|GxG|BxB][Otome|Slice of Fantasy|Commercial]

#78 Post by Chibi Subaru »

Hello everyone,

It seems every time I want to make an update post, something comes up that I need to see play out first.

So far Justin, his dad, and I are safe from the virus. We’re doing everything we can to protect ourselves. Masks, hand sanitizer, frequent hand washing, quarantining in the house since before the call to do so, the whole nine yards.

A lot has happened in a relatively short period of time. Originally my surgery was going to be on April 8th, but at the beginning of that week our dog started to develop a few problems that needed to be investigated that instant. After getting him to the vet, we learned that he suddenly has developed diabetes. His diet has been fine his whole life and apparently this is just some sort of freak happenstance. However, this sudden onset of diabetes pretty much caused him to go blind from cataracts practically overnight. So a lot of our days are spent helping him get adjusted to his blindness. We’re hoping to get his levels in range soon so he can have eye surgery to fix the cataracts, but we’re still unsure when/if that will be possible.

After another appointment shift, my surgery is on May 27th, so Justin and I have been cleaning and preparing the house so I can have an easier time getting around while healing.

For roughly six years, Justin’s brother, Willy, has been dealing with stage 4 cancer and the last few months have been exceptionally difficult. Within less than a month’s time he had to go to the hospital for severe dehydration, which led to pancreatitis, which led to bacterial pneumonia. Just three days ago, he dealt with the dehydration again along with a 102 degree fever. This was during their hospice intake appointment and pretty much made their choice to go into hospice for them. They’ve looked into clinical trials for practically his entire cancer battle, but because of COVID those trails have been closed. One of the trials they had been waiting for, reopened its application services but looked over Willy’s file and said he would not survive the trial in the first place. This has been incredibly hard on everyone. With the two person limit per day at the hospice, everyone is forced to visit at such a slow pace that everyone might not get to see him before the end. Justin managed to see him yesterday and I’m hoping to visit from the window (bypassing the two person rule) sometime this weekend between other people’s visits.

In between cleaning, family stuff, and my own health, Justin and I have been looking for new artist(s) for sprites, CG, and Kickstarter rewards. A few of my friends have started to look for people that might be interested in working with us. With everything that’s going on it’s making it really hard for us to search as much as we’d like to, but we are still searching.

If anyone knows of an artist that might be interested in working with us, please let them know to reach out to us either through Twitter, Facebook, Kickstarter, or even on here. It would help us out greatly and we’d really appreciate it.

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