The Heart of Tales [GxB/Fantasy] SuNoFes 2017

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The Heart of Tales [GxB/Fantasy] SuNoFes 2017

#1 Post by Katy133 »


A Medieval Otome Game
GxB Romance || Fantasy || Free || Made for NaNoRenO 2017 and SuNoFes 2017

"I learned slowly... atrocity by atrocity... that I would never be the hero I wanted to be."

After deciding to end her career as an adventurer, a knight decides to live a reclusive life in a cottage at the edge of the woods.

One night, an unexpected visitor collapses at her doorstep... He's wounded, and seems to have ill intentions.

Shortly after, a young and earnest knight errant comes and begs for training from the retired heroine.

Wanting to stay a hermit, our protagonist isn't happy with these events... but she may need their help, as dark forces seem to be stirring...


Noyemi K.........OST Music
Naomi Norbez...............Playtester




  • Open Dyslexic font option.
  • Dialogue blips.
  • Nameable protagonist.
  • Two Three romanceable routes.
  • Yes, you can date a dragon.
  • Yes, there's a talking sword. No, you can't date him. Okay, maybe you can date him. But it won't be easy.
  1. First impressions in general? (On story, game type, etc?)
  2. Are you interested in any particular characters?
  3. Comments on the art?
  4. Thoughts on the UI? Was it convenient to use?
  5. Thoughts on the blip vocals for the dialogue?
  6. Which ending did you get first?
  7. How many routes did you play through?
  8. Which relationship route is your favourite?
  9. Other critique/suggestions/questions? Let me know!

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Re: The Heart of Tales [GxB/Fantasy] SuNoFes 2017

#2 Post by Harmonywish »

DANG I LOVE THIS <3333 The story was really great and it was about a topic I was always wondering about! I loved the writing, and I felt the main character was really relateable o: She had just the perfect vaugeness mixed with personality and I felt the few lines that talked about her were really effective! I'm not sure how to describe it :'D

I would totally recommend this! :>

1. First impressions in general? (On story, game type, etc?)

I thought it was mysterious? There wasn't much description, but the art was very unique, and of course I couldn't shy away from the ability to date a dragon.

2. Are you interested in any particular characters?

Mithamoore's reaction to the main character's gift is so cute :> I loved their interactions! I felt like I could really relate to the main character as well! I've always been curious of knights and dragons, and the thought that maybe the dragon who is suppose to be the "villian" of a normal heroic story, is really so bad after all always seemed like a cool concept! I'm glad the was a visual novel exploring that.

3. Comments on the art?

The style of art is different from the anime style in most games I play, but it wasn't bad! I think I fell in love with the colouring! I really liked how everything was tinted in a particular shade. It was really nice on my eyes!

4. Thoughts on the UI? Was it convenient to use?

Yup! It was simple, but not under detailed! I love the colouring of the screen, purple on dark purple/black is really pretty

5. Thoughts on the blip vocals for the dialogue?

It was odd at first, but I got used to them and I felt it added to the mood/music

6. Which ending did you get first?

Mithamoore's! I do like dragons >w<~

7. How many routes did you play through?

Just one, since it's getting late for me!

8. Which relationship route is your favourite?


9. Other critique/suggestions/questions? Let me know!

I really really wish it was longer! I would've enjoyed more story, maybe more details of her past? But there is a charm for it being short and to the point, and I enjoyed the game a lot. I feel some CGs would've really added to the story. I was picturing this really epic scene when
the main character stabs Mithamoore
and I thought it would be cool if it was drawn, not that using my imagination wasn't fun of course.

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Re: The Heart of Tales [GxB/Fantasy] SuNoFes 2017

#3 Post by schivafrecce »

1)First impressions in general? (On story, game type, etc?)
Best impression. The "retro" feel and premises of the game caught me - I insta-downloaded

2)Are you interested in any particular characters?
All of them, actually. I really liked their personalities and interactions with the MC, but if I had to chose one I'd probably pick Mithamoore (*cough*I'm a sucker for the "enemy to friend to lover" dynamic *cough*)
Also, Cole with his quoting of rules reminded me a bit of Double H from Beyond Good and Evil, ahah ^_^ I really liked that about him, it was a nice touch.

3)Comments on the art?
I liked it. As I said previously, it had a cool retro feel (another thing I'm a sucker for)

4)Thoughts on the UI? Was it convenient to use?
I think it fit very well with it all and was easy to use. Had no problems whatsoever.

5)Thoughts on the blip vocals for the dialogue?
Liked them - at first the one for the main character felt more annoying compared to the others, but after a while I stopped noticing.

6)Which ending did you get first?

7)How many routes did you play through?
All of them(?), I think.
Mithamoore's, Cole's and Sareth's, in this order. Oh, and it was really cool that the Demon Boss could "remember" choices made in previous playthroughs :)

8 )Which relationship route is your favourite?
Mithamoore's ;D

9)Other critique/suggestions/questions? Let me know!
I wish it was just a tiny bit longer to explore more MC's past and the relationships between characters
I felt the "love realisation" came too fast...BUT I liked that you made it realistic, namely the characters weren't clueless about the other's feelings - like any other otome in the history of mankind
....but I know what's like having to draw, write and code a game all by yourself, so I'm keeping my mouth shut about it ^^'.
Overall I really enjoyed it, and I think I'll go play your other games too.
Edit: forgot to say,
I also really wanted to see Sareth in a human body

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Re: The Heart of Tales [GxB/Fantasy] SuNoFes 2017

#4 Post by paradigmshifty »

Hey! I enjoyed the game! I had fairly high expectations going in after enjoying your past works, but I wasn't disappointed.

I felt the art and music were really solid. Those dialogue blips sounded really nice, Sareths was so swordy XD
The shopkeeper was fun. They have a mysterious backstory and I felt made some animal crossing references!?
Also the music in the last scene with the really cool animations was really dramatic. And on replays the whole 'I am powerful deamon who can see many timestreams now' kinda thing was cool - cheeky meta bit XD

I liked the whole 'MC was a princess?? or wasn't she??' IDK I don't remember her backstory before she was an adventurer ever being confirmed one way or another and I liked that it wasn't all tied up... but maybe i just missed something O.O
Good game!! I look forward to future works :) and the in game UI and main menu was very nice. I think a more pixelly font would suit the games aesthetic, but I appreciate that readability is more important than aesthetic in a 20k+ work!
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Re: The Heart of Tales [GxB/Fantasy] SuNoFes 2017

#5 Post by Bianchii »

So I wasn't sure if I wanted to download this game or not, so I read the description and nothing struck me as important.... BUT THAT WAS UNTIL I READ I COULD ROMANCE A SWORD (AND A DRAGON, BUT SWORD ROMANCES ARE BETTER HA!)

So I'll try it, and then I'll let you know what I thought about it, but I'm pretty sold on the sword idea. That's some nice marketing there I'm telling ya.

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Re: The Heart of Tales [GxB/Fantasy] SuNoFes 2017

#6 Post by Lovebird »

Your game was amazing! I knew I was going to like it because of the nice summary you had put up. :D
I loved the writing and the plot. It's really nice to bring the topic of
killing. Because really, I have noticed this in many stories whether other novels or movies etc. etc. especially action ones where they would kill numbers of (nameless) people/enemies without so much as a blink!!! So heartless!.. :| You will notice it as well if you keep this in mind in the future, I'm sure of it because of it's frequency in stories. So, it was nice to bring reality, I'm truly thankful for that. 💋

There are other cool things about the story like when she was being controlled and you picked the choice 'Okay' in answer to Sareth to put him down, the choice was still there and nothing happened. I was confused at first, but then with the next set of choices she fights back until she gives up it dawned on me that she couldn't resist obeying her master. Also, when you replay, the Demon of Desolation says he's seen alternative worlds where she chose the other person and what he said about a couple of choices and a gift (haha so true) - that was a smart idea. :wink:

I appreciated the humor throughout the story, I laughed when Mithamoore named Cole a quoting-machine just as I laughed with other things.

First I went for Sareth - I ended with Cole. Then went for Sareth again, then Mithamoore. I liked them all, and my favorite was Sareth. I really hoped he would gain a human body, but then, that would have required a miracle to happen, the ending would be too happy. :p
The protagonist was a little grumpy/harsh and this is more evident in Cole's route.

Good work with the art and CGs, it looked like an old videogame. A matching font would have been nice but maybe this way it was easier for us to read.
The demon looked terrifying when he turned red or when his head turned white. EEeeE!

Lastly, I was wondering at the main menu screen their silhouettes appear, and one of them is unrecognizable. The one with the horns and wings. I thought he may be the demon but the demon is different, I think. Or am I right?

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Re: The Heart of Tales [GxB/Fantasy] SuNoFes 2017

#7 Post by Katy133 »

Lovebird wrote: Wed Sep 06, 2017 6:52 pmLastly, I was wondering
at the main menu screen their silhouettes appear, and one of them is unrecognizable. The one with the horns and wings. I thought he may be the demon but the demon is different, I think. Or am I right?
Thank you so much for your thoughts! To answer your question, I can confirm
that that's the demon. It's shaped more like how he looked before he was defeated by the main character, before the game's prologue.

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Re: The Heart of Tales [GxB/Fantasy] SuNoFes 2017

#8 Post by Bianchii »

I'M BACK, AND IT WAS AWESOMEEEE AA, now I'll answer your questions:

First impressions in general? (On story, game type, etc?)
Amazing art style! I got that retro feeling, the blips were good too! Overall I thought it was just the right lenght to easily understand everything.

Are you interested in any particular characters?
I started to play because of the romanceable sword but Mithamoore is quite agreeable to my tastes as well, woo! I would have loved to see a human Sareth though~

Comments on the art?

Thoughts on the UI? Was it convenient to use?
Yup, and very aesthetically pleasing if I do say so myself.

Thoughts on the blip vocals for the dialogue?

Which ending did you get first?
Mithamoore's, would have gotten Sareth's first but
he's an unlockable one isn't he? haha~
How many routes did you play through?
2: Mithamoore and Sareth

Which relationship route is your favourite?
I have to say, Mithamoore's route feels more complete. I wish Sareth's was more complete, in terms of ending
and the whole demon climax you know?
Other critique/suggestions/questions? Let me know!
For a free game it's perfect <3 If you plan on expanding it (unlikely but let me dream) or making a longer game, do set a price, because I'm sure people would pay for it!

Congratulation on releasing the game, it's lovely <3 Thanks for giving me another sword husbando! Sword husbandos are best husbandos! <3 <3 <3
I'm not usually a person that offers critique so there's none here, I just praise and praise, because all game developers deserve love for doing amazing stuff <3

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Re: The Heart of Tales [GxB/Fantasy] SuNoFes 2017

#9 Post by Elsa Kisiel »

First impressions in general? (On story, game type, etc?) I liked a lot this game! =D The story is a little conventional, and the game is a little short, but it was really fun to play! ♥
Are you interested in any particular characters? The sword was such a good idea! And the dragon was so lovely and charming. (And the knight was interesting too)
Comments on the art? Cute and original! I liked a lot the color's ambiance too.
Thoughts on the UI? Was it convenient to use? Don't know what a Ui is... °~°
Thoughts on the blip vocals for the dialogue? It was great! It was like each character has their own voice. ♥
Which ending did you get first? The knigh one.
How many routes did you play through? 3
Which relationship route is your favourite? The sword one, for his originality, and the dragon one, because the dragon character is so cute! ♥
Other critique/suggestions/questions? Let me know! I absolutely loved the way the despair demon was animated, he looked so lively (and funny). I also liked a lot the fact he could remember about other timelines. I'm just regretting that I couldn't date him... Am I too greedy...? =p The fact the final demon was greatly animated make also me wonder if the game wouldn't have been even better with more animation (characters like background) but I don't know how much supplementary time it would have take! X,,)

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